The Development of the Subjective and Political use of the English Language

The Development of the Subjective and Political use of the English Language

A Chapter by Ed

Define Post Modernism - Fabricated political contentions to promote subjectivity; more so to obscure past values and history.

cultural: Implication being of a cult.  following that connotates belief, more so an inanimate thing that is animate but because of no material finding is perceived to be, nonexistent; arbitrary; of no definition as a non existent thing can be defined as subjectively as one would like so but culturally or non culturally speaking belief is causation for definition as definition is causation for belief and so both are existent towards attribute and not interpretation. Definition being an attributive statement about a thing that is fact or facetly exists; non hypothetical.

Thus edifying truth to be of ordinance that is part of the structure of power; which has been misconstrued in representation, theme, significance, and use to idealize the proportion of significance of the anima that is not representative of an ideal but rather of the ego through animus of competition when power is not dualistic but is ordinate in a descendency of justification. Power is not idolatrous.

Double Language or rather misappropriation of meaning and obscuration of etymology by subjective interpretation or discernment due to cultural modernistic or conventional political persuasion.  While many aspects of the English language was formed from other languages
the development of the language within itself historically shows many political implications that are not representative of the defining light of altruism.
While altruism was generally my understanding of Christianity at my most infantile stages of gaining a conscience for it, the other redeeming aspect being conscience of sin.  It was a word that I thought was idealistically fundamental to truth; any truth.

 As it has linguistically if you will;
main center vantage point of syllabic representation and an immediate rather than intermediate conveyance of truth and purpose that by saying the word seems to have an intrinsic level of intellect of inheritance from nature.  So while I love the earth as as much as anyone, I was particular in what was considered to be a surface level non symbolic paganism appreciation.   An agnostic sensibility towards buddhistic appreciation of harmony that is characterized by the genetic memory of our times past when principles were adhered to and virtues formalized civilian moments of exegesis with a formalizing perception of nature being an eternal fraternity,  yet this comingling of reaching the higher statures of the animal kingdom naturally of course, was not a perfection of acclimation but rather development touching upon some of Isaiah's and Jesus's words temporarily.

New King James Bible
But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage.
Luke 20:35

other English Bibles say age which if we look at
Matthew 24:22
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.
The Holy Bible is speaking about both man, animal, and vegetation.  As it states no flesh would be saved.  In order for man and animal to live the vegetation of the earth would also be saved as vegetation is a form of flesh.
Matthew 24:22

New American Standard Bible
The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will do no evil or harm on all My holy mountain,” says the LORD.
Isaiah 65:25

which I will bring one more scripture to provide the concordance or acclimation of what is stated in Revelation.

King James Bible
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Revelation 3:9-10

again referring to the elect for their sake those days will be shortened
Matthew 24:22

convey truth - The function of language is to communicate and
convey truth.  Understanding; in concordance with ordinance also formalized as appropriation; order that non interpretatively establishes panoramic congruency to word in having meaning; meaning not being ascribed through interpretation but discovered as facets of reality and omniscient intellect known as virtues found intrinsically through out nature in the form of altruism and not the juxtaposed presupposition that life is precipitated by death in a manner that is abiogenetically also known as the academically politically inclined current interpretation of nature.  There is a resolve to the question of nature and its seeming schisms but first there would be the redemptive establishment of meaning needed so that the precepts of the acclimation may be provided,  and so philosophical recourse must be provided to undue the damage that academia so taught in sterilizing definition for two to three centuries.

The current definition of nature - partial; in reason due to the suppression of meaning and juxtaposition of perceptual connotations of facets that are not being emphasized but rather formalized to provide subjective application; in this case for political use as in political persuasion.
abiogenesis: false in that deconstructive dispensation of scientific information does not equate to significance as posed but reverted to theory as actuality also known as reality states it clear that relevance is inescapable; as there being any such thing in existence being irrelevant is a logical fallacy. meaning significance: the paramount of meaning is being framed towards politicism that is an effort to make its view arbitrary.

