

A Chapter by Trusting

"Oh God,look at that blood trail,"Alex joked bending down almost touching the red liquid.

  "Stop,Alex,"I scolded,"we've got to keep going. We won't stay alive long out here if you don't stop acting like a child."

   Alex looked at me with that expression we-still-are-kids. Alex stood up straight and picked up the backpack before slinging it over his shoulder like a grenade launcher.

  "Hey,do you think we'll find one out here?"

  "What?" Alex questioned.

  "A grenade laucher!" I whispered excitedly.

  Alex shrugged. "Probably."

  I smiled and walked ahead ignoring the rising sun's glare. As we passed an oddly large tree I remembered the bush and undergrowth we passed a while back. We had passed a brush with many entrances ago but,like a normal person,I ignored it. But why was my brain bringing that image of a dark green brush,blood trails,and a discusting,detached arm laying on the ground?

  "Umm...Elly,"Alex extended an arm infront of him.

  I pulled his shirt collar so he wouldn't fall. "What is it?" I asked a little irratated that he hadn't said anything earlier so I wouldn't have run into him.

  Alex kept quite as he pointed down the ravine.

   I saw the fear burst out of him as he let me past. I shook my head at him,but whenever I looked down the ravine I saw a whole freakin' colony of hunters. They all looked different,unlike the ones back home. I saw one huntress pull off her hood and twitch her fingers before turning our way. I quickly jumped back panting. "Run,Alex! She saw me!"

  Alex stood there gazing behind me until a hunter's battle call broke out. "Freak!" The boy turned tail and ran. Ran like the wind my dad would say. I ran after Alex. I ran past the oddly large tree,past the brush until I swore I had lost my heart somewhere in the distance. I looked behind me. No hunters. "Alex!" I called to him.

  The boy stopped immeadatly then pulled out his two handguns. As soon as he learned that no hunter of huntress was chasing them he lowered his defences. "What tha'?"

  I shrugged. "I don't know." I looked up in the trees and listened. No growling. I then looked behind Alex. There,lie a rock. Mid sized. "Where are we?" I asked.

  Alex spun around to face the wall. Whenever he turned around he answered,"We're back where we started."

  "What?" I walked over to the boy and shook his shoulders. "How? We haven't even run in the right direction! How is that possible?"

  Alex shrugged inocently. "Look for yourself." He got to his knees and crawled to a hole in the rock.

  I looked at him like a weirdo but did as told. As I got to level with the rock I looked through the hole like a telescope. And,like Alex said,we were home. The deserted city. The dead zombie bodies and blood stained rode. The scent of human hit me so hard and so fast. I jumped away from the rock and held my nose. "S**t,that stinks!"

  Alex took the rock and smelt it. "I don't smell anything."

  "Don't smell the rock,idiot! Just look through the hole for a few seconds!"

  Alex rolled his eyes but whenever he looked through the hole he dropped it making it crumble into pieces.

  "What's wrong with you?!" I screamed.

  A huntress! She saw me and told me to get away!"

 I glared at him. "A hunter. A hunter spoke our human launguage and said "get away"?"

 "Yes!" Alex grabbed his chest. "She growled something and I was attacked!"

 "That fast?" I asked sarcastically.


 I listened to Kywa yowl a battle call. Hunters lifted their heads and gathered their haunches.

 I stared at the brunett. Who had she seen? The hunters gathered into a group and leapt away in different directions. What was going on? I pulled my hood up and leapt off. I crawled up a tree. There,Alex and Wane sat side by side watching the ground and flexing their claws.

  "What's going on?" I demanded.

  Alex took one look at me and leapt away.

  Wane stayed. Clearly angered at me as well. "Go away." He demanded quietly.

  "No!" I screeched making Wane winch.

  "Look,kid,you can't hunt,remember? You're a Healer. The Seekers hunt the humans;not you. Now leave."

  I listened to the word 'humans'. My dream! What I'm supposed to do! "Hey,Wane,"I growled.

  The boy turned his head to me.

  I lifted my middle finger. "F**k you." I jumped to the next tree looking for the humans. "I knew it!" I whispered excitedly. "My sould has come back! I can be myself. I can be a Seeker."


"Wait,"Kyle silenced Mike. He heard yelling. "Hello?" He called down the hole.

