The Flaw: Deemed Critical

The Flaw: Deemed Critical

A Story by UncleFossil

report on the heels of a sizable Facebook Group turning on its admin in St. Petersburg, Florida, the backlash is much uglier than what Tampa Bay Times lets those onto know. 🔏


What became the lead-into this article will be looking from Philosophy Drawer or Biography Drawer, works on comparable size and looking where Wattpad: NatGeo.  I had teamed up with National Internet Observatory and Datacy;  a few years ago I ended up with the results of a class-action settlement in part from a law I had no idea Facebook broke with a young law in Illinois at the time. This article overlaps Patch Media: St. Pete scandals, one scandal after another piling on after another.  Photo with the cover avatar is before the Nokia 2760 turned up missing in home though the having to choose between airtime or new laptop;  I am moving into an HP 360x, Windows 11 though this will be written for those who are coming to any of the three venues mentioned or those on WritersCafe wanting to join an almost ready anthology on Blurb Books.  This piece for an example is rare 3000-plus range out of the box though ask; "when those frown upon writing this range or higher; where would access to the word processor remain when not allowing works on to become what they are?  When it is those who did such works as student writing assignments might have missed chances to get published.."

The Flaw: Deemed Critical

Hard questions deemed uninvited will be a work coming from a pen-named moniker on an iPad; upon seeing the vid of a buddy who faced an unlawful eviction during those events I had to deal with an embodiment of a work of fanfiction in a Facebook group admin whose entire group turned on him.  When a group looked akin how LiveJournal maintainers had pulled a few times over; the guy would been fodder for the infamous Customers Suck or Stupid-Free; the details what played up -- the article that showed on the localized outlets, who'd among Patch Media: St. Pete would try to make him look good in the subtext of what happened in Chicago? 
      "I am not even hearing that."
    "What reason; it doesn't fit your cookie-cutter view what fits on a post card?"
    There it is; waiting for those to work on something to attempt to allow dismissive view of works that existed on a website for 24 years; ranges similar to what I was published with then job-fair recruiters pretend such is nonexistent.  Sit down and think about this; when a viral news story is science-driven and by chance done; how would someone act a submission call is on deaf ears when longreads is that upfront and center framework when putting the personality hire up-front with no access to the tech to carry such a piece?
      "That's a low blow.."
      For whom one thinks that'll be a low blow for; when those who think the brevity-centric is acceptable when patient-dumping had played up before my eyes..  Look your teacher doesn't work at where you're at now nor does your family; think for oneself when doing research. There are works out there that are 20 years old almost untapped similar range to a work that appeared on FictionPress in the population of a billion; one person decided to give their world a glimpse -- what about your world when philosophy or social studies....  nonexistent.  When the characters in question; one saw their group members turn entire on them when the other should be watching knowing when that co-admin does need to step down in the events of what played up.
      Looking on when revisiting the framework of job-fairs; I set foot in one to see questions not even answered when they're the type asked that left the one on the receiving end of one implied what just happened there. Implied, "How with reasons someone limits or restricted use of word processors for resume or cover-letter; frowning upon the use for a manuscript?"
       Wait for the cries of foul from the newsletter headspace.  The question avoided from those characters when asking a subject matter to be explained akin to if they're still in preschool or held-back in kindergarten.
   What world does one even veer upon when not inviting,, or in the picture when a few on and WritersCafe could produce a photo-essay with a phone submitted image and effects to make it appear if it was from the era when short stories on the site first appeared.  How when those who seek out employment then forced to live in a motel; where would you stand when opening such a door and all one is given them is a tract with misinformation, dated vocabulary and fecal-toned research [as in wanting someone to change the language on a work from 2002 when the floppy drive it was produced on is no longer around..]
     Think about this when watching that documentary; you have that discussion, "who would you give that last dollar of yours to and why?"
    When the question becomes, upon providing a USB flash-drive with a word processor "those on the street who have a smartphone, a tablet or access to email addresses other than Gmail -- instead of enabling those to panhandle, what about providing resources from prescription eye glasses that aren't donated or second hand.  How do I word this; I don't know want me to spell this out for you.... by allowing science and social studies to do their shared job? More when bus drivers fuming over a multitude who leave a place trashed when pulling the homesteading bit on the bus stop.."
     When not showing someone how to produce an article or not telling them about places where it could voice patient-dumping; getting wardrobe for those who are working on such a piece or not encouraging those to seek a version of a hand-up more common in Chicago than pushing those to beg from the fixed income.  Platitude-laced brevity and fallacies in positivism would try to go out of the characters who embody a work of fan-fiction's way to put emphasis on happiness in minimum wage; on the level of a documentary that was going around.
      Trying to bring someone over to to help a friend out because a few groups do have a no TikTok policy; so this will be the why I am trying to bring a buddy over to Barnes & Noble Press or to feature works that are by those who have been evicted in some form;  I myself had been this in 1998 and 1999, but in 1999 it was an unlawful eviction.  Mason City, Iowa, I lived above a bar while struggling to get a temp-job then too.  What bothers me is seeing a locale wanting me to rewrite a work from 2002 to give it a General audience demographic; how about rethink that view because something like that... in their right of mind would want someone even to sanitize something with unsettling subject matter.
    "Don't give me that alleged vibe bullshit when I watched that video of a buddy faced unlawful eviction in Chicago!" 
