Sweet Memories of You

Sweet Memories of You

A Poem by Ursula Kay Vos

I found this message

In a bottle

Lost on the Sands of time


I dont remember putting it there

Or casting it upon the Sea

I thought I trapped those words

Written  deep in the heart

That beats inside me


But here I stand

These words I felt

On this scroll

quilled so gently

Staring back at me


Reminding me of a time

When we stood on a beach

On a night long ago

You were mine


Our hearts beat


I would have bottled your essence

I would have stopped time

I would have sat on that beach

When you were mine


Had I known what was to come

That you'd be gone

And I'd move on

In the world


For so long


I haven't looked upon the ocean blue

Not once since that night

I love the surf

All the smells

The sunrise

Oh how nice


To look upon the deep blue sea

And swim the waters once more

I would love to feel its salty embrace

And the suns blanket just once more


That ocean now a distant dream

Meandering through my day

Remembering that night

With you the future seemed far away


That last night

In our paradise

What more could I ask

One more night with you

Our future now our past


So as I pick up this concerto

Of what I thought to be

The musings of another

I find you staring back at me


Reminders so vivid

of days long past

dreams left unslept

breathless moments without air

but when this musing is over

I'll give you back to the sea



 for one




Gave you





Ursula Kay Vos




© 2011 Ursula Kay Vos

Author's Note

Ursula Kay Vos
Revised stanza format 12/8/2011

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Featured Review

This is a great love poem with great sharing of two people's love for on another and their interplay with their affections. This piece has great flow and weaves to and fro jabbing in the desire that is so needed to make such a heartfelt work. Great poem!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A very nice love poem, it felt for me as a rollercoaster of bliss where you never want to stap out... such a good flow, and delightful! thank you my friend.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The sound of many lives breaking on the shores as we sit on sea walls at 3AM... watching and watching the emptiness inside.

A taste of wishing...


Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you to everyone who reviews this and who has reviewed this. I love this piece dearly, for many reasons. I don't make it back to this often. It is one of those that would open if I licked my wound too often!
As always I am very appreciative of your feedback!!
Ursula Kay Vos :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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This is a beautiful Love poem. If you are reading this on teh newsfeed, stop reading it now and READ THE POEM. Really, you won't regret it. It will make you feel 'right'.

This poem touched me deeply. It ... It's wonderful. Not much more you can say after that.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

this poem creates love in deep and attracts everybody heart

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is a great love poem with great sharing of two people's love for on another and their interplay with their affections. This piece has great flow and weaves to and fro jabbing in the desire that is so needed to make such a heartfelt work. Great poem!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on October 8, 2011
Last Updated on December 9, 2011


Ursula Kay Vos
Ursula Kay Vos

Phoenix, AZ

Good Morning!!  Updating profiles today and I want to say Thank You; to all of the writers, and all of the reviewers here on Writers Cafe.  You gave me the courage to take that leap!  .. more..


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