![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Angel Wings![]() Chappie número ichi of my new book Alluring Death!![]()
"Raina, Raina, where are you Raina?" The alluring voice calls almost sardonically.
The darkness is overwhelming, and the trees of the woods are shrouded in not only darkness but fog. It was creepy, something straight out of a horror movie. My heart throbs so painfully quick and loud; that I thought the Thing would find me on that alone. "Raina....I find this amusing dear. I'll locate you eventually...." The voice purrs. "Like heck you will!" I thought fearfully from behind my hiding place. A tree stump. A measly little tree stump was supposed to protect me from that...thing! My legs ached from crouching for such an extended period of time, but sitting would be too dangerous. I scarcely dared to breathe in the looming silence. Wait a second. Darkness? I smile faintly as the shielding technique comes to mind. I am a psychic, and so I attract Astral beings quite frequently at times. I imagine a shield of light surrounding my quivering body. "Nothing can enter my space without my permission." I whisper as loudly as I can stand. The decibel was bearly audible, but its enough to strengthen the shield of light around me. When I opened my eyes, what was there was startling. It was an actual globe of light! That has never happened before! It should not have happened. The light shield should have o ly been in the mental or astral realm of being! Apparently it was also a homing beacon to whatever had been chasing me. Trugh my shield, I can see it clear as day. Or rather, I can see him! Was it an incubus? No, the aura surrounding this being was not that type of evil.....It as much worse! The man is attractive, around my age by the looks of it, so he was around 17. I am 16. Dark hair fell to the boys temples in the front and curled to the nape of his neck in the back. What was most striking were his eyes though. They are an endless black with silver streaks like lightning and a black pupil with an alabaster orb of light residing in the middle. Intensity,much? Not even his impossible height;( the guy had to be a least 6 foot 5!), or terrifying aura was as unsettling as his eyes. They were flat out, to put it softly, just freaking creepy! The smirk on this shadow's perfectly chiseled face, high cheek bones which are mildly prominent, is dark. There's no other word for it, and oh my its so frightening! "Found you,love. I told you I would. This is an incredible barrier; it's been ages since I've seen light...this bright. It is still no match for me though." The smirk grows ever wider as he parts the barrier as easily as doing a breast stroke. I take a step back; this is so not good! "My names are many: The Erlking, Unseelie Prince,Hades, but you may call me Kieran." The name sends shivers up my name. Kieran. Not something I would forget anytime soon. If I live to see soon. No! I can't think like that. What was wrong with me? He walks close to me; his gain as smooth as the dark water of a lake. It's unnatural, and its also enough to snap me out of my daze. Another step backwards. "Running already. Tisk, tisk, your personality must not be as bold as your aura shield. It's rather pitiful, Actuslly. I love it." He reaches out and and gentaly catches a lock of my hair then strokes a lock of my hair. I whimper softly and reach up t slap away his hand, but then reconsider and lower it. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, in my case, they usually do, so it sucks when they fail at having a stern message. His eyes narrow slightly and then a mirthful, evil laugh escapes him. "Maybe you do have some spunk after all. Piece of advice, don't slap me. I see you were smart enough not t do that even without my advice. I like you more and more by the second." I can do nothing but stare back at him, terrified. "What is the matter? Darkness got your tongue?" He chuckles softly. I take another step back, knowing it is futile. This monstrosity is too close to escape. This is it was for me; I just hope Kieran will allow me one last favor of a swift death. Before I can react, he has caught my wrist in a firm grip, but it was gental enough not to break my bones. He smirks as I watch, horror struck, as he places a kiss to my sensitive wrist, right over my vein. Everything goes extra sensory, every tree bark piece sharply detailed, the night ever darker, and then it all starts fading. I imagine that I am anywhere but here; I am being spirited away by a soulful, silver light, and relief washes over me as the horrid scene fades like the last picture of a T.V program. I awake gasping in my room! Thank you, God, it was only a dream! I run out of my small little inch in the side of an ally way into the ally, where the first streaks of light were just peeking over the horizon. A hobo is passed out against a putrid smelling dumspeter. Ahh, home sweet home. My waist length raven noir hair waifs in the early morning gusts; the aquamarine streaks gleaming in the morning sun. A slight shiver runs the length of my body, telling me that a coat is today's lucky item. Forget the horoscope, the weather is just as fine of a predictor. As I stretch up my arms to the sun, something glimmers in the light. A black butterfly shaped like a monarch with black mist and the tiny shadow of lily on both sides of the butterfly, which has aquamarine fills to the wings also in the design of the butterfly is gracing my wrist. Right where HE had kissed it. This was bad; this was so super freaking bad! The early morning haze goes even more out of focus as fear starts its route in my veins. It pumps all through my body like silver ice, freezing me over. That dream was not real; it could not be real! And even if it was an astral visit, something like THIS should not be physical. But it is, and that is the scariest thing of all. Only an entity with gargantuan power could have done THiS! It's official; I'm screwed. © 2012 Angel WingsReviews
2 Reviews Added on October 15, 2012 Last Updated on October 21, 2012 Author![]() Angel WingsFisherville, KYAboutI love writting and music! I am also pyschich and love animals. Helping people get through rough spots is one of the thing that I love doing! I love paranormal romance books, and I am in the process o.. more..Writing