AnimeA Story by EdThe Final Product of Counterculture Commercialism Before Reaching Redefinition of Intelligent DesignSummary The strange presentation of wide eyed caricatures of youthful appearing depictions on screen that are fully crafted and designed to give the appearance of an artform. But regardless of the accents of presentation, the depiction can anatomically be discerned and forensically searchedfor its utensil in intent. Before reaching transferring of criteria of Intelligent Design to redefinition and the singularity precipitated by CERN in Switzerland and connection to the development of the internet of things and the metaverse (world wide web originated at CERN) which is our current Tower of Babel model which is being integrated into everything on the face of the planet by continuous spraying of engineered nano particulates and integrated into the foods including gene altering technology. The nexus point of plateau of illusion of not being able to tell real from artificial and life from synthetic recreation. (continue article after forementioned information sources and references down below) Search Engineered nanomaterials in food and Gene Editors on and pubmed Towards Progressive Regulatory approaches for agricultural applications of animal biotechnology Importance and health hazards of nanoparticles used in the food industry FDA Approves cloned meat, 2008 Search the following terms and titles on youtube, Dane Wigington and Michael Levin: Cell Intelligence in Physiological and Morphological Spaces Evolution, Basal Cognition and Regenerative Medicine Xenobots 3.0: Living Robots That Can Reproduce Cognitive Light Cones of the Self Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony Full New International Version The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.Genesis 11:6 Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.-Nickola Tesla- O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 1 Timothy 6:20 New American Standard Bible that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders,King James Bible Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,2 Thessalonians 2:9 Anima Psychoanalysis(in Jungian psychology) the feminine part of a man's personality. the part of the psyche that is directed inward, in touch with the subconscious. "persona and anima switch roles and merge in slow, smooth ways" historical•Philosophy the soul, especially the irrational part of the soul as distinguished from the rational mind. Deleterious Effects It being a particularly high concept form of craft that as so much has been sociologically positioned as designation of valid or valuable, or at the very least validated artistic temperament, more so as part of the jester of the court of popularity where everything is a mockery, defined by temperaments rather than substance. Supposed consensus being promoted at the hand of a critique that pends on politicism of popularity and fained words of aristocracy; to deter the natural formation of a civilization by or towards a whim of vanity. In this case, under the guise of artistic temperament, and its most dangerous form of societal proportion of influence; persuasion.While David Copperfield was an illusionist in order to persuade his audience that what was occurring had a seeming key of illusion. That was the entirety of the prestige of what was established to be an illusion and entertainment in respect of the audience, that was he presenting was by no means a deception, because he clearly states that its an elaborate concerted depiction of the dynamics of presentation. The Animation The materialistic accessibility of creature comfort ideation thats blissfully formed on the image of the screen, clinging to a supposed ideal, artfully aesthetized. The dream of a fantasy coming true enamors the viewer an adaptation of seamless story telling, from the view point of animation. But is disproportioned by immediate contrived dialogue and stark changes in theme and presentation that turns the entire story telling into a craft.The Michael Bay effect for which he was well known for in dramatizing every scene into a climactic plot arch, has an almost transcendent effect through the banner of the Japanese pride of tempering and disciplining all things to the point of bringing shame to a house is a common notion of Japanese cultural vantage, but Japan has its sociologically misconstrued politicisms indwelled within its expression as well. The Psychology The inversion of Japanese family values is highly condensed as the sociological warfare varies greatly on the degree against competence, and tension forming a fever pitch of outlet necessity for which why the Japanese animation culture is so over the top with primordial archaic levels of no grounds barrier of subject or taboo. For whatever reason, Japan had also made actual pornographic nudity censored in Japan possibly for the underlying cause of having sexually frustrated men taking further measures of suggestion to relieve their inability to fortify their sexual integrity in a morally ambiguous juxtaposed affirmation for excellence and a wonderland of unreality that abstracts the values of eastern religious ideals whether culturally philanthropized or religiously consecrated into the culture. Japan does not have the racial demographic of competitive tribalistic sociology attached to it, as America. also known as racism as racism is even divisive within people of same skin, same facial features, same country lineage, and subdivides by negation of cultural differentiation, and forming intellectual discomfort cohabiting with others who are human but different from you in some manner. A true spiritual dilemma with the edifice of resolve appropriated by authentic unpresuppositioned maturity. Nationalism is tribalism on a dumber or unethical ballot many a time but has positives in that if truth is adhered, then truth will be honored, and so a nation can be of vitality outside of peers of support of affluence even when popularity raging immaturity and temperance at substance. Which is the framework for the substance of God's grace coming through the earth; there being a desire to live. I say this because nationalism is agreeing to be tribalistic based on an enstated diplomacy. Words having meaning or meaning meaning something or words indeed being special as language is indeed sacred; since everything is made up of language. If we take respect out of the dictionary what will we have left. The substance of what we cannot take with us; and is not understood because of what cannot be appreciated today in this day and age because it isn't, especially thanksgiving, which is the antonymous (varying towards opposite) of narcissism.New King James Version Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” John 13:7 New King James Version “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it." Matthew 21:43 English Standard Version For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. Matthew 13:17 What you do here affects the heavens and your eternal life I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety nine just persons who have no need of repentance. Luke 15:7 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven Matthew 18:18 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Ephesians 6:12 Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time? Luke 12:56 Face of the sky - Cosmology Face of the earth - Geography Question posed: Stating that what one does is valid. The Alter An alter in the proper sense was an unhued stone by which had the most natural formality to which one would provide an offering of appreciation or grace to God; a communion. In a sense a proper formality of relationship from a son to his Father. In respect and not of disrespect. Reason why we capitalize the f in father to give a true stance of significance, given a father indeed is a life affirming guide for his children and not a biological donor without any adherence to what universally consist of Fatherhood.In occultism, an alter many a times is a fragmentation of the personality in stalker/handler means of sequestering a person's sensibility towards a fear of something whether imagined or real causing the person to deny their natural sensibilities due to psychological coercion and traumatic psychological abuse. What should be understood universally is that occultism has negating, and derogatory association as it is emphatically related to secret things of negating. derogatory, subversive nature in deception; corruption. Usually over prolonged periods of time where the person is consistently persecuted or abused. The themes of anime consistently present and convey these concepts to the viewer in an effort to affect the viewers sensibility to become desensitized to the psychological attack of the so called entertainment media's themes and presentation as it is found in other forms of media in what comes from the American television and film industry. Progression of American industry onslaughts 1990's forward: Slasher films, the 2000's infatuation of cinema revolving around genres of torture referred and categorized as psychological thrillers, that could not be identified as so since they revolved around a theme of kidnap, psychological torture and physical torture in the form of machinations of a serial killer who liked to play with his victims, by manipulating them into believing that they were receiving retribution for their mistakes, negligence, and sins by cruel contraptions where the person had to make a choice to mutilate or afflict themselves in order to justify their salvation as though a form of penance when penance is not self affliction but as part of an act of contrition as in patience in trial and judgement, act of contrition being the release of and to repentance which provides full recovery and progression towards catharsis of the soul and reconstitution of the body whether it be of a person or an entire nation. The stark mode of bringing religious themes originating with the film Seven who's director David Fincher had also began as an Mtv music video director. Deranged morality misappropriated to the seeming black psychology that is counter to Christianity but borrowing from its staffhold of heritage in themes and principles that the person is paying for their sins, when really its a story about a deranged individual who has kidnapped individuals to fulfill his pathos of sadistic curiosity. In doing so forming the same proclivities of vicarious intrigue and garnering of taste of the stark themes interest in what was not part of the person/viewer's temperaments, as in the individual was much healthier before being consistently promoted a false artform that cannot objectively be called entertainment. The examples of what duress and coercion millennials had to go through was the unleashing of supposed shows for kids like Ren & Stimpy: Unrestrained lunacy and graphic lasciviousness portraying intense inferences of perversion and promotion of disturbing modalities of mental illness with realistic depictions of consequential effects of cruelty violence towards the one being carried on. Rocko's Modern Life: Nerve wracking anxiety induction and inordinate romance placed momentarily insinuating visceral eroticism instances brushing past the theme only sufficiently in a way that the child might garner a subconscious temperament for them that leaves the undeveloped mind uncertain towards pursuit of disseminated intimacy through a superficial means that has opened the door to developing erroneous life long infatuation towards a longing of catching of the wind due to loss inner child healthy progression that takes the form of futility of a worn out yearning in later years that begin to take more serious forms of behavioral dysfunction and deleterious reserves of melancholic catharsis that because they have become compulsion reactions, cease their function as part of healing of the mind or emotional body and become traumatic themselves. Healing modality of catharsis no longer retrievable because the person has developed entirely around the fragmentation of the emotional body of these effects and has formed a course of pathology that is no longer retrievable of the individual's original goal; to have made contact with the missing pieces of lingering wounds that have run their course to mend; brokenness that cannot be identified because the grasp of emotional memory is lost, and disfigured by further development of society's etiquette in promoting inadequacy and glamorizing the trivialization of insult to its injury as societal norm, as well as further personal disappointment and bad decision making where the inner body is no longer seen as something to conserve or retrieve