50 Shades of Vader part 6

50 Shades of Vader part 6

A Chapter by Nikki

After the birth of their baby someone who shouldn't know about their existence founds out.


He let go of her wrists and viewed her stomach.
She started to lean over as her stomach pain got worse.
"I'll get help!"
"No! Stay away! I'm still mad at you!" She spoke through her teeth.
"This isn't the time!" He growled and left the room calling out for his droids.
They managed to get her on a cot and rolled her to the medical room.
She screamed and cussed telling Vader to go away. Dr. Miria injected the epidural to calm the pain.
"Just relax, you're doing great." The Doctor tried to reassure her.
"Ahhh..." She groaned crying.
"Chipmunk.." Vader slipped his hand over hers. "Do-Don't touch me.." She bit her lip. After feeling a contraction
she clutched and dug her nails into his leather gloves.
After an hour the Doctor called over for medical droids and pulled over a curtain hanging from the ceiling. "What's wrong?" Vader questioned urgently.
"I'm going to have to perform a Caesarian." She pulled the curtain blocking the girl's view of her lower body. "W-what are you doing?" She questioned nervously.
She flinched a bit when the Doctor added an epidural to her lower spine.
"Oh god, you're going to cut me open.." Chipmunk started breathing rapidly. "Relax Chipmunk, it's going to be ok.." Vader held her hand tightly. "I really don't want any of you around right now! I want Boba!"
He held his anger back and stayed by her side. "What's happening? Is she cutting? Is there a lot of blood?" She laid back questioning franticly.
When Vader turned to look she held on tighter to his hand calling out. "No don't look!" He went back to her talked out to the Doctor. "How's everything going?"
"Everything is going just fine, almost done." The Doctor spoke while she and a few droids worked on her.
Vader patted her head while she tried to relax and took deep breaths.
She closed her eyes hearing Vader's breaths. Suddenly a faint cry was heard. She opened her eyes slightly seeing everything bright and blurred before she passed out.

She awoke laying in a different room.
The lights were dimmed and she was wearing a gown and was covered in a blanket. Her eyes opened slowly and her hands reached for her eyes. "Ahh.." She wiped her eyes and heard Vader's breathing.
"Vader..?" She turned her head slowly. He was sitting in the corner holding a white blanket in his arms.
"You're awake." He stood.
"Is that..." She teared up.
"Yes.." He walked to her and turned a dial on the bed that lifted her and sat her up. She stared at the the tiny blanket in his big arms. She held her arms out when he leaned and slowly handed her the bundle. She looked down seeing a tiny face with slightly squinted eyes. The face had a tiny button nose and big chubby cheeks.
She gasped and began crying seeing its little blue eyes widen and stare back at her. The baby made a tiny mew sound and stirred. "Oh my god..." She stared at the baby in disbelief. "I have a baby.."
Vader slightly smiled to himself as he watched her hold their infant.
Behind his mask his face stung as a few tears flowed down his scarred face. "He's just as beautiful as you are.." He spoke laying a hand on her shoulder. "It's a boy?" She questioned as she started to open up the blanket to check.
"Yes Chipmunk, it's a boy."
"Aw.. He is a boy. He has a tiny baby penis." She chuckled as she recovered him and stared into his little face.
"Hey baby, I'm your mommy." She spoke to the baby. "And that's your daddy. He's an a*****e but you'll get used to it."
He simply smiled as she talked to their son.
Dr. Miria walked in and smiled upon the sight. "I see you woke up."
The Doctor walked over to them.
The baby started to stir and cry.
"He sounds like a kitten.. Why is he crying? What do I do?" She looked at the Doctor. "I think he's hungry."
Chipmunk thought for a moment before realizing what she had to do.
"Oh, I see.." She gently unstrapped the top of her gown and held the baby to her breast. The baby was silenced as he began feeding.
"This feels weird.. Usually you're the one in his position.." She blushed speaking to Vader. "I hope.. That I'd be a good mommy.."
"I'm sure you'll be the best." He assured her. "Thanks.. I guess you'll be a good dad too. Kid wouldn't get away with s**t." She laughed.
"Ow.." She felt pain in her lower abdomen.
"That's gonna take a while to heal." The Doctor informed.
"I'll get another personal droid to help." Vader said.
"Ok.." She sighed.
Vader's thumb stroked his son's cheek as he fed.
"I wanna go show Alfred!" She said excitedly.
"Alright. Let's go show Alfred our little Erin."

