Magna Carta

Magna Carta

A Poem by Twilight

This charter was granted by King John of England, on June 15th 1215. In total, this historic document lists 63 liberties for the citizens of England. Perhaps, it is now time for Magna Carta 2.0?


England's Magna Carta,

was a true citizens' charter,

our liberties were clarified,

yet today our freedoms die,


Lawsuits, inheritance, debt,

rights of way and the crown,

were all made clear,

the innocent had nothing to fear,


Every town and city it seems today,

is watched and recorded night and day,

with the glory of CCTV,

is this "Big Brother" for free?


George Orwell spoke aloud,

with the pen he did us proud,

he saw what lay ahead,

devils walk where angels fear to tread.....

© 2009 Twilight

Author's Note

The Convention On Modern Liberty

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I love this and agree George Orwell was a writer that had the ability to see what lay ahead in the future. As a matter of fact many writers seem to have that little knack. We are now living the Orwell nightmare. I guess at this time we should be thankful it is not the "Soylent Green" green nightmare. I assume you are familiar with it.
You have correctly identified what is going on in the world today and did it with such poetic vigor. Common man is surrendering to government. There is no privacy left, they are voyeurs and have legalized their peeping tom needs. They have put us into tremdous debt to satisfy their own greed. I would not be surprised to see theresurgence of the old institutions known as debtors prisons. You have a great gift to be able to point this out with such clarity and the flow is wonderful. Devils walk where angels fear to tread. such an intriguing end. It apears that you may have left it open to maybe do a sequel. It takes a truly gifted writer to take a political statement and turn it into an intriguing read. Keep writing the world needs a skilled purveyor of words such as you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


The Magna Carta got updated with a different monarch up until the 1700. Viva la Revolution, you could say. There are about 4 different versions of it. And all to suit the Monarch of the time...

Anyway, the poem. Reads really well, makes a very striking point. Trouble is we can all see it happening, but who among us actually has the power to stop it? No point in voting when the one you voted for steps down and you get a moron in his place. I think we need a repeat of the 1381 Peasants Revolt-the People took on the Government in protest of an unfair poll tax. Simon of Sudbury, a bishop, was beheaded. It would be another 300 years before the government tried again with a poll tax. We need to scare the f**k out of 10 Downing street.

Good wording, nice flow and although the rhyming scheme seems quite simple, its really effective.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I thank you very much for you recommadation as it was well worth the read a beautifully and truthel piece.. ive often wonered myself if we now live in a world where we are indeed safe, or if the safety is simply fear. Surely obdience is better grasps when people respect th eaffority not fear.
And to the big brother theroy ...its always been that way.. we live as a speices constantly wondering what others ar eup , constantly starting wars, and invading others privacys and comfort zones.. now we just have cameras and what not to evad places that noone really thought to look for the big eye of the world.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I wouldn't say he did us proud. There is nothing "proud" in what he saw, but I will concide that what you have written here may have done him proud. Great message. I've been down this road myself and its landscape is startling and chilling. Kudos to you on this.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love this and agree George Orwell was a writer that had the ability to see what lay ahead in the future. As a matter of fact many writers seem to have that little knack. We are now living the Orwell nightmare. I guess at this time we should be thankful it is not the "Soylent Green" green nightmare. I assume you are familiar with it.
You have correctly identified what is going on in the world today and did it with such poetic vigor. Common man is surrendering to government. There is no privacy left, they are voyeurs and have legalized their peeping tom needs. They have put us into tremdous debt to satisfy their own greed. I would not be surprised to see theresurgence of the old institutions known as debtors prisons. You have a great gift to be able to point this out with such clarity and the flow is wonderful. Devils walk where angels fear to tread. such an intriguing end. It apears that you may have left it open to maybe do a sequel. It takes a truly gifted writer to take a political statement and turn it into an intriguing read. Keep writing the world needs a skilled purveyor of words such as you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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14 Reviews
Added on June 12, 2009
Last Updated on June 28, 2009



Belper, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

My first name is Julian. I'm a white male, straight, English and 51 years old. My email address is [email protected]. Writing is just an interest to me. However, maybe I have the potenti.. more..
