Soft fingers swiping against each other Sounds of a heartbeat rebound in my mind The steady pulse of butterfly wings dissolves Your smile begins appearing in reverse fantasies
Please, my prince, your eyes stir up my heart Ruffling the remainder of my half-conscious sanity It begins to frighten me how harsh your words seem Just step back a few paces and let me register this feeling
Please, my dear, release your grip on my wrists My heart is racing too fast, sending blood to my head My world has turned to negative colors and flip-flopped Ow, you could just stop touching me and listen to what I say
It seems you've become obsessed with whatever I do Holding onto what you're afraid of losing in the death grip Is it simply that you're greedy and want to shut out my speech? You son of a fool and a failure, blind and lustful of mind, I love you
You protect me by chaining and washing my mind Shielding my heart from any conflict besides your own You grab hold of my waist and hold me close to you, forever Well, as a prisoner of love, I release my own binds of heart and soul
Please, my love, just speak your ugly truth of life I'll listen, from a fair distance, at least, and console you But you'll realize that I wasn't fond of being held day and night I have my strengths and I can break away from your desperation
Stop it already, and back away from me, why don't you I gave you a second chance and you ignored the opportunity So, get your hands off of me and find someone else to hold close Because I'm done with being your half-living doll for show and play
When you come looking for me all around and find me I'll be sitting in my own glass case with returned color and heart You'll reach in to grab me but the shopkeeper stops you and points, A tiny, worn-out sign on the front of the glass case: "Please Don't Touch."
I was looking through my library and I saw this poem and I just had to read it again. I love it sooooooo much. The last stanza is just awesome. The whole poem is, of course, but that was amazing. I could rant all day about this poem. I wish I could write something like this. It's so haunting and has an insane, desperate tone. Gah, I love it!! I just had to read and review it again. Much applause to you for this and for ALL of your writing. You are SO talented, my friend. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. I'm holding you to your word... :3
Absolutely stunning! I'm not usually a fan of poems, but this one drew me in on the first line. I love the beautiful comparisons. Incredible poem. flowed very lyrically, and smoothly. Excellent work.
Son of a fool and a failure, blind and lustful mind, I love you...
Wow. This poem holds the imagery and feeling that are a staple of your poems, and a degree of realism, like everyone can sort of relate. Keep writing, this is fantastic!
Oh... My... Goodness!!! I can't explain how I feel about this poem (not in a bad way)! It was... Awesome!! I loved it so much. The story was very good and it seemed like the person was very helpless and/or hopeless. I could feel all the emotions and I must say it was truly amazing. I liked your descriptions and your word choice. It sounded professional to me. I can't wait to read your next poem!