Once More

Once More

A Chapter by Trusting

Kyle ran out of the pilot's room. No wonder he didn't give his name. Just a hand movement to come on.
"What is wrong you,Alex!"Mike continued to yell.
"Well,he couldn't fly the helicopter anyways!"Alex pushed him back.
Mike staggered around the uncontroled helicopter. His brown eyes glared at him before his nikki shoes slipped and he fell out.
"Mike!"Kyle yelled peering over the tilting side. One hand on the wall so he wouldn't fall out as well. "Jump!"He yelled brown hair flying around his eyes. Below them was a lake. Deep enough to jump in with only a burn to mark them with. With waiting for an answer he grabbed Elly and jumped. Steering his legs straight down wasn't as easy as it seemed. As his vision focoused away from Mike,who was now limping out of the water,he and Elly plunged into the water.
As Elly came consious at the moment Kyle let her go but pointed upward. The brown water stung his eyes as both swam fiercly to get a breath of air. Elly came up first then Kyle.
Seconds later Alex plunged down between them. He had went head first in the water.
"Alex!"Elly plunged underwater leaving Kyle waiting to see a blonde and brown apear.
"Kyle!"Mike called from a distance. "There's a train! It has health packs. All of them have gauze and alcohol wipes!"
Kyle waited for another moment and saw bubbles. Elly had Alex gripped under her arm.
"He's swallowed too much water,"She swam toward the shore with Kyle behind watching her.
*No,*Kyle scolded himself,*you can't fall for her. We're in a damn apocolypse!* By the time he made it to shore Mike and Elly were pushing on Akex's chest then pressing ear to his heart. "He's breathing!" Elly's voice sounded happy but like she's saved other people.
'What other people?' His common sence yelled. 'You're the only damn breathing people oy here!'
Kyle nodded but something made him wonder and keep that same thought there.
Elly pressed her lips to Alex's exhailing. She backed away and waited.
We get in so many typical injuries,Kyle sighed to himself.
Alex took a gasping breath making them all jump then puked out water and food they had on the helicopter before they crashed.
"Where'd you guys get the chips?" Elly asked whomever was listening.
"The helicopter ride." Alex whimppered shakily.
"Come on. There's a bed in the train." Mike pointed infront of them. There lay a broken down train that blocked half their view of the area. It looked abandoned but no dur,it was an apocolypse.
"That train best have a gun,"Elly growled as she stood up. She grabbed Alex's hand. "We'll wait until you've gotton better. A little better."She added before walking away.
Kyle watched her leave;followed by Mike then a lagging Alex. Why did Kyle have such a hard feeling that Elly was hiding something.
I waited for Kyle;who came in last. Well,besides me. I jumped into the train closing the metal door dehind me. As I walked over to Alex,who was lying on two suitcases feet dangking from the sides,I heard the battle call of zombies. Not many but it still startled me enough to say,"Guess you ain't gonna get out of this one,Mike."
The black boy slapped his hand on his knee playing along,"Der' it! Too bad. I didn't want to hurt lil' Betsey." He pulled a gun that was slung over his shoulder.
I noticed that he didn't have the shot gun when he was bent over Alex checking if he was alive. "Where'd ya get that?"
"Oh thurs a bunch of guns in here." He handed me a black suitcase.
Kyle grabbed it from him and scanned the bag full of guns and ammo. "Big gun big zombie." Kyle shuddered and took a gun for himself.
When I checked the bag over three times I decided on a rifle andgrenade launcher. "Remember? I'm the person in the group who randomly blows things up." I told Mike when he stared at me weird.
"C'mon,Alex,"Kyle prodded his head,"you've slep atleast thirty minutes."
Alex rolled on his side with a grunt.
I sighed and kicked a suitcase underneath him.
Alex jumped on two arms and legs. His brown hair hung in his face. I don't know why,but he reminded me of a hunter. Long legs,eyes covered,and grumbling curses.
*The hunter!*My brain yelled.*HE was the hunter!*
I rolled my eyes to my self. 'He's not the hunter,idiot. He's too weak to even shoot one.' I told myself.
*But why did you reconize him?!* My brain wailed but was cut off by Alex yelling.
"God damn it! Mike,if he was a zombie I WOULD kill him! And that's what I did!" Alex placed his hand on the side of his head groaning.
"Mike?" He turned to me. "Wher's tha health packs?"
Mike pointed across the room at a table.
There,lay a bright red square that had a white cross across it. Quickly,I grabbed it and took out a white bottle. I spilled three small pills onto my hand giving them to Alex. "That will stop migranes." I promised.
The boy nodded and swallowed them easily.
"I'm getting out of this s**t hole. Coming or not?" Kyle asked not waiting for an answer.
I followed him after Alex. Mike took the rear.
"Shh. Don't attrack a horde as soon as we get here." Mike whispered lowering my grenade launcher.
I looked at him like 'do that again and this'll be in your head'.
Mike's hands went up innocently.
"Shh,I hear a jockey,"Alex murmered his hand on his head. The medicine should've kicked in by now. I thought.
*He's the hunter,Elly! Forget common sence and realize what's real!* I bet if my brain was real it would've slapped my face about 100 time already.
The hysterical laughing shot through my ear and out the other side. If that annoying beast jumped on my back that jackass better think again! I thought.
I growled deep in my chest. A jockey just ran past the tree I was huddled in. Not even an hour here and zombies were attacking. Thank GOD! That plane crash hadn't killed me. I mean,jumping on that helicopter wasn't that easy 'cause you had four people around. I had to protect myself. The truth wouldn't come out soon but later. I knew it had to or I'd die and be stuck like this. Nonetheless,I didn't know anyone here. Luckily,no one had found me in this discusting swamp,like area.
A little pack of common squealed past me;their fists shaking.
I jumped off with a wail of pure anger. I stayed in the middle of the infected. They only tripped some but didn't dare to attack me. Instead,they continued running. Blending me in.
"Grr...."Another hunter's growl made me pause mid-crawl. The common rushed ahead. My eyes began searching the skies for the hooded hunter,but I only heard the growl continue on. Leaving me to scoot backwards on my legs.
"Raaaah!" The hunter pounced on me. Pinning me down.
My navy blue,blood stained hoodie covered half my face. I was lucky he didn't see my quivering lip.
"Who are you?" The ice cold voice sounded familiar. Dark,evil...something that made you wonder 'do I know you'?
