Handout ReduxA Story by UncleFossilThe 4227-longreads article known as 'Observing the Handout' saw revisions from its 2021-LinkedIn Pulse offering. 🪔 this was revised even in the form that was almost lost.Took me a bit to find this article again, it became one of the articles that was a sought-after longread-type article on when it was part of LinkedIn." this one saw some revisions of the piece, though word-count is approx. how it surfaced on the LinkedIn version of it. Finding this on the 22 year anniversary of a true-crime outing of mine written and surfaced, Giovanni Cerro had no idea when works from a floppy drive what survived is on FictionPress some who were my age with works on the network might not even have that. My coffee-money is from JustPlay, Eureka Surveys, Rakuten, and the photo will be from my web-search of panhandlers in St. Petersburg, Florida, news story from ABC Action News almost ten years ago. HomelessVoice revealed from the Search Brave results numerous. I tried to have an understanding view; those who have a smartphone are the ones I will help more than ones who have the ‘anything helps’ then seen one too many of the latter to not let this article go lost. The photo done was from a Nokia 2760 then given an ai-treatment for the filter; photography tech changed since 1996-2002 even in that alone. This will be paired with a few D’har Mann videos from Facebook the use of stock-phrase, ‘anything helps’ will be that video one is looking at in contrast. Handout Redux: Report From LinkedIn I made a few attempts at trying to get this article out there, and the footage that was being played for Nayeema Ferdouse showing her what is unfolding stateside. The thing that I was looking at was a video from last year that was filmed by ABC Action News of St. Petersburg and Tampa of Bradenton filmed unknown date, though the thing I noticed that they will not take the manual labor hand-up lightly. This article got some rebooted elements since it’s 2021-launch on LinkedIn; I am going to expanded on this within the new visuals that were done via a Nokia 2760 then since my cousin’s anthology working with the high-school classmate published. The hand-up that works is the one that International Network of Street Newspapers that Streetwise in Chicago is noticed by; then what is planned so far the page count is 93 pages on my cousin and classmate’s anthology the now published-anthology is 220-pages.." well the ideas are brought to the table by Ibena Asante. Though the one who did the $15 per hour yardwork sign had the idea just didn’t know how to actually do the execution of the idea, avoid bringing someone to do manual labor because there are plenty of websites that have those who pay for yard work. Got to give the man credit for trying though should had contacted me about an idea that was more effective. It wasn’t just ABC Action News who chimed in but also Fox 13 in Tampa; let’s just say that D’Ann White of Florida Patch upon this updated work she went hiatus [often reporting in Pinellas Beaches, Clearwater, Gulfport, and that region.] The progress well trying to get this article started, the thing is the program I was writing this on had crashed twice and lost a majority of it. I had managed to get some insight about a few regions, Nayeema was lampshade hanging the welfare of the aging in Bangladesh. I am going to add the article from Dhaka Tribune on the subject though the things I noticed would take into the consideration for D’Ann working with my cousin and classmate then his aunt working with Ibena Asante from Rochester, New York. “How would you describe hand-up in your words, Nick?” I provide one with the word processors that I gathered together via LinkTr.ee and feel free to thumb around with each one. Those who might be looking for work, and the complications of the job search some might find themselves in that situation where rent had been due then eviction notices given. These would be the subject matters those direct mailers or newsletters will avoid, the whole thing about being thought provoking doesn’t exactly register with those who look at direct mailer magazines on Issuu. I will even admit, I’ve seen it this had gotten out of control I don’t know if Patch [either St. Pete or Pinellas Beaches are going to address this, though when they go and aggressively try for someone with a fixed income where one’s family is struggling to keep head above water.] I’m rather lucky that I was able to get the International Standard Book Number for the project that Felicha and Noah curated and published on December 21, 2021, this is one of those articles I can revisit with the reflection of that project published. I am getting a few of these finds together and then I will notice the documentary that’s being around YouTube filmed by a PBS equivalent in European Union from 2019 which I did send along to the rest of the neighborhood on TheBookPatch via Gmail. So I was getting some ideas back and fourth how this project could be done, though