Magna Carta

Magna Carta

A Poem by Twilight

This charter was granted by King John of England, on June 15th 1215. In total, this historic document lists 63 liberties for the citizens of England. Perhaps, it is now time for Magna Carta 2.0?


England's Magna Carta,

was a true citizens' charter,

our liberties were clarified,

yet today our freedoms die,


Lawsuits, inheritance, debt,

rights of way and the crown,

were all made clear,

the innocent had nothing to fear,


Every town and city it seems today,

is watched and recorded night and day,

with the glory of CCTV,

is this "Big Brother" for free?


George Orwell spoke aloud,

with the pen he did us proud,

he saw what lay ahead,

devils walk where angels fear to tread.....

© 2009 Twilight

Author's Note

The Convention On Modern Liberty

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I love this and agree George Orwell was a writer that had the ability to see what lay ahead in the future. As a matter of fact many writers seem to have that little knack. We are now living the Orwell nightmare. I guess at this time we should be thankful it is not the "Soylent Green" green nightmare. I assume you are familiar with it.
You have correctly identified what is going on in the world today and did it with such poetic vigor. Common man is surrendering to government. There is no privacy left, they are voyeurs and have legalized their peeping tom needs. They have put us into tremdous debt to satisfy their own greed. I would not be surprised to see theresurgence of the old institutions known as debtors prisons. You have a great gift to be able to point this out with such clarity and the flow is wonderful. Devils walk where angels fear to tread. such an intriguing end. It apears that you may have left it open to maybe do a sequel. It takes a truly gifted writer to take a political statement and turn it into an intriguing read. Keep writing the world needs a skilled purveyor of words such as you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I love how you so boldly express your message by throwing those parts of this countrys "foundations" ,"guidelines",and "laws" etc. that were designed to protect our privacy,our safety, and our freedom that is next to non existant these days,as if slaping society with dose of reality.Wake up you idiots we are allowing our once great freedom privilages to go down the drain!Important life changing and world changing events are taking place in this day and age, It's refreshing to see someone has veiws out there about todays world that isn't afraid to speak out loud and so bluntly about it.You are one of the few people left in the world that isn't oblivious to what is happening in todays world and our society.It's a shame to watch everything around you become so careless and greedy,so dangerous,and unkind.It's a relief to know there are some people still out there that pay attention to the world around them and see the harm and damage being done that has the courage to speak on it and throw it in everyones faces to wake up and see the world past their own asses! Bravo!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Flows nicely, well built. I do feel obligated to mention that Orwell originally wanted to call the novel "1948", but his editors would have none of that. Orwell was not intending to write about the future.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

There's a lot of talk about "Freedom" lately, especially the last 8 years here in the States. Freedom justifies a lot apparently, but when it's at the expense of Liberty... hmmmm. Not buyin' it. Magna Carta was a good step toward Liberty, as was the Declaration of Independence, it's too bad so many people have forgotten that living a life of convenience and privilege at the expense of liberty is not really Freedom at all. But, I digress... I guess your poem succeeded in provoking thought on the subject, so what higher praise is there, really?

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Here, here! Not read the Magna Carta but agree with the last stanza totally. As our freedoms shrink to supposedly protect us from criminals, governments make more money from petty crime (ie.going one mile over the speed limit) while the real crimnals fine out ways to dodge the law. Great Write, Julian.

George Orwell spoke aloud,
with the pen he did us proud,
he saw what lay ahead,
devils walk where angels fear to tread


Posted 15 Years Ago

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Orwell was something like a prophet. I'm not sure if he had premonitions or of he simply applied his worldly knowledge to the factors of probability in future times, (I believe he developed his sense of politic during his voluntary anti-fascist service in catalonia, so it would make sense). The date 1984 would probably have been wholly accurate if not for the resistance movements at that time knocking it back a few decades, with the baton of Empire now handed to the USA.
It's stating the obvious to say that the magna carta is outdated and outmoded, but every attempt to create a new citizens charter has been ruthlessly repressed as the rich elite gain more ground over the people that work for their wealth. It winds me up so much to think of my family members dying in world wars and/or slaving away in mines and factory floors for 40-50 years only to be thrown on the scrapheap once their 'service' was completed- and the price of their loyalty and labour? The utter subjugation of their people- it saddens me to think that they were all lied to to serve the purpose of those whose own offspring- and offspring's offspring, still hold the ascendency. I'll check out the modern liberty website, it's one I've not heard of. Excellent poem and excellent message, take care, spence

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Absolutely right on...and this is only the beginning of what may await us....for over the horizon waters of dissension are constantly being further heated to the point of near boiling so that as the kettle continues to be stirred with more ingredients to be emptied into these waters, the masses are seduced and lulled into accepting this as the way it is supposed to be!
The Magna Carta and the freedom it gave, and George Orwell's writes of the future.... together....a wonderful link.
Brilliant ending! Keep writing the truth!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I am beginnning to this this is it all over the world. Freedoms taken away from us left and right. Very good piece. Excellent expression.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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abso-friggen-lutely ... our government has nsa listening in on us... reading our email ... sci fi without the fi

this (again) is spot on and well-constructed and shines a light on again, something that is global and scary

thank you... great poem

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

great written, you have identified whats going on in the world today, amazing :)
your a great writer, you could write about really important stuff and make it so wonderful.
good job.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ah, lovely! I love how you incorporated history into this poem to send a message! It's true, the government is a little scary with how much power they have. O-o; nice job! =)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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14 Reviews
Added on June 12, 2009
Last Updated on June 28, 2009



Belper, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

My first name is Julian. I'm a white male, straight, English and 51 years old. My email address is [email protected]. Writing is just an interest to me. However, maybe I have the potenti.. more..
