

A Chapter by Trusting

Kyle ramped through the foggy night. He had to clear his mind. Think. Think about what Alex had said. "Finding out";what did that mean? Kyle pushed back a strand of black hair that fell infront of his face. Now this was the only time he cared if he could see or not.

   What did he mean? Kyle thought as he pushed a low hanging limb out of his way. What was Elly hiding? Both Alex and Elly are connected in a way.

   Kyle rammed into a building. With a thud he landed on the hard gravel. As he looked around he realized that he was no longer near the swamp. He was in a grass like area. The scenery was deserted except the swaying grass and building. As he examined the old,brawny building he realized that it used to be a shack house. Kyle let his hair hang in his face as gently opened the rotting door. It made an eerie creaking noise.

   The moan of a common told Kyle that he was not alone.

 I must be quiet,Kyle scolded himself,Last thing I need is some damn horde in this hole.

   The moan of the zombie turned into a low,cravny growl. The figure seemed to crawl away into the darkness.

 Kyle put a hand on the gun he had;ready to shoot the common. But something held him back. This zombie would have already attacked him unless is was injured.

   Kyle walked toward the figure,holding out a hand. "Hey,"he looked behind him. He didn't want anyone seeing him help a zombie,"where are your parents?"

   The zombie stepped into the moonlight. It made Kyle jump back in fear. That zombie wasn't a common. It was a baby hunter huddling with a larger smoker.

 Kyle stepped back in discust. "F**k them,"he muttered and grabbed the small smoker's tounge. It was much smaller and thiner than a full grown smoker's. But this one was not covered in boils;unlike the baby hunter who was now wailing.

 The smoker stared into Kyle's eyes fearless. He scratched his arm once before the human twisted its body in oppisite directions until he heard a snap. The smoker lay motionless in Kyle's hands. Kyle growled a curse at the smoker before tossing the limp body aside. "No more zombies. No more..." He reached for the helpless hunter but it scrambled behind a cardboard box. "Damn grimlens." He pushed the box away to reveal the hunter.

   "Don't."It plead.

   Kyle froze in his tracks. "What?"

   The hunter turned to face Kyle,but it wasn't a hunter,it was a child. It had scars all the way across on eye that was clamped shut and large,puffy bruises that looked like boils. "Don't."He repeated. "I'm not a zombie."

   Kyle stepped back reaching for his gun. "Why did you come in here?"

   "That baby smoker was hurt,and I was the only one around that had a health pack."

   Kyle looked at the shivering child. "What's your name?" He growled.

 The little boy turned away. "I don't know...I just want to go home." The boy began crying.

   Kyle sighed irritated. "Alright,you're coming with me. Can you walk?" He was sure this time the boy would say something like,'I don't know you',or 'You killed my smoker.'

   "Yeah,"The boy said in whiny,sarcastic voice.

   "Whatever,"Kyle picked up the little scrap and held him to his side. "Not a word or I'm leaving you here to die alone."

   That time the kid glared at Kyle with the I-dare-you-to look.

   "Don't look at me like that."He spat as he picked up his gun once more.

 Kyle opened the door that led to the outside world and looked around. The empty grass land. No special infected,thank God. He continued on toward the safe house. Morning would be upon them, and they hadn't even eaten.



    I stared infront of me. Waking up in a dusty hole...not in the plan. est part was that she could actually see Alex. He,too,was just waking up from an illusion.

   "What the f**k?" I heard Alex whisper to himself.

   "I don't know,Alex. Who knew hunters would help people?"

   The brown haired boy seemed stunned by my pressence. "Wait. Are we dead?"

   I rolled my eyes. "Jackass,if we were dead we would have already seen God's face before he sent us to hell!"

 "Sorry,"He said in a sassy tone,"Wake up on the wrong side of the hole?"

 "Yes,Alex,I did, actually. And I'm quite pissed that I have no idea where I am!"

 "So you think I know?!"Alex yelled.

 "Did I say that?" I challenged.

 Alex glared at me then spat,"Suck it up,Elly! I'm just as angry as you!"

  I opened my mouth about to challenge him again but a taunting laugh. I looked at Alex for an answer but he just shrugged. I pointed to a dark corner of the hole. Alex looked at me and ran. His sneakers squished like he'd just went for a swim. The laughing came closer until I saw it. The crooked,thin spine. The gapping jaw and lunging hands like it was riding a horse.

 "Jockey!" I yelled and raced after Alex who had aparently found a way out.

   "Come on!"

