Precious Petals

Precious Petals

A Poem by Ursula Kay Vos

Does your heart cry out

For something more


Do you ache and bleed

Crying when he walks out the door


Be it father or spouse

Man or boy


You must know

that your heart is precious

It is not a toy


Many say this

Yet so few know

What lies within

What your afraid to show


The delicacies of your heart

The intracies of your soul

Are not so simple

May I be bold?


No man can fill

the void you feel


No love in the dark

will help your spirit heal


Roses are pretty

But do they last


When the night is over

Does he look at you and pass


You deserve better

You were meant for more


No man will give you

What you will not wait for


You can find fun

In a night at a bar


Or you can find yourself

by exploring who you are


Investing in your happiness

is like learning to fish


Your not just satisfied for the day

You can eat any time you wish


And when you meet the man

Who is to be the one


He will see the woman you are

And you will know he is the One


You will know because he cares

You'll know because he's there

and not just when its easy

and you'll know

because he hears


He and you

will give and take

You will be his Rose

And you will be His Mate


Nothing easy is worth it

and nothing worth it is easy

My Grandmother used to say

As I sit here tonight

Those words ring true today


When you meet the one

Who will treat you right

You'll be as a flower

Precious, delicate petals

In His sight.



Ursula Kay Vos






© 2011 Ursula Kay Vos

Author's Note

Ursula Kay Vos
As a disabled veteran, I volunteer with other disabled veterans and also have a sister and my friend of 20+ years have both recently gone through divorces. I was reading some other writers poetry on here tonight specifically Antonio Valentino's Of Words, which BTW I highly reccomend his writing, and it inspired me to write this. Less of a poem more of an inspirational reminder to women all women men as well I suppose, that yes, True Love exsists in us all, It just takes patients and work. Its not a simple kiss from spider man, or some other theatrical version we see in Movies, and it takes two whole people coming together to create a dynamic marriage of partners, not two halves who are co-dependent and feeding on the others jealousy and insecurity. While I do realize that we all have our flaws, I myself struggle with insecurity, it is not something that should be thrown on to our partner. These are simply my musings. Thank you for reading and your feedback is appreciated!! UKV

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A truly wonderful love poem, brimming with hope and realism. I loved every word of it. Impressed by the content, theme's wordplay and imagry, totally entranced from top to bottom. So glad that I clicked on this. Thank you so much for posting it. You have brightened my day

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Love the flow and the rhyme you share through each line of stanza...

A rose is the closest a man will ever come to a women's sensuality...

Posted 13 Years Ago

You are a rose my friend, one who's fragrance blooms into the night, making the stars wink back...

loved this garden you created, it fills the hills with hope and anticipation...


Posted 13 Years Ago

[send message][befriend] Subscribe
A truly wonderful love poem, brimming with hope and realism. I loved every word of it. Impressed by the content, theme's wordplay and imagry, totally entranced from top to bottom. So glad that I clicked on this. Thank you so much for posting it. You have brightened my day

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on October 7, 2011
Last Updated on December 9, 2011


Ursula Kay Vos
Ursula Kay Vos

Phoenix, AZ

Good Morning!!  Updating profiles today and I want to say Thank You; to all of the writers, and all of the reviewers here on Writers Cafe.  You gave me the courage to take that leap!  .. more..


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