This is about a girl who went through life pretending to be happy. She thought if she pretended to be happy, it would come true. She lived on like this until she couldn't any longer.
She lived.
She loved.
She laughed.
She hugged.
She smiled.
She learned.
She tried and tried not to cry.
Her happiness was quite fake.
Pleasure didn’t come easily to her.
She had her lovely heart broken too much.
She never was able to touch anyone heart to heart.
She thought she wasn’t good enough for the world itself and it’s very cruel people.
For she learned that the words that are spoken, can cut deeper that the ones on her wrist.
These feelings are all too common today. We live in a brutal, sometimes cold, and unfeeling world. I think that encouraging others and showing concern and thoughtfulness is rare but much needed. Cutting is a sign of the times and environment in which we live. It's sad. But somehow we all need to both look out for ourselves by not letting others drag us down, and somehow show love to others too. What a challenge!
Every one has their own style of writing, every one has writing to offer and there is no one in this world who can change it, in the end, you will still be writing as for that HansJizzy fellow who thinks he has the hand to throw away any writer he desires don't listen to him, he's a nobody by the way he is but you are showing real emotion and connection with words. His fantasy vacant mind cannot understand that. Keep writing. Not every thing is sad but its your way of expression. And Hans Jizzy try me!
From, [She lived.] to [She tried and tried not to cry.] Good work.
[Her happiness was quite fake] Go offensive around here, [A quite fake happiness] or [A quite fake happiness she had]
[Pleasure didn’t come easily to her.] I prepared [Delightfulness is beyond reach.]
[She had her lovely heart broken too much.] to like [Her lovely heart was broken too much.]
[She never was able to touch anyone heart to heart.] to like [Never did (do or does), she able to touch anyone heart to heart.
[She thought she wasn’t good enough for the world itself and it’s very cruel people.] Good and the rest below.
[For she learned that the words that are spoken, can cut deeper that the ones on her wrist.
She lived her life, but not for long.]
Now she is long gone.
Happy writing~
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Oh, I remember,
Writing poems mostly start at painful feelings.
Keep it up.
Awesome review. Way to really get down into it the finer points of the work and say ABOSULUTELY NOT.. read moreAwesome review. Way to really get down into it the finer points of the work and say ABOSULUTELY NOTHING about it. Let me guess, that was the minimum amount of characters you had to type to submit a review so you could get 2pts on your idiotic little ego inflating arbitrary and fake rating system.... oh, I'm sure you do it all for the 25 character return review "youre so good, best ever!!" ugh... this place is a cesspool of shallow retardation.
8 Years Ago
They expressed something
Look into the deeper meaning
8 Years Ago
What the f**k does that mean? About as informative ax that stupid pandering review I commented on.... read moreWhat the f**k does that mean? About as informative ax that stupid pandering review I commented on.... you jack asses don't get it --- if you want to be pretentious you first must be intelligent or well read... stupid people just embarrass themselves. You are embarrassing yourself.
8 Years Ago
Above average results in school
Among other smart things, I am far from stupidread moreHmmmm
Above average results in school
Among other smart things, I am far from stupid
Look, i didnt ask for a fight, or an argument, you are the one that started it. Please stop
8 Years Ago
Ha, let your words speak who you are.... not unprovable claims... I'm Michael Jordan and Albert Ein.. read moreHa, let your words speak who you are.... not unprovable claims... I'm Michael Jordan and Albert Einstein.... so, I win? Dumb a*s. This isn't the place for ego building claims of accomplishment.
8 Years Ago
The more s**t like that you say the more obvious your deficit of self esteem becomes.
8 Years Ago
Please kindly take your snobbish attitude and shove it up your backside
8 Years Ago
Are you still pretending like you and and dummy cat girl aren't affected by me? Yeah... good job..... read moreAre you still pretending like you and and dummy cat girl aren't affected by me? Yeah... good job... you didn't make a******s out of yourselves at all.
8 Years Ago
who would be affected by you when ur just a waste of time...f*****g dumbass
8 Years Ago
So stop wasting your time baby doll... it's pretty simple, don't you think?
