![]() Reveal The TruthA Story by Umbra-Regina![]() When the world is dominated by soul stealing demons,mankind is forced to barricade themselves in their homes.Tara challenges her safety by leaving her home,uncovering the mystery of these demons.![]() It's hard to determine who you can trust in this world. It's tough enough with all of the two faced liars and thieves, but among the humans are demons. These creatures steal human souls to remain strong. They're clever. Always changing form. Always remaining mysterious. These demons can mask themselves to appear human. Human knowledge of these beasts is minimal. It was a unique world Tara was living in. The world became even more centered with technology. Aside from the people a person lived with, it was rare to meet with someone in person. Communication was always through a bland computer screen including the simplest functions such as school. Students were educated certain hours via web-cam. Humanity was terrified of leaving their houses. It was a fear of the unknown. When you leave the safety of your home, there was no guarantee that you'd return with your soul. It was just one night that ruined my whole life. I had never met my friends in person. Ever. It wasn't fair. We had become so close from talking on the computer. I've known them since I was a toddler. One day, we agreed that it would make our friendship even stronger if we committed the forbidden act together. Leaving the house. We were all sick of living such sheltered lives. It was so lame. I still remember that feeling of rebellion when I climbed out of my window, ditching the only place where I was safe. It was a breath of fresh air. The town I lived in was small. The streets were deserted. No cars. Just fancy homes which people rarely left. It looked like a ghost town. I couldn't imagine why people were so spooked about demons. There were no occult forces in sight. It was probably just a myth. People sure were gullible. We decided to meet at the park. A park that hasn't been touched in years. There, I finally got to meet them. Lizzy, Roy, and Janie. We hugged and cried with joy for what seemed like hours. We just couldn't believe that we were standing in front of each other after all of this time. Roy brought alcohol in spite of the celebration. I drunk so much that I didn't even realize what I was doing. I remember kissing Roy while Janie and Lizzy were in their own little world. It did cross my mind how much trouble we would get in to, but I couldn't force myself to worry about it. I was finally free. I didn't remember most of it, but we had so much fun. I passed out after some time. I don't know if I was just exhausted from actually leaving the house for once, or if I had just drank too much. When I awoke, I felt stronger than ever. I felt refreshed. I didn't even have a headache. I wasn't dizzy either. It was the best sleep I had ever had. It was the early morning. I knew that I should probably head home. That way, I could sneak in and no one would know that I was ever gone. I had fallen asleep leaning on Roy's shoulder. The skin of his arm felt cold against my own. "Roy. We should head home now," I mumbled in to him. He didn't respond or even budge. "Roy?" I sat up and looked at his face. His eyes were wide open but they were still, like a statue. I screamed when I saw that both of his eyes were pure black. Naturally, no one heard my cries. In my classes, I was taught how to distinguish if someone had a soul or not and there was no doubt in my mind that he didn't have one. I looked behind me and saw Janie and Lizzy sprawled on the ground motionless. I ran over to them screaming their names, but it was no use. They were gone. They were still alive in the sense that blood was still running in their veins and their hearts' still beat, but they were lacking souls. There was nothing inside. I feared that I would be next and I fled. I just left them there, like cold blooded murder. I doubted that anyone would come across them any time soon. I felt guilty, but I couldn't just stay there and let the same thing happen to me. I ran home. I snuck back inside and pretended that I never left. This
whole time I tried suppressing that night from my memory. I've felt
different since that night. I feel so strong and healthy, but I pass out
quite frequently. I suppose those must be symptoms of depression. I didn't plan on talking about it to anyone. They'd either think that I was crazy or just plain rotten. After I had awoken again after a nap, I walked downstairs. "Kasey, did you burn dinner again?" I called from the stairs. She was always attempting to cook with little results. I could smell that smoky scent all the way from my room. I walked in to the room and heard sizzling. I found that it was coming from a frying pan and it contained a meet that was burned to become the color of coal. To my horror on the floor next it was Kasey. "Oh my god..." I cried. I rushed over to her and fell to my knees. I rolled her over so that I could see her eyes. The same as my friends at the park. "Mom!" "Honey, quit yelling!" Mom hollered back. "It's unnecessary." "Mom! It's Kasey! Get down here!" I shrieked. "I wish the two of you would stop fighting all of the time…" I heard her hiss as she began walking down stairs. For once I wish it was just bickering. Mom walked in the kitchen and on her face was the same mortified expression that I had. "What have you done!" she demanded. She rushed over to Kasey and pushed me out of the way. "Her soul…" I saw tears forming in her eyes. Then rage overcame her. She averted the emotion to me. "You! What did you do!" She looked at me like I was a disease. She slapped me across the cheek with all her might and I was sprawled across the kitchen floor. I began to cry even harder, not that she would care. I was the oldest and neglected child. When it came to Kasey, I just didn't cut it for Mom. Within an hour Kasey was lying in her bed looking like a dying hospital patient. I sat outside her the closed door of her room crying. Mom wouldn't allow me to enter the room. She believes that I had something to do with her condition. I wish she would believe me. Mom contacted the emergency hot line. In the next hour Kasey was declared dead. We might as well call her that because there was no way that she would be lively again. I sat in my room crying the whole night. There was nothing that I could do, except cry, right? No one knew anything about these demons. We were all helpless. I've lost far too many people to the demons. I took it as a sign that it was up to me to put an end to it all before I lost someone else. I retreated to my computer and started researching. Sadly, the only person who I spoke to who actually had information to share had definitely lost his mind. His name was Jimmy. He seemed so delusional, but he was the only one I could depend on. He told me to stop by his home and he would give me this mirror. He said that it would 'reveal the truth'. He meant that whatever it reflected would show its true form. At night I left the house a second time. I was really pushing my luck leaving like that, but it didn't seem to matter at that point. Jimmy's house had barbed wire and the windows had bars much like a jail cell would. It gave me chills. I knocked on the door. He didn't open it but slid the small mirror under the door. It was wrapped tightly with cloth. He cackled from the other side, "Use it wisely..." I became scared that he was indeed a demon himself so I left in a hurry. I headed back home and on the way a hooded figure was walking in my direction. Very suspicious. A good lead. As they got closer I saw it was a man who was staring at me intently. With my hand shaking, I unwrapped the mirror and held it in his direction. I used a pocket mirror in order to see the reflection from my point of view. The mirror revealed a gruesome beast that looked like a cross between a goblin and a ghoul. The mirror emitted a black, ominous light and I dropped it in terror, causing it to crack in to shards of glass. I fell to my knees in tears. It was going to steal my soul. It stood before me motionless and picked up a shard of the mirror. "Were you the one who stole their souls? My sister! My friends! Why don't you just do the same to me already!" It chuckled at my insolence. "Steal your soul? I can't. It's occupied right now. Didn't you know?" he mocked. "Look in the mirror every once in a while." He had disappeared the next time I blinked leaving black smoke where he once stood. I picked up a fragment of the mirror and screamed at what I saw. Ever since the destined night, I was the demon. © 2011 Umbra-Regina |
Added on December 10, 2011 Last Updated on December 10, 2011 |