   I ran as hard as I could. My thinned out soles slapped the ground with a smack,but the jockey had already jumped me. It clawed my eyes and pulled me back like a horse. "Alex!"

   The boy had already disapeared but you could hear him trying to crawl back into the hole. "Take cover!" His voice seemed deep and harsh as a lit alcohol bottle flew in lighting the zombie and everything around me.

   Dumbass,my brain hissed at Alex.

 I ignored the taunts in my head and pushed the jockey off my back. The laughter stopped as the fire around me rose. Sparks hit my shirt as I ran. The exit was so close... Beads of sweat dripped from my face. My only gun slipped off me as I slid into the brush where Alex waited. "Go!"I commaned.

   Alex didn't even bother to look at me but just crawled. Even more than crawled,flew. He crawled faster than I could catch up. As soon as I smelt the rancid air I looked behind me. The fire had calmed into a steady wave of steam.  As soon as Alex and I came out of the brush tunnel I stood up. Something intelligent had made that.

   "Phew,thought we'd never make it out."

   "I know,"I agreed but still felt the hatred I had before. "Ya know,Alex,I'm not stupid."

   The boy paused not facing me. "I know,"he admitted,"but...Elly..." He turned toward me with the saddest expression ever. "I...I don't want to be human anymore. I want to be a hunter again."

   I looked at Alex with sympathy. "I know. I do,too. That's why we're going back,"I walked up to him and placed my arm around his neck. "How much can you remember? Being a hunter?"

   Alex turned to me afraid. He winched. "I You were never understood by anyone. You hurt a human,and you...saving me."

   I stared at Alex in amazment. "What do you know about your past?"

   Alex's eyes widened and he bent over slightly like he'd just been punched. "My past! That's nothing important."

  "Why not?"

   "It's just not,Elly,can't you respect that?"

   I looked into Alex's green eyes calmly. "No,I can't."

 "Fine! Wanna know my past? Then here you go! I wasn't a real hunter! I wasn't strong,I wasn't what you thought I was! I was a coward! To be honest...I couldn't even jump as far as a weak male hunter."

 " jumped just like me. You taught me how to understand the human language."

   Alex whirled around to face me. "I know! I studied the human culture! I knew they had the potential to kill me! That's why I learned their ways...why I wanted to become human. So they wouldn't kill me."

   I winched at Alex's harsh words. "So you didn't like me?"

 Alex's tone hardened. "I only liked you because you taught me how to be stronger. You were stronger than any other huntress but weaker than a hunter. I matched your speed and you matched mine."

   I gazed at him in amazment. "Alright,"I sighed throwing my hands up in retreat,"you win. But we need to get a move on if we're to get out."

 "Can we eat first?"

  "Do you have the backpack?"

 Alex pulled the bag off his shoulders. "Always do," He unzipped the backpack only a little ways before growling,"S**t."

 "What?" I asked irritated.

  "The food!"

 I ran to Alex's side. I peeked over his shoulder to look into the bag. Inside there was only canned olives,canned beans,canned pickled,and ripped bag of marshmallows. "Crap. This is not enough food to last us six months."

 Alex looked up at me from his postion on the ground. "C'mon,we're not taking six months to get back. If we walk until sunhigh,rest,then set out at night and keep that as a routine we might make it there within three months."

 I kept Alex's blank stare. I know he wanted to help but what about our drinking supply,food supply,what about the sleeping issue? "Alright,Alex,we better go." I looked ahead of us between the trees. There,the sun was right on the horizon. I sighed. I missed the early song of birds in the morning,but now was not the time to feel sorry for myself. If anything,I wanted to get back to something I was used to. Back to hunting for life,and the only way to do that was to go forward.

© 2012 Trusting

Author's Note

Hope it's not terribly long

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One suggestion put a few spaces between paragraphs, My eyes got lost quite a bit throughout. I am liking this concept alot. I like how you describe the sound effects that the zombie makes, it was a nice touch. Great job and I can't wait until the next chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A strong chapter. I like the interaction and new problems in this chapter. I like the conversation and decisions being made in the story. A excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

One suggestion put a few spaces between paragraphs, My eyes got lost quite a bit throughout. I am liking this concept alot. I like how you describe the sound effects that the zombie makes, it was a nice touch. Great job and I can't wait until the next chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

good job on ur chapter

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on March 17, 2012
Last Updated on March 27, 2012



I've changed. I'm here to write. I'm here to listen. I'm here to inspire. - Follow Me On Instagram- this_is_for_yhu - Inspirational quote "I never said life would be easy, but I did promis.. more..

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A Story by Trusting