We Lost

We Lost

A Chapter by Trusting

I rushed through the woods with the two boys. The tallest one had stayed behind.
  "Are you sure Elly is in trouble?" Alex asked as his shoes slapped the tops of pebbles.
  I nodded, still running on all fours like a dog.
  The other boy had begun to lag. "Elly....Alex...h'od up." He doubled over with his hands on his knees. "My legs are killing me," he complained.
  Alex and I skidded to a halt. My left hand hooked a brush as Mike slowly walked down the hill. 'She'll die even before we get there.' I said to myself. I growled deep in my chest to get Alex's attention.
  The brown haired,green eyed boy turned to me. He looked just as impatient as me.
   I pointed up toward a tree. Alex shrugged. I rolled my know-visible eyes and jumped up to it. My shoulder mingled with pain as I held on tightly.
   Alex nodded as he made the o face.  "Mike,"he reached for the darker boy,"can you climb?"
   Mike stood straight and proud. "Pfft, you should know that I did Parkour for four years. Duh I can climb," he reached for the branch I hung on. As his skin met wood he gripped on like he was about to fall off a thirty story building. His upper arm tensed as he pulled himself on the branch. I did the same; although, I never had done any thing of Parkour until the apocolypse. I pointed to Alex and nodded him to go forward.
   The boy nodded as took off downhill.
   I looked at Mike and nodded to him.  I took the lead, jumping tree to tree like a monkey. Mike followed me with a different pace. He swung his legs back and fourth, letting go, then catching his grip on the second round. We did this repeatly until we saw grass instead of gravel. Alex had beat us to the bottom, but it didn't matter. As long as we saved Elly we'd be fine

