Sonic to the Rescue

Sonic to the Rescue

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Chapter Five Of Sonic and Midnight Enjoy


Chapter Five
Sonic to the Rescue


Purple Dragons Hideout

-It was about 6:00pm when Midnight and the two Purple Dragon Members had made their way to Not the Mall but the Purple Dragon's Hideout. Midnight stood infront of the Building looking at the Old Shack-

Midnight:"Are you sure this is the Mall?

Purple Dragon Member#2:"Yeah we're sure my dear." -Grins-

Midnight:"Okay then." -She walked her way into the Shack before relazing were she really was-

Midnight:"Hey...T..This isnt the Mail"

Purple Dragon Member#1:"Well Looks like your not stupid after all" -Walking over to were Midnight stood-

-Midnight slowly backs off-

Midnight:"W...What are you gonna do to me"-Trying to sound not so scared-

Purple Dragon Member#2:"You see my dear it's like this We haven't had any fun in awhile now you can either go with it or we'll have to kill you" -Takes out his Pocket Knife-

-Midnight started to run for the Door but the two Purple Dragon's grab Midnight causing Midnight to fall to the ground hitting her head and blanking out-

DownTown Station Sqaure


-Sonic counted his walk downtown a small beeping Noise was heard. Sonic reaches into his Pocket taking out his P.E.T. Sonic's NetNavi and Freind MegaMan appered on the screen-

Sonic:"What's up MegaMan?'

MegaMan:"Just checking to see if you're alright"

Sonic:"I'm fine"

MegaMan:'Good You got some E-mail from Bunnie and the others back home" -Holding a Small White Envlope-

Sonic:"I'll read it later" -A Red Light went on Megaman's Screen-

Megaman:'Sonic Trouble ahead I'm picking up a cry for help"

Sonic:'Were is it?"

Megaman:'Picking up the Cry from the Ally were the Purple Dragons Gang hangs out"

Sonic:"Alright Megaman on my way" =Putting the P.E.T. In his pocket before Dashing off=


Purple Dragons Hideout


-Midnight was placed on the wall legs spread out whimpering in Pain and wondering what was gonna happen- -The Leader of the Dragons had slowy pulled down Midnight's Pants drooling at the site of her Panties-

Midnight:"No..P...Please stop" -Crying now- -The leader of the group raised his hand slapping Midnight-

Purple Dragon Leader:"You did well Boys now I'm gonna let you have your fun first before I have mine"

Midnight:"Please...I'll do anything you want just please"

Purple Dragon Leader:"Shut the hell up you little b***h" -Raised his hand to slap Midnight agian but Sonic's Hand grabed the Hand throwing him back-

Sonic:"Tisk tisk tisk since when did the Purple Dragons snoop so low" -Picks Midnight up-

Purple Dragon Member#2:"Boss He's friends with that Jones Guy"

Purple Dragon Leader:"He is..AFTER HIM BOYS"

-Sonic takes off in a blue blur-

Midnight:"W...Who..A.Are you" -Her vision slowly fadded into darkness-

Sonic:"A Friend. You're gonna be Okay"

© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ingore the Grammer Mistakes

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Added on September 15, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
