![]() Brevity-Minded LocaleA Story by UncleFossil![]() This opt-ed is to try to give Publisher, Tim Lieder, who was a rather competitive rival of mine in 2004-2012 some traffic for one of his three GoFundMe efforts. See the further commentary below...![]() on record, wasn’t sure what I wanted to call this piece though I will point out the writing the article was using word processors on par to a digital antique then some found still available on Softonic, Softpedia and two others. How would someone begin to weigh in when the pen-and-paper-journaling trivializes then attempts to drown out their contemporaries who had been published since their mid-twenties creating recognizable short stories then noticed there being works going still unnoticed from that era. News stories that make a cameo in passing: Krabbainvasion 2019: Port St. Lucie & Patient Dumping Lakeland Incident. Brevity-Minded Locale word count range: 3,239 Sitting with the word processor I originally got a work published in 2011 from what I wrote in 2008 using AbiWord; the aspects what of those looking on either WattPad or WritersCafe.org known a then fierce competitor of yours was at the time when either of you were at the most active of their publishing careers. So the glow of a cursor with what observations from that phone in hand and from the tablets; then the aspects and treasures the butt-nuggets of wisdom NeoLuddite waste leaves behind. I am in the glimpse of trying to get someone’s Hot Pepper flip-phone back to them then seeing what could be done to give Tim’s GoFundMe some much needed traffic. The conundrum locale would go as far to make it rough to work with businesses I had a long established history with being they were businesses who happen to been neighbors to the joints I worked with on a remote basis from my twenties. The submitted photo with the article was done on such a phone, as I had used a Nokia 2760 for a little more than a year but it wasn’t my exclusively used device. This phone was used in two 911 calls then a TruConnect phone was also used like this when I had one as well. Submitted photo with this was of a cat who was resting on an empty lawn-care trailer. “Could you refrain from the fecal matter reference?” Telling someone from Illinois not to produce crude mental pictures; blame my extended family for some of them -- my grandmother when she was alive made some crude zingers. She did have moments of being rather crude on par with a woman who cussed out her family in an obituary. “The things when it comes to a generation you were changing their diapers while studying for one’s own Philosophy midterms, then criticizing the fact some of us telecommuted,” a generation now the age that I was when I was getting published seeing works that were getting a surprise following then rekindled interest how works from the flip-phone era and word processors from the Nokia 1998 era are still being tapped. Since first active; the locale changed -- I debated whether to bring this article to WattPad or to WritersCafe; though thinking how to get another established who happened to be both the same age as a then roommate of mine and some of my era bosses. The harsher aspect when dealing with the locale of St. Petersburg, Florida just look up DuckDuckGo and VineLink in random... wait was that out-loud. Damn it... Okay what comes in play the vanity presses that happen to be localized give villians, three-time felons good publicity. In passing what will be noted will be a demographic who is on the fringe; some panhandling those with a fixed income. Yes this happens, “Could you spare a cigarette.” “I haven’t smoked in years. Don’t bum smokes from me.” “Got a dollar to spare?!?” “How about get a f*****g job! I was tipped off by some of the street-residents how they are stealing from each other; damn it man get it together if you’re going to panhandle the disabled -- what the hell...” This, shown been the broken record dialogue. This being something I almost knew it would be territory for either Tim or the guys who taught me how to operate as a Publisher if given the right timing to produce such a work then venue to host it. “Are you serious?” HuffPost, an old buddy of mine confirmed this -- someone who knew I worked with Andrew Ian Dodge when he was alive and a tenured contributor with them and I was at the time guest post to BuzzFeed. So this, I am trying to produce with great restraint at times trying to think how to bring some of the street-population over or some venue that the vanity-press locale would never guess will be a possible outlet to have those overseas reading what in honest hell is going on. Sonny who confirmed and forewarned, “You are in an area where its going to be a epicenter of cray-cray.” I don’t have an active title for this; let’s just say it’s got a working title then using links to FictionPress.com based works to show how this locale pretends that such a resource then characters