Good Girl

Good Girl

A Poem by Underestimated

This sounds kind of stuck up, but it's really true


I haven’t seen much

Haven’t heard much

My eyes and ears are still clean

But they're slowly losing their innocence

And I don’t know what’s happening to me


I’m a good girl

I don’t do bad things

I stay at home

And keep my room clean


I’ve never swore right into somebody’s face

Never punched anyone in the gut

I’ve never done anything truly bad

But I am getting there, I’m slowly going up


God help me to retain this pure true innocence

Help me to do the things that I ought

Help me be different

Not like anyone else

Just a good girl

Who stays by herself

© 2012 Underestimated

Author's Note

Okay, okay, It's true. I'm a goody-two-shoes. And there is no denying it. I'm a Christian, and I've been made fun of more times than I can count. But I love God, and he wants me to do the right things. I think nearly everyone has had this choice in life, we've all been innocent, and of course, we're all (even me) gonna change. Be critical, just pleeease don't criticize me because of my faith or beliefs.

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Hold on, will be an inspiration. The world needs more of you if you ask me. There is time enough to grow wise. Nice job. This was refreshing, honest, and realistic.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is so lovely, your one of a kind dont change!sDont take any crap for being who you truly are its so brave, stand your ground. I love the flow of your words and the whole innocence of it all. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

You are too sweet!:)

I love this is an earnest and honest plea to keep out of bad stuff. I pray like so fearing I might lead myself to some dark, bad mire!

These lines grabbed my attention:

"My eyes and ears are still clean
But they're slowly losing their innocence"

Great thoughts, good flow.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Good to pray for hope. Life can be scary. I pray everyday to be kind and make wise decisions. Nice flow of thoughts and I like the reason for the poem. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is a sweet poem and personally something I think people should try to attain. Good job expressing yourself.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is exactly how a girl your age should write..filled with innocence and childlike qualities yet crafted with such experience. Goody- two- shoes are the best of the best especially at 13. Please stay as sweet and pure as you sound in your writings

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nothing wrong with trying to be good, or different. There are plenty of 'bad' people in the world. It's just how you choose to live your life. Choosing to be good is great providing you are still enjoying life.

Error time:

"But there slowly losing their innocence" - "they're slowly losing......."

Otherwise, good job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I like the expression of this poem.. :) well written..continue being good :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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there is nothing wrong to be different, there are goods and bad sides of being goody-two-shoes like your said, yes being too good sometimes people makes fun of us that's the bad side but in the other hand being too good makes a lot of friends and it makes you hold into your faith much stronger. I can see in your poem that you dont want to change yet some changes are unavoidable, still being true to yourself is what's most important.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on May 29, 2012
Last Updated on May 31, 2012
Tags: good, happy, innocent, help, bad, swearing, fighting, God



I'm thirteen. A very young and inexperienced writer. I love romance, adventure and supsense writing. (and maybe, just a little bit of horror) But I am so excited to see what I'll learn being here! .. more..

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