8 Years Ago
baby doll? who the f**k do u think u r 1. u need to stfu 2. excuse me but i think i might need some .. read morebaby doll? who the f**k do u think u r 1. u need to stfu 2. excuse me but i think i might need some assistance because u obviously r f*****g mentally impared 3. i dont no u and i dont want to and im sure the same goes for u but u need to open ur eys and take a look around u. ur so f*****g childish carrying this s**t out. all u do is try to bring other people down. i realy just wish u would f**k off btu im not leaving this alone until someone does something about ur s****y attitude
8 Years Ago
Okay 2ndly I'm totes only a little bits mentally retardeds... and B.) I didn't even use my real word.. read moreOkay 2ndly I'm totes only a little bits mentally retardeds... and B.) I didn't even use my real words yet.... so, you can that milk shake to some other yard baby doll... and for starters, I really wish you wouldn't be so mean to my personal being... it hurts my heart... why do you want to hurt me? You wanna shoot my dog too? Maybe piss in my fish tank and call my sister a w***e? Jerk face.
8 Years Ago
im not that type of person and besides why would i waste my time on u
8 Years Ago
Ummmm..... combine this and the other review you troll hard on.... how many replies have you made in.. read moreUmmmm..... combine this and the other review you troll hard on.... how many replies have you made insulting me? hmmmm around 50, maybe 60ish.... man, you're kind of stupid but I like your face I'm gonna let ya stay on the game show anyway.... give this gal a round of applause, everyone, come on, give her the clap
8 Years Ago
She is is a hell lot smarter then you are. If you even were half as smart as she was you wouldn't be.. read moreShe is is a hell lot smarter then you are. If you even were half as smart as she was you wouldn't be such an a*****e and instead of calling others a troll why don't you look in the mirror. Now leave Katsumi alone.
8 Years Ago
None of what you said was accurate... my apologies miss... but, you're talking out of your a*s my de.. read moreNone of what you said was accurate... my apologies miss... but, you're talking out of your a*s my dear. Do try harder next time lover doll>? Yes? That'd be nice.
8 Years Ago
Stop polluting this young women's page with vitriol Mrs cat face... it's absurd how neither of us c.. read moreStop polluting this young women's page with vitriol Mrs cat face... it's absurd how neither of us can let the other have the last word.... it makes me want to drown kittens in a kitty pool
I'm trying to read more of you, find something positive. but I'm going to stop here, it's all the same poem.... I'm so misunderstood, people are mean, they don't understand me, cruel world!!! Repeat ad nausea....
This stuff is crap.... try something else or stop writing all together.
Posted 9 Years Ago
0 of 2 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
the only way to get people to understand you is is to let them before you criticized..i have been th.. read morethe only way to get people to understand you is is to let them before you criticized..i have been through crap to where no one was there and maybe thats what the person writing this is goin through to..stop thinking about yourself and relate
8 Years Ago
I don't care about the author I'm addressing the writing.... I'm not here to promote faux self estee.. read moreI don't care about the author I'm addressing the writing.... I'm not here to promote faux self esteem. If it sucks I will say it and tell you why. Take your PC police bullshit elsewhere, no one asked you to come to this person's defense you did it to feel powerful and good. Now get lost b***h.
8 Years Ago
Why are you trolling this girls comment box? YOu know that's what your doing right? Trolling.... .. read moreWhy are you trolling this girls comment box? YOu know that's what your doing right? Trolling.... you're a troll... hypocrite
8 Years Ago
You're the reason why people would feel like they're alone HansJIzzy. You have no right to say this .. read moreYou're the reason why people would feel like they're alone HansJIzzy. You have no right to say this unless if you have felt the same way as this poem stands for. If you ever felt alone I'm sure you would be singing a different tune. But no you're alone because you don't show any respect to anyone and a jerk. And funny you are calling her a troll, what a hypocrite you are the troll. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all. Reviews are for constructive criticism and clearly your reviews just state your opinion.
8 Years Ago
How do you know how I feel or what I've felt? Go cry in the corner over bad words with your friends.. read moreHow do you know how I feel or what I've felt? Go cry in the corner over bad words with your friends... it's not my fault your parents raised thin skinned group thinking cowards for children. Just shut up if you it hurts you to interact with me.... ignore me.... this s**t is simple. But I know that's not what really gets you off... you secretly love and hope for people like me - I give your distorted retarded bullshit sense of justice a chance to scream.... I know this because everything I say is designed to invoke you idiots. You crybaby turds are so predictable... f*****g sheep
8 Years Ago
For starters your words have no effect on me whatsoever. I don't give the s**t what you say to me bu.. read moreFor starters your words have no effect on me whatsoever. I don't give the s**t what you say to me but what you say to others is what pisses me off. And o you must be really self centred to think everyone loves you, love and you can never be in the same sentence. More like hatred or disgust.
