

A Chapter by Trusting

I circled the tree Alex had been standing four seconds ago before I blocked him from a circling,brown zombie. Looked more like a rat, but zombies would do the same damage as a zombie.

   "What the HELL was that!" Alex screamed.
    Kyle,who had recovered from Mike's kick,was laughing at him. "Dude! It was just a ZOMBIE!"He said in between laughs. "We see them all day," Kyle cleared his throat making me smile a bit.
   "Lucky Elly was there to save you,"Mike teased cocking his gun to the side.
   I stared at all three quarreling boys. "Look,"I sighed,"it's been two days since I've seen a comfortable place to sit down at. We all need the rest and this hell-on-earth dump isn't helping this. We's gots ta find a safe room." I mimicked what Mike had said a few hours ago.
    "Elly's right,"Alex turned to my side,"all of us will die out here if we don't get any food,rest,or healing treatments." His brown hair hung in his eyes again before he moved it away.
   "C'mon then,"Kyle said leading the way into more darkness.
   I stopped in front of him. "The other way,"I pointed North. At least...I thought it was North.
   Kyle scratched the back of his head. "Right..."



  I hoped down the side of the gorge and onto the dusty,tan ground. In front of me was Alex and a tall,lean figure. He was defiantly a strong hunter.


   "I am Hositwa. It means Heart Of Power." The figure searched my hunched body. "Alex brought you here because you were special to him,yes?"
   I looked at Alex who had stood up motioning me to do the same. I brought all the weight in my body down to my legs and feet. "Yes,"I answered simply after a moments pass.
   "Good. We had served a great loss for Itchy and her son Huru." The voice boomed.
   Other hunters,about ages through 5 and 10, had begun to listen.
   "Hositwa,"Alex asked in a lower voice. More scary than i was months ago. "Elly must fight Itchy's father. We had spoke of this days earlier if any 'new' hunters arrived."
   Hositwa nodded. "Yes,but Itchy and Huru just died...Sorrow can't take her without dieing."
   "Why do I have to fight?" I piped in;not caring that hunters had growled in disapproval.
   Hositwa glared at me then softened to a stare. "We fight to show our strength."
   "It places you in your kind of group,"Alex finished.
  "The Killers,Seekers,Healers,and Leaders." A little hunter,about four,laughed like I should've known that. 
  *But how?* My brain asked. *You never fought with anyone in your first group!*
  "Fight Alex!" Screamed three voices then became a chant.
  Hositwa looked at Alex then at me. "Alright. Alex,you're the best bet we can gamble with. No one dies but whoever takes full control first wins."
  Seems fair,I thought,Since Alex just got here,too.
  Alex pushed his hood over his eyes after I did.
  "Okay,Alex,you've already done this and won yourself into the second highest rank,Killers. Elly,if you pin Alex in two minutes you'll be a leader. If you make him bleed you'll be a killer,find any way to confuse him you'll be a seeker,and if he pins you you'll be a healer." Hositwa looked at me with sympathy. Hositwa sounded out a battle call and whispered,"Please help her,"then settled down next to three other strong,lean hunters.
   I growled deep in my chest. The crowd grew quite and my brain was wailing,*This is your chance,Elly! Prove that female huntresses can kill!*
  I saw Alex,not that well but still could see;he was crawling on all fours not turning his back on me yet.
  I shifted my weight into my arms then evened it out by slashing my claws in the air. Alex knew I was about to pounce.
   I leapt as Alex jumped over me then pounced on me. I lifted my waist and pushed him off. I jumped on top of him tring to lie flat but was hit with an abrupt punch.
  Blood ran from my nose making me staggering over toward the crowd.
  Hositwa almost stood up calling the fight, but I had already pounced without a target. I hit the dust with thud and giggling filled my ears. Embarrassment covered my face,and anger is what made me stand back up and pounce on top of Alex.
  I heard gasping and I realized that I had pinned him to the wall. The worst place to pin a human. "Damn,"I whispered.
  Alex sighed,"I've got to do this." His kicked my open stomach and pushed me down. Why,I wondered,why would he do this? Back home he would've let me win right there.
  "Alright!" Hositwa bellowed;making the crowd stop in an instant. "Elly,"Hositwa pushed Alex off me with ease. 
  I scrambled to my feet not wanting to hear what rank I'd be known as forever.
"Elly,"he repeated."You fought with such passion;more than any other young female has in centuries. I rank you now for what you just performed. Elly,by the power I have been given,you will be in the Healers group. Since Alex pinned you first,but you,also,had him pinned longer. You will be upgraded into a seeker tomorrow if you can bring back a dead human."
  A snort of discust made Hositwa turn. "HER?"It spat. It was a female. A snobby female.
  "Anny,I have told you that if you inturupt my meeting you'll be sentenced as a Healer for punishment." Hositwa blocked my view of the huntress.
  "Oh,Father,new comers are SUCH horrible killers." The insult made me growl and push Hositwa away.
  The face made me pause. It looked so much like Cilla's sister in my old group. I never liked Annmerie. She said I was the leader of the boy hunters. I always ignored her thinking she just liked to act like a huntress. But now,now that I just heard with my own ears,I knew she was jealous! She wanted to fight like me but was scolded! Ha! She never made fun of me! It was just a compliment that she USED as a name. 
  "Annmerie."I hissed through clenched teeth.
  "Elly,"She sounded as surprised as me but only cowered a little. "What what are you doing here"
  "I don't know,Anny;you tell me."
  Hositwa glared at his daughter and me. "This fight will be settled some time else,but now is a meeting that is canceled since you two taken our time away." Hositwa pointed for Annmerie to go and glared at me for moments that felt like days. Awful, killing days.

