Fraudster Histories

Fraudster Histories

A Story by UncleFossil

More Longreads in the near 2800-word-count range; hat-tip Mick Mercer and Gil Padilla for setting things going on this one. 🏺 Something for Newsbreak though still waiting for ID clearance.


This will have fact-checked resources from, AARP, and a few others when in the post -- CBS News revealed NextDoor CEO pleas ‘no-contest" to felony hit and run.  This special report was in pending on Newsbreak though it’s one that need to get the links in the right places to make this happen, in part this confirmed Southern Life: vids where he was driving around St. Petersburg, Florida.

word-count approx.: 2789-word-count range

The looking around for what became the debut article on Newsbreak will be returning just need time looking for it. I am going to perform a BuzzFeed News style deep dig on an image a publishing instructor who worked with me almost 2 decades ago came across, irony enough the origins of that unknown TV as hypnosis ad has stemmed into St. Petersburg, Florida,  mind some of you on this network -- he’s from around the London Metro area could easy been a neighbor with my late grandmother’s older brother.

The fiancee of my Industry-mate in the micropress noted something with that found old magazine ad-space that was historically the seeds what gave cash-wheel scams on Cash-App or GoFundMe scams their momentum [along with the report that I did previously on network of the woman who was ripping apart a Wendy’s around the Largo-St. Petersburg-Clearwater-Tampa metropolitan area.]

This in the combination of what I stumbled upon when trying to operate as Telecommuter’s Desk -- passkey had changed and a key 2020s era article of mine resurfaced with newer images.  Something I am going to point out that the social network in name only wouldn’t allow into the mix -- going to link that up from a 2019-2020 report.  The software used in the writing of this article was a word processor from 1998 where a project tba is lead by real-life neighbors back in Chicago [this area is where I grew up.]

Giovanni Cerro admitted he is more tech-savvy than some want to admit -- then finding out what happened on May 2, 2023 in the courts.  I am not going into detail about it but look into PBS Frontline: The Plea to give those who are visiting this profile or NewsBreak:  Community Voices program a glimpse when they opened doors for Longread-type narrative journalism.

I will be including some visuals when working on this from a Blu G33 issued by Gen Mobile,  sources drawn wll be from MetroZone when I get a vast number of science-gone-wild news stories so asking in the glimpse of where feathered wildlife see something of a concrete river.

NextDoor just won’t even look into when Qjot or AbiWord had been invited when and sparked an interest in renewed forerunners of what became this network.  Look into the Biography and Essay area of that network then one would know how to weigh in.

The Locale in St. Petersburg, Florida, a few of the street-population noted how the volunteer-sector is often on a resource drain or pretending access to Too Good To Go app had surfaced. This is not my debut outright with Newsbreak though trying to come in a such a way where Pqtch Media: St. Pete had been a journalistic embodiment of liability upon liability. All of this happened when D’Ann White had decided on prolonged medical leave.  The street-population a few of them are coming to a project tba on RPI, Inc [ and sibling outfit Blurb Books. MagCloud and the companies irony enough that I do operate with are based out of California.]

“Gio, you may want to do some research on this before making a snap remark. Something to look into if you’re using an iPhone to produce a longreads-up-front  and center piece,” is something that was lampshaded just I had no idea how much fraudster histories and grifters made their place home in either Tampa or Pinellas County. Something glazed into that mirrored what was spoken of on Vice Media: The Bubble.

Gil Pradilla from around Kansas City, MO, revealed this detail too based on that image, “man talk about a history of brainwashing, what did you come into?” This and what I uncovered how those mirroring another lack of ethics the willing to try and buy social media profiles surfaced where I moderate a 52K-plus group on

When some of the street-population who aren’t panhandling, have access to a tablet that will be in a need of repair phones needing some kind of charger that’s a Type-c to Type-C.  The needs and what is sought is distinctly unique though it’s met with a reluctance to give those that resource to have such devices repaired when needed.  Though I will point out with Grammarly is going to be the app doesn’t pick up regional wording ie the wording in the Inland North Dialect [the Northern City Vowel Shift] from locales who originate in the Great Lakes from Chicago, Illinois, Racine, Wisconsin and Toledo for example.

The aspect when the search results vary on search engine to search engine, the article will show results of the masses whom had engaged in Fraud via GoFundMe where one distinct one a guy decided to engage with wrestling a pelican in the ocean waters.  Violation of what’s known to be Treaty with Migrant Birds Act -- my mag is noted for Chicago’s feathred wildlife on the front page of the magazine so I am going to use that search result as the starting point how to weigh in.

I suggested this to the publisher of,  “look for the science-gone-viral narrative and the other documentary that would been setting up in the backdrop of those news stories.  Be ready to get a word processor out that has a backspace delete key on either Windows-OS, iPad-OS or Android-OS for example.’

