Fountain and Flower

Fountain and Flower

A Poem by UnendingOceans

I’ve seen him before, 

amidst the trees in the park 

where he parted the underbrush 

and said, “found you!”

I’ve watched him before, 

walking, talking, 

singing along with the birds in the day

or the crickets at night 

on our walks back home. 

His voice was a joyous ring in it’s own key. 

I knew him many years ago - 

we held hands underneath sunsets.

We made them glow, 

convinced that the stars spelt out our names.

My lovely man, one day you will come home. 

© 2012 UnendingOceans

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'His voice was a joyous ring in it’s own key.'

This has a lovely resonance, the voice of love distant but not forgotten. i liked a lot about this poem,it was definitely my kind of romantic! fantastic.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Amazing one!
So many emotions and feelings, all conveyed so passionately and gracefully!
Love this- "We made them glow,
convinced that the stars spelt out our names."
Brings back some beautiful almost-forgotten memories from my childhood!
Thanks for this!
keep writing :) cheers!

Posted 12 Years Ago

So beautifully written and conveyed. I wonder why he is gone from such a love...these memories, so vivid and tender evoke a sadness...and yet, there is always that hope that he will return.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I wonder the same, believe me. I'm glad you liked it so. Thanks for reading. :)

12 Years Ago

Poignant lovely write affirming.

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thank you.
very touching...Moving......and i like your positive attitude here

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

It's better than being down about it. I'm glad you dig it. :)

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5 Reviews
Added on August 20, 2012
Last Updated on August 20, 2012



Sometimes writing is painting for me. Either way, I like sharing it. more..

Thaw Thaw

A Poem by UnendingOceans

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