![]() Possible Ecological Rationales Revolving The Antediluvian FloodA Story by EdDue to the ecological changes of whole genuses of both trees, and other forms of vegetation and animalia having been extinguished due to an admixture of all the worlds pollution in what had engulfed the entire world would probably have killed much of what was in the ocean as well. So regarding both the ecological changes that would mean that there was an atmospheric phenomena occurring. Which brings other notation of rationals being that there might have been atmospheric changes that which explains Noah's acknowledgement of of God's declaration of the end of the tribulation as the re stabilization of the atmospheric changes must have provided for the view of the ever first rainbow as we know it today. New King James Version And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.” Genesis 9:17 Whether there was a possible different spectrum of light in which the world had a different formation of light refraction through what was the prediluvian world, I don't know. Life span differentials before and after the flood changing over the period of a few generations are likely due to the ecological and atmospheric changes which no longer allowed for such life spans to occur. Also because there are findings of narration of the same occurrence through out the world from multiple geological origins than it is known that there were other refugees and survivors of the flood. Which are not attested in the Holy Bible due to Noah's act was one of preservation and salvation that was apparently centuries in the making. Which establishes both that other things do occur in the world and that more than likely the post flood era was not from a progenitor of eight people on the entire earth and preservation of the human race but in the situation of Noah was really the involvement of God in a particular situation that was an act of God. Besides the genetic entropy of life spans going from hundreds of years to one hundred and twenty in a few generations due to genetic degradation by incest is unlikely. The ecological changes that had occured is more than likely responsible for the changes in the biology of human beings and life spans. Now while pending on who you ask and what view of history you accept, There is the question of technology which is likely to have been since all these megaliths keep showing up with parametric accuracy towards the constellations so it is undeniable that whatever had occurred, to us would be considered to have been technology which brings us to Noah and the ark. Whether Noah had brought on board the animals themselves and was able to accommodate them for 150 days would have required proper dwelling facilities for the animals or if we want to really take things into an odd context since while faith is indeed a factor in any situation. Did Noah preserve pure genetic samples from animals and reestablished their posterity with perfect replicability thus preserving God's original blueprint. And did these faculties and the ark itself become a vestige of the prediluvian era that because of the changes to the world's physiology and certain facets had degraded or collapsed, had made the prediluvian tech no longer applicable? And so genesis moves on to the reemergence of human civilization where the story picks up with a Mesopotamian living amongst the what seems like the Sumerian culture where which God takes him up to a mountain to witness that Abraham should not be like the people who practice such things as they did and so a goat is provided alluding to that the guilty will be sacrificed in place of the innocent in concordance with Moses's law and further brought us the truth and power of mercy that is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ being the exegesis of truth and the spirit of prophecy. I myself consider Jesus Christ to be the 11th commandment being mercy and forgiveness as to why Paul said that the law could not save, because after the old testament all knowledge was found to be of no redeeming quality in the end. Berean Standard Bible For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man, as an offering for sin. He thus condemned sin in the flesh, 4so that the righteous standard of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit Romans 8:3-4 It was found and discovered that mercy and forgiveness would be the new testament; the unfeigned testimony of the unmastered frontier that is actual love through mercy and forgiveness acclimating respect. And of course there is one who had actually lived and proved and paved the way for all acclimation to follow by being the embodiment of respect; that is from God. Jesus Christ of Nazareth New King James Version For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16 © 2024 Ed |
Added on June 15, 2024 Last Updated on July 18, 2024 Author![]() EdTXAboutTo ease the great tribulation Morality and integrity are not concepts of intellect nor social constructs but actual defining matters of themes and substance to which the world adheres to and are vi.. more..Writing