![]() 2A Chapter by SociallyAwkwardI should have slept for longer. I should have just ignored Tumblr for one night and got some sleep. I didn't though and now it is 2am. I haven't slept since 8am yesterday and now I won't sleep until I get on the plane which will be in 4 hours time. Kill me now. No wait...that's a bit drastic. Just let me sleep for a bit instead. 'Hal, are you ready to go?' Mum asked, putting the last of my suitcases into the car. 'Yep.' No. I am not. I am ready to go to Australia for the summer but I am not ready for a 24 hour flight. I don't think I ever will be. Who wants to be stuck in a cramped plane for that long with the worst food imaginable? 'Wait before we go.' I began, realization suddenly hitting me. 'I must pee!' I declared, running off to the bathroom. No one needs to know any details after that. Are you ready now?' She asked, when I returned again. I simply nodded and got into the car. I didn't say goodbye to the house. 1) Because it would hurt to much, knowing I won't see it for and while and 2) That would be weird. Luckily for me, mum let me sleep for a little bit on the journey to the airport. However that journey was very short, considering we lived close to Heathrow Airport, so it felt like I hadn't slept at all. 'I can't wait to get to Australia and just hibernate for a week.' I stated, dragging my self and one of my suitcases out of the car. I vaguely heard mum laughing at me but I was more focused on trying to stay awake. 'Come on.' Mum urged, gesturing for me to follow her. Now you would think that at 2 O'clock in the morning, the airport would be pretty quiet. Well let me tell you, it wasn't. Why would so many people put themselves through the pain of catching a flight at this time of the day. Don't get me wrong, I am usually still awake at this time but in the comfort of my own house and bed with my laptop. This! This is different. Mum came with me whilst I checked in, saying goodbye to my baggage as it disappeared down the mystery shoot. All I can ever think about when that happens, is Toy Story. I keep believing that toys are running around, trying to save each other. I really should stop obsessing over Disney movies, it is not good for my health. After checking in, mum and I went for a cup of tea. This would be the last time I see her until the end of summer. Then I will only see her for a day or two whilst moving into my UNI campus, so I payed for the tea. 'I still can't believe how quick you have grown up?' She commented, trying to put on her brave face. Her second and last child was growing up and moving out. It must be hard. 'I wouldn't call it quick. I mean 18 years is a long time.' I replied and she laughed. 'How did you manage to put up with me for so long?' 'With a lot of effort and dedication.' She joked. 'And a well needed glass of wine, every now and again.' 'You have to admit though, I am the better child.' I bragged, taking a gulp of my tea. 'Whatever helps you sleep at night.' She replied and I fake gasped. 'I take offensive to that. You couldn't have just played along seeing as Luke isn't here.' I joked. I loved the banter I could have with my mum and I am not going to lie, I am going to miss it. Time went by too fast and it was long before I was being forced to say goodbye to my mum and it was harder than what I thought it would be. 'You make sure your father calls me when you arrive. Don't forget to wear sun cream. Don't stay up on your laptop to late or to much for that matter....' She ranted, the ruled were pretty much the same as the ones for at home. Do I follow them? Yes....maybe. Sometimes. 'Mum! Calm down, I will be fine.' I reassured. 'I know.' She sobbed, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. 'I'm going to miss you.' We hugged and I felt sad, not wanting to let go. Eventually we did part but I did cry which wasn't supposed to happen. I am going to be free on the UK for the next few months and be in sunny Australia but at the expense of leaving my mum behind. 'I'll see you soon mum.' I said, starting to walk towards the security check. 'Stay safe!' She called, now a fair distance behind me. 'I'll try!' I shouted back with a grin. She left just as it was my turn to empty my pockets, take off my shoes and walk through the security thing. I don't know what it is called. Does it matter? As I walked through the security scanner, it beeped and I groaned. 'I swear this only ever happens to me?' I complained throwing my hands up in the air. 'Can you please step over here miss.' The security man stated and I did as I was told. He then began to search me and I froze. 'This is uncomfortable.' I stated. Why do they have to pat you down with their hands? See it even sounds wrong. 'We haven't even been on a date yet.' I found myself saying without thinking. The man chuckled though and then declared that I was free to go. 'Oh I see how it is, your leaving me to find someone better.' I said, causing him and few other people around us to laugh even more. I am naturally funny and everybody knows it. I quickly put my shoes back on and grabbed my stuff and headed to my boarding section. I did not want to be one of those people who is running across the building at the last minute because they lost track of time. I don't want to do that ever, especially at this time in the morning. Instead I got their early and went into the shop and bought some overpriced snacks for the plane ride, as well as a box of chocolates for my dad. It has been ages since I have seen him. I only usually get to see him every other summer because it is expensive to travel plus my mum likes to see me some summers as well. It is hard though. They divorced when I was ten and my brother was 15. We looked out for each other but the long distance when dad moved was difficult. It didn't stop us from seeing him though. 'Flight to Sydney, Australia now boarding.' That's me! I joined the long queue of people who were also boarding the flight and waited patiently whilst trying to keep my eyes open. I can't wait to get on this flight and sleep. After a long wait, I was finally on the plane and in my seat. The good thing was I was sat next to a lovely old couple, so I didn't have to worry about a creepy person for the next 24 hours. The only stop we get is in Singapore. Once the plane was in the air, I stuck my headphones in and listened to my music. As I was slowly falling asleep, my mind wandered to the message I received on tumblr yesterday. I messaged the person back. It was a simple message, thanking them and telling them I was always up for a talk. I know the dangers of the internet, which is why I would never meet up with them before seeing them on a camera live first. Then again I don't even know this person yet and I am getting ahead of myself. It was just a polite message, nothing more. Then why can't I stop thinking about it? It didn't take me long