"E...Elly,"I sounded scared but I had pushed him off.
"Elly? Elly Packerman?" The hunter pulled his hood off to reveal dark brown hair than ran halfway down his face.
I pulled my hood away to show blue eyes,blonde hair,and a smile across my face. "Yes."
Seconds ago Alex had shot the jockey and,just our luck, two hunters growled. We spent about five minutes waiting for them to pounce but never did. So we headed on. The gravel turned to mushy swamp ground and water that rose to your ankles.
"S**t! My new shirt's dirty!" Kyle complained when a mud covered zombie hit him a few times before Kyle really knew what was happening.
"Aww,"I made my lower lip stick out and quiever while,sarcastically,pretending that I was crying.
Kyle rolled his eyes. "Better be glad those damn hunters didn't attack you or I'd have let them rip your guts out,"He joked stepping into step behind me.
"Too bad." I joked along and when I turned around I noticed why he made me step infront. Below me was a big mud wad that looked like something that you s**t. "Kyle!" I screamed.
"Aww...."Kyle mimicked of what I did earlier.
"Hmph." I scoffed and scooped a handful of the msuh and launched it at him.
Kyle dodged it but was returned with a slam in the nuts by Mike.
"If you're gonna act like a kid then I'll treat you like one! Everyone! Hold hands!" Mike pushed Kyle down. I mean,not like he wasn't since he had just been balled.
I sighed taking a seat on a rock behind Alex. We'd be here awhile.
"Charger!"I called as I 'dodged' its attack. The one huge arm wrapped around my stomache and launched me forward with him. Stopping whenever someone had killed him. As I tried to get up with my hands and failing every time I just fell to the now-stomach-deep-water. My face went under the musky smelling water and I just lay there. Waiting for the rescue that might be too late since that charger brought me a quater mile. Earlier,I was in what other people call 'Red area' and being thrown and tossed into the air would put you down like that.
Alex's voice yelled above water. He bent down and reached for my shoulders pulling me up.
My blonde hair was now brown from being wet and the mud that had strangled itself into the strands. I panted as he looked at my arm.
"Brusised much?" He asked but not in a joking humor.
I checked my arm. It being so small and the strong attacks of infected had left it mostly purple and blue. "Damn it..."My voice trailed away as Alex lead me forward. The sun was well above the trees and about ready to sink down.
I thought of earlier. When we had just been introduced to this area. And when Kyle was balled. That memory,close enough o four hours ago,made me chuckle as Kyle and Mike ran at us panting.
Kyle lay in the knee deep water and wailed,"Fudge fudge fudge!" He looked about to cry but his 'manyly' instinct yelled all everything but YES. Well,atleast that's what I thought.
Alex,who was infront of me,was laughing his a*s off. Bent over in such harmony.
Kyle,in a different story,glared at Kyle like 'C'mon,just a little pinch ain't gunna hurt ya.'
Me,the one who watched around the loud crowd,shot a spitter and four commons. I knew a horde was coming since we were yelling and laughing so loud. Maybe something smaller than a horde. But only one can hope.
Whenever I looked over my shoulder behind me was a crowd of infected. Not a horde but a large size.It was like my brain was made for telling the future! "Guys!" I yelled snapping all of their attention. Even the wailing Kyle who was in a ball shape.
Mike caught on first."Elly! Shoot the grenade launcher!" Mike pointed at me like 'go!'.
I lifted the large weapong and focoused my target. On three special infected.Spitter,jockey,and boomer. All three sneaky and dangerous. All of 'em were dangerous but these were the ones hard to kill. I slowly pulled the triger. A grenade shot from its spout making many infected fall apart in desperate,defeated,yelps. By the time I had placed another grenade inside the gun Alex and Mike were killing their share as well. Only Kyle,who was begining to stand up,wasn't shooting.
"Alex! Smoker!" I yelled pointing to his left where a bush sat harmlessly.
At that moment Alex turned his head just in time to dodge the long,pinkish tounge and for it to grab a common infected.
That was one less infected to kill,I thought.
I crawled beside the hunter I met a few hours ago. He said I knew his name;of course I did. Alex,also,said he was glad to bring a new member into his pack.
"There's more of them" I asked hopefully.
'Oh,yes. We stay together in large groups so we are stronger. Only downside is that you have to share two meals a day." He told not looking away from the trail of water we followed.
But now,as we were traveling on a drier area Alex was blabering out his frustrations. I guessed he didn't do that often.
"I never understood humans. Their stupid way of protecting each other ans not killing other humans made me want to shoot them!"Alex growled. I didn't know how eaily he remembered me as a hunter but something about him just seemed...dark. Or...darker I should say.
I nodded at his opinion although I didn't agree with him. Humans had special skills,too. Like,how easily they could get through zombies withoout much damage ,or how they could understand when someone one was watching them. And for a hunter that's a big deal because of our lack of eyesight.
"What have you been doing all these years?" I asked changing the subject.
Alex paused a moment. He had ignored my question. He sniffed the air then turned to me smiling. "We're here." He jumped into a large tree and waited for me to follow.
*It was a common mistake.* My remaining brain reminded me.
I jumped to his side and watched him jump down again then make a right. I continued to follow until I had no idea in hell where we were. This ground we were traveling on didn't look like the marshy ground we had recently been on. This ground was bright green and dry.
We walked at first on all fours then began running on our two feet. Alex,who was much faster than I,was way ahead. I knew Alex hadn't beein here longer than three months. Maybe two since he knew most of the way.
Alex soon disapeared under undergrowth making me follow. Yellow strands on long grass slapped my open face. As soon as I fell through a hole not too deep but had another passage made me freeze. The stench was covered in hunter. Fresh hunter trails,actually. I crawled further into darkness until light made my face glow like a newborn hunter's. Something made me pull my hood back to get a clearer vision. I gasped in awe. Infront of me was open space as far as the sky could see. Hunter,young and old,walked and ran everywhere. I smiled as Alex's and an older hunter's figure met my red,blue gaze. This was home.