8 Years Ago
No effect? Funny, you seem to want to talk to me a lot for having no effect on you...
.. read moreNo effect? Funny, you seem to want to talk to me a lot for having no effect on you...
And it's usually the first thing you idiots say "this doesn't bother me!!! but stop now!!! but it doesn't bother me... BUt you have to stop I'm so f*****g angry, but, it's not affecting me"... hilarious.... you kids crack me up... say some more stupid s**t
8 Years Ago
I never once said for you to stop doing it to me. I am telling you to stop doing it to others. And I.. read moreI never once said for you to stop doing it to me. I am telling you to stop doing it to others. And I'm not a kid and you probably ain't either but you act like one. My brother is more mature then you and he's only 8. There's nothing more disadvantage then a grown man who can't get his s**t together and grow up.
8 Years Ago
Ha.... looks like your bullshit is piling up, now you're trying to justify it, and boy oh boy do yo.. read moreHa.... looks like your bullshit is piling up, now you're trying to justify it, and boy oh boy do you sound foolish. How do you know I'm a grown man by the way? Maybe I'm a 12 year old girl from Istanbul. And, yes, I would bet you're 15 or 16, kid.... I would hope so anyway... you seem kind of daft for an adult.
8 Years Ago
I am 18 thank you very much and that must explain how immature you are. And I seem to have a higher .. read moreI am 18 thank you very much and that must explain how immature you are. And I seem to have a higher maturity level then you that's for sure.
8 Years Ago
look stop this childish crap!
you opinions are not wanted nor needed here...stay away
.. read morelook stop this childish crap!
you opinions are not wanted nor needed here...stay away
you are nothing but a coward as you hide behind a screen to indulge in cruel words and iggnorance..cant you see you are not wanted as you produce inhumane thought of cruelty ... leave
your opinions are not needed anymore...why cant you see need to stop... actually think abo.. read moreyour opinions are not needed anymore...why cant you see need to stop... actually think about what your reading before you go dissing it because its not you "taste"
8 Years Ago
You control the level of my interaction... why can't you see that? You can stop leaving yourself op.. read moreYou control the level of my interaction... why can't you see that? You can stop leaving yourself open to getting "dissed" by simply not replying to me. How have you not figured that out yet? Every time you talk you weaken the species...
Ha... that was deep? Ugh, your generation is fucked.
9 Years Ago
yes it was deep because it wasnt plastic like what half of writers write to please...
and my .. read moreyes it was deep because it wasnt plastic like what half of writers write to please...
and my generation couldnt have been as bad as your if you dont even know know what good writing as this actually is something someone may have felt so back off
9 Years Ago
What made that "un-plastic" like? You don't even know what it means, you just attach labels to it... read moreWhat made that "un-plastic" like? You don't even know what it means, you just attach labels to it. You are an empty vessel, go put yourself in the cabinet until you stop being useless.
9 Years Ago
no as honestly if your downing other people for feeling certain ways then maybe its you who needs to.. read moreno as honestly if your downing other people for feeling certain ways then maybe its you who needs to check themselves as she may have worked hard to write like i said STOP
9 Years Ago
I down bad work... people just happen to get in the way. You wanna be a writer worth a s**t? Get th.. read moreI down bad work... people just happen to get in the way. You wanna be a writer worth a s**t? Get thicker skin.
9 Years Ago
no as im sure my writing isnt perfect but i like it whether you do or not is on you but some people .. read moreno as im sure my writing isnt perfect but i like it whether you do or not is on you but some people that put there feelings out there dont need to be criticized rather appreciated as im sure you wouldnt like people writing review like you did....i lost a friend to this s**t of bad writing..calling her not worth it..saying she wasnt good enough..and i will NOT stand by and let you do this to her...