the thing when I did the call for Multimedia Journalists on LinkedIn." it seems that surprises me when I clearly said, “Do not send a resume.” What they did was send me a resume, really do they even follow submission guidelines? Well the thing with my cousin had found a gif though with his luck he had no idea the gif was from a story which was from a Florida based news story from 2014. So the thing which I am going to examine is the trend of aggressive panhandling on more than one level..." the thing would be the timing falling on an act that was emerged in 1938 though some things changed since it was passed. Though the aspects when Franklin Roosevelt didn’t even think of in play which would come into the surface in the 1990s was home based computers playing up a different kind of publishing that would become the 2002-2010 era. The thing that just doesn’t sit well with me is when I didn’t ask for those who were looking for the submission spot to not send a resume when I was getting them anyway..." though going into the detail here, how would one suggest the idea for D’Ann White to carry this kind of submission out in Longreads territory when I had the accusation that had was thrown in left field at me. “Are you getting kickbacks from Longreads?” “Come off it already if you’re unwilling to do the research about the website. I want to see those who have the resume writing background come up with something in the sizable range to work with my cousin and classmate.” I am sure a few will be looking at that remark as an ouch though I am doing this article with the same program I wrote my breakaway piece when I was 25 year old on the verge of turning 26, though working with WordGraph here and there. They could use room for improvement to cover for in case an article crashes and unable to bring it back… Though the ideas are there with this piece for those who are looking on and having 16 articles on LinkedIn" never imagined I would have some sizable articles on the website but hell, I am trying to provide some resources for a GoFundMe that I had set up; it’s rigged to my Dave bank account this is also rigged to PayPal too. So those who are going out there day after day with brevity on cardboard, let me ask this if one seems to sift around on here.." the fact someone was offering $15 for something that might been a hindsight and have no idea how to really do this. I understand the hard times and rough months when my International Standard Book Number will go to the electric bill, my cousin helped me get one of my ISBN designations for the project on Barnes & Noble and The Book Patch in 2015 after I was fired from CreateSpace. I had asked The Storyteller’s Alliance why they encourage brevity in the non-writer when starting out, if they would have an in-depth idea give them the way to carry it out instead of encouraging a view where the hardware is an antique and costs as much as my laptop, cell phone and iPad in combination. The length of the piece is a factor where the one will say it isn’t; the more fleshed out this is though trying to treat such with tone-deaf ears.." and the opening is there for the designated word count for a project, take it keep the eyes opening for a submission call or two. Though Jack Kerouac will not give this kind of advice in his lifetime, it’s because he didn’t have those connections in the era. He argues, “Symbolism is alright in Fiction, I tell true life stories simply about people I knew.” Okay I will take this element and explain.... symbolism is a setup for lampshade hanging and foreshadowing though I will go more further into the detail. It helps write the narrative journalism elements and helps created the voice of those who sell the street papers. The thing that we’re looking for Noah and Felicha are a form of narrative journalism that makes the form more literate again, hyperlocal reporting seems to not give that literate element as the magazine front does. The whole thing that doesn’t sit well with me when a nonprofit entity had tried to turn me against the places I had been with relatively a reasonable length of time; so the idea would be have those from the neighborhood on Blurb, Barnes & Noble, Draft 2 Digital and Kobo join my neighborhood to usher my classmate into the fold as a publisher. Though the videos I am looking. According to the crudely scribbled signs, “Could you spare some change.” I encountered a few like this when Ogla Bof just walked past and not said a word, her and I quote, “Any dollar is earned here is circulated here.” “Shut the hell up! Come off of that because what you did was at the expense of classmates and the backs of my extended family. Damn it lady, you think I care about your event knowing that?” I am sure she was looking at me when I said I am a journalist who didn’t ask questions, I just gave her a look and gesture of silent disapproval. "I am looking up the archives about the Labor Movement from 1938 for Ibena when she works with my cousin who that cousin had passed away