but loss of self respect. Anime specifically pursues these very expressions in an endless mirage of satiation of actual life affirming pursuits merely as crafts of plot device, provided as "slice of life" that has its own genre but is the main cathartic tool used; thought to be substance but is only the menial allowance of natural expression of character development as the characters are designed to be modalities and motifs but are rarely oriented towards self expression. The gimmicks of using the panicky adolescent, young adult who is continuously exposed to aspects of women's sexuality and always has the neurotic reaction of having seemingly an aversion to what is mostly women undressing themselves momentarily is a common motif revolving high school like themes. Usually forming a stagnant immaturity around the concept of young adult male and female relationships as the male character has this continuous superficial brushing with female sexuality and reinforced the same neurosis revolving the female form. Even this is crafted with a sort of unnecessary sexual frustration that whether 2000's or 2020's is still reiterated, providing hardly anything to the substance of the show but instead focuses the viewer on sexual frustration itself as the male/female relationship is always a sort of burlesque show around surface level noticing of sexuality as a ever present theme which always alludes towards the notion of vicarious perversion, even if it isn't. The unsaid use of psychology that is thickly applied makes anime a craft as it always takes the substance and adds selling points of gimmicks which could be called fan service but is mostly applied to frustrate the viewer into a carrot on a stick form in an ever present impediment towards sexual maturity; Anime progressively forms schism towards the psychology of sexuality and its entire goal and purpose, maturity. Many shows whether Japanese or American have these themes of a continuous dilemma that cannot be cathartic resolved and ended and presumed as Se la Vie (such as life) and other comforting notions habituated as an affirmation of norm. When really continuously watching of these modalities of character is acclimating the viewer towards the same. The metaphysics forming as some would say life imitating art if only it was, it not being art but craft and so predisposes the viewer to witchcraft through modalities by enchantment, temptation and persuasion essentially. Some mere examples which is ridden across the board of every kind of animated contemporary story telling has a motif of an unachievable goal iterated as the standard of its main plot delineation and conclusion. While yes, people will defend that these are organic, spontaneous thought out forms of story telling, this is not usually so especially when large amounts of money are funneled into a projects production, as screenwriters and producers do not simply talk creativity in the plot drawing board or screen writing room. The seeming universal existential concept of a paradox where life is not without its thorns and thistles; unavoidable is colored in most formats of contemporary storytelling giving the viewer the presumption that because that is how society has been conditioned, it must be a normal part of life itself. Such examples would be Tom & Jerry, Tom is always trying to gain one over on Jerry, sometimes not even predatory but seemingly have a social relationship of some sort. Even so many a times Tom's motives isn't to get Jerry or eat him, in others Jerry seems to be the one who's getting Tom in trouble when Tom is minding his own business.Same format is found in Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies which were produced by Mgm Studios and Warner Brothers as the main consistency of theme across most original classic cartoons by the company and era, all the way to shows that were not very popular and weren't meant to be such much later in the 90's "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" Where two young adult detectives are attempting to capture a spy but the idea was she gets away every time. The show used the plot to educate its audience on history and geography as it was usually a means of locating her. These themes are taken lightly, yet produce a strong conveyance in the subconscious of futility taking on a metaphysical effect as a supposed facet of nature or natural expression of reality's nature as a complacency towards unresolve of matters thought of being natural as more or less affirming and insisting that life is in the consistency of the unparalleled view of the cartoon. While the producers of the entertainment industry have a larger scope of view of how life works in that while it presents an issue or dilemma, what is usually left out is the resolve of time. "Its a small world after all" is the incoherent establishment of the entertainment industry's goal which is stated and affirmed by many books of both corporate business official publishing and investigations of conglomerate entertainment agendas as one will look at certain moderately fact checked informaton in one's own research or investigations and find that; yes, the History Channel is owned by Disney and Disney having garnered nearly the entirety of the western entertainment industry infrastructure. What has been stated is the ancestral traditions of civilizations are to be homogenized into an aesthetically inclined superficiality that no longer represents history and the natural formation of civilization by organizations such as the Committee of 300.The Magic Kingdom There is no business like show business is a common phrase that essentially captures the message of the entertainment industry, that seemingly is claiming its activity of making money out of vanity. More making markets from aesthetic that mirrors the authentic but has a modality of giving with one hand while taking with the other. Essentially the act of a magic trick, and is essentially the capitalism of charlatanism.One of the fads that captured the apparent second golden age of cinema in two words was the short lived Planet Hollywood that has mainly remained in Las Vegas after attempting to expand with sponsoring of four of Hollywood's most influential prominent archetypal expressions of its modernity. Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis and then spouse Demi Moore. Much of what runs through series regardless of era of modern entertainment today have a dissolute nature of schism being a natural state of existence. Does the slight of design have a metaphysical backing towards effecting the viewer? Who would know more than those who work in the business of entertainment media. With a consistency of a degree where most media makes mockery of philosophical ponderings but never really answers them. Social media more or less has continued the trend as most people post thoughtlessly, or sociopathically as sociopathic behavior has been trivialized to the point of being glamorized, glorified and celebrated, honoring people as "legends" for insulting one another. People have garnered the notion that disrespecting people is worthy of praise. The thing is that it is this very action as why society has not recovered from its societal illness of social media toxicity that is the progression of the expressions presented to us from exploitative social commentary reality television programs that glorify provocation of disgrace such as Jerry Springer, Maury, where people are encouraged to prostitute their intimate personal societal or familial relationships and propagate a shameless atmosphere of gossip and vindication that even the audience attends only for the attempt to channel their frustration and angst as though getting back at society for having had endured its life imitating art (entertainment industry craft) societal illness to which they are apathetic to but are willing to participate in its transgression of reveling in its ignorance as though virtue. There is a stereotype of every generation prior having been better or criticized by the latter. This is found to be reaching a true plateau since essentially the mainstream launching of the internet has made for reorganizing of culture that is unadaptive to life itself. In essence, all of the extinguishable overindulgent exaggerations and caricatures of cultural fiascos and travesties of the 1900's has spun out of control into social norms that are being unattended, as maturity would have done just fine in resolving the entirety of the issue, rather than attempting to redefine that as well. The inability to resist rebelliousness coalescing due to an affinity for immaturity which is in fact the tail end sign of criminal psychopathy as the person enjoys doing the wrong thing, knowing it is wrong, because it is wrong; in other words the individual has a fondness for transgression simply because it is a transgression. The visceral primitive enjoyment of doing something destructive; its defiance, a vanity that is attributed merely to pride has been our greatest downfall. As character immediately erodes to the worse case scenario of a persons trajectory once they have accepted and embraced the enjoyment of doing evil as pleasure. I've seen my share of people in this vein that because they are defined as defiance for vanity, are seen as visionaries of an aristocracy that require the participation of others in vitriol as their anarchist playground isn't fulfilling without imposing their relevance by insulting others estate. Seemingly assaulting others to eradicate their existence isn't the goal, but sadism, to sully, slander. This goes beyond explaining away delinquency as part of human nature. Has to do more with external realities of greater expressions of consciousness that are absolute in integrity being of or not. A complete skewing of the faculties of volition towards rebelliousness being propagated as visionary, innovative, noble, creative, heroic and given the benefit of the doubt as misunderstood can only be abided and condoned for so long before it becomes merely an affirmation of murder. Which is Hollywood's main interest. To trivialize murder to the point that it may get away with any crime openly without having to even save face by seeming apologetic. The actuations of these demeanor's were expressed unapologetically by those we revere so much for boldly making their statements with a solemn sense of dignity in film to why we find relevant. Acting is not a noble profession, its a self enabling reach to actualize narcissism. If they didn't love themselves so much, they would not be promoting themselves as the product of grandeur to be glorified as the representation of relevance itself. Social media has allowed for everyone to become their own supposed god, celebrity, star, or any other form of sense of superstardom and has made the way for outlandish hedonism to rule over reason while psychologist explain away it being part of human nature as though shrugging their shoulders that its getting worse, being a building on fire that is reaching ever nearer to the point of objectively making the observation that the asylum was more sane than the one's caring for it since it was in their court to have made a proper evaluation of the situation since the mind health practitioners are in consensus that somehow the current trajectory of its say is not a reflection of their own mental health. Fair observances of societal approval by psychology referential public address would be the statement that has been promoted somewhat that "masturbation is healthy". In truth, masturbation is possibly the greatest gateway drug, as it causes social anxiety due to peripheral humiliation by condoning denaturing biological personality functions by depersonalization of blurring the lines of personal acceptance of the activity itself, depression, and all other major compulsive behavior and leading to need for rehabilitation of unacceptable sexual degeneracy habituation and frequency of act that counters towards public sexual inappropriateness and sexual criminality. Just because its socially accepted doesn't mean its sane. In counter observance its been said and shown that maintaining sexual fortitude usually provides for a life affirming sensibility that does not dwindle into procreation becoming menial by recreation to the point that while we live in a unnatural world of possibly billions of videos of sexual intercourse on the internet. More than on occasion we lose interest, and find ourselves in a lax sense of enthusiasm and subconsciously anxiety ridden state when met with the real acquaintances of the opposite sex. It is apparent beyond scope of personal observation that sexual fortitude and integrity acclimates itself to be of a desirability