  "Cut it out,Kyle,"Mike laughed.

 "No,"The kid whispered then spoke up,"I hear it. Yelling."

  Mike stood up and bent over the hole listening. "I don't hear it,"he complained.

   "Elly? Alex!" Kyle yelled as loudly as he could.


  I stopped yelling at Alex and listened. "Shh,do you hear that?"

 The brown haired boy stopped glaring and looked upward. "Hey,I see people."

  I looked up and saw the black hair. "Kyle!" I yelled.


 I looked from where I sat on the tree. Ahead of me was Elly. Then there was Alex. The hostileness between them were gone;I could tell. They now had a bond. They had found out. They knew they were hunters at one point.

 Oh God,I begged silently,I hope they remember they were in love.

 Elly then yelled,"Kyle!"

 I looked at human self. Who was Kyle?

 Then I heard it. The other voice. Kyle. "Elly! Is Alex there?"

 "Yes!" Elly responded.

 "Here and alive,"Alex answered.

 "How did you guys get down there?" Another voice asked.

 "Hi,Mike!"Elly called.

 "We fell,"Alex answered like it was the easiest thing in the world.

 A child's voice then met my ears. "You two are Elly and Alex and you fell down there without getting hurt?"

  My expression seemed as vauge as Elly's. "Um...yes? Who are you?"

  I heard the child's voice answer but it was too low for me to hear. I growled a warning making Elly and Alex turn toward my tree. I jumped at Elly and pinned her to the ground. She stared into my eyes knowing who I was.

 Alex staggered backward from my push. He then hit me with his hand gun sending me into the rock wall. I hissed at him and jumped onto the wall clawing my way upward.

  "Alex!" Elly yelled shoving him back. "That's me!" The girl tried climbing up the wall but ended up falling back down.

 As I reached the top the kid came toward me. He seemed ,somewhat, zombie like. He smiled at me like I was a friend but kept his hands behind his back like a real zombie. "Who are you?" I growled.

 A boy with black hair pulled the kid away from me. "Stay back,that's a hunter."

  The kid pulled away. "No,she's a huntress and just wants to know who I am." The bent down and lent me a small weak hand. He grumbled back,"a smoker."

  I pushed the small hand aside and climbed up. I inspected the kid like a dog then sat in the hunter's crouch. "You're a human but you act like an infected. You're good use. My colony could use you."

 "No,I'm staying here. I need to know. Are you Elly?"

 "Duh,"I spat.

 The kid stood up and began speaking in human language. "She says she's Elly."

 The black haired boy squinted his eyes. "I knew it. Elly,why is your pet up here?"

 I growled knowing that comment was not to me but about me. "Don't talk to me like that!" I yowled and pinned Kyle to the ground. He squirmed from my grip as his gun slid away from him. I raised one hand with finger nails the size of claws and slashed them across his face.

 The boy on the other side of the cliff began climbing over.

 "Kid! Help me!" The boy I pinned plead.

 The kid held a hand behind his back. "I can't."

 The other boy jumped an amazing distance over then pushed me off the boy.

 I rolled and quickly stood up grabbing the kid's arm. "Shoot at me and I'll kill this kid." I warned.

 The kid translated what I said.

  Kyle stood up and walked over toward me with a knife.

 "Kyle! Leave her alone!" Elly yelled.

 Kyle lunged the knife at me but I jumped,back turned,off the cliff. I held the kid to my chest as the wind blew on the back of my hood. I turned around and moved to the left as the trees came in sight. As soon as the thick branch came in sight I reached out with one arm as the kid was held in the other. My hand finally found the branch and clung on. My body stopped falling as I pulled myself up with the one arm. If there was any way those humans were going to get back to their home it was by following me!

© 2012 Trusting

Author's Note

Wonder why the last part is so confusing? You'll see in the next chapter!

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"You're a human but you act like an infected. You're good use. My colony could use you."
I like this chapter. I like the interaction and the changing in plans. A excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

nice wrting

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 27, 2012
Last Updated on March 28, 2012



I've changed. I'm here to write. I'm here to listen. I'm here to inspire. - Follow Me On Instagram- this_is_for_yhu - Inspirational quote "I never said life would be easy, but I did promis.. more..

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A Story by Trusting