

A Chapter by Trusting

I jumped over the shrubs and broken limbs. How could I be SO blind? They had killed us and I never even DREAMT of killing one of them? How? I took pitty on them and they killed me. Not physically but mentally. I was banned,revealed as an outcast. I just said,"Now let's just stay alive." What idiot. Now I led them into thinking hunters were weak...not...strong. Athletic. Damn it.

"Elly?" That was Alex. He sounded normal and hostile.

I turned to him smiling with my hood still on. "Yeah?"

He sighed and lifted his right arm to reveal a large wound. "The other Healers are on duty. Can you fix me?"

I squinted my eyes,although there weren't much of 'em these days,and growled,"You know I never healed any hunters in our own home. What makes you think I can heal you now?" My retort sounded a little bit more rough than I meant it to sound but too late. He was already gathering his haunches.

"I didn't mean it like that,"he spat and hissed. "Just because you knew you were going to be banned from our old home doesn't give you the right to get pissy with me!" He jumped at me,knocking me down.

Whenever I stood up,stunned,he was gone. What the hell was wrong with him? The old Alex would never jump me then disapear. What could've caused this? I pulled my hood off and began walking,thinking. Thinking because I had no idea what I had done and walking to pass time. Whatever I'd done to make Alex angery,well,angrier. What happened?...To...us?

Common infected squealed and ran in my directin. I crouched low and realized they were running at me. A young woman with brown hair hit me with a clutched fist making me fall to my side. Those little things were stronger than you'd think. I yowled in her face and pinned her to the ground,quickly ripping at her stomach. Never in my lifetime had I seen common attack a special.

The woman's group froze mid-run and walked away like nothing happened.

I pulled my hood over my face again. Were we that weak now?


The black haired boy eyed the crying girl. What had set her off to a crying mood?

Alex pulled another bloody sharp of glass from his hand and threw it down. "F**k you,Mike!" He whispered.

Mike had rolled on his stomach after placing gauze to a wound.

Kyle glared at Alex and whispered,"What happened?"

Alex returned the stare. "Nunya. Now back off."

Kyle stood up straight,almost two heads taller than Alex. He gripped Alex's shoulders and pinned him to the wall. He bagan squeezing his shoulders inward. "Cough it up,kid. We'll all find out later,"he looked over at Elly and back at Alex. "And I swear if this was because of some God damn bed I will personally kick your a*s off this cliff. We MUST stay patient with each other." Kyle's whisper turned into a low growl. He knew Alex was hiding something.

Alex closed his eyes like he was thinking about what to say then opened them again. "Alright,you got me. I...can't stand being in this group."

Kyle watched Alex's gaze move to the closed,red door like some sort of backflash.

"Whenever you and Elly were still climbing the rock cliff,"he continued,"Mike teased me. He teased me about hunters and I was afraid he'd find out,"Alex suddenly slipping from Kyle's grip gasping.

'Finding out'? What did that mean? "Alex?" Kyle crouched low to the panting boy who was now taking cover under the coffee table like someone was about to shoot him. "Alex." He repeated more firmly. "Whst did you mean by 'finding out'? Are you in some danger we don't know about?"

By now the boy was hypervenalating.

Elly was begining to stir and Mike had crawled onto the twin sized bed.

We're going mad...Kyle couldn't face the truth. They were breaking apart because of secrets. Elly and Alex were hiding something,and Mike wouldn't stop bickering about whose right for one minute. Kyle stood up and grabbed a shot gun. He glanced at a MP5 but knew they'd need it more. Kyle opened the safe room door and walked out. The chilling night made him realize that this world would never be the same. But they had to try. Try to cure the infection,try to stay alive,try not to say 'it's too late.'

They left everything behind. Their families,friends,lives. Luckily,none of them had attempted suicide. They had enough guns to do so. But we had more sence. This world would never be what...what would be accepted. We'd try and try and try and try,then fail. They would try again and again,not knowing what would happened next. Only trying was their only hope.


I...I was not giving up. Not surrendering to my old life. I had screwed things up but didn't fix them. I couldn't face my mistakes. I can't handle what's true. We had to turn this apocolypse around. It's not too late;it's never too late. I made my choice and I'm keeping them! No one shall ruine my path I'd chosen.

Alex's shuddering,Mike's moaning,and the whistling wind made me stop dreaming and turn to reality. I scanned the room for Kyle but didn't see him. So I turned to Alex. His cheeks were pink from crying and nose was turning a shade of unfamliliar peach.

"Alex?" I poked his shoulder.

The boy slowly looked up at me then burried his head into my shoulder. "Elly,"he whispered while crying,"I remember."

Those words shot me. Killed me then revived me. I knew EXACTLY what he meant. He remembered me,our life as hunters,our realationship...our past. "Alex!" I wrapped my arms around him. "Why didn't you remember me before?"

The brown haired boy looked at me with solem eyes. They were empty,hollow with fear and taunt. "I remember. I remember the girl. She looked like you...but...but like a live human. She said her name was Ally. She said I wouldn't remember you and I couldn't see you. You'd be invisible to me. I refused to listen and during that time I refused I forgot. Day after day my past became fuzzy. Old. A dream...nightmare. Why? Why,Elly?"

I had listened to every word and held my breath. Ally...My sister? She had spoke with me after I became human. "When did you meet her?" I asked quickly.

Alex wipped his green eyes and sniffled. "After I trained with Molly. She was my instructor after I became human."

Molly? I thought there were only men working there. Either way,it worked. "Yes,I met her after I became human ,too."

Alex stood up,hitting his head on the coffee table. "We've got to go back."He ordered.


"Yes,you see,when we were going to the Old Oak."

"I was sent to the water tower,"I inturupted.

"Well,yes. We must have missed something. On the way to the Old Oak I saw bodies of dead people."


Alex nodded.

I cleared my throat like I was supposed to give a speach. "On the way to the water tower I saw dead corpses of our family."

Green eyes and blue eyes mixed making yellow. Our minds had combined into an answer.

"There's no other choice,Elly,"Alex began.

I finished,"We're going back."


Alex and I searched our backpacks for paper but only found small guns and spare ammo. Some food and,ah,here we go. I pulled out a yellow,brown sheet of paper and wrote.

Dear Kyle and Mike,

Alex and I have found out important information about our past. We've gone back to a four month travel to the begining. Our times,as yours,is postponed. No further information except that you have all rights to be pissed off at us. Yes,there's other survivors out there. Find them and continue your journey because whenever you reach your destination you'll find it. Don't hesitate and move A.S.A.P.

Never give it up,


© 2012 Trusting

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I wish you would have separated Elly's letter from the rest of the story and again with the spacing, my eyes got lost... help me out here man. Your desciptions are great, I am liking where this is going. It just keeps getting more interested, I am hooked that is for sure,Great job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I wish you would have separated Elly's letter from the rest of the story and again with the spacing, my eyes got lost... help me out here man. Your desciptions are great, I am liking where this is going. It just keeps getting more interested, I am hooked that is for sure,Great job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A very good chapter. I like the way you are moving in the story. Each scene being made to feel important. I like the dangerous feel and desperate situation to the story. Thank you for a excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 15, 2012
Last Updated on March 15, 2012



I've changed. I'm here to write. I'm here to listen. I'm here to inspire. - Follow Me On Instagram- this_is_for_yhu - Inspirational quote "I never said life would be easy, but I did promis.. more..

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A Story by Trusting