that is irresistible to even the most stout, as this emphasizes something of substance that naturally transcends man from the animal kingdom towards something known as one characteristic of transcendent; Sexual Purity.I suppose the reason being that it leaves the entirety of the room to every other kind of expression to be affirmed. Note that children usually come about by a lack of control and is celebrated out of wedlock, wedlock being the affirmed grasp as to making conceiving of another possible to be healthy in any way. I don't mean to spend much more time on the discussion of this topic more than simply, viewing others through a screen or worse in person in the sexual act is highly unnatural and while it is a form of voyeurism, the fact that it is the act of participating in agreed prostitution as a third party rather fourth as what most fail to notice is that what is being recorded and observed is the filming by possibly more than one individual who is also in the room with which the prostitution is occurring. I suppose the shame is natural to such an unnatural societal dysfunction of viewing of prostitution as the word pornography or rather pornia means whoredom. Simply the missing pieces of the natural act of having met someone and learning to socialize have been eradicated by these means. Whether provocative or not, now most media depends on this quality as social political agendas are presented specifically in entertainment for the reason of provocation, and not much else today since most forms of television series and cinema don't really make much more of an effort but this. Usually anime is less focused on personality development which is common in American cartoon animation but is usually more goal oriented. Anime that is personality oriented is long and far as it requires deeply thought out character personalization that reflects real sentiments that the producers are fully aware that they can provide the show with but the point of anime is not to inspire the viewer to walk outside and leave the television set altogether but to watch series after series that maintain the same dopamine exerting intricacy of intrigue to want to watch more reimaginings of the same. Seemingly the apparent reflection of real life moments that elusively pass as being plot devices merely to carry on the story are designed with mostly hyper expressive aesthetic of characters sensual attraction and aimless drawing of an emotive in replacement of substance creating elating of the intimate part of the anima that because has no meaning becomes a media induced altered state. The Enchantment The animation and emotional satiation facilitates a drug like effect of relevance that for a lack of better word are enchanting reveries of fantasies seemingly foreplaying with the desire of coming true, although in the hands of someone who is not attempting to entertain or honor the viewer but rather play with their psychological makeup by vanitizing the intimate sentiments of the inner child, or to a degree the core of the self, in a dark room as to gain the full possible effect of acclimating a person to an altered state of mind, it is not necessarily hypnotic but from the loud explosive speaker system to the entire presentation a manipulation and contortion of perception to whatever degree that what is going on, on the picture is larger than life. The overuse of sound effects to the point of exceeding computer generated graphics is an example of how contorted the use of these faculties of the movie theater are. The spiritual aspect is that the viewer is embodied as a vehicle for further expression of the energy of the media format as the person is being facilitated to a simulated near life experience. Further more, thoughts and attitudes are exclusively influenced by television and online media. Our entire culture as it stands in this day is a result of manufacturing by free market capitalization of psychology ideologies dispersed to mitigate a spiritual climate that is in denial of its existence. Even so, self respect redefined as self exaltation in the attractive term used in education as "self actualization" to assert oneself in society rather than self acclimation; to know oneself. Its my contention that these shows were designed to form these very pathologies in order to form butterflies out of the incubating minds of children to become moth ridden social fabric that maintains the industries agenda to capture the progression of mental health of society into sociological schema of expendable members of controlled chaos. Many fall to drug self medicating and sexual promiscuity also known as sex kittens for the use of other disordered societal illnesses and sociological exploitation in this overlayed format of misconstrued partialness of life to contrive partiality to that which is not of. A freedom of creativity that echo chambers all of the corporate formulations of self and templates of fashion that ideally had stood for something before aesthetic became more relevant of characteristic to quality than authentic. The modern zeitgeist being: Adolescence The 80's marked the beginning of this sociological magic trick of selling the ideas of relevance that were organizing grass roots stabilizing some true identity of culture after the 60's and 70's unreality onslaught mitigated by world wide doping of drugs by government agencies which I will discuss in another chapter. The identity of the adolescent was immediately captured and glorified and emphasized as flamboyant statements as fashion took over the remnants of the counterculture renegade onslaughts by domestic organizations that were and still are in charge of recreating the ritual of drug celebration festivals as the revolving door of culture, fashion, and the view of normal continuing to fall into the purview of pharmacological agents as the being an enticing ruse for society to ponder while its curiosity and benefit of any sort have been completely expunged, sterilized after being systematically smeared of having any benefit by the festivals themselves mitigating the so called culture of a people who once believed its their right to life to slap a sticker on their car and live by the words "Born to be Wild" to now "Forever 21" as conglomerate design has become religion, and while part of the etiquette is to deny it as vanity, narcissism, the religion itself. The cliche that had run its course in less than 12 years of putting on a shirt or social media outlet "I am my own God" isn't even fashionable anymore, but more so mainstream acceptance of these substances are being cleverly once again maintaining a tantalizing politicism of having a sociological approval finally as a false soma of some sort. Although it cannot be condoned, especially universally that pharmacological therapy is the answer in most cases, the addition of people having been incarcerated near life long sentences for being in possession of to forming cults of temporal lunacy as it is in some clarity that the acceptance of these highly paradigm shifting pharmacological agents now being approved as acceptable psychotherapies is a farce. The counter culture facade. The propaganda that if you are to do a drug, it is promoted to be done excessively without any consideration for falls into further deplorability, whether it be Burning Man, Cheech and Chong, Tomorrowand, Coachella Festival, regardless of all modern music being a statement that adolescence is the most important time of one's life from which because it worked so well, the majority of society has never recovered a view of it not being runned by adolescent sentiments and that our 20's are not a graduation to adolescence itself and our 30's not a decision to affirm the esteem of having lived a wild life and meritable as though life decision as though navigating ones entirety of prime adulthood was only a development of adolescent delinquency while most having irreconcilable regrets of having been a casualty of misguidance; deception so clear that its silver lining was always in plain sight. The department of psychology being more of mass cognitive dissonance than any other. The final statement should be well understood that; there is no such thing as a recreational drug. The first adult cartoon sitcom that craftily placed itself as being somehow family oriented: The Simpsons: ambiguous rebelliousness and constant insinuation of questionable social norms that focus the subconscious on lack of integrity of all others in the show leaving room for the suggestion of the philosophical questionability of character of society as a whole. Sponge Bob Square Pants: Slighted amalgamation of the former aforementioned shows including Ren and Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life with tabloid induced non related politicisms of sexuality. What people arn't aware is that the voice actor of Sponge Bob Square Pants Tom Kenny came out in an early 90's HBO skit show called Mr. Show that in the third season episode one, plays a televangelist for Satanism shouting "Hail Satan" many times through out the skit in addition to an upside down pentagram (circle of theft by demonic request) in the back. The end credits had David Cross giving a short apologetic for the rights of others to believe whatever they like and should be respected in rhetoric fashion. The show featured early appearances of Jack Black who had also later came out in an Mtv awards ceremony openly promoting Satanism in a cartoon for children like caricature wear attire in 2009 in promotion of a video game featuring him. Both are two of the leading entertainers in youths entertainment as of 2000's with Billy West who was the main voice actor for Ren & Stimpy and many other cartoons being probably the most influential. He is considered the contemporary Mel Blanc and has played looney tune characters at the prime of their popularity during the 90's and has consistently played the M&M character which millennials and zoomers have been raised with.These three figures have single handedly raised a large demographic of both the tv watching population of the millennials and early zoomers at infancy, particularly Tom Kenny who was the main voice talent for Rocko's Modern Life and Sponge Bob. I chose these three shows as example as most other American cartoons developed had followed their coat tail of motif in one way or another and have formed a line up of mind contorting mental illness filled followings into the new millennium; post 2000's. Ren and Stimpy was developed by Mtv studios, Mtv being a freemasonic expenditure and its flagship of cultural crusade of cultural deterioration as attack towards future generations to ensure its dominance and influence over the masses during this critical century of vast importance. We ask ourselves "why is most of what is put out by the entertainment industry trash?" We ask ourselves "why is most of the film and television industry not able to produce anything of proper value it being they can funnel millions to close to a billion dollars into a film or entertainment production but have seemingly missed the point of producing a piece of work that can be legitimately called art."Its because the goal was never to entertain the viewer or provide one's best work as something to honor the viewer, but to affect them, to socially acclimate them, to psychologically alter them. Yet while the goal isn't to social engineer precisely but to create a parasitical relationship upon the viewer many a time, as most of the entertainment that we have had has been force fed one way or another. Examples of force fed psychology in American media: Harry Potter which includes actual incantations and spells and practices found in black magic manuals and possible lore of witches who past existed. Pop Stars and Rap - Besides each having their own saga of taking up the majority of peoples interest in life are shown continuously to the public, whether a nickelodeon childhood actor turned rapper or Disney club children forming life long arching careers posing as adolescent figures to sudden innovators of social reform and political voices from Mtv personalities that garner their influence to further propagate the same such like figures sampled from the population as though ideal (Idols).I use Ashton Kutcher as an example of a sample of the culture being magnified specifically with this reason as I've met many who have embodied the personality of his caricatures of adolescence being something mainstream enough and yet embodying the personality of counter culture at the same time, more so simply an accepted view of mainstream rebelliousness. The actual personalities of this sampling to propagate more of the same usually being much more volatile, wild, and uncontrollable. People are keen to notice control as a reason to reject this entire writing as and flourish a wild child apologetic of mostly a run dry well of disingenuous politicisms for reinforcing the embracing of immaturity. When I mean self control. Which has been the main eye of discourse in view of the public. All of this intrusive dispensation of media claiming to be art or culture is to garner the emotional and spiritual complacency of the people to be that one should not have self control. Seemingly that is the entire message. As having a lack of self control or governance would mean and justify the reasoning for having another take away one's sovereignty and right to self. Reason why the adolescent has been held in prolific high esteem of its hormonal behavioral idiosyncrasies. Its the perfect motif to deliver a message of lose control; get lost; lose yourself; lose focus; lose understanding; lose authority; lose significance of the autonomy of self control. The casino's of vice are open 24 hours. What has not been told to the person in a redeeming non pack alphamalism is that as a stripper strips you of your money, so does vice and lack of self control strip you of your very substance. What makes you, you.Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns--and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?Matthew 12:12 How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."28And why do you worry about clothes? Consider how the lilies of the field grow: They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was adorned like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the Gentiles strive after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:28-33 Clothes being a reference to style, uniqueness, beauty or substance. Garments also many a times being used interchangeably as a reference to. But sometimes literally referenced too.The Hebrew people were not nudists. But seemingly without such apparel like the spiritual materialism of pharmakia, it is stating so that not even Solomon was a user of such things that are referenced to the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil as we do today. What must be understood is that psychedelics such as use of magic mushrooms and other entheogens were not unknown in the ancient world. The Holy Bible simply doesn't condone such things and is essentially telling the person the truth that even though you don't see these things. Your substance is still there. Verse 32 being a direct affirmation of this 32For the Gentiles strive after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Seemingly stating both the material and immaterial. The affluence of grandeur of the sunrise, the sunset, and even the incandescence of the moon. In a world not as developed as ours, yes people held style and clothing in high regard. Seemingly we have taken our spiritual materialism to levels of vanity that have made for a bombastic colliding of a party as though a car had run into someone's living room. Or rather a pitcher of artificially colored water saying "oh yeah"as though life was that easy. I would like to save my commentary of the pharmakia for another chapter but I will say this. Taking Dimethyltryptamine and similar entheogens or I suppose appropriately called psychedelics as they psyche you out by fluctuating unnatural stimulation of sensory receptors gives the illusion that one is experiencing something profound but seemingly only provides a disoriented temporary glimpse of what substance is there. But never the less taking Dimethyltryptamine and similar entheogens is simulating a near death experience, as dmt activity is most pronounce at two points in one's life. At birth and at death. Scientific medical literature is undecided on whether this is true. DMT Models the Near-Death Experience "The term near-death exerpience (NDE) was coined by philosopher Raymond Moody more than 40 years ago (Moody, 1975). Remarkably, the overlap between the phenomenology of the classic serotonergic psychedelic experience and NDEs was highlighted by Moody himself more than 4 decades ago (Moody, 1975) and these similarities have formed the basis of a popular hypothesis on the pharmacology of NDEs, i.e., that endogenous DMT is released in significant concentrations during the dying process (Strassman, 2001), but see (Nichols, 2017) for a critique of this hypothesis. The psychological state produced by the DMT-containing Amazonian brew, ayahuasca (the literal translation of ‘ayahuasca’ from quechua is ‘the vine of the dead’ or ‘the vine of the soul’), has also been linked to themes of death and dying (Shanon, 2005) as have psychedelics in general (Millière, 2017), e.g., with the psychology of psychedelic-induced ‘ego-death’ being likened to that of actual death (Leary et al., 2008)."Ashton Kutcher went from being one of the most irreverent figures on television promoting the American stereotype of a deadbeat low IQ mischievous cherryhound on That 70's show and encouragement of prank playing in similar persona as to punk (disrespect) someone in Mtv's Punkd, and mind contorting MK Ultra films such as The Butterfly Effect, that was thought to be a psychological thriller but had more of a rooting in an exercise of self induced traumatic memory recall by hypnosis as though traveling back in time with major themes of childhood traumatic events including child sexual abuse exploitation, life changing physical injury to false illusionary concepts of catharsis in futility of ever having had a relationship with his childhood friend to an alternate ending; suicide by attempting to alter the past so that he may not be born, from this to being the face of Steve Jobs in film as though reforming his character as seen in a multitude of people's careers where they switch roles from being a not necessarily a controversial figure but an irreverent one that because they are held in esteem for being irreverent to the concept of respect are provided with a publishing of promotion as "controversial" to entice public's sentiments towards a hype of excitement and gossip. Acting is not a respectable profession of contribution or of any redeeming character. Mel Gibson Quotes. Acting is like lying. The art of lying well. I'm paid to tell elaborate lies. "Psychological Thriller" films depict surreal ambiguity of uncertainty of mental illness and themes of time travel and questionability of actuality of events taking place. More importantly having the viewer indwelled with an association of intellectual and emotional captivation based on the intrigue of uncertainty of a mysterious event, by this categorization I suppose is why these films are called Psychological Thrillers. An example would be 12 Monkeys, where there is no catharsis in the film and ends the same way that it begins. With the memory of the protagonist having witnessed his own death endearingly embraced by the only woman who he would know as an adult in the same formality as the Bamby effect. Examples of this form of cinematic plot utilization can be found in The Lion King as it was recalled that when the film had come out in theaters, there was a demographic of having atleast one to two children in the theater's audience who would cry after the scene of Simba's father dying, Mufasa. This film has a multitude of psychological trauma incorporated designs as Terry Giliam's films usually incorporate hysterical modes of story telling, subject matter, surrealism lunacy (variance of certainty and intrigue of uncertain plot delineation and plot development based on the character's knowledge of awareness as the main films focus and theme of films interest is to maintain the audience in the same neurosis as many psychological thrillers have the motif of ending with the notion of the cognitive dissonance that began. Were things resolved? Was the preceding events of any reconciliation, did they occur at all? Who was the antagonists since the theme is completely pervading around the hanging notion of some forensic final detail but in the end, the film makes the effort to create a greater urgency of mystery of what was originally a simple matter of deceit in presentation and story telling. Was there a redeeming conclusion that the film was emphatically stating something about reality being redeemable? The spiritual wind pervading in the misdirection of a life being directed or emphazised incorrectly, or incoherently. While Terry Gilliam is known for his cartoon like cinematography. Followers of similar motifs between one and another designated garnering artistic landmark of cinematic expression, Christopher Nolan. Who incorporates both a realistic grittiness likened to David Fincher's extremism of facilitating societal themes into plateaus of realistic societal consequence in seamless realism and seemless emphasis of complexity. His first three films revolving entirely around the inversion of psychological illness. One having criminal intent to prove relevance of life by making a religious statement based on serial murder including martyrdom to transgression as consecration to the act of a sick apotheosis in where the antagonist becomes the main character at the end of the film in having began what he ended by having himself be the final piece of his work of being a finely thought out concept that films costing over a million dollars would mean that there would be a thinking out process of a concept which may be what meets more than the eye. The second, a simulated psychoanalysis of society norms being therapeutically cured by continuous stalker/handler technique of an individual who's wealth is the subject of his supposed aspect of pathos of suit and tie callousness to be cured in order to gain reconciliation to sight of his humanity and catharsis of childhood witnessing of parent suicide. (Bamby Effect) And third, schizophrenic sociopathology being the answer and savior of modern man by revolution and unhinged self destruction in a crescendo of domestic chaos organization or politically termed domestic terrorism being the answer to the societal impediments of institute and corporatism obscuring man's identity and humanity. One of the most informal personifications of rebellion and the devil on film, a demonic figure and imaginary companion of possession who's main character has no verifiable name and his imaginary friend's name Tyler. "Self improvement is masturbation, now self destruction might be the answer" A seeming fill lyric for the times self loathing affirmations of seeming infatuation with catharsis of the self which had not been such a pronounce conveyance of contemplation in times before since people were not so personally involved as being sophisticated by prioritizing greater sense of personality/world/expression and the theme of disillusionment having become marketable as well as social alienation, the things that were trusted began to lose their slip on reality as vice became more accessible than life societally, life coming to light that life can and is very subjective to points of uncommon experience is a great possibility of the physical existence and otherwise. Depth, was affirmed by a different lens of substance that I can only imagine, that authenticity must have reigned in a world unconnected. Since this statement doesn't even make an impression today but certainly did at the climax end of an offline world before 2000's. In all three David Fincher films, the answer to the main character or problem is suicide. Teenage angst having sociologically reached its final mark of inclined political importance before being politically disenfrachised as a triviality of popularity mainstream commercialism in the 2000's as Hot Topic teenage stores being made the place for acceptance of unacceptance fashion statements. As a final statement in the last year of that decade and also ending with a scene of the twin towers of commerce being demolitioned as well as similar themes in the author's sequential book released that same year of plane highjacking, death cult raised individual working as part of criminal organization as a housekeeper who becomes a Joel Osteen/Tony Robbins like religious figure who is a emasculated virgin who's particular sentiments are also written to give the reader a sense of being in touch with their inner loser. Since that is what was mostly propagated in the media for the age demographic of the 90's of those who had grown up in it. The land of milk and honey began to fade as the 2000's no longer had a cohesive sense of founding as friends, relationships, accessibility of levels of unimagined simulated explorations and every fiendish thing would be mitigated online. Dance music festivals became more and more common with DJ culture becoming at times