   The platitude-driven view marred in a sea of brevity with logic of a greeting card; not what I signed up for when I got a key work out there when I was younger. Flaw rendered critical when not allowing a submission call as part of a job-hunt; when more so confirmed by outlet Unilad when a man my age, forty-eight, turned in job application after job application then when deeming the option that's on the table not part of the picture -- would one even tell me what your world looks like when it's not brevity-centric? 
     "That type of question; offensive!" 
     What reason.
   "What reason would you see such a question as offensive; it exposes someone like you as a middle-school dropout?  Claiming you want to help, but you are not bothering to research access to a community college as part of the mix when you trivialize aspects how a micropress high-tech origins had ties to web-development in a college computer lab.."  wait for it -- a history they're not talking about had surfaced when trying to trivialize such a work from 2002. Then look at the video of what that buddy filmed of his eviction the unlawful physicality of such; tell me the word-count unacceptable with one's troll logic..
    Not hearing when someone in job-hunt living in motel on their last c-note; then not even bothering to try and give someone an opening attempt with a range of this article when done.
     "Please think in 300-words-or-less!"
     "How about this, Vaffanculo with your brevity."
   When a buddy is trying to get help with something more stable than going hotel to hotel or motel-to-motel; be honest what reason or excuse one embodies that wants those to think well 300-words-or-less when those been published for addressing difficult occasionally it gets explicit in tone and uses high-tech word processors that are what is seen exact what they get.
    Someone wanting me to rewrite a 2002 era piece without the language; what do those parties have me for when they don't bother researching pieces which happen to be similar sized in other locations also in their devotional texts when short story or an article framework gets tapped the question becomes what excuses they want for someone to take part in bulletin when they could make the bulletin or business-card more interactive when an article is placed with a QR-Code with a graphic designed flash-drive with the word processors used to produce such a piece.
    Our histories weren't written in cursive; they appeared in various typefaced works where our names appeared in a table of contents since our late twenties.  Though taught to write in cursive then the typing classes in my age bracket at 16; didn't use a Hermes 3000 for that class it was a computer there IBM Symphony had emerged from.
    The flaw: platitude in the eyes when patient-dumping similar to what was addressed in 2006-2007 in Chicago would be observed as critical. The word processor this article was produced on is now ten years of age; though on iPad-OS there are similar or those on Android-OS now have them too. Still the characters are covering their ears because it is implied striving to be out-of-touch.  I as overseeing this; moving programs into a new laptop still wait upon the final move until my cousin and her neighbor, whose sons attended Wilbur Wright College decades after the cousin and her sister attended there also a decade apart.
    The flaw: ignore when works that happen to be within the range of 2200-2500 word-count are more an opening than a job-resume. Some would see the wording as 'negative' or 'apothic' try not to embody ethical lying or leave room for the bullshit.
    The character whose group revolted on him; side-eyed access to College of DuPage: Prairie Light Review and Joliet Junior College: Wordeater by way of Internet Archive. Patch Media: St. Pete pulled the same move that more or less tickling his ear when profanity on a group not allowed, "English, do you speak it" and I quote of his email became somewhat profane when I replied to this. I had dealt with characters like him enough to say that response made him a second-generation segregationist waiting to been revealed as such.      
    D'Ann White gave me a link to Temu not knowing I sometimes do play on the network every now and then; she needs something that'll break her loose from Patch Media a bit for a longreads that's uncensored territory using some of those finds. Would she be up to taking cues from Prairie Light Review: Children of a Lesser Suburb due to the fact some of her generation are no longer around; as I worked with a few in this generation when I was more active as a publisher.
    First time something produced will be mobile-optimized with use of older HTML3 tags; I noted this from on the network years ago allowing div-frame to create the scrolling panel commentary. I am doing this report where I'm letting my onn. tablet be followed around by National Internet Observatory on level of things I had been paid for a few times over; it's akin to having a favorite nonfiction work and prized getting paid royalties a few times over on a high-reprint rate. 
   A post-Instagram vid written article when it observed the flooding bus rain with different footage; trying to make a still of that vid for this piece though harder than one thinks..  The subject of a report on local-outlet isn't giving this a real glimpse when he's a personified glimpse of fan-fic gone wrong; among the street-population the science narratives are spoken in low whisper though when National Internet Observatory I glazed upon I made the tablet something I'll have them chase me around a little bit while I research for those who need glasses, not second-hand specs.
   "There are some things when I encounter these characters; an observation one cannot offer a sanitized view." 
    "Could someone tell me what he means by that; he's speaking in riddles."
   No.... about not asking someone to reword hard questions into a question that's a preschool-response.
    Demand a view that's dumbed-down not going to happen; be realistic when a history has shady fanfic embodiment trying to turn profits from a FB Group he admins on the level how someone when I was tossed from LiveJournal the maintainer after me made the group superficial.  The group co-admin of the FictionPress page should be paying close attention when a group begins to start a revolt over the fact she won't even open doors for works on level what surfaced on the network; what's notable of them are the range are done as writing assignments.
  "How with a reason you so willful ignore something of that detail?"