9 Years Ago
Like I said, I am after the work... learn how to keep your ego out of the way and perhaps you will g.. read moreLike I said, I am after the work... learn how to keep your ego out of the way and perhaps you will grow as a writer. Until then, enjoy staying right where you are.
9 Years Ago
my ego doesnt pertain to my writing at all rather your is back off.
dont comment .. read moremy ego doesnt pertain to my writing at all rather your is back off.
dont comment if you have to be that damn mean about it ok?
she probably worked hard for it...not you
and im proud of where i am as i actually have had offers so BACK OFF
9 Years Ago
Are you threatening me? That seems unnecessary. Just learn to justify the BS you spew and you won'.. read moreAre you threatening me? That seems unnecessary. Just learn to justify the BS you spew and you won't have to deal with me being "mean" to you. If you really didn't write purely to serve your ego this would be something we wouldn't even need to discuss,
9 Years Ago
i spew whatever i want as this is a free write place if writers feel thats what they want to write.... read morei spew whatever i want as this is a free write place if writers feel thats what they want to write..
i am not it is more asking but you do need to stop
i have no worry of you on my writings as i believe they are good as i wrote them from my feeling..not perfect but part of me that im not goin to chnage
and do you not realize people...innocents actually harm themselves over crap you say???
dont you have any heart at all rather being helpful put in hints but dont be mean..and calling my generation "fucked up" is offensive to me so i ask you dont say that...
as i am done..but please watch what you say as it does have an effect on people that can result in bad consequences maybe not for you but them
if you want to be mean do it on my writings as i wont care for it but not on those who even have the name
"useless girl"..leave her alone
9 Years Ago
So, you say its a "free write place" but only if it's to your liking? It's not a "free write place".. read moreSo, you say its a "free write place" but only if it's to your liking? It's not a "free write place" for me because... you don't approve of my writing? Hmmm... that doesn't make a lot of sense. You ought to check your logic before showing everyone how completely illogical you really are.
9 Years Ago
no i dont approve of you being mean on review..your writing is your..on your page but this is someon.. read moreno i dont approve of you being mean on review..your writing is your..on your page but this is someone elses
and my logic is fine..thanks
9 Years Ago
So, it's your personal definition of "mean" that decides on my freedom of expression. Got it... did.. read moreSo, it's your personal definition of "mean" that decides on my freedom of expression. Got it... didn't know you were the dictator of "mean". Sounds like you'll be real good at it. You don't suck at arguing at all. (that last line was sarcasm)
9 Years Ago
look, i made my point just think about people before your write things on others writings ok?... read morelook, i made my point just think about people before your write things on others writings ok?...
9 Years Ago
You made no point, you are devoid of points.... you are utterly pointless. If that was your point th.. read moreYou made no point, you are devoid of points.... you are utterly pointless. If that was your point then, good job, point taken.... you're pointless.
9 Years Ago
u dont have to be rude there is something called being clinically depressed (i am diagnosed wih depr.. read moreu dont have to be rude there is something called being clinically depressed (i am diagnosed wih depression)
9 Years Ago
thank you as i have been depressed yet grew to become happy! i wish you luck in this world.
9 Years Ago
thank you so much
9 Years Ago
yw! always here if ya need anything
8 Years Ago
Oh look, the hand job feel good brigade is out in force to save the day... tell me, b***h, how do yo.. read moreOh look, the hand job feel good brigade is out in force to save the day... tell me, b***h, how do you unoriginal talentless hack puss wagons jerk each other off with out dicks?
8 Years Ago
You can call me father....
8 Years Ago
i will not call you father and you can stop...NOW!
and honestly i dont do that so you can bac.. read morei will not call you father and you can stop...NOW!
and honestly i dont do that so you can back off before this gets ugly.
8 Years Ago
must you continue message me but leave this writer and her work alone! and trust me as i have been k.. read moremust you continue message me but leave this writer and her work alone! and trust me as i have been kind i will not b for long..this is nonsense and childish
8 Years Ago
I'll pretty much do whatever the f**k I want.... you are not an authority, you're a bag of d*****s... read moreI'll pretty much do whatever the f**k I want.... you are not an authority, you're a bag of d*****s.
Are you seriously threatening to be mean to me? Hhahahaha .... ooooo I better back off or retard faux social justice girl is going to scold me~!!! hahahahhaha you're a moron.