just after this surfaced.." these things will be available for Nayeema because National Public Radio chimed in on the working age in Bangladesh some time in 2013. I will be making these available within the piece, Nayeema did a Google search on the similar situation in Bangladesh with those who are living on the street the population of homeless there will be the entire population of Los Angeles. That’s sobering to me when she looked this up, it is about the combination of the city of Chicago and Los Angeles in combination. One in four people do live in poverty as I looked up from a Google search, Borgen Project [via their blog] had related this, so I have to ask how much of a paycheck away some are from this if they get the monthly check each month? Nayeema described her place on par to my old apartment in Roselle and Justice more or less [the apartment in Roselle would be an Extended Stay kind of place.] I did found one that would shed some light on the question, “How many are on the street in Thana or Dhaka?” Emran Hossian on March 20, 2020 revealed this on New Age Bangladesh, an English language publication that the population were in the hundreds on the streets of Dhaka. Cable News Network in August 2019 spoke of a slum fire that left 10,000 on the street thousand of shanties okay in the United States the equal to this would be a concave neighborhood with multiple apartment complexes within a block of each other. So that information is there for D’Ann to work with; my best friend even said if she was going to go into this kind of unflinching territory what she doesn’t know how Patch might been late to party when it came to reporting upon Keith Nicholetta. $1.9 Mill is a huge chunk of change to blow on a high priced toy such as a Mercedes and other things along the way. So those who are out there trying to aggressively beg from those who have a fixed income. I have seen those who are trying to do something with themselves and photographed the artwork for Esque. This one was chronicled a year ago in April. I saw what played up with this one and I started asking around, “This man isn’t looking for food when he’s asking for cash, I know what he needs though the thing is hard to find this type of chalk in St. Pete. The art supply shop in town closed up for good in the wake of the outbreaks.” I was sifting around and looks like found the other version of this article too seeing what I wrote from that one can go into this one... "Then seeing where the progress this one is, I am going to add each aspect from the others going into this one. So those who are reading this, connected to The Storyteller’s Alliance the ideas upon the table, all that discussion of leadership why they would teach a type of leadershi[t]p where use of technology isn’t in the picture. Damn it doesn’t always register with me though observing... There will always be someone who is holding their hand with brevity scribed on cardboard. I am looking at this from multiple perspectives then asking the question, those who try and offer a hand-up instead of inviting someone over to do their yard work for $15 an hour. Show them how to use a word processor that works from a cloud-base then ask them to produce a piece that examines the scenario, allow them to ask a pointed question where brevity is not the response. Though one thing I will notice those who encourage price-gouging and labor-gouging on Reddit among freelancers how are freelance writers supposed to work in the small press because that’s strangling the small press in the process? The piece my guess would gather criticism is a blog entry talking about the other gig sector, she’s not a true freelancer in the sense of paying dues in the sending out to magazines then collecting the rejection letters to show one is trying. Though the thing I had pointed out with this one, either pause the brevity for now or end up pushing brevity on cardboard aka end up writing, ‘Could you spare some change’ on a back of a cardboard box with a sharpie. The mods of Saint Petersburg Reddit protested my remark, “Oh you hurt my feelings. I made it all the way to Freshmen year, cannot believe you couldn’t even tell.” This was the implied questioned their education, "the whole thing that had me getting on them was the lackluster treatment of news story back home in Joliet" the thing is I had invited a few from the region to be a part of my classmate and cousin’s project. Though the thing with a few responses were a “Could you kindly unfollow me, and I want to remove this connection. I am more interested in contributing to a history that’s whitewashed; not subscribing to the bitter pill you are inviting to the table with what is planned.” So the thing came about how to have D’Ann White examine a scenario with the word processors provided to work with and on the table, the project my classmate and cousin are overseeing is not about how concise one can get.. it’s about how effective one can carry themselves in a fleshed up poignancy. What are