from such as the 20th Century Luddism seems to act as being email off-limits because it’s deemed a public record. Look a few who are of this generation currently in the age bracket I was when I produced the fifth issue of my mag; trivialization of Longform: A Guide to Anonymous or Longform: A Guide to Debt are out of reach then flaunting how brevity-centric interpersonal is the upfront. Knock it off already; the NeoLuddism is wearing thin don’t believe me look up the court records. Trivialized something and subject matter one had no place to do so when I personally addressed this then later my cousin addressed it with an article from Wall Street Journal -- some of the street population are fed up with the NeoLuddism trying to dictate how the help is done. I sat upon the idea giving Tim Lieder access to the archives that were the notes that became what such a work from 2007 published glazed into; that made this one work pitch-black with age. Those who are seeing themselves looking for work; then why the reason will some of those frown upon the means to create a chapbook with the same tech that was used to create magazines or anthologies in the mid-2000s known as the Naughts. “Tim, man $11,000 is a huge chunk of change. Patient-dumping became territory that I glazed into that I had no idea that it could be shared with others who can explore this; I am going to give the notes to a few on the street where patient dumping will overlap the means of using motels as housing,” is a suggested remark I made to Tim it’s because I had cell-phone bills in 1998 that were about 1600 when I had problems finding a job living in Mason City, Iowa. My jaw dropped looking at that too; the cat I photographed around this current neighborhood was from a Nokia 2760 phone issued by TracFone. Aspects that Tim noted he’s worried for his cats if on the street, within the Tampa Bay [Tampa, Pinellas and Pasco become areas where the feral are doing all they can to not interact with the known wild-life. I read of what happened in Largo within the Publishing world and vendor sometimes I am the counterpart to a plainclothes shift manager.] On this phone I have two localized taxi companies on speed-dial then use my tablets to page Uber. The scenario he’s facing is rather unbelievable then he had three fundraisers on GoFundMe; I had no idea that he had issues keeping his head above water -- yet in 2006, my rent, electric and Cable were paid just that I had issues getting my bus fare covered. There were three of us sharing the expenses at the apartment, the oldest of those three roommates now deceased and the other one who taught me how to mold wax blanks now married living over in the Philippines. Our apartment was mix of two eras; what became frustrating and my late grandmother teased the hell out of me about was bumping my head on a phonograph. Flooding the basement with phonograph wax when I tried to put more in of that wax; that roommate wouldn’t let me live it down. If I wasn’t evicted for that alone, then damn talk about lucky -- I just feel bad for the current residents who might not know when my apartment building at the time became a bizarre tourist attraction of where the places that micropress publishers called home. The apartment was immortalized a few times over when I was getting published left and right in that era; so here I am almost 20 years from living in that address -- had been in and around Tampa Bay six years though then I found myself trivialized by the locale. Trivialized because I wouldn’t use a manual typewriter; trivialized because I wouldn’t see brevity by itself as the highest regard in other words my literary rap-sheet in the Deep South became something on par to writing a notorious short story when I turned 26. How could even pretend how programs such as QJot or this one when in a flash-drive would be far more invaluable to those who are on the street wanting to get published with a literary mag in turn that had been around since 2003 -- during this era when either myself or Tim had been just getting our feet wet? It will be a harsh pill to take when the subject matter of history is something isn’t something that easy to take; comparable to a horse pill in terms when subject matter is something that remained since the mid-1980s into the late-1990s when email became the means to get submissions for an anthology or literary journal into 2004-2007 then still is. The modern social networks my take were developed by disgruntled LiveJournal members who didn’t think of the freelance workforce in the mid-to-early-2000s then had a bone to pick with us. NeoLuddism of an older generation became from those who deployed LiveJournal then critical of print-on-demand when WordPress gained access to Danga Interactive our old archives then our Tumblr accounts intact as they are. WordPress and Gravatar changed the game with how print-on-demand outfits that now are 16 and 17 years old