To the Women with the glass heartsA Poem by AmandaSavannahA short poem to hopefully help pull anyone (not JUST women) out of the funks that are associated with dating and seeking love.This goes out to the women with the glass hearts "
I understand you.
I, too, lead with my heart.
I, too, give out my love and hope that others will do the same.
I, too, have had my heart shattered into shards and thought the tiny cuts would never heal.
I, too, clean up those pieces and super glue them back together and take another shot - sometimes literally, although alcohol never ends up being the support I need.
I, too, live in this era where “ghosting” is a thing and men and women have become zombies to their feelings and the feelings of others.
But, one thing that constant disappointment has taught me is that while I may have a fragile heart, I have a strong body and mind. And this shelters my glass heart.
My body is my heart’s home " as is yours. Focus on your body. Strengthen it. Treat it well. That way when daggers are aimed are your heart, your body will be well-equipped to shield them.
My mind is my heart’s best friend " as is yours. While at times they may not be fully in-sync, your mind has the best of intentions. Strengthen it. Treat it well. Then, when ill intentions are cast your way, you will have power in the knowledge you have obtained to never react with spite.
Meditate " or pray.
Welcome all the good " because there is so much of it.
Embrace the warmth in the things that activate your soul. Learn what those things are " and turn to them. A few of mine are my children, writing, sitting on a dock with my feet in water, exercising, and blue lollipops. They fuel me and strengthen my essentials " heart, body and mind.
But most of all " all of you glass heart companions " know that while we hold delicate hearts that sometimes feel like they have been served up cold on grandma’s old china and driven down a bumpy dirt road, you only feel this way because you are genuine & have allowed yourself to open up to possibilities of love and friendship.
To you who relate with this curse and blessing, I also know you share in the ability to acknowledge that even though you have put your heart back together time-after-time, not everyone actually intends (or intended) to hurt you. Some people have hearts of steel, and they do not give their love as freely. And that is OK too " in fact, it’s beautiful.
So, yes " I understand you. And I support you. I, too, have been gently placing my glass pieces back where they belong while learning to appreciate the beauty in the cracks and rough edges. And, if you want me to, I can help you put your glass heart back together, because I know it sometimes feels like you’ll never find all the pieces.
But you will.
And you’ll move on.
And maybe the next person will know how to handle your heart " or maybe it takes a dozen more persons until you find what you’re looking for & your heart is not only fulfilled, but protected.
But, please. Never give up on your heart.
You got this. © 2017 AmandaSavannahAuthor's Note
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