the things that newsletters and direct mailer magazines aren’t exactly telling those like me or willing to trivialize the idea of someone learned how to do the production process of publishing then made it even more intricate. The thing is will be that no one took their time working with CreateSpace and projects looked a little rushed meaning it still looks like it barely left the manuscript stage [i.e. still double-spaced and not typeset for publishing.] The Book Patch might had simplified the process though even for me, I explained to them I arrange everything in parts and sequencing the PDF.. I know my way around the PDF well enough to able to vector them in a way to fit the layouts that are 6 x 9 after it’s scaled down. Working with CreateSpace over the years I knew how to work with much larger files as PDF though the thing for fast uploading is trying to reduce the size and keep the optimization. Though the question how much observing the handout, one would have to ask with those who would be in resume writing circles... seeing the aggressive panhandling themselves even on LinkedIn it happens. LinkedIn Open Network [L.I.O.N.] leaves this wide open for it to happen. I am selective when those who want to connect with me please understand I am not asking to get woo’d away from my field or not get trapped into designing your trifold. I am looking on the network based on a video that is discussed on the LinkedIn Open Networker. I have to ask how many are there then I’ve seen one connect with me. I am selective though I don’t always see the L.I.O.N. as a few had spoke with a few of them... good intentions though the road to hell is being paved. The connections on the site; it’s had opened some doors working with a cousin -- the though the chances would connect with a connection that would get one into a magazine. Though the thing with LinkedIn Open Networker is an aggressive panhandler waiting to happen. It is my second and third cousins who own businesses, though the thing is I don’t see potential customer because that’s not my style. If someone grabs up the magazine on Barnes & Noble, okay not bad though as graphic designer it’s something that’s seen on Blurb and Kobo as a preview. Indianapolis please be careful when you see aggressive panhandling as WTHR relates how they get aggressive then changing their narrative. The signs that are scrolled then working then a few openly discussed the details, a few have via YouTube had related that panhandlers had spent their gains on adult beverages. The one who I featured on an article I saw something, “Wait this guy is looking for supplies I know what he needs they are hard to come by. I know the kind of chalk he uses the question what areas in and around Tampa or St. Petersburg, sell this?” The YouTube channel for KEZI 9 relates that there is a sign that documents, “Transfer of money of personal property between vehicle and pedestrian is prohibited.” I had been looking at the situation though I am passing around the Linktr.ee though the thing when looking on the ideas with a perspective when a jobseeker results to panhandling. How is one supposed to know they’re dealing with the Fifth Avenue Beggar in New York? I will admit I had been selective who had decided to help because the laws that are in the books, thinking about this when I was watching the footage in and around Manatee County area. I showed one of the signs from one of those who are in Saint Petersburg to Nayeema via WhatsApp. The idea on the table Nayeema added the links from MyBatua to help my cousin, and this would also help D’Ann White. The idea, she will not pose as a panhandler though she will be posing as an Uber Driver who is sleeping in an SUV. She will have a Cash.App card to work with then the arrangement will be she will stay in a hotel in a larger neighboring city to keep her electronics charged up then studying the YouTube videos discussing aggressive panhandlers. There are a ton of ideas she could take from this, then thumb around Anything Goes News on Reddit well I managed to get those articles onto FictionPress and WattPad, since being deplatformed from LinkedIn and Reddit. I am expressing interest in seeing some of my magazine alumni working with my family and friends, since I knew Farid since he was 17 and Wei-Yeng since he was 11. Only a few I’ve known like this for years, some of them seen The Pattern Of Diagnosis surfaced. D’Ann will be shadowing Farid and Wei-Yeng to bounce ideas off because they are the only two on LinkedIn who knew from the events that happened after my classmate’s dark downward spiral. The thing would be when it came to the classmate mentioned in the opening paragraph of that work; question becomes the classmates who would end up going down that path.. it’s an unknown. Addressing the subject of aggressive panhandling cannot be addressed on par to brevity on cardboard; on par to the man who wrote the message offering $15 per hour for yard work. The question would be the man who tried