The type of deal when NextDoor: St. Petersburg [St. Pete, Florida] just will not look into nor try to help those looking for some kind of free word-processor as this piece being done on.  The problem when they forbid access to a word processor when it’s not for producing a resume but more creating a four-part report on or [since WattPad collaborated with NatGeo.]  Some of the population are coming to in the Journal-section of the longform approach.  I will have to include what was found making it’s way to a social media profile all the way into London where the zip code irony enough 33731 -- St. Petersburg, Florida. This particular find stemmed back years before Midtown 1996, and during that time I was at College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

Putting me around 20, the receiving end of those events -- that one irony enough is now the same age as longtime friend and some college buddies who were born born in 1978.   The offset of what played up in St. Petersburg, Florida, the autumn of 1996 wasn’t even noted on the national level -- though in Chicago, Illinois, in 1991 such a riot played up under celebratory gunfire which has a custom going back before the Digital Age.

“Wait you cannot even do the 2000-word range let alone speak ‘proper-english,’ how dare you suggest what you suggested who do you honestly think you are?” is a protesting comment in direct message on NextDoor when calling him out.  The problem being blatant NeoLuddism that carried into the modern era when such approaches deployed Atlantis Nova to produce a 2484-longreads in Narrative Journalism and true crime.

Adage produce one’s own chances is something to keep in mind when access to a word-processor being free.  Those looking at this with use of a font-face similar to whats on zWrite App, much akin to zWrite and Altantis Nova in the early era these programs don’t have the grammar check so writing this on AbiWord is as close to using a typewriter on a modern era Windows-OS or with Qjot though issues glaring this locale treats it with indifference. AbiWord is part of the ecosystem of OpenOffice, OnlineOffice [GMX and from Berlin Republik, Germany] and LibreOffice then FocusWriter.

Though a few would keep flagging these resources on NextDoor [parent Salesforce, where CBS News revealed the CEO’s hit-and-run booking photo.]  That will be the momentum needed to produce this article, the aspect of the Vox report as filming strangers is a niche trend - hence ‘people of Walmart’ hashtag on comes to mind.  When someone noted all who aren’t even applying for employment then frowning upon the Humanities-based-freelance model in Publishing where magazine submissions isn’t an easy thing to break into let alone have those who are personally known to run them.

“Who decided that trying to get a longreads-based article is even acceptable?”

This would be the cheery tone used when hiding behind superficial thought.  Again when those implie such a question they go hyper-theological in nature; then unwilling to provide those access to few community college archives that Internet Archive found themselves a bit invaluable on that front.   All the times they got in trouble with the Publishing Industry in part, then the thing they did right is make the community-college literary magazine archives of Joliet Junior College and College of DuPage live;  this being something almost priceless when a few are planning to come over to NewsBreak,, WattPad or

Look the reporter behind Tampa Bay Reporter isn’t around, someone has to cover for what her and Art Barnum had their lions share of reporting historically. Yet, NextDoor: St. Pete is bit of a NeoLuddite Ecochamber if looking right.

“Where would be an asset in freelance publishing?”

This well the question was there well into 2006-2007 since that networks beginnings and WattPad was yet to come into it’s own when the tablet and smartphone weren’t quite in the mix yet. is a hybrid between social network, and LiveJournal with the blog feature then responds to HTML2 or HTML3 commands.

Quite a few decided not to admit that about 50% of the populus in 1997 had some form of free email address that’s not Hotmail [MSN Outlook,]  Rocketmail and AOL now both owned by Yahoo!  sothat comes to mind, some of the street-population don’t even want to admit that NewsBreak App or now WritersCafe saw a mobile overhaul that will allow works to have new found intrest like those on in the current 2020s decade.  Then those who have a [Google Workplace] aren’t tapping Google Docs as it has features shared with AbiWord, the .sdw file attachment this being where Google Docs forked from StarOffice.

What is contributed and looked at is human-produced on 1998-era word processor though it will be hard to gauge word count on either zWrite,  Mach Write or RTF Write so if those using these apps use them for an anthology submission when those coming to Barnes & Noble Press, or because these haven’t been tested within that compacity yet.  Submission for an anthology revealed two years into development; the neighbors who are irl-neighbors in Chicago -- the project face and hosted byline her sons now 20-somethings enrolled on their own to Wilbur Wright College, the City Colleges of Chicago.

So where could the street-population learn from access to Joliet Junior College literary mag archives?  Answering that question, it will be some street-papers have similar ethos as community-college magazines.  Aspects of the street-population engaging in longform narrative journalism;  the challenge is using the right word processors out of the gate respective to the ecosystems originated from.  Since one alleged literary organization that had a mission in community building;  Duotrope pointed out otherwise exposing their fraudster MO.

Scenario more than one source blown open the CEO of NextDoor Felony record, so wondering what type of employment is even permitted to promote on Nextdoor seems like the jobs felons are able to hold and look for.

“All of ya are wrong!”