are making it where those who can still use a screenname to get published in print. Anthology submission calls for contributors using a screen name then adopting a mononymous pen-name to go print, this something that’ll allow street-residents to get published with MagCloud or Blurb when a submission call is part of the mix. “Look I am nearing 50; I am a year older than one of the contributors who worked with me prior to his passing and the age of an era business partner who taught me how to do tech lost and found as a teenager. This classmate was irony enough one of my first coworkers at the flea market I worked at when I was 16 -- you mean to tell me you’re going to trivialize a history or locale that’s not even yours?” this will be a coded response meaning, it would come off far more explicit if spoken in person. NextDoor in the Deep South became NeoLuddite Social Media don’t get too critical of the use of AI when someone did something clever to bust scammers with it. Aspects what became far more cynical how this is voiced; not greenlighting my extended family or their neighbors working together on an anthology with a place my classmate I helped establish on the network. “Coffee with a friend is an anti-tech affair,” became the commentary. “Piss off Luddite! How could you be that out-of-touch with your own peers who worked with having an email address, getting published along side my own generation,” became the jeering remark. This with the use of QJot will be the closest someone like me will get to using a manual typewriter to produce an article; I need the modern backspace or delete key because easier to go in and fix something from an editorial perspective. Giving the resources for Lieder to work from then his visual collaborators from St. Petersburg, Florida, told me they’re quick to wanting to work with both him and my current coworkers on other networks. He is reluctant to admit he had worked on projects that showed some staying power; give him the right Creative Nonfiction work then a gig working on Fortune cookies on the side -- the Fortune Cookie writing gig with the Yiddish remarks would easy give him a steady check. I am not zinging him; this is more, “Look he needs something that’ll give him a piece on par to what I got twice published for in Creative Nonfiction where Bing Points donated to the Creative Nonfiction Foundation on my behalf. $11,000 in the hole from back-rent is dire straits at the moment.” “Hence when I see those who are running a vanity-press on the backs of those who see something is up; then you want to suggest the ‘happy little worker’ s**t with me. Tim, Philbin or I busted our asses to produce publications that have staying power though hard enough some barely scrape by themselves.” Tim has the vehicle to carry a much longer piece; in fact a few of them at his deployment -- even the fonts will be donated to work with from my personal font vault. Finding that he’s on Kobo.com; okay that’s a start then finding out what he earns from being on network though needs to give these a treatment. Tim needs to tap Kobo for a digital standalone chapbook; designing an ePub3 takes some practice. The aspects when in St. Petersburg, Florida, I spoke with a few from around New England and that one is someone who wanted to work on the anthology still waiting on the final contributors where she’s a visual contributor to the writers the editorial neighbors are still waiting on. What might be the bombshell, I almost have to train those to even do this from the use of iPad-OS based equipment to those using Android-OS - the undertaking something needed to be done. It’s not the someday... someday this is clock ticking and don’t trample anthology deadlines underfoot when they’re not [neo]luddite and brevity-centric. “Come on think about this, someone is whining about a job hunt with door-to-door resume dropping via Tik-Tok then this generation who saw the suggestion of working on manuscripts where brevity persona-non-grata,” became the rebuttal from Instagram. What is looked at from this opt-ed; dealing with a generation of feature-phone toting street-evangelists who have a malinformed view on World History then treating access to a community-college archive well more than one archive like it’s an unwelcomed idea. The Luddite Club, present day has a hard time finding work for frowning upon the use of smartphones then seeing Affordable Connectivity Program as something not in the picture. When one has a few who want to advocate poverty alleviation. It becomes an afterthought; don’t even consider the access to tablets as means to help pay for someone’s lunch in combination with minted breadcoins. I sent a project of mine to a museum on a whim and it ended up being a working-vacation. I spoke with the vendor of these before I knew of the program; they provide access to charge tablets and phones for those who are in need of this too. The vendor and I both