![]() My ChoiceA Poem by Kaylee![]() The passionate product of a rather heated debate my friend and I recently had.![]()
Do not ask me to change myself for you
Do not ask me to do this To myself To my body To my future And yes, this is my future too; Though you might see a barely formed package of cells, I see opportunity, I see life, I see something amazing Something to love and to hold Something to sing to sleep every night Something to tell stories to, to tease, to tickle and to kiss and to cuddle and to shelter when the winds blow and the rain comes lashing down to protect when the storm rages and the going gets tough Yes, where you see science I see life I am the girl Who believes in that life Who believes in children Who believes in the people they become Who sees miracles instead of chemicals Pure, wonderful miracles You would have me give that up for a piece of paper? A pathetic scrap of butchered life That contrary to popular belief Is not a ticket to happiness? No, not to yours or to mine Or, if not that, you would have me give something so beautiful up for my reputation? To impress strangers People who don't know me, don't love me, don't really care who I am, You would have me do this to myself for them for some social image that can't embrace me can't kiss me can't fill my ears with the sweet sound of giggling and love and acceptance No, I'll tell you where it's really at It's in the innocence of a child's gaze the way that little bundle of joy smiles up at you the way it looks to you as if you were the only thing that powered the world the way it loves you unconditionally whether you deserve that love or not. Children don't need to understand, they just need to love, and I would have that over a crowd of pretenders of senseless expectations of lies. Yes, I would rather have one warm, wonderful child than the cold sentiments of a hundred strangers Some say Happiness is a choice Well, I am one of those I am the person who decides when to smile When to frown Do you see me frowning now? No. No, because I am blessed with a miracle My miracle And whether I wanted it or not, Whether you wanted me to have it or not, I got it, And now there is nothing you can do to take it from me No matter what you say What you think It doesn't matter to me I am who I am And I see what I see and I choose what I choose Just as you will not listen to me I will not listen to you; I will let these little cells grow, Let them become what they were meant to be Better yet I will protect them; I will give them the best I can give And show them that the world can be kind and nurturing That beauty and hope exist That life is free and meaningful Yes, I will make the choice my choice and no one else's And it won't be easy But that's what makes it all the more extraordinary. This is my choice, not yours, and I choose happiness. I choose life.
© 2013 KayleeAuthor's Note
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1 Review Added on March 10, 2013 Last Updated on March 10, 2013 Author |