Procrastination for the Good

Procrastination for the Good

A Poem by Ursula Kay Vos

Scared and Alone

I want to tell you all


Afraid to cry

Afraid the tears wont stop

If they begin to fall


I waited so long

Fighting an endless battle

So my children wouldnt meet me

A cripple

Fresh off the scaple


The battle begins to change

As the winds of favor blow

Ever so slightly into my sails

I pray my hardwork shows


In the end

I sit here tonight

A pen in my hand

A tear in my eye


As I hear the words echo

Of the call I fought not to hear


You've run out of time

The day has come

We must act now

But never again will you run


Those days of playful laughter

left you long ago


Maybe they never even stopped

That was never on your map

But on your face this cannot show


Nathaniels birthday comes soon

less than two weeks away


I wont gift him worries

I want him and his brother

to have fun and play


Ten years of silent suffering

I can wait a while more

So my son can turn 11

Not worrying what about his Mother

Or what she must now endure


When childhood is brief

Who am I to shorten that

With worries of wheelchairs

Or pain in my back


He shouldnt have to worry

I wont let him cry

He and his brother

I hope one day understand why


These decisions that I make

To postpone the inevitable

Just so they can be a boy

One day more,

That treasure is imeasurable.


(10/17) Happy Birthday my precious Son, I Love you so much, I only want what is best for you.  I am so proud of you and your brother every day.  Nothing will ever change that.




Ursula Kay Vos 




© 2011 Ursula Kay Vos

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This is my third attempt to submit a review on this piece. But I have been backwards and forwards to it over the last few days to sum up what I feel. Firstly it is a great poem. Wonderfully emotional. But it is neither cloy nor sentimental. But it rips your gut's out with hooks and leaves you realing with hope and love. I have written longer reviews, and it's easy to get carried away. It is simply great. And review or not, I will return to it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


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This is my third attempt to submit a review on this piece. But I have been backwards and forwards to it over the last few days to sum up what I feel. Firstly it is a great poem. Wonderfully emotional. But it is neither cloy nor sentimental. But it rips your gut's out with hooks and leaves you realing with hope and love. I have written longer reviews, and it's easy to get carried away. It is simply great. And review or not, I will return to it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Collette, these poems about you and your children are so emotional, and loving... I wish you and your's all the best :)

Amazing write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on October 4, 2011
Last Updated on December 9, 2011


Ursula Kay Vos
Ursula Kay Vos

Phoenix, AZ

Good Morning!!  Updating profiles today and I want to say Thank You; to all of the writers, and all of the reviewers here on Writers Cafe.  You gave me the courage to take that leap!  .. more..


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