If this "writer" can't deal with my critique she can block me.... you are completely irrelevant - go insert yourself unnecessarily elsewhere.
8 Years Ago
You can call me daddy
8 Years Ago
and as you may say things about her writing look at the author...her profile says "I write poems whe.. read moreand as you may say things about her writing look at the author...her profile says "I write poems when I'm depressed, stressed, sad, mad, or I just feel useless... " so for god sakes back off.
8 Years Ago
how about you stop screwing with her writing and take your crap elsewhere this isnt the place.
8 Years Ago
Like I said, I'll do whatever the f**k I want.... 'mom'. HOw about you let people take care of th.. read moreLike I said, I'll do whatever the f**k I want.... 'mom'. HOw about you let people take care of their own problems and stop pretending you're the knight in shining armor. You're a pathetic human being, stop talking to me. Ive been nice to you so far.... hahahahha
8 Years Ago
one..i know im not a knight ..and your just as human as me your as human as everyone on this si.. read moreone..i know im not a knight ..and your just as human as me your as human as everyone on this site and if you dont like it you can take it up for yourself. but some people may be scared of you as i am not but i will defend those who need help to defend themselves...and if you really wanted me to stop messages you then you stop replying to me and get a life.
8 Years Ago
This is a WRITING SITE.... what I do is not bullying, I put intellectual stress on peoples writing. .. read moreThis is a WRITING SITE.... what I do is not bullying, I put intellectual stress on peoples writing. That offends you because it's not in line with your views of things OUGHT to be.
Unfortunately for you more often than not reality is not what you think it should be. If there are people who are afraid to intellectually defend their own work they can block me, you are not even close to needed anywhere. You're a pathetic person, a weak person trying to "prove" strength... this will not end well for you I promise. If you want to keep your self esteem intact you would be wise to ignore me..... but I think we both know you can't do that... you're part of that vapid teen generation that is addicted to drama.
8 Years Ago
haha see thats where you dont know not an not a demon
this reality is fucked.. read morehaha see thats where you dont know not an not a demon
this reality is fucked up a little i get that...i have been through s**t and back and telling by your words your also addicted to drama as you dont ignore i have lost many people i love to those of your stature and your words that is on you...yet im sad to say i will be damned to down without a fight...and yes i fight for those who need my help if thats wrong so be it..i aint always right..but i sure as hell can try
8 Years Ago
haha see thats where you dont know not an not a demon
this reality is fucked.. read morehaha see thats where you dont know not an not a demon
this reality is fucked up a little i get that...i have been through s**t and back and telling by your words your also addicted to drama as you dont ignore i have lost many people i love to those of your stature and your words that is on you...yet im sad to say i will be damned to down without a fight...and yes i fight for those who need my help if thats wrong so be it..i aint always right..but i sure as hell can try
8 Years Ago
haha that's where you fail to see that I don't want to know you... from what I've seen of you I want.. read morehaha that's where you fail to see that I don't want to know you... from what I've seen of you I want nothing to do with you.... I hate PC warriors and coffee shop revolutionaries... you people are all frauds. Every one of you.... f*****g frauds
8 Years Ago
i never said you did. and if i was a fraud i wouldnt be talking to
i dont pretend t.. read morei never said you did. and if i was a fraud i wouldnt be talking to
i dont pretend to be something im not..i just am myself and if you dont like it then thats on you not me cause im not changing
8 Years Ago
Okay, so you're playing the unique snowflake angle now? You should settle on a line of reasoning an.. read moreOkay, so you're playing the unique snowflake angle now? You should settle on a line of reasoning and stick with it.... you have no consistency of character.... you are a complete and total intellectual fraud... deal with it ya a*s hat.
