Stay Strong

Stay Strong

A Poem by Serena Kaye

For all the people who cut, or suffer from depression, You. Are. NOT. Alone.<3


Stay Strong,

Not just two words,

But a deeper meaning,

Some won’t know what it is,

But many do,


Stay Strong I say,

I can beat this demon,

It won’t get the best of me,

It won’t mess my life up,

But I crave it,


Stay strong they tell me,

You don’t know what I fight,

You don’t know my demons,

You don’t know my life,

But you want to,


Stay strong,

As I see it everywhere,

As I see the knife,

As I see my scars,

But things happen,


Stay strong,

Beat the habits,

Beat the craving,

Beat the sensation,

But it’s hard,


Staying strong,

Is what I do,

How I fight my fights,

How I concur my demons,

But it’s how I deal,


Staying strong,

That’s my motto,

That’s my life,

That’s what I’ll do,

I’ll always Stay Strong,

© 2012 Serena Kaye

Author's Note

Serena Kaye
This is for all the people that have trouble fighting their demons. You are not alone. There are many others out there in this world.
If you have no one else to be strong with, well hey I'm trying! You can message me!
Thank you for reading.
P.S- Don't let anyone tell you that you are wrong for your scars, they have NOT lived your life and never will. Don't let them tell you that you are a bad person cause your NOT. This is LIFE! Don't let it hurt you.

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Featured Review

This is an inspiring poem.

It's true, people don't understand what you going through. Sometimes... when they say stay strong it's easier said than being done.

But yeah, didn't mean to get into a little speech.

Again this is nice!

Keep on posting!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I can definitely empathize. Good work!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Great poem and a really great thing for me to read at a time like this. I can really relate to struggle to fight your demons and wanting to give in to them. Beautiful. Thank you for writing this!

Posted 10 Years Ago

We have to remind every one of this even our selves:) Nice poem:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

"Stay strong" is what I say all the time. I say it to my friends in need of advice and especially to myself. Your poem is very inspiring. Very deep. I agree with you on everything.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I understanding fighting the demons and can relate. I say it to myself all the time "stay strong, bend to break". Keep writing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

never been in a situation such as this but you describe your resilience perfectly.....Stay strong.....I am sure that you will

Posted 11 Years Ago

OhEmEffGee. This is good.I like how i can relate to it. you're real f****n' talented kid. (:

Posted 11 Years Ago

Serena Kaye

11 Years Ago

ooh shuddup you.:P
This is the poem that's in a book..Heh

11 Years Ago

Oh f**k yesss. that my girl.
Serena Kaye

11 Years Ago

well written and well said in your author's note. I come from a dark past and I know how life can be very hard and unforgiving,miserable at times. But I've always told myself as well to STAY STRONG. Guess what? Im still here,haha. Good job n this one.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Serena Kaye

11 Years Ago

Everyone hast their past.
Thank you!
Staying strong is of course easier said than done. This is, as everyone has said, very inspiring. I didn't think that cutting was the main theme in this, but it does seem to be told through the author's voice. Everyone has their own problems, and as you've said, we have to stand up to it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Serena Kaye

11 Years Ago

Everyone has their own opions.(:
Thanks for reading!
This makes me feel like I'm not alone.
So encouraging.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Serena Kaye

11 Years Ago

That's good.

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26 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 14, 2012
Last Updated on May 14, 2012
Tags: Staying Strong, Strong, Happy, Sad, Depressing, Demons, Life, Depression, Cutting Emo, Emotional, Fighting, Love, People, Deep Meaning, Dark, Meaningful

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