She spent the next few weeks concentrating on healing while she and Erin were inseparable.
"Mmm, Bitterman!" She called out for the new personal droid. "Take care of him while I go to the bathroom."
She had to walk slowly and painstakingly while her c-section healed. Vader had taken a few days off to help care for them both. He had to work that day so she was left alone. After she used the bathroom she slowly made her way to his office. He had left it unlocked and was confident she wouldn't be able to make it that far in her condition. He was wrong. She managed to get in and go through the holocom and decided to make a call.
In another part of the galaxy Boba Fett was in his ship stocking up when he noticed a call. 'Vader?' He saw the caller ID. 'What the hell is he doing calling me?' He answered to be surprised to see a blue hologram of Chipmunk. "Haha you look so tiny." She laughed at the hologram at her end. "Chipmunk?? What are you doing??" He questioned. "Are you ok??"
"Heyy Boba! Well I was going to call you but decided to use this hologram thing.. Heh. I'm ok.." She smiled and looked down.
"How are you?" He asked worried.
"Vader's not here. I think he left his office unlocked cause he probably thought I wouldn't be able to walk this long."
"Why wouldn't you be able to walk??" Fett asked franticly assuming the worst.
"Oh yeah, last time you where here.. When you left I uh.. Went into labor. I had to have a c-section." She informed. "And it's really not easy walking. But I learned how to suck up must of the pain."
"C-section? Is.. The baby ok?"
"Yeah he's great. It's a boy." She smiled. "What does he look like?" He asked. "Like me!" She grinned. "He has chubby cheeks and my nose! But he has Vader's eyes."
"He sounds cute.." He slightly smiled behind his helmet.
"Yeah.. I wish you could see him.. Well I just wanted to tell you.. I should go now. Before Vader comes. And I gotta delete this call and get my mind off it otherwise his Royal Highness will flip."
"You're right.. Bye Chipmunk, take care.."
"Bye Bobby." She cut off the call and quickly deleted the data. She managed to cover up the evidence of her presence and return to the couch to her son. "Bitterman! Help me change Erin's diaper.."
The rest of the day she spent feeding and cuddling Erin while watching T.V. She fell asleep a few times to be awoken by his meow-like cry.
"I'm here baby it's ok.." She rocked him in her arms.
"Madam?" Alfred zipped by and handed her a bottle. She had gotten a pump to put her milk in bottles for him to be feed while she fall into deep sleeps since she refused to have him drink formula. She feed him and awed at his cuteness.
She'd observe him and talked nonstop to Alfred and Bitterman.
"He's so tiny! His cheeks are so squishy! He has a cute baby butt! His eyes are so blue! He has little bits of hair colored like mine! He has baby toes! Baby penis! Baby balls! Baby hands!!! Baby feet!!! Baby!!!!"
Later that night Vader returned to see Chipmunk laying in bed next to their baby. "Chipmunk.."
"Hey." She sat up.
"I have to talk to you." He sounded upset.
"It wasn't me!" She spoke. "It was Bitterman!"
"What? This is serious I need to talk to you."
"Alright let me out Erin to bed." She scooted off the bed. Vader carried Erin to his crib which was next to their bed and snuggled him in his blankets next to the Ewok toy. She had insisted they'd keep his crib there to be closer in case he needed them.
Vader took her to the living room.
"What's wrong?" She yawned.
"The Emperor... Has found out about you.."
"What do you mean found out about me?" She stared intensely at him.
"He had a spy. He discovered your existence along with my son." He sighed.
"What's.. Going to happen?" The worry was obvious in her voice.
"I don't know... He's not happy I know that much." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
"I can only think of two possibilities." He spoke. "He'd probably want an audience with you and Erin."
"I don't want him near Erin! He's creepy.. And he might try to molest him.." She frowned
"I don't want him near you both either. But if he demands it I can't refuse."
"Yeah it must be hard being his b***h." She said angrily.
"The other thing he might try to do.." He continued.
"What else could he try to do?"
"He might try to.. Have you both assassinated."
Her eyes widened in panic.

"What?! He, he can't do that!" She spoke franticly.
"I promise I won't let that happen." He squeezed her shoulder.
"I can see him trying to kill me, but maybe not Erin! He might try to take him as a replacement for you as his new apprentice like he's tried so many times before." He pulled away and stared at her after hearing her words.
"Yeah, I know these things. I pay attention. You're not the only one good at digging up information."
She squinted her eyes at him.
He shook his head ignoring her then continued to speak. "I don't know yet what he'd do, but since he had a spy here near you and Erin I'll have to make sure you have protection just in case if he tries to have someone.."
"I know what you mean.. But how? I guess you could get more guards. But they could be smart secret assassins or something. And how would you know you could really trust them?"
She questioned rapidly.
"I don't know.. I'll.." He thought.
"And let's face it you're not the most likable guy. You're own co-workers hate you!" She squinted when he stared back at her.
"Don't worry I'll hire someone."
After a brief pause she manage to say "You know.. I can think of a person you can hire.. One that will protect me and Erin.. Someone we can trust.." She looked up at him.
He looked at her and realized what she was asking.
"No. Out if the question." His voice was stern.
"Put aside your jealously and anger and think about me and Erin! You know he's trustworthy! Even if Palpatine offered her more money he wouldn't work for him because he cares about me!" She urged.
"No! I will not have him near you!" He yelled.
"I know you hate him but you also despise The Emperor! But you put up with him because you have to! And now you're going to have to put up with Boba, because you're going to have to, to keep me and Erin alive!"
She yelled back at him. Her pet lizards in the background were asleep and were jolted awake by their conversation.
He growled hating that she made sense. "Or are you going to let you're jealously possibly cause us our lives?" She glared at him not budging.
He sighed. "F**k..."