© 2012 Trusting

Author's Note

Hi guys. This is old Trusting. Sorry I left and I missed you guys. I've finally gotton my life back together and now ready to open up to you guys again. :) Just treat my friend like you'd treat me.

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OK went back to the beginning! You sent me a read request on the last chapter. I prefer however to read the whole book. Once I read more I will gladly comment great job so far. You have my interest might take me a few days to read as I am in the middle of a screen write I am not posting it on this sight because I actually have an interested party in exclusive rights to the movie. It is biased on my poem Lily White Blood. The only criticism I have so far is you might want to put two spaces between sentences and two spaces between paragraphs. The content is excellent. looking forwards to reading more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Some grammatical errors, and my eyes get lost, you could form paragraphs with space between each one to fix that problem. Very descriptive and I like it, It is fast paced and keeps the readers attention. Talk about action. Nice work my friend

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like Left 4 Dead, so this story is cool! Although you could work on grammar a little bit. But good job overall. The action in this chapter is awesome.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Could work on spelling and grammar.

I had to go back to understand it, but i like it. Interesting.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

OK went back to the beginning! You sent me a read request on the last chapter. I prefer however to read the whole book. Once I read more I will gladly comment great job so far. You have my interest might take me a few days to read as I am in the middle of a screen write I am not posting it on this sight because I actually have an interested party in exclusive rights to the movie. It is biased on my poem Lily White Blood. The only criticism I have so far is you might want to put two spaces between sentences and two spaces between paragraphs. The content is excellent. looking forwards to reading more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A very strong opening chapter. A lot of action in this chapter. The fast pace of the story kept my attention. The storyline is very good. I will keep reading the story. A excellent opening chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on March 15, 2012
Last Updated on March 15, 2012



I've changed. I'm here to write. I'm here to listen. I'm here to inspire. - Follow Me On Instagram- this_is_for_yhu - Inspirational quote "I never said life would be easy, but I did promis.. more..

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A Story by Trusting