Locality of Fractured Dysfuction

Locality of Fractured Dysfuction

A Story by UncleFossil

Dealing with a locality where world-history and science aren't often converging. Educated questions become a pet-peeve when a society kissing up to Roy Peter Clark.


This is a newer treatment to a report slated for NewsBreak Originals; it was featured on there a bit.  I wanted to give it newer images and a treatment to reflect Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton cannot remember exact date it was introduced my guess it would within this year. Ai-effects to images I did myself from an app found on App Store in part, the app known as Clip2Comic then sibling app. The locale accused me of borderline plagiarism when this article comparable range of works on Writing.com or my output when I was 25-27 years of age.

In recent months and in the Pinellas County Courts, I am not in full liberty to speak of the controversy that Patch Media: St. Pete is going to be facing though what is noted Daily Mail caught wind of an incident where a woman irate around Largo in a profane tirade made short work of a Wendy's.  In the weeks after this event. I went to a St. Petersburg, Florida counterpart of that location; trying to remember exact day this was introduced though what I am doing is bringing some of the photos that weren’t used to another venue.

That will be one of the Wendy's locations to see what is going on though I wasn't ready to inquire about these events yet; though I already know as I speak there are hyperlocal outlets who wouldn't allow a report to have traits of personal journalism and longer-range radial type vantage points. Article introduced sometimes in April-May of this year; with the post Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton aftermath the newer images with the piece let’s get this started.

I don't know what exact range NewsBreak App wants with this; submitted photos will be from a few finds off a Nokia 2760 -- as some wouldn't had guessed Patch Media, like BuzzFeed and HuffPost are under Verizon Media.  I showed the footage of the trashing to a few around the area asking how would I weigh in as a moderator of a sizable group on Facebook.  This report I wrote for NewsBreak; though what is being looked at since it was first surfaced.  D’Ann White related how Patch Media: St. Pete were borderline in the territory advocating journalistic fabrication when not allowing more than one source be sight.

So.... this report I am trying to come in full on blazing with my Buzzfeed reporting roots and akin to Andrew Ian Dodge when he was alive; I asked Bing Copilot on the subject of Techlash and NeoLuddite Economies the responses became interesting enough to start in the framework and hook. 

Patch Media: St. Pete engages in what's known as Narrative Control and what support they'll do to keep it is support vanity-press type vehicles.   NewsBreak lends more to the longer range; though not sure how long they'd even begin to allow; this is a Buzzfeed and HuffPost type framework were trying to give another an opening.

The guy has ties to Ohio and his co-volunteer is from Baltimore; so, the question becomes when nonprofits have the 60/40 between NeoLuddite or tech-hand demographic? 

"What is a tech-hand?"

Tech-hands are on par to a farmhand but with access to digital technology; act as the mobile wranglers when software and flash-drives are sought.  Tech-hand is a complex role between a fine line of a logistics reporter and dispatch because it takes some aspects of both; occasionally the social worker role when those who are getting such equipment are what Streetwise: Chicago relates when often those without a place to stay have access to email and smartphones.  The tech-hand being the 40% between the 60/40 split ratio.

I was looking at the Daily Mail: What Just Happened Video Footage yes, the dysfunction is something that Sunny from another website gave me the heads-up years ago. The aspect and details within Pinellas County when outside parties are reporting on this madness is what The Smoking Gun will relate of the Sunshine Laws; email also deemed public record too.

Sunny relates via Messenger, "Pinellas County you've just end up in the epicenter of cray-cray."

Troll-logic is often the aspects when NeoLudd becomes the upfront emphasis on wasting word processor resources that are freely available on job-resumes.  There aren't job-fairs to work in print-on-demand submission calls..  I'm from around Chicago where Publishing as the micropress ran from our apartments is that hand-up not a big hand-up but it's trying to get someone published.

A range one is looking at will not even glaze the surface of a visible technological schism; when tablets being handed out freely as much as are smartphones -- no one shows those how to use such devices or handsets.  This schism became the offset of Covid-19 as I reported on the Tech desert aspects not glazed into when WiFi is out of reach for those who need it more than others; hence putting the emphasis on Luddite economies depending more upon High-Touch than high-tech.  This is something that I have to do the piece because seeing where I sometimes got lunch while living in Glendale Heights and Roselle, Illinois had now been closing -- this location created as much the character of a science fiction work that I did at 27 years old as the history itself. 

Where could I even allow Pinellas County to trivialize this let alone where I was sitting in the gallery waiting for the felons to be arraigned is the hard part.  The closing of Strafford Square Mall then the second Will County Courthouse in my adoptive public home of Joliet, Illinois -- so whoever expects me to disown what I gave the journalistic atmosphere in my 20s and my publishing career also started then too; think about it this way.