to fall asleep, as uncomfortable as the seat was. I hate airplanes, I really do but when you are this tired, you would easily fall asleep on concrete ground. I woke when we stopped in Singapore for refuelling and by then I was wide awake. I had a quick stretch before we took to the second half of the flight. I was awake for a bit, talking to the couple next to me whilst food was being served. I stuck to my own food though because I really can not stand this stuff. The couple were visiting their son and his family and they started telling me the story of their travels. I was fascinated and I loved how they had stuck together for such a long time. I wish I could have a life like that. I started to get tired again after a while and had another small sleep. It is the only way I get through this flight without getting bored as well. By the time I woke up again, we were close to landing. The good thing about sleeping so much is that I won't be tired when I finally arrive. I can actual catch up with my dad. It will only be 7pm when we arrive and my energy should last until midnight until jet lag kicks in. At least this way I am immediately adjusted to the time difference. My excitement kicked in when the plane finally touched ground. I was excited to be in Australia, excited to see my dad. I am also excited to see my brother who is supposed to be joining us in a couple of weeks. His holiday at the moment is basically back packing the world and his last stop is us. As I stepped off of the plane, I pulled out my camera and snapped a shot of the planes and the view behind it. I promised Fabian I would make a story out of my pictures this summer. This is the start of it. I also took a few just before I left the UK. I walked with the rest of the people inside where I waited a good ten minutes for my luggage to appear of the conveyor belt. Then, with a grin, I made my way through passport control and out to find my dad. There was a lot of people and families waiting and it was hard to see. It was definitely busier than London. I dropped my suitcases and stood up on a chair, searching for him. At first I was worried he had forgotten my arrival time but then I saw him. He was standing crossed armed, staring at me with a grin. I guess he had been waiting for me to spot him. I got down of the chair, and dragged my luggage along in a hurry as I ran towards him. Luckily he was moving towards me as well because these suitcases are heavy. 'DAD!' I shouted as he lifted me off the ground into a hug. He still treats me like his 5 year old little girl. Not that I mind. 'Hey Hal, it's about time you showed up.' He teased and I rolled my eyes at him. 'Why don't you try sitting on a 24 hour flight.' I responded with a smirk. He scoffed in response. 'I would but I don't think people would enjoy my company.' You see my dad is loud. Loud, immature and very opinionated. Don't ever insult his family in front of him because his sass will come out and you would be in trouble. He is amazing though and good to joke around with. 'Come on, lets get you home.' He said, taking one of my suitcases and directing towards his car. 'So how have you been?' He asked as we loaded everything into the boot and got in. I also took this opportunity to whack on my sunglasses. 'Good. Still single, you would be glad to know.' He smiled, he doesn't want me to get married until I am at least 40. I just keep assuring him that he has nothing to worry about because I may still be single by the time I reach 40. 'Then just average really. Just excited for the summer.' 'Is that because you get to spend it with your awesomely cool dad.' He joked, striking a pose. I laughed. 'Don't ever do that again and I don't know I think I am more excited to learn how to surf.' 'I see how it is. I'll just hide in my room on the laptop then.' We are so alike. 'So me choosing surfing over you, results in you turning into me.' He nods. 'Good luck with that dad.' We caught up with all sorts on the way to his house. From the latest gossip to how there is a new episode of Game Of Thrones on demand and we must watch it. I love a programme with a good death. I swear Tumblr is infecting me more than I realise. 'Welcome home Hal.' Dad said, pulling into his driveway. I smiled even more and jumped out of the car. 'I forgot how much I missed this place.' I replied, helping dad take my stuff out of the car. As we were doing so, Dad's neighbour appeared out of their house. I hadn't seen her before, maybe she was new. It has been a couple of years and I do recall the last family saying they were planning on moving. 'Hey Anne.' Dad greeted to the lady next door and in return she smiled at the both of us. 'Evening Dave and you must be Hallie. Your dad has stopped talking about your visit for weeks.' She replied. 'That would be me. Dad I know I am amazing but you don't have to brag about me.' I said with a smirk, flicking my hand in awe. He simply gave me a look in return. 'You too are so alike it is unbelievable.' Anne chuckled. She then turned to face the inside of her house and shouted up to someone. 'Ashton come and meet Dave's daughter!' I smiled as she turned back to us and I heard someone running down the stairs. Then a boy appeared. A boy maybe a year so older than me. A boy with short curly blonde hair and a great style. A boy who was quite good looking or maybe a bit more than that. 'Hallie, this is my son Ashton.' 'Hi.' I grinned moving forward to shake his hand. 'Nice to meet you.' 'You too. These two haven't shut up about you coming and it should be cool to have a girl to hang around with this summer.' Why thank you! I should stop complimenting myself. It isn't good. 'That would make a change, the only people he hangs around with are his 3 best mates.' Anne enthused and Ashton whined. 'He tries to act cool but really he is just a big dork.' 'Well that makes two of us.' I said. He sounds just like me. We should get along just fine. Ashton smiled and me and I returned it, already enjoying being here and not just because the weather is great. 'Well we shall leave you two to get settled. It was nice meeting you Hallie. Don't be afraid to pop over whenever you want.' Anne said, putting her hands on Ashton's shoulders and pulling him back inside. 'Thank you.' 'Come on Hal.' Dad said and we headed inside. We didn't do that much that evening. We dumped my suitcases into my room, ordered pizza and watched Game Of Thrones. Dad texted mum, I took photos and updated everyone, letting them know I was safe. It was a lazy evening. I can already tell this summer is going to be great. ............................... © 2014 SociallyAwkward |
StatsAuthor![]() SociallyAwkwardportsmouth, Hampshire , United KingdomAbout4 things in life. Food, books, music and sleep i'm crazy that's all you need to know. You can read my stories on wattpad too. You just have to find them first. more..Writing