even more popular than music itself. All perpetrated by level of vanity that was only enabled by a commercialism mirroring a renaissance of a unsignaled magic kingdom mitigated by drugs. You lived in the world of a tree of life or you lived in the tree of knowledge of good and evil where evil loses its meaning and anything becomes good. Now in the 2020's we had gone from having one specific having her own magazine forwarded to the front of whole foods market year long. To venerating the death of a sitcom star for more that a quarter of length of year who's only contribution was being a sarcastic thoughtless personality has purportedly died, even though Hollywood is known for its celebrities faking their own deaths, marriages, sex preferences, names, backgrounds, and success stories. Rap being simply the promotion of violence and crime and casual charlatanism by garnering the music of others to make cavalier self infammatory statements by swelling up with hubris and showing prose and skill in disrespect and mustering as much vanity in rhyming as to maintain the less than adolescent maturity of adults who have lost the notions of much else than a dart and sling thrown at them by the music that pends on levels unbeknown to man that reality has its warfare in institutes. As man shows contempt for nature, as because of the latitude of reality is like an eagle, Psychology doesnt contribute anything to reality. It merely facilitates its formal simulations of pronounced denial of reality by taking a template that denies the right to anything being sacred in a sense that exists, or outside of its designation of authority as the lens through we are to see one thing is not through a sterilization of personal involvement with that which you are an intricate part of and yet the medical industry plainfields the entire conception that as a doctor, seemingly its a profession first and a life decision second. Whether rap can be considered hate speech, I suppose rhetoric will be a distraction for its reprisal as culture fades into tabloids unnumbered in the wind. Rock being simply the engagement of animus from self assertion to glorifying mongrel barbarian like violence and hate speech as well. Suicide, rape, and revenge being a latent message of subject matter that is described and promoted in all three genres (pop,rap,rock essentially) by examples that I won't give, because they simply are too many, by too many musicians of each who usually garnish themselves accolades and sympathy by lying about their victimization to garner the spiritual emotional complacency of their following and to justify their supposed creative output, in a sense we live in a sociological political spiritual axis of cult leaders each with a congregation by persona. Andy Warholian mysticism by sunglasses and fashion on the secular side, and demonic orchestration of energetic adaptation on the other. To convince is not necessary as most have garnered their comforts from accommodating the rebellious spirits with generations of future victims and hosts to propagate the same disordered expression of betrayal, and discouragement of thanksgiving. Examples of Mtv entertainment Viva Le Bam! - total mistreatment of family projections Jack A*s - total fatal irresponsibility Tom Green Show - total promotion of mental illness I placed this here as comparability to what is Japan's biggest entertainment export besides video game systems. Which if there is a point to discuss as the whole thing was a formality to get to the metaverse and internet of things. Through biometrics, engineered nanomaterials and gene editors, 5G-6G.. technology psuedo military/communication application towers that are both connected to satellite and the technologically advanced materials running through peoples bodies, we may not have a choice whether we participate in advanced psuedo black magic technology. The stated goal by many is and has been to become Gods by mass demonic communion of society or civilization as a whole. And global genocide as part of a final inclination towards ritual sacrifice as part of a holocaust that will be the norm. The film Children of Men depicts this with the emphasized rhetoric of a child being born in a generation that has been left completely sterile seemingly without a cause but we live specifically in that time period where such an endeavor has or might take place by all the forced pharmacological alteration of genome of both Humans, animals, produce, wildlife vegetation while we are continuously fed concepts of God like archaic progression of man's capacity of development that seemingly was most realistically cinematographized as to its potential in films like Chronicle. Again because the teenager motif of a misunderstood youth is such a powerful psychological warfare strategy that has emasculated and quickly gains validity to expediency of emotion satiation over adherence of character development unpresupposed (integrity) It becomes the main idea of adolescence being somehow the most important time in one's life and is killed by his brother in the film in order to subdue the chaos that has taken him over, and with an origin story of an alien intelligence likened to Terrence Mckenna's concepts of dmt, and psilocybin mushroom entity experiences as some of the imagery of the film early on carries the similar sensibility of having made contact with an intelligence that is strange but cannot be verified to be benevolent truly or have a material finding beyond the personal scope of peripheral experience in a similar atmospheric presentation which I suspect was just another presentation of swaying people to allure that takes the direction to the same, after all, these are all utensils of indoctrination towards the not so wonderful world of magic. Magic mushrooms, and auyuahsca and yet the voice of America is a continuous promoter and enthusiast of this, and former commentator of the Ultimate Fighting Championship which can only mean that we're inclinating towards embracing more brutal forms of blood sport while unreality is more and more the decoration of the identity of modern man. Who was also a host for a reality television series revolving around the psychology of fear by immersing people in these voluntary contests to win money, and prizes. Sounds more like an American nightmare, The American dream was conservative in a time when men and women may not have been so seemlessly persuaded by technological accomodation and hyperintellectual musings in professing carelessness of coexisting but are drawn towards an attitude of such expediency that throwing people under the bus is something akin to having an abortion to get a company paid vacation to another state while the clinics company sells the stem cells and biological material and reveling in the visceral arrogance of the wine of violence. Whether its Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg musing on having a literal cage match. Whether Georgia guide stones, Aleister Crowley appearing on beatle covers, or beatle covers consisting of baby dolls and peices of meat as the young men of the band smile dressed in butcher attire and Albert Pike's freemasonic literature stating the prediction of a civilization accepting of lucifarianism (self worship of narcissism in a theocratic manner) as a whole and the prediction of three consecutive world wars as the means to this end. People will have completely given in to a sensual driven life as the 2030's brings in a decade of vanity unmatched and swayed by a demiurge which is a magic reference of a tide of sensual visceral ethereal energy continuously tiding and propagated by sexual current of societal atmosphere, attitudes and spiritual conditioning not unlike Aldous Huxley's Brave New World who's brother was heavy into sociology and eugenics but has its origin in increase sex magic practice that began to proliferate to larger degrees during the beginning of the 20th century and has its rooting in sacred prostitution of pagan temple worship such as of Baal, but not before the next five years possibly being a time of political, sociological, military and pharmacological coercion unless people make their repentance known by their lives and know the ways of God (not attempting to be God but under the light of virtues that are effectual to truth and significance, live to give honor to God). Becoming a heresy and blasphemy as reverence of the Holy or Divine has been attributed to self reference or paganism, as most polytheistic religions establish embodying the god in their beliefs. The Mark of the Beast Berean Standard Bible No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Matthew 24:36 Reason being free will. 15The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed. 16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, Revelation 13:15-16 Berean Standard Bible Because you have kept My command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 3:10 Schismatic Character Development in Anime Whether a protagonist or not, the theme of having an alter or depersonalized personality of fragmentation or rather compartmentalization as Fritz Springmier; a psychologist early whistleblower of occultic ritual abuse in recovering the mental health of people who had been, states so. As well many other sources claiming the same about models in the fashion model industry and has been emphatically expressed in several music videos of pop stars. An alter is usually found to be the consistent theme of the character of most anime shows, and consistent in shows of every genre. Even the most well known character, Goku had the dual nature motif, supposedly it being exclaimed that the reasoning for the character's good intended nature was due to him having had a head injury as a child, in so stating that well intended nature is a secondary to first and heterodox to orthodox conception of original predominant nature or original state. Most other shows have more extreme forms of character depersonalization usually in the very form of an alter. The alter can be described as the implicit location of demonic occupancy, or the case of abiding individuals who will or desire possession; communion with a demon rather than communion with God thus why its called an alter. Common words; witches; spirit animals; spirit guides; animal spirits; muses; jin; devil; demon; The theme of stark twinning in depersonalized schizophrenia like format is what will usually be apparent in most anime franchises in the last twenty five to thirty years specifically. Of course it would require a sincere dispute of debate which is a rare commodity in a social sphere that has no inclination to honor. Where can a debate be found as mostly what we have been exposed to is performances of mock debate by sophistry in where the only intended purpose is to gauge the publics awareness and disseminate or delineate only as much as is necessary to keep the audience or public complacent to political inclination and not essential or vital truth. Usually in an on going discourse of perturbing of over analysis of disputes that have already been settled to their final conclusions including trajectory of proper criteria, categorization and subject. If it wasn't for career move charlatanism, professional narcissism and malicious sociopathic intellectual sophistry assaults on academics then we would have a true knowledge base of knowledge rather than schools of thought that have redundantly held in contempt, any inclination towards providing people a pure authenticity of artform or science. "Whoa to you teachers of the law, for you have taken away the key to knowledge" Luke 11:52 New American Standard Bible“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves. Matthew 23:15 New American Standard Bible“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. Matthew 23:25 Societal Catharsis? English Standard VersionAnd you shall strike down the house of Ahab your master, so that I may avenge on Jezebel the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD. 2 Kings 9 New American Standard Biblefor when Jezebel killed the prophets of the LORD, Obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them by fifties in a cave, and provided them with bread and water.) 1 Kings 18:4 in the Book of Kings when Ahab and Jezebel had their zealots kill off all the authentic and replaced with their Baal false profits who worshiped by destruction and defilement, prostitution and self mutilation. How does one make an annunciation to God when we find self righteousness and delusion in the squander and squaler of a devils rebellion having already riddled the landscape of a bias that man is not noble but naive, and to be kind is to be stupid, and do good is to be of a false notion of nature and that guns are better than words, and that compassion is a vestige of a failed ideology that has no rooting in wisdom because the dignity of man is merely an illusion of false hope to be taken advantage of in mockery since man's greatest quality wasn't clarity of good will but predatorial inclination to dominate, redefine, and disgrace, as this is clearly the beginning of every persons walk back to God. One witnesses the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and then either presumes to continue or walks back to the Tree of Life, having known what death is, more so knowing what life is as treasures of heaven or a name more precious than jewels or anything that one might desire. Presumably, not requiring the entire opening of revelation to gain their senses to come back to Life. Webster's Bible Translation But he said to them, I have food to eat that ye know not of. John 4:32 New King James Version A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold. Proverbs 22:1 As