I rushed forward. What would happen if I ran into Kyle's path,again? Would he shoot me? Would he even adknowledge my presence? "Oh God please don't let him adknowledge me," I plead aloud.
   I looked behind me to see if anyone was following. Either way, I kept running. I had no idea where I was and kept hereing the hunter's battle call in my head. Even if I was attacked I had nothing to defend myself with. It was against the world. The world would win. Well, probably.
   As I drifted off to another place I didn't see the pot hole ahead. My right foot entered the dent making me fall. My left shin hit a rock, my right arm broke my left side's fall, and I did a faceplant into small rocks and mud. I yowled out in pain. Surely, I had just broke my right arm. It lay under all my body weight and was being shoved into the ground. "Damn it!" I yelled, rolling on my back. Blood oozed from my shin, my sides pulsed, my arms ached, but I still gripped the huntress' hoodie. My sky blue eyes closed under my side hair.
   A low growl and four, I think, taunting laughs shot through me. They sounded as if they were a myth, unreal. My worst nightmare was coming true. All I had fought for was evaporating this very second. My life was in danger and there was nothing I could do about it.
  As I managed to lift up with my left arm seven hunters stepped out of the shadows. All lean and scrawny. They were hungry for my meat.
  "Stay back!" I spat. My scrapped face probably made me look even more weak than I already was. I mean, I was in pot hole for Christ's sake!
  The hunters didn't understand my language. Very little, my ways. The two tallest hunters parted to reveal a well-musceled hunter. He looked pissed, ready to rip my heart out. He growled something I didn't understand.
  At that moment a familiar hunter stepped from the crowd. He wasn't the tallest nor the strongest, but he was determained. He didn't reconize me, and I barely reconized him. The male looked down at me with a bloody, evil smile. He bent down and ripped the hoodie I had. 
  I looked on with horror as the hunter returned the hoodie to the tallest hunter. The hunter sniffed the hoodie and yowled.
  At that moment every infected in a hoodie attacked me at once. 
  I was pinned to the ground by the well musceled hunter. He gripped his claws into my chest slowly. He wanted revenge. But what did I do to him? 'Elly.' my brain answered. 'They know who you are.'
  I squirmed around unevenly as his claws were slowly raking down my stomache. At that moment my left hand slammed into his face.
  A riot started. Two hunter picked me up by the shoulders as another bit my shoulder. Then...came the familiar hunter. The one I reconized. He pushed me down. My entire upper body was slammed into a fallen branch. Little thorns stuck my body. They were like needles. I ignored that fact and brought my knees in so the hunter couldn't top me. He hissed and grabbed my right arm. I screeched in pain. He grinned and yanked it around. I fell to my knees. The hunters around me chuckled. My head hung low.
   "See you in hell,"a cold,killing breath whispered in my ear. As I looked up the hunter snapped my arm in oppisite directions. Now my arm was broke. I yelled. Blood squirted around me. I was hopeless. These hunters knew no mercy. They'd kill me. My blood would drain. I stopped struggling, like I even could, and fell down. My face met gravel and I was done. First time in fifteen years. 
  I stopped thinking and remembered. Only two hunters knew my language. Elly and Alex. Alex was going to kill me. He...forgot me. Again. 
  Pain brought me back. Claws were digging my skin away. Blood was disolving. My blood. "Help me, God, please..." I wispered.
   And just as if God let me enter the golden gates Elly, Mike, and Alex ran into the clearing shooting. The hunter beside me fell to the ground.
  "Guys!" My voice cracked helplessly.
  The hunter on my let me be and pinned Mike to the ground. Mike tussled with the hunter and rolled over so he was on top. He then used a knife to stab its head. The hunter lay motionless.
   "Elly,"I whispered.
   The huntress came to my rescue. She bent over looking at my wounds. Blood was everywhere. "Elly,"She placed her clawed hand on my cheek gently,"my sister."
   "No,"I croaked,"I'm you."
  The huntress smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.
  I smiled but before I could say anything Elly was bowled over by the well musceled hunter.
  "Hositwa!"She hissed.
  The hunter responded in their language. He swipped at her ear but Elly kicked him off.
  As I tryed to get up I saw that Alex and Mike were both down. Theuly both were struggling to get up. 'We're losing.' 
  I looked up toward the peach sky and prayed. "God, why? Why did you do this to the world? Why are you killing us? Can't you see we're hopeless. These zombies are killing my friends. If you help them I'll let you have me." I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry. My lights were about to go out and that meant my friends would live. I smiled as the battle cry of smokers came about. My wish came true, my friends would live and I'd live as one. "Thank you," My problems were suddenly gone and I was home. I'd see my dead family, Anson, and a real home. No more killing or pain. No more blood and,especially, no more hunters. dieing as a teen? Not in the plan, but I grew close to friends I will see in another life.
Hositwa stood up as soon as he hit the ground. "I should've known Alex brought an outside with him!" He jumped at me. 
  I dodge him with ease. As he did a faceplant I jumped his back. I flipped him over and dug my claws into his throat. He struggled to breath but I knew I'd win.
  Another hunter,tall and lean, jumped at me. By the time I was pushed off Hositwa he wasn't able to breath. He'd die soon but not happy. The lean hunter looked at Hositwa then me. He turned to me and bared his teeth. I growled back. He pounced without warning but a long tounge grabbed him. The muscele tightened around his neck and lifted off the ground. 
  I looked up to see smokers reach for the hunters. Their slimy tounge never came in all the way. They just hung there until the bodies stopped struggling.
  A tounge launched at me but barely missed. "Hey!" I spat. "I'm helping these humans!"
  The smoker coughed a curse before runnng off followed by others. I looked around. Only a few hunters escaped but I didn't see Elly's body. "Alex? Elly? Mike?" I called out trying to remember the way the humans spoke.
  A different voice answered. "She's dead." The voice was fairly deep. Demeaning. I stood up and followed the voice. As I came around the brush I saw Kyle, Alex, and Mike all bending over a body. I came in closer and saw Elly. Blood was everywhere. Her chest wasn't moving. My human was dead. I was dead. "Elly?" The other boys moved away so I could see. I didn't even know how Kyle got here. 
  I leaned over Elly. Her eyes were closed like she was sleeping. She was gone. Elly was really gone. A tear fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek. Anger built inside of me. It was my fault! I ran away earlier! I gave her my hoodie! I killed myself! Was that even mentally or physically possible?! I'm dead but I'm still living. Why? 
  My claws dug into the mud. "I'm done here,"I whispered and jumped away. I couldn't live with the guilt.
 The boy burried his face in his arm. He wanted to cry but didn't. 
  "Why not?" His brain asked.
  "I'm a man now. And men don't cry,"Alex retorted to himself.
  "No,"his brain argued,"Neil Armstrong was a man and he probably cried."
  Alex sighed aloud. "Kyle...do you ever cry?"
  The boy's black hair covered his eyes and his head was bent down. "I...I was too late,"he sniffled. Kyle did cry. He was crying right now.
  A tear rolled down Alex's cheek. "Why didn't you just come with us when we left?" He asked a little pissed.
  Kyle got to his defence. "Name one time you listened to a hunter!" 
  "Since I was nine! I too was a hunter! What, you gonna ban me,too? Let ME die?"
  Kyle opened his mouth like he was going to yell but his voice was calm. "No. I've learned my lesson. But...I liked Elly...more than a friend."
  Mike bumpped in. "Then why did you tell her to 'skit on with sha life'?"
  Kyle reluclantly answered. "She was hostile toward me but always talked with you guys. I...I was just jealous."
  Mike opened his mouth to object but Alex halted him. "I know how you feel. Elly was sweet but she's gone now."
  "My little girl that blows stuff up is gone,"Mike said in a humorous tone.
  "See? We...we can't let this slow us down. Elly would want us to go on without her."
  All three boys nodded. "Can't we burry her?" Mike asked.
  Alex nodded. Elly loved them all but now it was just like it was before. Three guys on a journey to live

When the boys were done Kyle took the lead, Mike  was second, and Alex was last. Everything was fine. 
  "We need shelter for tonight,"Mike brought up.
  "Yup," Kyle laughed.
  The only one that didn't hear was Alex. He was watching the night sky. Life would go on like normal. Elly was still with them. She would always be with them,forever.

© 2012 Trusting

Author's Note

Guess wgat? You just finished the book! Round of applause to those who stuck around. Now the next page is just what the charachters looked like. I don't own any of the zombies just the peeps.

My Review

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Nice battle scene and I like the ending. I like the attempt to keep the Huntress at bay. No weakness in this action pack chapter. A excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

good job keep up the good work i liked this chapter

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great work, a very good read thanks for the enjoyment. sometimes i read these short books online and i wonder why i wasted my time, with this i can look back and say i new him when...

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love how people read stuff like this and don't review them...

Anyways, I thought it was great. Such dramatic situations paired with action...
Great way to end the book. Nice job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 7, 2012
Last Updated on April 7, 2012



I've changed. I'm here to write. I'm here to listen. I'm here to inspire. - Follow Me On Instagram- this_is_for_yhu - Inspirational quote "I never said life would be easy, but I did promis.. more..

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A Story by Trusting