    This... being no theology tract sitting on the typeface looking at the screen; look into every detail when a photo-essay is a longreads based framework.  When it's far more journalistic than a tract of someone being pulled out of the water with 'thoughts & prayers' while someone is getting turfed, avoid just limiting oneself to clothing them help with an email address or means to be contacted if they need something in case that happens -- hint, nothing second-hand with such.  Unless the electronics are refurbished or affordable new, when seeing a turfing incident make sure one's contact information is available to get to the turfed patient to get an emergency discharge wardrobe sought then have the chronicling what lead up it.  Daily Mail had chronicled the policies the established joints having an abusive customer policy. 
   Though frustrating having to reset passkeys on Facebook and Instagram when my crime; was trying to help the friend who got my cousin established on how could those be honest with a view not allow the means to get something on the level of this when themselves, had failed on all levels to research when customers gone wrong would make it hard for buddies to get a place to stay the tense standoff in a Florida Motel 6 discussion of Baker Act on video. If I am going to be a walking assist for someone who was going to a taxi from the stairs of the localized mission; I am going to try to bring a few over to,, and and that's just the longreads-freebie list. 
  Glaring dilemma [conundrum] some characters still see ecosystem on the sense of earth or life science; not on the digital computer headspace of digital ecosystems.  Coming into such when science, social studies, family-saga and other framework overlap but histories brushed under a rug when the questions raised; when the redlight among activists is a weaponized approach against a humanities where Nature Conservancy had been caught in email flooding controversies seven years ago.  
   The hard glare will be what Nonprofit Quarterly gave insight on how to weigh in; where activism and the nonprofit sector would find themselves at odds with a community college for one reason or another; emphasis on brevity and not seeing when picketing is something different.
    "That's a tall order when suggesting bringing someone over to; I would rather take a theology-bumpkin view and not have that in the picture," is the coded constant talking over someone where the harder question becomes interrupted and embodied the excuse of trivial. The personification of that flaw; the 404'd approach when it's not a view that's nuanced or researched on their part.  When the thought process embodied the dumbed down approach where philosophy not part of the picture; though insight noted how a few provided additional notes on this report also have some college education themselves.
    Knowing when the payphone is almost all but faded; seems that Pinellas County still clings to this bit of history on par to the last thoughts they would never see published in the longer range.
     Still suggesting the concise bubble when the fatal flaw in brevity... is going to be addressing turfing when someone has a hospital gown still clad sitting on a concrete set of stairs with still in sock-feet;  those who think brevity as acceptable embody the view of themselves will be deemed persona-non-gata as shart on a bus.
   Rival of the people when someone has the in-depth view when that question is asked; though an unpopular message of helping those get moved into places where a photo essay combined with a longreads framework gives those more a chance than the 'anything helps' scrawled on a sharpie. NextDoor embodied a lopsided and maligned partnership with GoFundMe over their no-felons policy; meaning not allowed to use GoFundMe to pay lawyer fees in felony trial when patient-dumping happened would it be possible to put their greenleafs on trial for enabling felony against transplanted localities? 
    When seeing the video of the public unlawful eviction; tell me again your thought process is something far more concise or encourages the 300-words-or-less when it makes someone like this look like a deplorable b*****d?           
     Trivializing then suggest a work from 2002 not to have the strong-language when that's a key part of such a piece then pretend that other works out there in the range are not even greeted with the curiosity to allow those to try to produce something that range; setting those up to fail when the length at most is resume-centrist ideology or cover-letter as the submission.  How about rethinking how someone approaches that 300-words-or-less interpersonal fallacy to become something where seeing the world from a word processor that was produced in the mid-1990s into the first part into the current century?
    "Don't give me that alleged 'vibing' positivism bullshit when someone I found patient-dumped on similar to what I was published for.."
    The view where positivism is a view deemed unacceptable when dealing with turfing or other resources being dismissed; let alone not hearing it when helping those look for prescription glasses that aren't a second-hand deal.  Whoever stumbles upon this then grows dismissive of access to a community college; might not register with them when showing someone how to do a magazine is a dice roll to help someone pay their rent it might be something either way better off trying this than the 'thoughts and prayers' view.
   Where is the philosophy of realist not even invited in the mix where in Illinois this philosophy created works that became published in the digital age... Encourage a range similar to this where a work on an anthology reprinted was almost identical range of works on, and this network if looking the right way. Platitude-peddling anti-intellectuals wouldn't take into consideration when someone had offered money for gas to get a laptop picked up; they had to play a*****e and assume it was ethical lying; not prepared for someone to pull venmo out with clad in new clothes ready to go grab this up ahead of Tropical Storm Debby.
     "Avoid asking me for anything knowing that you shrugged the offer off. The insulting terms are rather earned because what you refused to do; habitual brownnosers. The fact you wouldn't even bother to research when patient-dumping or turfing had been in the picture... schmucks, schism-pushers," the snarl. 
     Asking someone to come into such a piece or examine it on it's own terms without frowning upon the depth involved; demanding something to be dumbed-down not happening when subject matter mirrors a revisited subject... or works where one's world is found out of the vast billion.  When the articles end up being sought by film-makers; hard question to figure out whom would be the literary villains of this world when the characters one never would guess would been a work of fanfiction if not noticed the right way.