assimilating yourself in the culture of the world as it is, or just
follow your agnostic sense where it may, is a decision to live one's
life in the devils rebellion as what is good for one is good for all and
there is no such thing as a zero sum game, not even in the machination
of scheming and trappings for the exploitation to make slaves to meager
desires, crumbs in the sight of glory of the truth. Yet what standing does this have with just proliferating and echoing the same shame into infinite retrograde where every man is self deluded in a primordial sense of momentary self justification of maintaining their fragile sense of validation that is easily tested to be false when all they claim to be for and protect and stand with or agree are the same, they defect over vanity of the stupidest arbitrary differences and what they claim to defend with honor ends in slapstick like idiocy of why human poverty is propagated by mockery to be the identity of humanity itself when it is continuously emphasized by the certain people who are not simply upper class that propagate and profiteer by provocation of contentions but present no viable catharsis of a non rhetorized good, an answer non solicited answer, a non politicized zero sum game dialogue that seemingly would require a discourse in a disemphranchised manner of bringing the ancestial evangelization of harmony back into progression . As music is considered the celebration of life yet is not the foundational cornerstones unless we ourselves are actuating the expression of the artform and not the craft. The highest aspiration of self actualizing desire of man to see evidence of significance. In order for art to have proper meaning, language must have proper meaning, and for language to have proper meaning than respect must have a proper place of ordinance. English Standard Version Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ Philippians 3:8 King James Bible Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. James 4:3 Christ - Life King James Bible Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 Respect being a smile smirking redundancy backlog of reprimanding ad hominum rhetoricism in sophistry to form mental gymnastics over a grand scale of intellectuality to obscure its place of existence in the hopes that it will be lost in its reasoning. But the fact of the matter is that respect is the defining key to knowledge which is spoken about in the Holy Bible. As love will faulter, and has been held in esteem for its emotional predisposition for exploitation in the warfare of proportions Once again if any man wants to stand in front of the altruistic light of moment of truth and glory that is fonted and depicted that if it could be done would be thrown into the stubble of depiction of a righteousness that has been portrayed in an effort to mute the unmutable. What good is any progeny of any, if all any will do is proliferate and echo the shame of one's present generation, even more so one's pride, one's arrogance. Given that we are at continuous threshold for the truth as much as the those who hold the truth in unrighteousness are at a threshold for its legalism. So the question is how do we keep the answer from becoming the problem? How do we keep the reoccurance of the original priest order from being overthrown or killed as corruption keeps replacing those of stature towards integrity, honesty, righteousness and God and place holders of mercy. As more and more people have made it clear their association in their output social influence that, it is what they openly claim and state to represent, and yet our psychology institutions redact the relevance of most forms of what does not fit their criteria of standards that don't recognize anything that is inherently evil is the non analytical thematic sense of partialness so sterilized that there is no academia in practice besides reduction of causal effect being something that even atheistic philosophy admits to, recognition of evil being a real thing although is not given much broadness beyond humanistic adaptation of there not being a broader scope of reality of greater expressions of sentience that might be part of multilateral view of nature, the animal kingdom, microbial and biological life, non biological non material life forms, or dimensionally transparent intelligence although we do keep inclinating towards philosophies that explore machination and devices of modified biological and material composites as being designated towards ideologies of being somehow living, conscious, and assimilating a theological evolution that these things are natural progression of life's consequential trajectories and questioning the non perturbed notion of other forms of intelligence that are panoramicly congruent to being not dualistic but part of expression within their context are not opposing but incompatible that are harmonious and the chaotic, the altruistic and the parasitical, the creative and the deterring, the authentic and the counterfeit, the truth and the craft, the Holy and the profane, the honest and the manipulative. Every other time and era have a theological open view of multilateral levels of existence being more than human development in the physical plane. Due to a few centuries of premeditatively redacting ideological paradigm designers who were accredited as philosophers were given bias and political favor to establish our current world view of modernism and post modernism that is a deconstructive intellectually anarchist partiality to undermine reality to any interpretation knowing there is an existent things as God and a devil as they and through out history have been traversing the historical and intellectual landscape to meet their superior's agenda. And academically speaking the most rejected subject matter is the existence of God. As it is not an open forum of education and learning but a cabal of intellectual data and knowledge gate keepers that when explored is found riddled with fraternal secret society associations that have overt thematic inclinations towards deities in the favor to honor exhaltation of these intimately known polytheistic entities. 5For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many so-called gods and lords), 6yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we exist. 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 King James Bible How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Isaiah 14:12 "Son of the morning" is in reference to son of the beginning. The greater hidden hand of occultism is found with freemasonic literature that openly state their theological view of Lucifer being a real person or individual, and terms for a god such as the great architect of the universe. And the openly overt and covert landscape of congregating pagans worshipping in the same rite as what is historically documented anthropologically to baal, isis, moloch which simply the video of the notorious bohemian grove which former president Bill Clinton had been asked about in a Q & A forum and gave atleast one statement about their practices. Answer given: "are they those rich republicans who stand against red wood trees naked, right?" It was a druidic and pagan practice to knock on wood from which we get the luck charm and superstition of knocking on wood. The belief was that spirits inhabited trees and that knocking on wood keep them from getting in the way of one's path. Other sources state that you would knock on wood to somehow address them. Similar to someone coming to your home to knock on your door. Standing against a tree, specifically a red wood that have centuries long growth and size might be a form of symbolically embodying a spirit when done in a ritual manner naked. The true juxtaposition being that people openly state what they do and what they are a part of including statements like being of or selling their souls to the devil and wearing the open claims aesthetically in promoting it. The second being the psychology institutes promotion of cognitive dissonance by denying the relevance of any of these things and their atheistic interpretation of spirituality, God, truth, good, error and placing morality of being something of lesser significance than it actually is. Morality and integrity are not concepts of intellect nor social constructs but actual defining matters of themes and substance to which the world adheres to and are vital if not inseparable to the quality of the world's condition and existence itself. The key to this was to make for an atheistic world view where no life is real besides this one, and there is no God besides one that is to be challenged as the character of God is continuously put into a trial of obscuration with a zeal for defiance, rather than having a non biased position which would be actual sciencing. Without a view of God, as everything that has occurred tells us that we are in fact part of the purview of a greater being of intelligence. With so much contention and contempt towards this possible appropriation coming from man's political sophistry towards others who would like to know and proclaim the reality of a magnanimous preeminent intelligence and an authority that is outside political control or jurisdiction, so much so that we can't even establish a simple notion that the earth is a living thing. But the absolute being that factually or facetly is continuously making Himself apparent regardless of the contrived dispensation of scientific journalism's effort to maintain a monopoly on intellectuality itself and awareness. There is a broader level of intellect that is to in comparison; us like ants or small cellular organisms trying to understand a greater being journeying upon its bark like of a tree, set on a mountain, that has only scratched the surface of grand scale of the magnanimity of God's emanation. Grandiose would be a simple turn of presupposition that would leave this generation in its mass cognitive dissonance by overanalytical politicism indoctrination where debate becomes only a means to transfer ideologies that have no partnering with ideals, truth, or virtues, since the hegalian dialectic has and always been to keep people in a state of nihilism. An artform is no longer a valid point of statement as there is no formality of respect in the ideation of mere prospect and nothing else in what has been made in these crafts. In this case, many a time forcefully posing these things on the viewer and society. As many a time we hear about some craft of entertainment that is causing major amounts of toxicity that is promoted or tabloided to be celebrated. I had used the the example of a bowling ball being rolled towards unsuspecting pins oblivious of its coming. Seemingly the awareness of stepping out of the way is all that is needed, in this case the answer being respect which acclimates the covenant between man and God. Freedom has been simulated but not properly established and emphasized truthfully. As these are societal assaults of sociological warfare to maintain controlled chaos. The requirement being the ignorance of people. An example of this being true is how we're forced to listen to music with commercial lyrical content even when we sit down to eat. The restaurant makes money and royalties are paid to a musician (and its company) that we don't have a choice as to whether we listen to, or have a say if we want the sentiments to engage. This is actually done in an effort to: 1. Have the patron come in and out of the restaurant as quickly as possible in order to gain more clientele 2. It is presumably played at a volume and tempo that makes for a social time that can't be quiet; engaging; intimate. Given that this is only for those who cannot afford a