“The CEO pleaded no contest” translated to Swedish will be “

I find myself even hinting to this;  when not allowing those with a felony criminal record access to a word processor though the challenge will be someone who had just misdemeanor records to have word-processor access with ease.  The analysis where D’Ann White basically with her hitaitus from Patch Media: Florida channels raises questions who is treating longreads-as-persona-non-grata.

What becomes asked, ‘If word processor access is treated like a controlled substance then protesting activists trying to redlight those who work as Publishers or had worked on print-on-demand literary magazines historically when a magazine that’s listed on has invited the Service sector as a Publishing field into the mix.  How would those who try to pretend a word processor that’s freely available and not give resources like or FictionPress where longreads-as-the-jobhunt?”

The pseudoscience view with that graphic found and I quote, “Hypnotize with any TV set, first evening or money back” does that sound like something of cash-flip scammers would come up with, agree on that one if studied right it’s got traits of the cash-flip scam or GoFundMe uses of fraud.  The image I want to include but might be too risque even for those in 1996-1997 sense of broadscope; okay admit it one as to be trying to keep a straight face seeing that then a woman running around in Downtown St. Peterburg arrested for being clothing optional.  Yet when that goes the blind-eye; it becomes the Dancing Frog Complex aka it happened just don’t believe it at all is what comes to mind -- then on par learning that Walmart ID along with Apple iD logins work on Kobo: Writing Life as photo submitted via the Nokia 2760.

Some sectors suggest and quote the proverbial starting point when revealed the wording of ‘grassroots’ being origins in Segregation ideologies, a 1957 documentary made the connection when resurfaced on in recent history. revealed the ‘purr terminology’ that surfaces -- a pen-named work in TheBookPatch circles snagged the term ‘job-creator’ when its a vague term also.  Aspects when those ignore in passing, producing based articles on smartphones or with the tablets being given out on the Affordable Connectivity Lifeline program.

Yet what comes up often will be when seeing a slew of panhandling around Pinellas Beaches and St. Petersburg, Florida yet Patch Media wouldn’t comment on this in some form,  Tampa Bay Beacon network had though had in passing addressed this, though refused to do a longer report on par to this being developed.  Aspets what one is looking at with WattPad, a company in Toronto, Ontario, when narrative journalism taken new life when they teamed with NatGeo so what in mind.  What if someone was to borrow a flash-drive with Focus Writer on it from in Barcelona, Spain, then knowing approx page count for an anthology has some guesswork involved working with Mach Write,  RTF Write and zWrite for older model iPads for example.

“Wait who found that risque old magazine ad that is a forerunner of cash-app frauding or GoFundMe frauding that surfaced all the way in London, United Kingdom?  Coming from you, this is more unbelievable but shown the mailing address with St. Petersburg, Florida’s 33731 zip-code geography,”  Gil Pradilla hinted at after watching the krabbainvasion: airport sequel to the science gone viral events around Port St. Lucie and weeks later in Orlando.  The truth with those who are in Freelance-based humanities work; having more than one one boss and sometimes someone as me being the one in charge of my roster’s PayPal payroll on paid upon acceptance policies and sending alumni over to places I got paid from in recent history as direct deposit.

On par with what he noticed and echoed a reporter from Orlando-Sentinel a company tied to Chicago Tribune in Illinois.  Creative Loafing: Tampa and the Chicago Reader had been linked to a wider outfit.   I quote with that known Brandenton, Florida, business man,  “I got one better for you” then started humilating someone when he offered a yard-work hand-up.

He failed to understand I used to be a University Groundskeeper, when I was working Elmhurst University -- bonus I learned how to navigate a trackpad that’s now on a laptop.  I had been using some kind of Windows-OS laptop since 2011.   

Mind those here I was still a fledgling web-developer; now been doing that since 1997 at the age of 20. Speaking as web developer, though HTML rooted in part it had finally made mobile accessibility to articles something an owner of an onn. tablet can check out too but writing pieces on there -- think more in the word-count range of 2380-3400 as the freebie standalone article then a four-part report as a short story collection or book on the network.

From the viewpoint, how would one examine a history through the eyes of someone with a manual typewriter when word processors can be sought with buying USB 16 GB flash-drives for those on the street given access to AbiWord 2.8, FocusWriter, and Jarte on Windows then finding counterparts to these iPad-OS where zWrite is a proxy to Jarte Plus 6.2.

© 2024 UncleFossil

Author's Note

This will be further fact-checking section on this article, the moment in St. Petersburg, Florida as graphic says it all. Found in a FB group I moderate so I decided it would work well with this piece. If you want the image that was originally slated for this -- message me directly.

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Added on June 21, 2024
Last Updated on June 21, 2024
Tags: job-hunts, fraudsters, narrative-journalism, photo-essay



Joliet, IL

I grew up in the Chicago area and a long time Illinois resident. I am published and a publisher of other writers. This is where you will find my samples of investigative journalism along with my wo.. more..