 *Way to go,Elly,*my brain scoffed. *Great first empression toward the leader.*



  "This world will never be,what I expected,"Mike,Alex,and Kyle sang. "And if I don't belong...who would have guessed it? I will not leave alone,everything that I own to make you feel like. It's not too late it's never too late!"
  I sighed. "Okay. I agree,that's not a bad song but haven't you noticed that we're in a hole filled with brain eating gut rotting zombies."
  Kyle smiled. "But it's not too late,Elly. We're just getting in the spirit of killing zombies."
  "Yeah!"Alex yelled on purpose.
  I put my index finger and thumb close to my eyes and sighed. "Alright,alright but you might want to take the lead since zombies are already coming." I pointed in front of me at large,damp weeds that began to rustle. A few common infected and two boomers came running at us. Well,the boomers waddled.
   Alex shot the first boomer then the second while Mike and Kyle shot the common.
   "So guys are we gonna sing aloud for the whole 'world' to hear us?" I asked looking each of them in the eye.
   "Found it!" Alex yelled changing the subject. He pointed up a little hill covered inbetween three large boulders. On top of one large boulder sat,unharmed,a house with a red door. A safe house. Why were these things easy to spot, It was as if someone had planned this. Someone with less power than God but more power than any Greek Gods. Someone,or something,was watching us. I could feel it.
   "Elly,"Kyle gently touched my shoulder.
   I looked at him and he ushered me forward. 
   "C'mon,the others already left to scope the place out." He headed behind me. "Ya know, lately, you've been zoning in and out of reality. Like..."he paused not wanting to finish.

I looked at him for more but he had stopped. I didn't press him if he didn't have the guts to tell me what was on his mind.

© 2012 Trusting

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This was much easier to read, my eyes didn't get lost. Your dialouge is very realistic, you painted a clear image on the zombies and also gave us some useful information. I like what I am reading so far I am off to read the nest chapter. Nice work.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I enjoyed this chapter. Gave some history and some description of the zombies. I like the discussion and the direction the story is going. Thank you for a excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 15, 2012
Last Updated on April 11, 2012



I've changed. I'm here to write. I'm here to listen. I'm here to inspire. - Follow Me On Instagram- this_is_for_yhu - Inspirational quote "I never said life would be easy, but I did promis.. more..

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A Story by Trusting