In my Madness

In my Madness

A Poem by UponTheBrink

So, I actually just wrote this. Things have been a little rough lately, and I'd be lying if I said i hadn't lost myself somewhere along the way. I hope to find myself again soon.

In my madness,
I can see your eyes,
Blue as Ice and cold as Death.

You stare through me,
And you know--
You know me better than I know myself.
I am weak, and I am powerless
To your blinding azure gaze.

In my madness,
I can see your smile,
Content as ever and as welcoming as Death.

You smile for me,
And you know--
You know me better than I know myself.
I am worthless, and I am nothing
Against your solemn grin.

In my madness,
My most compelling madness,
I can hear your voice
And feel your touch
As every second lasts an eternity,
And all of eternity lasts but a second.

You call to me,
And you reach your hand for me,
And you know--
You know that behind that glass,
Even though you are not real,
Your voice
And your touch
Have reached me.

And that you are me--

In my madness.

© 2013 UponTheBrink

Author's Note

Does anyone understand what I'm speaking of? I'm sure someone must.

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In my madness I lost a grip, an invisible hand let go. Looking in the mirror and grinning, oh that reflection knows well its doing, but it is in fact not real, until we live in our madness. Its ok to peek our eyes in, but staying, for myseld, id rather not.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

So, I see you know of the madness in which I speak of. Thanks for stopping by. :D


In my madness I lost a grip, an invisible hand let go. Looking in the mirror and grinning, oh that reflection knows well its doing, but it is in fact not real, until we live in our madness. Its ok to peek our eyes in, but staying, for myseld, id rather not.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

So, I see you know of the madness in which I speak of. Thanks for stopping by. :D

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1 Review
Added on June 18, 2013
Last Updated on June 18, 2013
Tags: In my Madness, UponTheBrink, Poetry, Free Verse




I'm a 16 year old male currently doing absolutely nothing with my life and trying to figure out who I am and where I'm going. I enjoy the prospect of writing but rarely have the inspiration to do so,.. more..