Point of clarity and conclusion: that our thoughts, intents, beliefs, experiences, emotions, lives, physical feelings, and more importantly ourselves that are defined by action as to our identity are and have always been relevant.  You are what you do; expression of the self defined by will and justified by works which is a substantiation for faith towards purpose; purpose not being arbitrary or derogatory but has an inclination towards a state called righteousness; pristine; pure; true; good; perfect; non corrupted; functioning; proper; ordinate, and its precepts.

Which to save time, I'll just take a look at the 64 virtues of God.  God bless.
partiality of definition is of course a misconstrued conception of the very thing that is being trying to be politically persuaded in the eyes of the public to be one thing or the other, in this case:
Paradigm; Nature

Nature is precipitated by nurture which in itself is an altruistic principle.
Nurture by definition is not cognate towards derogatory or negative consequential effect but has been placed under the care of academia which has left view of subjective meaning.

utilitarian - The English language etymologically is utilitarian in that it is less pronounce to convey truth but rather for subjective use that is particularly interpretive and negating of attributive function of truth.  In so doing, forfeiting the power which is the virtue of proper use of language;
which implies not only delivery or posture but as Jesus said; to Love the Lord with all that you are.
or as stated scripturally:

English Standard Version
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Matthew 22:37

Without its proper functioning of use; is a corrupted utility that does not interpret reality in the context of integrity that when we use words; they are not arbitrary, by having gained the perception that one is arbitrary by whatever effort to persuade but words evidentially will convey truth, more so when one is not "tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine" to believe that one is arbitrary or cohesively just part of the culture which isn't secularized by any means; its only hidden in plain sight.

Ephesians 4:14

As there is no such thing as an arbitrary thing which I will allude for a moment to posing the counter position in such a matter of debate; that one would believe; be persuaded to be so arbitrary that they are a solipsistic conception of their imagination and that they or anything doesn't confirmly exists, whether nihilism or narcissism, self delusion is a pathological choice matter in that one chooses to disconnect from a greater reality by choosing subjectivity, as that is what their emotional maturity allows for and leveled by pride.  As Pope Pius X puts it "Modernism is the thesis of all heresy."  More so when being posed with bad faith actors who claim atheism or a false representation of observance of truth for the sake of attempting to diatribe against a virtuistic preeminent authority that offends their desire to necessitate the vanity of pride.  Pride is an emotion.  In this case the virtuistic preeminent authority as Paul said "Will you not be afraid of the Power" was not referring to a governing establishment but from which all power is dispensed.  
Nothing can be given to a man that was not given to him from heaven.
John 3:27
Romans 13:3

Validation is key but where does validation come from and how valid is it?
Power in numbers?
mob rule?  Democracy?  Which is not an illusion but is a misrepresented runaway vehicle for whoever will publicize the so called official narrative as to the public's opinions and decisions that attributively should be respected. Notice there is no presence of disrespect.  In which formality of validation will be declared attributive by respect.  So, the formality of the U.S. first amendment's capability to defend itself will be by the non biased standard of the only way to protect your rights is by using them properly.

mockery - The English language is used as a mockery in political climate, it is used both as a mockery philosophically in that they are intermediate connotations perturbed more or less away from their objective definition which is usually overlayed by implications of promoted current sociological ideals stated whether true or not: status quo secular consensus or in the context of ridicule or derogatory negation; so either continuous misuse of language towards a politicism of either formal annunciation presupposing maturity;genuiness;legitimacy or immaturity of verbal slander.