higher gauged priced restaurant, that doesn't make an effort to even provide non Gmo food, or organic (originally known as all natural) food. This has been done so that customers eat more quickly and associate eating a delicious meal with the music and creating a subconscious desire to eat quickly and take on the social sensibility that is completely false as the advertisement of it being a wholesome, endearing place of fun or enjoyment is not the attitude of the restaurants company's business. We're assaulted by many forms of media that continuously try to make one feel and think one way or another. This is intellectual and psychological coercion that essentially becomes mental captivity over time due to the themes of divisive sensual ambitions and attitudes placed with commercial, esoteric, and occultic messages and design when many a time the musician who is performing the song doesn't even have a preforwarded written lyric arrangement but is given the attibutive conception of greek acting that classically was attributed to daemon or demonic inspiration. And has a rather important spiritual aspect that is not being emphasized but efforted to be obscured from peoples awareness that maybe the things we want are not really desires that we desire but have been socially concerted to be swayed into the allure of vanity into a state of ignorance and controlled chaos. Again the same dialectic can be applied across the board in all social media and supposed contemporary artforms that have been designated as entertainment and art and are only manipulations of the simple slight of hand of distracting someone with an aesthetic and scheming of covetousness for their authentic substance. Usually truth is the main center vantage point of all this in an on going political sociological warfare axis that is rendered towards giving people a false value, when in fact they've displaced the meaning of value all together, that the person or individual may not know the value of themselves, or what is in truth their place in life. As this shouldn't aspire towards grandeuristic sky's the limit ambition but a healthy state of mind and an attitude of acceptance that aspires others to be congruent towards maturity at any stage of life. Seemingly we are imperfect animals God did not make us to be, otherwise we would be of well annunciation of He who we all have our mixed feelings about but would like to know in the truth's fullness. As Paul said it " I have not yet obtained it" and "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect" New King James Version Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Philippians 3:12 Seemingly we are as fearful of righteousness, as much as we are of getting up in the morning to go to school to learn earnestly, or to work to make a honest living. New King James Version Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48 Never has these words been so accessible and understood in a profound multilateral sense that rings clearly through knowledge and of science than today where wonder of possibility doesn't require much faith and yet our accessibility has now become an impediment to faith. Faith being a real thing. Which can be tested by simply blessing or hating someone from your vehicle or on a sidewalk and seeing their reaction and response. If someone told you that you pending on whether you believe in something that is not evidentially physically materialistic affects its power to benefit you. If faith is a real thing like love (non romantic; essentially all forms; romance itself is not love but a sensual desire for fulfillment that once obtained quickly delineates towards either interest in pursuit of love or disinterest; example of fallacy "love is fleeting") or to have and in our possession. then why do we not treat it like so? Love is fleeting because it is one of delineations of a grand scale hegalian dialectic as one of the queens of the chess board in a strategic full spectrum dominance incursion crusade, why Lao Tzu's Art of War was considered a controversial book decades past. Because it stated that one must not attack their opponent unless fully verifiable that they would not lose. "If fighting is sure to result in victory, than you must fight, even though the ruler forbid it; if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler's bidding." “All warfare is based on deception.” Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy.The bait of the 20th century has been the same bait that catalyzed man kind in the wrong direction since that of the beginning, other than pharmakia or drugs, which the original tree of knowledge of good and evil was probably a precursor to, but more so now for recreational purposes which factually there is no such thing as a recreational drug, that if I have enough time to write another chapter, it might be about that specifically. Since entertainment and pharmakia have been merging together for sometime since its cultural collateral onslaught of CIA operatives conducting a first of world wide doping to bring about a hedonistic reform of unreality to once again catalyze the progression of man into a trajectory of missing the mark altogether, reacclimating people to polytheistic taboo sensibilities that are now forming a new turn of catalysis of the planet in form of technocracy, genetic and pharmacological alteration that has never ended since its inception in the 1960's which I will discuss if I have time in another chapter. I guess Truth is King since it is always placed with only one turn of position which in a strategic sense of the chess board motif as well as political persuasion to falsity, is continuously shifting the goal post. 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools,Romans 1:21-22 Conclusion by Comparison The factuality of righteousness and telling the truth usually tending to cause persecution and possible assassination is a direct comparison to Jesus Christ being martyred for the samemaking an attempt to help and birth righteousness; life; good; opposite of death; by benevolent action tends to show the true paradigm and panorama of reality as these themes are equated in both non fiction and fiction. Oddly enough, protestant churches only acknowledge reading the Holy Bible in self referential form with historical hebrewic delineation while Catholics have a length of wisdom and testimonies that is not particularly known by protestants. One specific, The seven deadly sins, and their seven redeeming virtues by the Desert Fathers near Cairo, Egypt. Or at least one figure of philosophy and wisdom like Thomas Aquinas. "His extensive writings explored the relationship between the mind of man and the mind of God and his synthesis of knowledge relating to this joining of intellect and religious belief, entitled The Summa Theologica (1267-1273), earned him a lasting reputation among scholars and religious alike."Seemingly witches are not appreciative of the state of Grace, because it has no bearing with judgement. an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth does not work, and so works of criminality are stifled as transgressions are at a stand still, there is no catalyzing fire to mayhem for a temporal sense of glory, there is no grandeur to their gain. As some would say, the magic is gone. Good and Evil being two final destinations and two realities that have been intrinsically intermixed since close to the beginning of this world. Seeing the progression and effects of entropy on just about everything and anything. Good is usually the original state of most things. Because people are adement on misconstruing whatever they can, with a sheer depraved sense of glee in rebelliousness coalescing, I'll actually state a few truths that cannot be denied about the nature of righteousness and how that differs from the deterioration of this world. The 1:1 ratio of male and female reproductive relationships as majority intrinsically found through out nature in animals. The subjective application of examples that are incomparable to Human life is a fallacy of supposed empirical evidence. While I have nothing to say about gay or lesbian sexual preference or even transgender as one does not know what is the story of peoples reality, one thing can be certain. There is no such thing as bisexuality. The evidence would be how this is a claim and presupposition for justification of multiple partners, or a claim that relationships are temporal and not to be successive in an actual life affirming bond (appropriation) . This is also condoning and lenient towards sexually transmitted disease, as well as allowing for sociological schism and deterioration of civilization altogether through increasing defilement (disordering) of the populations sexual integrity and turn to falsehood of disingenuous personal history. The sexual societal schism that has made more and more rare the natural acclimation of life that a relationship and family should come about and how you get men who have family after family and women who's progeny are mostly half siblings. Polyamory (multiple partners) being the most damaging possibility to a civilization that will be civil and not easily swayed of its life affirming inheritance. While the science community is building up the data and evidence for the many facets of reality, the actuality of meaning to the words we use that are not concepts of intellect but are actual aspects of the natural world, numbers and science are still far from finding the many of the unknowns. With public dissemination usually being of some bias or partialness that is usually placed as a benefactor for its politicism agenda. While prayer is still being held as a fictitious superstition of a falsehood called faith since the global zeitgeist continues to deny its reality even though its as old a facet of mankind as its origins, what is held in full regard regardless of awareness to why the Holy Bible is written in such questionable format is to hold to the factuality of redeeming truth to be something of no baring of vain glory. To which why it is used to this day as both a guiding light for life and strategy handbook in deception warfare because there are those who are seeking one or the other, and for the wicked, their only prospect to life is the sifting and murder of another and it seemingly is nothing more than the continuum of transgression that is part of the expression of the serpent's tail of all following after. Never the less the progeny of all who claim to have loved theirs being nothing more than the echoing of their shame including hindering those who would have came like the light of the day ever increasing towards the perfect day. New King James Version But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18 The Elect. Immediately discerns those who will take a matter seriously towards its proper trajectory and those who choose vanity as respect (Charity) is a commodity and not command of virtue that implicates and facilitates all other functions of truth.Controversy not being the reporting of it in fact, forensically, intuitively or any way communicable but the covering of. Those not wanting to discuss anything of importance if not at armchair interest of intrigue and musings. New King James VersionAnd do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.” 