Fork in the RoadA Poem by Tsuki UsagiA poem about making a choice.What of the future before my souls eyes? What will its future come to be? What does the crooked road before it, have in store for it to see? My wandering soul come to that "fork in the road," the one that every soul seems to reach. It looks to the left which seems dark. It looks to the right which seems dim. It turns around back to the crooked path, trying to avoid a choice, Only to be looking into empty space staring into its forgotten past. My soul knows it must make a decision as it turns back to that split path. It stares at the old worn arrow signs, and realizes the choice it must make. My soul turns to the path on the left, and takes a step forward with reason. As my soul becomes one with the dark side, the picture of the signs flows through its head. The cracked sign pointing left had said "Darkness," The perfect one beside it had said "Light." © 2010 Tsuki UsagiAuthor's Note