Expecting someone who had made a career out of telecommuting to embrace turning resume after resume in without allowing the full range of one's journalistic range -- I see it as a slap in the face or a shot between the soft-bits.  So what is the exact range when NewsBreak just saw this door open for me,  the question is unknown though knowing they were an outlet of 25 years -- the software I am using for this report is the era of when they emerged.

The history within St. Petersburg, Florida, something that The Weekly Challenger glazed upon and tipped me off then what showed up on Orlando Sun Sentinel in recent history [what Sun Sentinel might not glazed upon though Homeless Voice confirmed more than a few even begin to admit.]  I spoke with the population who are on a fixed income and have a hard time looking for places to stay.  Demographic spoken with comparable to a photo journal one of my coworkers in recent history worked on from 1988-1992 then made public in 2016.

"Well you folks didn't give me a heads up on the word-count, so when it comes to Patch Media: St. Petersburg, Florida, I am going right into aspects of what they're not even looking into -- it might be something Gordon Watts might had tapped if he got in touch with me in 2007-2008 instead of getting in touch with me in 2015," is going to be my comment on coming over when a classmate-turned-neighbor in Joliet, Illinois is dealing with issues around Hernando County -- even then Patch Media: St. Pete would see going at this one on par with the usual characters they deal with but this; not this time. 

Leave that one alone; she's on disability and needed her medicine then not allowed access to a pharmacy.

This one would have weighed in on the scenario with Largo, Florida with the Daily Mail incident on video then the aspects what Patch Media: St. Pete will try to portray their hyperlocal bubble as this dead-end job without medical benefits thriving utopia. 

I am waiting for a few strong-language responses to that analysis -- with the trashing of a Wendy's that well I used to work those type of jobs as a teenager and 22-year-old [in Glendale Heights, Illinois then in Mason City, Iowa;] but no one deserved that.  In the 24 years I worked in some compacity in independent journalism I had no words for what played up what I do suggest is get in touch with Crimestoppers: Pinellas upon seeing the footage though -- Daily Mail, a UK-based market has a unique position to hand those who act like that over to justice no matter the locale either if being Florida or in Great Lakes area do not act like that on video.

The webkeeper wasn't far off to tip me off on that; as it played up in the courthouse when the guy in the gallery quipped, "I am here for the circus."

Let's just say Newsbreak needs someone on par HuffPost to cover the recent events; though what's hard I am trying to display some restraint addressing some of it -- the players who had been watching the events from the past year would know this scenario and why they're being trained to work with Blurb.com; Tampa Bay Times gave a known convicted felon good publicity.  This is in the wake of other machete incidents around St. Petersburg, Florida and in Spring Hill -- St. Petersburg Downtown Neighborhood Association yet to comment on the events that went down.

NextDoor: St. Pete even went out of their way to defend someone like this.  None of the actual characters named in the report yet; though what is noted the street population took turns investigating the case of the 46-now-47-year-old felon that's a third-strike felony. He was caught along the 500th block of 4th N about seven minutes from where the volunteers called home [not giving the exact location of this one; private residence] though Patch Media: St. Pete will not even glaze into this for one reason or another.  Let's put it this way the incident that happened in a Largo, Florida, Wendy's will raise questions as far as Khulna City, Bangladesh or as far as Toronto seeing it -- as let's be clear, Daily Mail is an international News outlet. 

The workers who faced that irate trashing have a right to privacy.

Put in this framework; St. Petersburg Downtown Neighborhood Association are going to be seeing a ton of heat on more than one front with this subject -- the machete incidents went on years then patient-dumping happens in Grand Central bus terminal where those coming in wearing hospital pajamas, room-socks and hardly anything else on par with Lakeland Police Department shown on their bodycam. This had what I noticed started to become more common than some think; where a nonprofit is opting to come to Writing.com to provide their report.

The thing when they want milquestoast reporting that's not even journalism to me; Andrew Ian Dodge when he was alive never glazed into this nor did the Spotlight guys then pressuring it on me when I was reporting on Patch Media: Neighbor Posts for Pinellas Beaches.

Who will be coming on knew what became the question, "When the street population is on a fixed income then not shown how to use a tablet or smartphone; then even pockets of the library staff NeoLuddite flaunt -- how would you examine when that plays up and who would you tap as that vehicle?"

Waiting for Patch Media: St. Pete to try to protest this on the view of narrative control.

Emphasis on brevity-centric, NeoLuddite flaunting doesn't compute when felons are eating from the hands that bite them.  The aspects of this report it will be the view from a different localized perspective; I am a locale from another part of the Country and had been halfway across the world   So how would someone come in not sure how NewsBreak will see a longread emerge; one of my articles in passing ended up with a vast amount of mileage when seeing an iOS-written debut.  I am rather surprised at that at most; though with the bringing over this report with newer images seeing what documentary reports could be brought along for the ride or reports when it was introduced. 

