You may never know what you might find in the dark
a ghost, something of the ordinary, something that will bring chills up your spine.
Me and my friends love going out into the woods and look at the stars. But last night at school everyone was talking about something they saw in the sky, a flying saucer. But Anna who told us what she saw was one who lied all the time, didn’t care to who but she did. She said she saw something last night land but it looked creepy. And it went off it flying saucer and walked through the woods.
Me and my friend Andrew decided to go out at night and see what was out there, it was dark and scary to tell you the truth I didn’t wanted to come out, when we saw a light a bright beam a light that shined Andrew called me to take a look but it was just a helicopter that had landed that was shining is huge flashlight saying they were looking for a missing girl named Anna that she had disappeared since school was over. I shivered when I looked up in the sky did aliens take her did you runaway or kidnapped. Me and Andrew looked all day and saw strange footprints, two kinds one human show footprints and one unknown seemed like someone was dragged, we never found out what happened to her but every night I look outside and wonder what happened to her and as every night I see something fly over my house it can be a helicopter or something else.
And I still remember the last words that Anna said in a creepy voice I'll see you around, and don't worry I will be watching you like owl in the sky.