8 Years Ago
i thought you might want the definition of intellectual "An intellectual is a person who engages in .. read morei thought you might want the definition of intellectual "An intellectual is a person who engages in critical study, thought, and reflection about the reality of society, and proposes solutions for the normative problems of that society, and, by such discourse in the public sphere, he or she gains authority within the public opinion."
im not trying to gain done with your bullshit and right now i hardly care what you think of me ...sorry im guessing you thought i did
8 Years Ago
The last line of defense for the truly pathetic and beaten.... f*****g copy and paste dictionary def.. read moreThe last line of defense for the truly pathetic and beaten.... f*****g copy and paste dictionary definitions. Ha... what a loser. Say some more dumb s**t ya dumb a*s
8 Years Ago
i just gave you definition from an actually dictionary d.a to prove to you ...must i have written m.. read morei just gave you definition from an actually dictionary d.a to prove to you ...must i have written myself?..sure i can if you wish haha
and dictionary isnt dumb s**t it contains definitions and meanings by which you need to learn
8 Years Ago
i just gave you definition from an actually dictionary d.a to prove to you ...must i have written m.. read morei just gave you definition from an actually dictionary d.a to prove to you ...must i have written myself?..sure i can if you wish haha
and dictionary isnt dumb s**t it contains definitions and meanings by which you need to learn
8 Years Ago
You have abandoned your original argument, each reply you take a different approach. And each time y.. read moreYou have abandoned your original argument, each reply you take a different approach. And each time you fail to read the situation correctly. I can't even insult you as you straight do not understand what I'm trying to say to you. You are everything you pretend to be against....
8 Years Ago
here is my argument...
you need to learn the differnce between critic and bullying
if .. read morehere is my argument...
you need to learn the differnce between critic and bullying
if you cant then you do not need to leave reviews that litterally can kill someone...
i am against bullying as that i do not do
i am against people like you knocking girls such as the ground when honestly i applaud them as they put their feelings..there true selves out there
and sure as hell am tired of this
so to clarify i will tell you something i have been telling you from the start...
8 Years Ago
You need to stop calling people bullies. It's a severe problem with you kids.... grow the f**k up s.. read moreYou need to stop calling people bullies. It's a severe problem with you kids.... grow the f**k up stop trying to pretend you're the social media police.... you're drawing attention to yourself while pretending you're not here for attention.... you're friggin pathetic. You delight in this interaction, you demand to be seen as a savior... once again, pathetic. Go write something creative... pretend that's why you're really here
8 Years Ago
and may i ask how old you are. as you cuss like a sailor...pretend that im pathetic and fail miserab.. read moreand may i ask how old you are. as you cuss like a sailor...pretend that im pathetic and fail miserably to realize i couldnt care less about being named a savior..i do this because i actually care...and im here because i actually write...and im not the social media police rather someone who cares about people...and im not here for attention..hell but thats your purpose here right?
8 Years Ago
You are kind of pathetic... I think I've described that well enough. Are you done trolling little g.. read moreYou are kind of pathetic... I think I've described that well enough. Are you done trolling little girl? Or do you plan on dragging this out further on someone's review thread? I would think that to be kind of a s****y thing to do.. I don't care either way... but you should less you be a f*****g miserable failure of a pathetic f*****g hypocrite.... it's up to you champ, I'm sure you'll pick the latter, it's who you are. Obviously.
8 Years Ago
message me and it wont be on a review thread yet i will allow the child in this conversation (you) t.. read moremessage me and it wont be on a review thread yet i will allow the child in this conversation (you) to choose whether or not this drags on
8 Years Ago
i would just like to say that every time i log in there is a comment about how whatever ur name is *.. read morei would just like to say that every time i log in there is a comment about how whatever ur name is *i don't care enough to find out because u r obviously not the type of person i need in my life* doesn't like her writing well i no that i will probable regret this later but I'm getting really upset by all of this so if anything that follows is offensive to anyone oops oh well *i doubt it will be*
u r a f*****g attention w***e because u continue to drag this out. i hate the fact that there are people like u on this planet. u remind me of a few of the reasons i think about suicide 83% of my life. obviously all u no how to do is drag people down. u didn't have to comment if u didn't like her work. i would just like to inform useless girls that i have been diagnosed with MDD and that i enjoy reading things like this because they remind me that I'm not alone and to try to stay happy. but trust me that is easier said than done. especially with people with s****y comments like u. thats all i would like to say. i am sure u will reply to this with some smart a*s comment and attempt to insult me but i couldn't care less. i just wanted to tell u that u really should either A: stop being a rude attention w***e or B: don't comment. if u can't say something nice please just stfu.