1 Corinthians 10:7 Animals have very resilient and unpredictable behavior and make choices that show some evidenceof a greater nature than just part of the animal kingdom. Animals have and do save and help other animals including rivaling species and in some rare cases which if it could be verified, predatory animals on occasion save or help prey animals. Do prey animals on occasion help a predatory species? Animals that are predatory can develop companionship and bonding relationships with animals of its species prey. Although interesting the point being whether considered predator or prey, animals save humans, humans save animals which give the word salvation quite a bit of actual meaning to the word in the abiogenetic sense, so intrinsically there must be greater expressions of the same benevolence from higher statures of estates here or else where, or fundamentally found if the supernatural and all its themes is discovered or finally disseminated to be True. Is there the possibility that there is greater expressions of salvation? This is an axiom, but because I will not be proving that God exist, since I've already made an attempt to speak with the wicked (magic practioners) and found them in places I did expect, family friends that I had known since childhood, uncles, high school friends I tried to contact, even cousins younger than me asking me unsure if they would, or unsure about anything really,"would I sell my soul?" they asked, I pulled my phone out and said no but lets see what we find on google. A video by a rapper saying "how to sell your soul". Yon Kipper, Day of Atonement. Which has a dispensational connection to Jesus's Birthday since it fits the timeline of 33 1/2 years. As well as a less relational consideration of October being given the gregorian calendar zodiac symbolism of scales, which in slight can be comparable to The Righteous Judge, but really Autumn is the season of harvest and peace and if it is factually the time of Jesus's birthday, it would make sense that the prime of the season is around the 31st of October, All Saints Day would be inverted to obscure and hasten the entire natural unfolding of the season into one act of expediency when it is all a time for inheritance and adherence to take natural act towards gaining a conscience for clarity. The ridiculous amount of multicolored candy and children dressing up in a manner of covering their faces at night to become something else like a werewolf or some antihero but be the personality of the ambience and atmosphere of the contrived efforted adornment that hangs over every outlet of market stating it clear as early as mid September that besides death being venerated as exciting, horror films being the theme of the entire month, to us as adults take it as triviality and to the social skeptic, deep seated superstition but to any child, this is grooming for partying, drug consumption, getting lost when a bit older adolescence, and gaining a palate for eventual witchcraft indoctrination, as the colleges are now full of it, even so much as the local Community College mascot wears a large dark brimmed hat illustrated near the front office. While death is a natural aspect of life and I myself feel the effects of suffering. There is no salvation in evil as integrity is to God and not the devil. But such words are a laughing stock in such a day and age where death isn't venerated, but murder. In the store target I remember shirts such as witch way to the wine, and yet the catalyzing expediency doesn't end at Saturnalia, regardless of the fires around them are still hurrying to plan their new years party celebration, although life as I remember I couldn't keep up with my supposed friends in my early 20's, going to the bar 5 nights a week, wonderlusts that even the local guitar center attendant agrees, that yeah theres hidden closed eye capabilities that people use to project their photography after through practices that have occult use as life becomes in a use of affirming night as day and day as night. Endless rhetoric of evil and chaos being the natural formation of and the necessities for creation to come about The edifice of a reality that has its findings in what estate is of the physical plane existence, which because regardless of fiction or nonfiction, nothing than can persuade a person of good as being force to witness it would cause them to hate and rebel against the very thing that gives their life and vanity any luster, even the rooting of a wick of a candle lantern unseen which is the most essential part of occultism, and why the allure is such. The same stories their parents told them, in certainty that they will have a life worth living in popularity and worldly success, they just have to keep their fingers crossed when the time comes to trip someone else and hiddenly be taught the ways of growing up to be like a wolf howling at the moon in the splendor of vigor of filling up their glasses with the wine of their proprietary means of instating and enterprising promiscuity, gossip, violence and acclimating a spiritual descension of being who everyone else wants to be also known as idolatry, all they have to do is embody the shadow of a murder and propagate a fool's paradise, even if it is at the cost of the entire world's welfare and what it knows and believes. Whether Frank Sinatra or George Carlin, theres a world that the common man only sought to know and thank God we're not invited. Christian Bale played the role of an American Psycho, a world where everyone lied to each other to keep the party going, the depths of lunacy of the wealthy and their illusions of drunken fame flowing into every home, and if something wrong happens, they're also their to say its the average or common person's fault. I met one young man when he wasn't even 24 yet, he's a freemason lodge member on facebook with pictures of cloak and ritual mask, flaunting every occult thing he can find. I know the world from the view of somewhat persecuted, Witches are not appreciative of the state of Grace, because it has no bearing of judgement. Tooth for tooth, and eye for an eye doesn't work and so criminality comes to a stand still and stifled as there is no transgression to catalyze, the tables of cards are folded up and the seats are empty as its 7 o clock in the morning. And they can tell that if they don't do something soon, no one will be having a bad day, and if no one is having a bad day, then no one might come to gamble, even so they'll pour you a drink as though just because you know, its somehow a deathwish to be near them, but its not my choice, its theirs if they do harm. Always looking to transgress even if it means telling people they have to fight, when there never was a reason to. In an effort to have someone else pay the price. Because one things is made aware to us all as a starting ground for our sentience in these mortal bodies which their proper use and function was for learning. Not catalyzing the planet into a transmutational experiment for apotheosis by false affirmation of fallen angels. Which by the way the theme is practically inescapable since everything is named after them, and yet they do not represent most of the actual matters of the themes that embody existence towards life, but is in continuous counterposition of good; good being something that if good for one is good for all in the true sense. and not the hostage held false academic discourse that falls into zero sum theory that good is severed from its meaning, that people may not know it, and in doing so, abundance may never be shared to those who are unaware of such a thing as having a harvest. The redeeming key to knowledge is respect. Which the warfare of this world has vehemently made every effort to demean or exhaust the definition of a law that when held against will only be fighting the law that hold existence of oneself intact. Respect being something that has been quite the proclivity of the irreverent and slanderous. Why slander is attempted to deface everything that has a prestigious sense of dignity emanating from an attempt to "self actualize" dignity by naively making an attempt to be noble." We live in a world of cherry hounds that have defiled the cream of the crop for sport in the wine of their violence. Make mockery of the emasculinated brethren that they have betrayed in full by formalizing a generation that has no affinity to marriage and therefore true love. Has capitalized on everything from promotion of sex "dating', friends with benefits, and pushing the agenda that if you are not sexually active, something is wrong with you, and selling the body parts and stem cells of aborted fetuses. All the while people continue the rhetoric villainizing anything and anyone as part of the true warfare paradigm that the war isn't won with swords but with words. The symbiotic relationship and appearances of both rivaling and prey and predatory species comingling together in a snapshot of what appears to be an acclimation of nature beyond the primal instincts of the animal kingdom state something about some of unstated or underemphasized aspects of even visceral standards of natural order, and law. New King James Version“For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12 Is the universe intelligent? Are humans just animals or something more? How can Hell not exist if Hollywood forces it on the population year after yearby themes of destruction, death, violence, damage, criminal insanity, and supernatural evil. Wouldn't the continuous agreement of these projections of what is thought to be of non effect at levels that because a substantial amount of the earths highest governing sentience is continuously intellectually and emotionally agreeing and communing towards might cause these things to manifest into physical reality? Temptation in dumbing down the populations common sense and whimsy of commercialism while being made cohesively part of the culture of the devils harvest. and yet Hollywood is an aspect of the leadership of the world and its institutes based on knowledge and education? New American Standard Bible Then God said, “Let Us make mankind in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the livestock and over all the earth, and over every crawling thing that crawls on the earth.” Genesis 1:26 New King James VersionFor You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. New American Standard Bible Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. English Standard Version Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. Matthew 24:28 The answer is that panoramicly the Truth is that yes these things exist in a descendancy of justification of full scale ordinance, and have their designations to harmony or to chaos which I suppose there is greater levels in heaven (The Kingdom of Grace) and the abyss (The current state of Hell's dominion and a kingdom of judgement). New King James VersionBut as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 From ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides You, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. Isaiah 64:4 From ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides You, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.Isaiah 65:17 For behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.James 1:12 Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. If factually we are indisposable and cannot simply walk out of existence all togetherthen there must be a place or ordinance and proper dwelling as the motions of God and nature tells us that regardless of fluctuating, everything is always going to its proper location and trajectory. New Living Translation “From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done.” Isaiah 43:13 Even from eternity I am He, and none can deliver out of My hand. When I act, who can reverse it?"Isaiah 45:9 Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker--one clay pot among many. Does the clay ask the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'? Isaiah 45:9 good and evil is the basis of wisdom or lack of there of and the use of knowledgeto one end or another; the evidence of this would be how evil never returns to its intent towards the good of wisdom but only attempts to use it in presuppositional or intermediate manner and are not labels but realities about the nature of our universe as it stands today I personally have a dichotomy of order that I subscribe to by a logic and yes I believe in morality, God, creation, and Jesus. The order being of what was placed here: GoodBad, mistake and error corruption to the point where mistakes and accumulation of error begins to change the nature of the original state of a being or thing or subject or idea whether concrete or ideal before it can be proven to be true, truth and finally the final state of corruption being evil the dichotomy being Goodbad corruption and Evil New King James VersionI will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. John 14:30 King James BibleFor if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? Luke 23:31 New American Standard Bible The world is passing away and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God continues to live forever. 1 John 2:17 English Standard VersionYou are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44 Jesus speaking to the politicians and rulers of his day.The Cherub that covereth; Lucifer, was originally the cherub that covered the throne of God. He was able to hide the presence of God but is not allowed to take it away. Reason why he is referred to the lord of illusions, also known as the father of lies. Which all his followers have the same characteristic of using illusory and false wonders of manipulation. New American Standard Bible“You were the anointed cherub who covers, And I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:14 © 2025 Ed |
Added on October 29, 2024 Last Updated on January 27, 2025 AuthorEdTXAboutTo ease the great tribulation Morality and integrity are not concepts of intellect nor social constructs but actual defining matters of themes and substance to which the world adheres to and are vi.. more..Writing