examples of English divisiveness that although may have not been formed originally with particular intent; has been formalizing sociological messaging that has now developed into ideology that now has been politically integrated into the future technology AI systems being developed today which technology will for a lack of better word not be able to replace truth and so while there is no such thing as secularism or synonymously anything that is trivial, what was subtle as it once was has now become overly politicized to the point of splitting hairs has become dysfunct as the main goal of political "non fiasco" but really politically concerted cataclysm of sorts; was to collaterally deteriorate the infrastructure of communication as language is perturbed by further irresponsible sociological development of erroneous ideals that were subjectively playing with the idea of what we call  social engineering even though no one likes that word because of how vague it can be.
The now formalized politicisms that have garnered philosophical application through yada yada, lets get to the point.
The subject matters themselves not being the controversy many a time but how they are handled and conveyed to the public and on a political scale, more so under sociological diress of partial concerted bias scrutiny by media expenditure outlet many a time false centralized and partial journalism, or in other words sociological engineering precipitated by strategic sociological warfare.
The workings of the current concerted efforts to devalue what we've inherited to be certain through the assertion of human existence in the values of solidarity from everlasting to everlasting is being redacted from our knowledge in an effort to take away the awareness of possible sovereignty through our God given faculties, that if they are edified and substantiated as shown in the iconography of the saints,  There is the aura of God's presence also known as Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.  Which are transcendent, omniscient and so as we fill ourselves with the immaterial substance of that which will matter in the world to come from which the temporal circumstances on earth had made for a historical delineation of there being truth even in a humble man from Nazareth who by His edicts "no one comes to the Father but by me"  or "I am the way, the truth, and the life.

John 3:27
Romans 13:3

Showed that there are empirical powers even within the least of us which are not attributive to monumental accomplishments which pervade a theme of empirical idolatrous reverence but shows Gods ability in that emotion compliments, decorates and supplicates our faith but discerned contemplated good intent with action and in some cases, non action; righteousness will define order as He who was and is and is to come.  Make His paths straight.
2 Timothy 2:15
New King James Version
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Who's He? they ask.  Find out for yourself.  Mercy and Respect.
Do yea not know that yea are the temple of the living God?

definitions online - have increased in political connotation in 15 years of observance
the English language filtered through the partiality of modernism and the post Andy Warhol social etiquette of the acceptance of post modernism as something trivial is divisive to meaning as meaning is not mostly secularized language with mostly political connotations as to how they have been defined and designed. The Holy Bible is proper authority, than we need to look at what it says

King James Bible
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

The disconnect of rational and logic is because the words were mostly used for sociological order presumably and not much else known by the public now in this age.
But leaves us with the truth.  That the partiality of meaning does not necessitate empirical evidence to be correct.  But primarily will be found as it states.  That for better or worse
for discomfort or joy, The Holy Bible requires the reader to see the world through a supernatural view in order to understand meaning:

The truth will set you free.
John 8:32

the proper notion of a functioning language means it would not have a juxtaposition in the word itself.
evil live
devil lived
god dog
sadist - sad - interpretive but by no means is it attributive in the theological light fixture of truth
sad is an emotion.  Being abused or tortured for amusement is a
cynical satire or sarcasm of the word.
kid cid - incognate relation from Human child; to goat; an animal.
knight - high profile warriors in the service of the dynasties of England, they had highly trained warriors who were also mages, sorcerers, warlocks, etc. - The reason for the k in front of the night.
a knight.  As in they can see at night whether theologically or by third eye esoteric practices that give them a form of occultic night vision and they can cause differentiation of effect through chaos and intent. the k in knight, also the k in magick.  Contemporary mainstream counter culture and Hindu practices of certain sects openly describe these same concepts, whether obe's out of body experiences, opening the third eye pineal activity by transcendental meditation and intense religious yoga, to the use of root cuttings in ayurvedic mixture likened to the south american brew of ayuhuasca
since homeless yogi's in india do at the very least smoke the acacia bark or other barks that likely also have the dmt molecule. 
Stating this is not occultic.  Whether book stores devoted to such criteria or entertainment, or most internet sites and many memes can be found to have some characteristic of these things.
Not only but if one so much looks for a cell phone game or most RPG's.  Likely there's going to be these themes in the game.

But I had delineated that there is no such thing as secularization, it is only hidden in plain sight.
another example would be harm in harmony.