suggested that basic needs theory needs to be updated past the Luddite-age. “The NeoLuddism in this locale is a real problem, to be honest you’re the first to call it out more so from the candor addressing this conundrum,” even if the use of an Ai-generated image to illustrate NeoLuddism becomes part of the takeaway how to help Tim out -- it’s something I know it needs to be done but done right. When it comes to asking them to teach someone who is on the street work with an AndroidOS tablet or smartphone then helping them look for the programs to at least try to help them pay for lunch from what their well found treasures sought on Android. Instagram reel gives this a focal point and paraphrased, “He’s got the electric scooter connected to the electric scooter to the tote with the wheelchair...” so that almost describes Saint Petersburg, Florida and the street-population almost to a sad accuracy when some details confirmed by YouTube.com reports. The aspects confirmed by multiple video blogs though Tim Lieder had no idea both myself and the cousin both covered the subject matter of patient-dumping two years apart from each other. I personally sought aspects out to help a volunteer get established in MagCloud after the editorial neighbors have their anthology ultimately published. Giving him access to the search results is something that I knew Homeless Voice and Streetwise: Chicago would have a hard time addressing by themselves. I gave the latter a much deserved head-start in 2007 though HomelessVoice needs to tap the longreads.com range then go on the trail of where science-gone-viral as a framework to come into a large-scale report. I noted this is something my cousin investigated back in 2008; just I had no idea the extent of it. Having that I spoke in passing with those from articles who revealed that St. Petersburg, Florida, isn’t as progressive as they claim to be. The overlapping conclusion stemmed from a blog entry stumbled upon how the area remained Segregated into the 1990s. These are the things that the businesses who established in Chicago or Greater Chicago have a right to know basis because Barnes & Noble originally established in DuPage County, Illinois. “You trivialized access to the archives of two respected community colleges; don’t ya think opening your mouth to make politely-laced xenophobic remarks of someone who has an immigrant history would make nice-squared?” the implication when the street-preacher was just coined a ‘luddite jagoff.’ One side of his mouth using a Southern translation of a New Testament then passing a tract off then making a xenophobic comment to those who I knew growing up as neighbors. “F****r! Trivialize another journalist who didn’t have that Philosophy background....” I snarled at him. If animals had a religion; humans would be seen as their devil. Waiting for someone to use ChatGBT to produce a feral cat perspective article on par with how Instagram bantering on memoir written from a perspective of a surf-board kyping otter. Yeah that one sounds like something Tim would be entertained by in some ways though the thing with those using AI might be met with criticism who didn’t research it enough. I refuse to set myself ablaze to keep the polite company in name of their luddite theology warm. Trivialize works that I got published for in print where my extended family researched the subject matter before they knew I also got published for this. Those in the vanity press circles; how many of them plagiarized their way into the circuit then made diploma mills look good? “Verbally abusive, look you might made a snide remark at a publisher who was trying to keep his head above water who would had shredded your manuscript on video if he was fuming enough..” This article, human-written and edited though the idea would been trying to get OpenAI playing with the perspective of a contributor using a mid-era 1989 memory typewriter through the eyes of a program as QJot. Might not have subject matter that’ll tickle itching ears though might be something for those who’d want something more in common with what Tim and Mike oversaw as editors; the lampshading of subversive when it’s not going to be reporting on the ‘good things’ when the sources wanting to see openings on par with those I personally worked with who currently are on the cupse of sixty-years of age themselves. Watch my language; how about not holding one’s breath and ditch the NeoLuddism with me when I asked for an extra hand or an extra set of eyes. © 2024 UncleFossilAuthor's Note
Added on February 23, 2024 Last Updated on June 14, 2024 Tags: narrative-journalism, job-hunt-2020s, unemployed-populations, keep-st-pete-luddite Author![]() UncleFossilJoliet, ILAboutI grew up in the Chicago area and a long time Illinois resident. I am published and a publisher of other writers. This is where you will find my samples of investigative journalism along with my wo.. more..Writing