8 Years Ago
may i ask who this is addressed to..and im sorry if this made you i said before i wish you.. read moremay i ask who this is addressed to..and im sorry if this made you i said before i wish you luck
8 Years Ago
You are a friggin lunatic.... that is all
8 Years Ago
no you are...your ignorant and childish ..this conversation is over and so is the one on my writing<.. read moreno you are...your ignorant and childish ..this conversation is over and so is the one on my writing
thank you and gooodbye
8 Years Ago
You are out of your mind with passive aggressive flavor... but we both know, you just want some time.. read moreYou are out of your mind with passive aggressive flavor... but we both know, you just want some time in the hug box with Uncle Hans.... 50 bucks, I'll hug you b***h
8 Years Ago
do i look like i want your hugs? ...bye
8 Years Ago
So, I'll put you down for ten hugs in the hug box then? No discounts... you're kind of a jerk.
8 Years Ago not goin to a box..i dont want a discount..i dont want a hug....
8 Years Ago
But... you're in the middle of a hug sugar bear....
8 Years Ago
sugar bear? hug? uh sorry you got the wrong girl
8 Years Ago
Hush now baby doll... just hush now.... Shut the f**k up.
8 Years Ago
baby doll? haha please....i dont take what if i dont?
8 Years Ago
We are totes still BFF dawg....
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Check your receipt.... on the back it says (You're an idiot for wasting this much of your time on th.. read moreCheck your receipt.... on the back it says (You're an idiot for wasting this much of your time on this, goodbye)
8 Years Ago
whatever.. im done your crap is old..goodbye
8 Years Ago
uhh... ok then well it definitely wasn't directed at u i actually agree with u u shouldn't bully peo.. read moreuhh... ok then well it definitely wasn't directed at u i actually agree with u u shouldn't bully people and s**t like this pisses me off
8 Years Ago
I'm sorry i usually don't curse i only curse when I'm upset...oops...
8 Years Ago
oh im sorry you had to see that i dont like it either and the sad part is they think they are imitat.. read moreoh im sorry you had to see that i dont like it either and the sad part is they think they are imitating
so do i yet i was pissed...
8 Years Ago
lol I've seen much much worse that was just a little unexpected on such a calming site
8 Years Ago
as was i shocked to read it..but someone had to say something ...
8 Years Ago
yerp i agree
8 Years Ago
Holy s**t... "sad part is they think they are imitating
so do i yet i was pissed... " Wow... read moreHoly s**t... "sad part is they think they are imitating
so do i yet i was pissed... " Wow.... even for a teenaged girl that was straight pathetic writing. You turds have no actual respect for the craft. You're just here to glad hand and form cliques and attack people not in line with you. THe pathetic thing is --- you don't do it rationally.. you contradict yourselves at every turn. It's just group think and think skin super sensitivity. You take away from the writing part of this site and enhance the social media part.... you are part of the problem in my eyes.
8 Years Ago
And you get up me and little lady for trolling on your reviews. Excuse me but to what are you doing .. read moreAnd you get up me and little lady for trolling on your reviews. Excuse me but to what are you doing right here. At least me and little lady have a good reason as to why we commented on tour reviews but you do it as just another fuking excuse to troll others. Destiny didn't even do anything to you but yet you critisised her review. And I am sorry destiny about you losing your friend and if you two girls ever want to talk I am always here and just A message away.
8 Years Ago
I'm responding to YOUR comments. I only leave one and move on if it's not drawn out on your moreI'm responding to YOUR comments. I only leave one and move on if it's not drawn out on your end.
Jack a*s... you argue like a child.
8 Years Ago
Still you responded to this review for no reason at all. What you had to say to her didn't need to b.. read moreStill you responded to this review for no reason at all. What you had to say to her didn't need to be side and it had no point.
8 Years Ago
And you act like a child there is a difference.
8 Years Ago
You don't make sense... yes, I am responding to your comments for a reason, you're saying stupid s**.. read moreYou don't make sense... yes, I am responding to your comments for a reason, you're saying stupid s**t about me. I'll decide what I think I need to say, it's called freedom of speech a*****e. And once again, you've devolved into nothing really, saying I act like a child, ha.... like I said, you suck at written discourse. Kid.
