![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by UgonnafailIt was exactly 10 minutes after the bell had rung for fifth period, 12:00 noon. My watch is ahead exactly five seconds of the school bell, and it showed me 12:00:05 when I looked down at my watch. When at that moment, our honor's math teacher had keeled over in pain. He had wire framed glasses, unique blue eyes, and wore a collared shirt underneath his brown sweater. I guess you could say he's old, or was old, if you would say that forty something to fifty something is old. I personally don't think so, but the kids out our school may say otherwise. I say "was" and "had" because he had died. He had no pulse. His eyes were wide in shock. His chest didn't rise and fall like normal, alive people did, so I assumed he was dead. He never liked me, I guess, and I didn't like him much, either, but it wasn't like I hated him. I can't ask what he feels about me now that he was dead but, whatever. I was one of the few people who ran up to the front of the class to see what had happened. I heard screams out the door, even though it was shut. It was easy for me to get to the front of the class, me being only a row away and me being one of the taller students in the class. He sort of lay there, like a guy who was dead would, but I haven't seen very many dead people, except in movies, but those were different. I know they aren't dead. With this guy, I know he is dead. I don't see him bleeding a river, like the books describe, but when there is no pulse for like an hour, you know he's dead. The room was silent as I dragged him to his seat. This tall African kid helped me put him on the chair. Everyone was standing. Waiting. But afraid. No one moved after the African kid and I had placed the corpse in the office. I wouldn't have considered the teacher fat, but he was definitely heavy. As the African and I walked out, all my classmates were staring at me, as if I killed that poor guy. All the louder kids were suddenly more quiet today. I assumed our ASB principal would take control, as she has more authority than I did, technically speaking, but her feet were frozen to the floor. I had to take action than. "Guys, listen up," I said, "We have all witnessed something terrible. But we must all stay calm. I assume that this must've happened to all the other teachers, as I heard-" suddenly through the door, a kid I didn't know ran in and said, "Mr. Riley's dead!" That set everyone off. You could literally see the panic rise up and seize nearly everyone in the classroom. "Where's my parents?" "What the f**k did this?" "It's the apocalypse!" "We're all gonna die!" "There's no wifi or cell connection!" My first thought about that comment was Why the hell is that relevant? Than I whipped out my phone while the gasps of others was heard. Indeed, not even a single bar of signal was detected. I turned on my data. Not even 2G. I slipped it back and turned back to the class. "Guys, GUYS!" I yelled. "Listen up, and I need everyone in the gym, I need to make and announcement." "Who put you in charge, Asian?" I voice popped out. I didn't recognize it, but it sounded familiar. "Are you part of all this? Are you the ones killing the teachers? What if I go home and see my parents on the floor, dead, eh? What about that? Sounds a lot like a few video games I've played, and several movies I've seen too." At this people laughed nervously, but I could tell most were siding with him. "Guys, this is Emmanuel Lo, he's Asian as you mentioned, and capable of limited powers," A voice I did recognize spoke out. I looked in his direction, as did all in the class room. "But he couldn't have done this; we all know that." I knew who this guy was: Matthew. Knew him since third grade, I think. He's actually skipped a grade, so he'll pretty much always be shorter than I am. "Yeah, I know he wouldn't do this kind of thing, even if I've only knew him since the start of middle school. I tell you, impossible." This time, it was Shay. He's the youngest brother of three triplets, born a few minutes away from Liam, also in the same class. "Yeah, but that midget over there mentioned that he's got some weirdness with himself. I'll make you a deal, if you tell us what you've got and how we can get those same powers, than I'll let you go." I don't know this guy, but I sure as hell didn't like him. "I'll make you a counter offer:" I began. "If you leave in peace right now, I will not come over there snap your neck with my crazy powers. Deal?" He laughed. It sounded like the Devil's laughter. "I know you can't do that, that's baloney." I guess he has some thugs, I dunno, because his laughter was amplified by a few other guys. Meanwhile the small crowd was slowly dissipating. "I think I'll go right now, I'll deal