this, has he tried to look into the history that played up of how they used to sell apples in the street.. Though a woman on GoFundMe from Johnston, Colorado, called her GoFundMe campaign bluntly “Modern Panhandling,” though what I did with mine is explain via Reddit posts of what played up and idea going around. Though I am surprised this one made her Zelle information available. In the years I’ve noticed GoFundMe and a cousin who was trying to get $150 Large [aka $150,000. He had a ton of factual errors on that GoFundMe run when search results on other search engines revealed how those use GoFundMe in fraud-crimes] that’s nearly impossible to get that for a single raising though with mine I was trying to raise just under $400. I am providing the information and the means to allow others to execute the submission, the guy who tried the yard-work version of hand-up okay I was studying this. I will give him a ton of credit for trying though the ones who know how to do the hand-up, able to illustrate how these works.." teach someone how to do graphic design and they’d be creating the work themselves. Though looking on the question how often does this no-tech method of funding even still work? The thing with social entrepreneur..: I had flirted with the idea of being one in 1998 though at the time the one who wanted to get into it wasn’t compatible with freelance work. I didn’t expect to be able to apply my vocational background with the humanities background in 1993 and in 1997 even then I had to wait. What worked though was having a few copies of a project that was in my bookbag at the time [while I was with Lulu would read one of the short stories from the project then they would notice the cover. Asked me how I did this then started looking at the anthology, recognized my magazine output with Tales of the Talisman and was in England.] My flesh and bloods on selling one project with my work in it. This was on par to selling a story for a pro-rate. So think about it that way I did that inside of 25 minutes I had about $86 on my person [paid for a nice lunch, a few ten-ride Metra passes then what I had left over I bought a few copies of Streetwise, then gave the vendor of flat of cola then said, “Share this with your fellow vendors.”] Lulu operates as B Lab operation though the thing that comes to mind they had their flaws, I was fired on a lie though if they did listen I would still been there. The thing now I have been with a company now as long I had been with either Lulu or CreateSpace in both tenured runs meaning I would had been with CreateSpace as BookSurge for 11 years. My phone number that I use was provided by one of the old guys from Lulu as he was on Bandwidth before Google Voice was acquired. One will know they have something that stands out, when the piece can be confirmed by a number either as room mates or your best friend over the few years..." those who read the submission will confirm this with those who knew the writers best. Though examining each angle, the scenario and polarizing aspects will be how and what extent someone is willing to have a narrative journalism work which does stand out and voice those who might seen themselves as invisible, underrepresented in history? There is a connection to aggressive panhandling and the cash flipping scams on Instagram, though the thing might end up emerging on those circles in LinkedIn network counterparts of this will be L.I.O.N. When one sees the “Open to connect comment” please be selective because one will never know when that connection will cost you a magazine publication or an anthology spot." in other words the LinkedIn Open Networker might try not to be professional with you on a professional network. Try not to come off like an apple seller when it comes to woo’ing freelancers away from their gig because not all of the freelancers had been full-blown freelancers some had been moonlighters as that was how I got started with web design work. My grandmother had told me about they had apple sellers in Maywood, Illinois, where they were sold for a nickel. So the contrast of the polarizing photos of the apple seller in 1934 from the Midwest, the aggressive panhandler might try to use the LinkedIn Open Networker in the headline to try and connect. What is the equivalent to this in the mid-decade of the roaring 2020s?
The late part of the 2010s-2020’s era had been the footnote of how brevity had drowned out the long-form read for hyperlocal reporting of “Good times had come again.” Much like the 1920’s Prohibition era and the tail end of the Great Arrival in 1921. © 2024 UncleFossilAuthor's Note
Added on June 5, 2024 Last Updated on June 14, 2024 Tags: longread-revisted, LinkedIn.com-articles, Jobhunt-in-2020s, Beggars-of-Tampa-Bay AuthorUncleFossilJoliet, ILAboutI grew up in the Chicago area and a long time Illinois resident. I am published and a publisher of other writers. This is where you will find my samples of investigative journalism along with my wo.. more..Writing