Asking on relatable; okay those who took Philosophy in a community college will understand when a harder question embroiled when seeing where NBC Reports in Tampa related in 2017-2018 of Fake Degree: Real Trouble so the details of this Pinellas County is still seeing the fallout from that report.   So in that framework akin to Daily Mail chronicling the fast-food meltdowns that is one of many instances of this;  McDonald's had one in St. Petersburg, Florida in recent history too.  Upon the heels of a mounting outrage when St. Petersburg, Florida had been brushing events that would had them pretending the Digital Age didn't happen something akin to what curator of Woodson Museum related how this area,  and I caught wind, 'not as progressive as they'll claim to be." 

Where this;  some coming in would never guess something this range had ties to a displaced locality where that locale encouraged asking hard questions instead of just inviting the preschool interpersonal response. 

Aspects come to mind the portrait given isn't going to be flattering just that harder questions play up asking Saint Petersburg Downtown Association and NextDoor same area,  "How come you tend to force those into brevity and NeoLuddite troll logic?"  

Just wait for it..  

The open court hearings on April 1, 2024 these pretrial and arraignments had played up -- subject matter glazed into the Florida Sunshine Laws where Florida.Arrests.org will glaze into some of the players, innocence until proven guilty is the common tie.  HuffPost wasn't far off reporting on this then BuzzFeed also weighed in;  if I have to do this debut report I almost have to come in on a level to my fellow BuzzFeed alumni.  

"Where is the longreads.com range deemed unacceptable; inquiry is persona-non-grata!"

I am sure a few looking at this article; even know the tone might leave a bit of a thunderous undercurrent.  My voice not shaking when the truth is told those who were taught to tell it until their voice shakes; not this time -- I told it in a low tone; though when it comes down to it such a video that played up is viewed in a group of 51,000.  Just to inform the readers on such the report this video via Daily Mail: What Just Happened does contain some fiery language.

The fodder for such in the group I moderate would be a headline such as, "Florida Man arrested for t-shirt saying he just got out of prison" when he was in Pass-a-Grille. That headline showed up on a Google Search; damn it I am trying to find it from a laptop then another strange incident where a man had to be chased down Florida Fish and Wildlife yep glazed into that one too and cannot even begin to unsee that one.

Right now, it's an unknown what happened in the incident that played up around the Largo-Clearwater based Wendy's because there are five locations that are a Wendy's in that radius.  Visiting the St. Petersburg, Florida, Wendy's it's a matter how coming into this and knowing I have to do this right.  How I did this was under the cover of Surveys On The Go and Eureka Surveys check-in then got lunch with refunded from a classmate when she was in the hospital for septic shock -- seeing that footage from the other Wendy’s, I didn't question them just bought the priciest burger on their menu as a way to gather information.

© 2024 UncleFossil

Author's Note


Hyperlocal Media: Flat out Pretending TikTok doesn't set the work up.

When those who have common names like Smith, Thompson or similar and not raised in the Great Lakes. This is rule; avoid talking over someone or piggybacking social media comments when finds are shared on a wall. Talking over or interrupting someone every other line or word makes someone invite some crude remarks pointed. It makes someone like this look like they don't have a GED to their name.
  • Writing.com: Biography Area....in part & Similar piece found
  • What could those learn from FictionPress.com? or Wattpad: NatGeo
  • This article: it's trying to give some voice of a few incidents that overlapped and revisited subject matter -- it was revisited from a more recent piece with post-Hurricane Helene and Milton aftermath. The pressure I got was someone trying to get me to clean-up the language on a 2002 Creative Nonfiction work; how about this. I refuse to that; this article will have borderline harder profanity but not so much. A given rule, some be honest do not piggyback social media comments when it's a form of talking over someone... perscription glasses that aren't going to be a donated pair. Badmouth the approach in longreads and be a brevity-apologist by trying to frown upon the range come to Writing.com and fess up about doing so in a similar range. I'll have a few coming to FictionPress.com, Writing.com and here when this is timed right then to Short Story Project: Tel Aviv, Israel. In other words if you want to play that; better damn well join The Bitter Southerner if going to be that dismissive at least read works on these networks before trying to do so....

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    Added on October 21, 2024
    Last Updated on October 24, 2024
    Tags: hurricane-milton, hurricane-helene, narrative-journalism, current-affairs, tampa-st-pete, word-history-glaring



    Joliet, IL

    I grew up in the Chicago area and a long time Illinois resident. I am published and a publisher of other writers. This is where you will find my samples of investigative journalism along with my wo.. more..