© 2024 UncleFossil

Author's Note


Hyperlocal Media: Flat out Pretending TikTok doesn't set the work up.

When those who have common names like Smith, Thompson or similar and not raised in the Great Lakes. This is rule; avoid talking over someone or piggybacking social media comments when finds are shared on a wall. Talking over or interrupting someone every other line or word makes someone invite some crude remarks pointed. It makes someone like this look like they don't have a GED to their name.
  • Biography part & Similar piece found
  • What could those learn from or Wattpad: NatGeo
  • This article: it's trying to give some voice of a few incidents that overlapped and revisited subject matter. The pressure I got was someone trying to get me to clean-up the language on a 2002 Creative Nonfiction work; how about this. I refuse to that; this article will have borderline harder profanity but not so much. A given rule, avoid piggybacking social media comments that would drown out resources for free word processors or perscription glasses that aren't going to be a donated pair. If one is going to be honest about piggybacking comments talking over them; come to and fess up about doing so. I'll have a few coming to, and here when this is timed right then to Short Story Project: Tel Aviv, Israel. In other words if you want to play that; better damn well join The Bitter Southerner if going to be that dismissive at least read works on these networks before trying to do so....

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    Added on September 17, 2024
    Last Updated on September 20, 2024
    Tags: fb-groups-controversies, tampa-st-petersburg, florida-man, narrative-journalism, i-love-st-pete-cough-cough



    Joliet, IL

    I grew up in the Chicago area and a long time Illinois resident. I am published and a publisher of other writers. This is where you will find my samples of investigative journalism along with my wo.. more..