The next day Boba had an incoming holocom. He picked up and saw a blue Chipmunk. "Hey Boba!" She waved. In the background Vader's breathing was heard.
'Oh my god.' He froze thinking Vader suddenly appeared.
"In case you're wondering yeah, that your Royal Highness. He's snooting in the corner." Her eyes darted to the side sighing.
"What's... Going on?" Boba was severely confused.
"Well, I'll try to put it as simply as possible.. You know Palpatine right? The Emperor that made Vader his girlfriend?" An object was throw behind her breaking a vase after Vader growled.
"You see, he didn't know about me and the baby. And some spy he had told him. And now we think he's going to have me and baby killed. You think you can help guard us?" She spoke calmly as if she was talking about something simple.
"What?" She looked offscreen at Vader. "Well forgive me for sounding so casual! What'd you prefer me to say? Help me Boba Fett you're my only hope?!"
Fett took the moment to let it all sink in. If even Vader was allowing her to request for his help it must be serious.
"I'll do it." He answered.
She smiled. "Thank you!"
"I'll come over as soon as I can." After she nodded the connection was shut off.
"See that wasn't so bad was it buttercup?" She smiled rolling on his office chair.
His arms were crossed as he leaned on the wall.
"Come on, you know this is the safest thing we can do. I can only walk now I have no chance in going on a high speed chase or fighting back at any one." She stood and walked toward him.
"I know.." His arm encircled her.
"Wanna go play with baby Vader?" She grinned looking up.
They sat on the couch with Erin laying between them. Vader held and shook the Ewok toy over his chest watching the baby reach up for it and giggle. She played with the baby's socked feet as he kicked .
He was dressed in a white top and white puffy bottoms. He had little white socks with little white bows on them.
Chipmunk pushed at his feet with her index fingers to feel him push back.
"He looks like you.." Vader said as he poked the pacifier in Erin's mouth.
"He has your eyes though!" She giggled pulling up his shirt to blow on his tummy. He made baby giggles and kicked his tiny legs.
They were alerted that their was a visitor. "Oh, that must be him." She looked up. Vader went to let in their guest. Fett walked in.
"Hey.." He looked at Chipmunk.
"Hi!" She smiled. Both men ignored each other. Fett walked toward the couch while she sat with the baby.
"So that's the baby Chipmunk.. What you name em? Squirrel?"
"Oh haha," she smiled. "His name his is Erin."
Fett walked over and squatted by the couch looking at the baby. Erin sucked on his pacifier and blinked sleepily while the Ewok toy laid by his side. The stuffed Ewok rose and fell as Erin took his breaths.
"He's cute."
"So Vader's gonna be gone for a while.. He's going to go on a trip to go see.. The Emperor." She wrinkled her nose as she spoke the last word.
"I see." The Hunter replied.
She looked over at Vader. He nodded then went to give her a hug goodbye and caressed the baby before he left. "I hope things go well." She faced the Hunter. "I can't believe I'm seeing you." The Hunter stared. "Me neither.. It's good to see you again." She smiled. "Likewise. So this is the little guy." He smiled behind his helmet looking at the baby.
"Yesh!" She grinned. "You wanna hold him?" She held and offered him.
"Alright." Fett sat next to her and anxiously took the baby in his arms. "He's so.. Tiny.." He had him still.
"It's been odd having him. But.. I love him.." She smiled looking down.
"I'm just glad I could see you. And the baby too."
"I really hope... Nothing happens. That no one tries to kill us.. Or if they do I hope they don't succeed.. I wouldn't be able to stand losing Erin.. I can't.." She teared up staring at the baby. Fett wrapped an arm around her while still holding Erin in his arm.
"I promise I won't let anything happen to you two.."

© 2013 Nikki

Author's Note

Just for fun. Hope you enjoy.

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Added on March 13, 2013
Last Updated on March 13, 2013