I brought this into proper form because in the Old Testament and New Testament, the wicked were not presumably just anyone who lives in sin.  But if the supernatural was objectively found to be evil or
it profits as in it prospers because it has the fundamental aspect of genuine truth being good.  But the thing is, through all the rhetoric and lobbying.  Those who participate in these incredential motives to "do nothing" do not allow for good to come about or a proper interpretation.

Isaiah 30:7

The final statement is that words do have power
just as one does.
and regardless of how the established culture of the world tries to tell us for their divisive reasons
that neither words, or communication, or observance, or realization, or evidence of self existence
or the evidence of good, truth, and intellect emanating from a being that was before us even though we see it in every facet of what can be called living.  The Father and the Son.  And the omniscient binding force of their nature being the Holy Spirit.

additional notes:
Francis Bacon, known arbiter of the Shakespeare society which is partialness responsible for the development of the modern English language.  Also arbiter of the Knights of the Helmet writing guild of scholarly writers on strategic warfare thesis and dissertation. Yet my focus is the cultural development of western society because that is by which we were given our agnostic predispositions which were designed to indoctrinate into divisive sociological order or rather controlled chaos.

Differentials of the English language by Shakespeare's shaking of the spear of destiny or fate through the presages of time by cultural philanthropic mixing of magic through development of what we know as the culture of the western world and the degeneration of interpretive misuse of the English language.
Notes on Francis Bacon and the Shakespeare's Society.  William Shakespeare himself was probably an actual member who was attributed many of the works for the political reason of drawing a perception of influence/power through idolatry reverence engaging the public's pride towards a future political reasoning or rationale also known as political agenda.  Examples:  Pride bannered to representing a sports team. Pride bannered to representing a state, or city, a nation with no seeming objective establishment of ideal that is not presupposed, etc.
Politically persuading public through their engagement of pride associated with something that they have adopted as being of personal fondness that may not be an ideal of any sort but simply a surface level appreciation of concupiscent secularization or political persuasion to ignorance by political persuasion of appreciation of ignorance, which if the person is not ignorant, is arrogance, or cynical, or could be sociopathic.  Which in this day and age.  We should all be aware that we live in a highly zealously sociopathic time and era, due to the continuous praise of vanity as being somehow a valid virtue or rather a Andy Warhol ettiquite driven society of continuous indoctrination to vanity as a political weapon to demean human life.
Marketing and commercialism being posed as art being responsible for the mass psychological illnesses, neurosis, and cognitive dissonance of the 21st century leaving stagnant the self of consideration of realization of any value, substance, or meaning as being taken for granted so much so that something as precious as another, or the animals we eat being of no consequence.
1But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come:  2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,   3unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,   4traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,   5having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
2 Corinthians 3:1-5

Order out of chaos yet order is not made from chaos. - not a conspiracy, its on the dollar bill in Latin.


Since once I began adding scripture it denoted some of the further events of eschatology than here are the additional material that I did not know where to put in this writing for the time being.
Psalm 75:8
does allude to another important eschatological scripture which I myself know not to particularly have an obsession with but with good information do diligence.
While the reference has been in statement of the end of the original Hebrewic nation.
King James Bible
For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?
Luke 23:31

Plenty of scriptures in the Old Testament and in Revelation in reference to a time where the earth will be scorched, its atmospheric stability and physical integrity will be in ruin before a seeming reprisal of God's glory on the earth for a time to which Isaiah and many others refer to.
Because I do believe Revelation exists and we're beginning to see the signs of these things being evident then I want to say The Holy Bible is accurate in its presentation of consequential narration of future events, given we give The Book of Isaiah and minor profits validation towards events described that are only beginning to have such possibility of being as stated.

So prederist conception of the profits just exclaiming the fears and terrors of war in the old testament, is insufficient in what was being described, including the reprisal of God's Glory on the earth for a time, before its final destruction, and on to the new earth and new heavens.

© 2025 Ed

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Added on May 27, 2024
Last Updated on January 27, 2025




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