8 Years Ago
idk who the f**k u think u r and i dont care either but im just going to say this u need to stop. ar.. read moreidk who the f**k u think u r and i dont care either but im just going to say this u need to stop. arguing is childish. u should not have commented if u couldnt say something nice. i hate the fact that there r people like u on this planet. people like u r one of the reasons i almost killed myself. u obviously dont undersand that and must not care either. i have been bullied all of my life and i will not stand by and let u bully a talented writer just because u dont car for or understand her work. u need to f**k off.damn. f*****g attention w***e like i said. i no part of me is probably going to look back and say 'u shouldnt have said those things. u dont no what that person is going through that is making them be so f*****g cold' but honestly i dont see the f*****g logic in this s**t. u have a very s****y attitude. and heres from me to u... F**K OFF
8 Years Ago
Wanna play the repeater game or cat game? Starting right MEOW.... "idk who the f**k u think u r and.. read moreWanna play the repeater game or cat game? Starting right MEOW.... "idk who the f**k u think u r and i dont care either but im just going to say this u need to stop. arguing is childish. u should not have commented if u couldnt say something nice. i hate the fact that there r people like u on this planet".... you're awesome but I gotta go MEOW.... later dawg
8 Years Ago
Now, you should not have commented if you couldn't say something nice.... I have huge feet and fan.. read moreNow, you should not have commented if you couldn't say something nice.... I have huge feet and fancy teeth...
8 Years Ago
Say something nice right MEOW
8 Years Ago
Nice rhymes with Mice you know.... now, I'm just saying MEOW.... we do like words up in this palace.. read moreNice rhymes with Mice you know.... now, I'm just saying MEOW.... we do like words up in this palace...
8 Years Ago
76 replies on this thread... you people are batshit insane... MEOW!
8 Years Ago
really now? look in the f*****g mirror a*****e tell me what u see probably a big pile of s**t i woul.. read morereally now? look in the f*****g mirror a*****e tell me what u see probably a big pile of s**t i would imagine
8 Years Ago
Oh my gawd that is so hurtful!!! I'm just trying to remain elegant over here... and you with your v.. read moreOh my gawd that is so hurtful!!! I'm just trying to remain elegant over here... and you with your vitriol... just don't shoot my dog honey.... Jesus loves you still maybe not so much but, hey, chin up butter cup.... I'm going to be your best super #1 all time favorite totes awesome BFF!!!
8 Years Ago
look i shouldnt have gotten in this ok whether or not u believe me and whether or not u care i do re.. read morelook i shouldnt have gotten in this ok whether or not u believe me and whether or not u care i do regret commenting it just really pissed me off that u said something like that but this is a free write place i guess im actually starting to wonder what wouldve happened if i wasnt rude to u i am saying all of this as i just looked over ur writings expecting them to be a waste of time but they were actually ok but i realize now that carrying this out with u would be childish of me even more so than it already is so i am apologizing. there. now please letthis be over
8 Years Ago
Are you saying you want to listen to me sing Will SMith's "Getting Jiggy Wit' It" Acapulco style? <.. read moreAre you saying you want to listen to me sing Will SMith's "Getting Jiggy Wit' It" Acapulco style?
8 Years Ago
I can't stop laughing at the Acapulco thing.... oh...damn... you are fun ....
8 Years Ago
must i say the words? i already apologized for being a complete b***h ok
8 Years Ago
Lets hug it out... virtually. I too forgive you, for letting me be such a huge pile of s**t... it w.. read moreLets hug it out... virtually. I too forgive you, for letting me be such a huge pile of s**t... it was really very fun for me, I'm kind of a sadist. All the shib I said about the writing though, that's true facts homey.... not good.... i'd rather punch myself in the face than read that again.... so, I love you... and we are totes BFF....
8 Years Ago
ur probably going to laugh ur a*s of for days but i do have a reason for saying this (i am diagnosed.. read moreur probably going to laugh ur a*s of for days but i do have a reason for saying this (i am diagnosed with autism and can't tell) but it is extremely hard for me to catch sarcasm so right now i think ur being sarcastic
your mom told me she was going to sell you to China
8 Years Ago
ok well then...when the sarcasm is obvious to even me thats when i realize that somethings wrong and.. read moreok well then...when the sarcasm is obvious to even me thats when i realize that somethings wrong and speaking of china my dad is legit on a business trip there right now