with this punk later; I'ma going into my home and taking all the cash my folks left me." Another round of laughter, and they walked out of the classroom. What was left of the class were Matthew, Shay, myself, and this girl named Keva. She's this really pretty girl that all the straight guys instantly crushed on her. Myself included, although I do have another girl on my mind right now, and I'm slightly worried about her. She (Keva, not The girl) has brown blondish hair, but now that I'm sitting here, it's really hard to remember her hair color. Keva is "dating" Collin, and I like Collin, partially 'cause he's really chill at times, most times, and partly 'cause I owe him my life, even if I'm Morgan Freeman's disciple. He deemed me that title, when I had some little kids throw water balloons at me. Here's the freaky part: All the balloons bounced off me. Not one drop of water on me. Now, I say "dating", 'cause every time I say "his girlfriend", I elbows me, even if I can't feel it. This other time, during gym class, Keva hit the ball on the tee, and I was standing a few feet away from it. Gabe, another one of my friends, saw it pass straight through my body. Me? I saw it fly and miss me, but that's not what the gym teachers thought. Paramedics came and analyzed me to make sure I didn't have a hole in my body. Doctors are still unsure of my condition. I don't blame them either; what do you say when you can stick your hand through your patient from time to time, but he still being pretty healthy? Keva is shorter than I am, but Matthew, on the other hand, he's really short. Shorter than Keva is. About as tall as my sister, I think. Or shorter, and she's three years younger than I am. He's really into planes, and every time we're just about to exit this very class, he tells me about the fighter jets and bomber planes that are on this plastic laminated poster next to the door of this very class. Shay's weird. I guess it because his two brothers and his sister are weird to, so that must've influenced him, but I dunno. He's shorter than Keva, but taller than Matthew. He's wearing his black jacket with white around the edges. I like, him, he's chill and a cool bro to be around. Especially in times like right now. "So, I guess we're waiting this out than, aren't we," Shay said. It had been a while since the room cleared out, so Shay broke the tension that was already built up with just the four of us here. "Yet we don't know what we're waiting out, and I want to know what you guys are hiding from me." Keva spoke. "Hey, it's Emmanuel's thing you know, just his thing," Matthew said defensively. "What is his thing?" She pressed. "Look. Keva, you know that time during P.E. you hit that T-ball and it went flying towards me? And how it looked like it went straight through me? Yeah, that's it. I'm immune to stuff like that. I'm invulnerable. You got it? What are you hiding?" I bit straight back. "You want to know what it's like to be me? That weird Asian that doesn't exactly look Asian, who can't be a laughing stock 'cause he knows Judo, that weird Asian who's got a stereotypical Asian father but isn't a stereotypical Asian himself? Do you know what it's like-" "Keva, there you are!" Collin comes walking through the door way. He's got darkish brown hair and a little fuzz over his lip. I gotta say though, he's got a way with words. He can make you believe anything he says. I wonder at times if he's someone like me. He called me "Morgan Freeman's Disciple" for the way I'm invincible. Indestructible, even. "Man, do those two hit it off whenever they're in that two foot radius of love." Shay said. Already had Collin and Keva started talking. Except something was wrong about this one. They were talking about what was happening. "I don't know, what is going on?" "Let's meet up at someone's house and we'll sort it out. Where's the geometry teacher?" "He's dead," I said. "In the office." "Are you sure?" He asked. His eyes narrowed. "He's dead," I insisted. "Our English teacher disappeared right before I came here. Care to take a look?" I shrugged and opened the office. And there he was, disintegrating before my eyes. A few seconds later, there was nothing, not even dust. "That's unbelievable, he's gone," I said. Minutes past in silence. Out in the distance we heard kids smashing glass and running in the halls. "Let's take Collin's suggestion: we're heading to my place." And with that we walked out the classroom. © 2015 Ugonnafail |
Added on December 31, 2015 Last Updated on December 31, 2015 Author![]() UgonnafailPullman, WAAboutCurrently living in Pullman Washington. Needed a website to write in, so I came here. Ugonnafail is my gamer name in Tanki ( I gave that one away to Brayden N., so I use the Username clappe for tha.. more..Writing