Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Ten Find the Cure Enter the Labyrinth Part 3

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Ten Find the Cure Enter the Labyrinth Part 3

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Alright after a long period of Time here is Chapter 10 of Sonic's Xtreme Adventure


Chapter 10
Find the Cure Enter the Labyrinth Part 3


Fenton Living Room

-April kneeld down infront of the Blue Hedgehog putting another wet face cloth on his forhead- then getting up walking to the others who are sitting at the Fenton's Kitchen table all drinking and eating-
April:"I'm worried we haven't heard anything from the others"
Casey Jones:"April Sweetie" -Walking over to April wrapping his arms around his girl- "You gotta relax they know what they are doing"
Dontello:"I Hope they make it back okay"
Danny:"Your not the only one" -Leaning agianst the wall-
Danny:"I just hope Sonic's gonna be okay"
April:"He will Danny"
Danny:"What if they dont make it back in time"
Casey Jones:"Danny dont start talking like that"
Danny:"Come On Casey You know as well as I know that Sonic's a Goner"
Casey Jones:"I said Knock it Off" -Walking over to Danny-
Danny:"Oh yeah what if i dont what are you gonna do about it Tough Guy"
-Danny stared at the group before walking to his chair grabing his Jacket-
Mina:"Danny were are you going"
Danny:"I need some air" -Putting his Jacket on before walking off-
Mina:"Someone's gotta talk to him"
Michelle:"I will" -Gets up putting her Jacket on-
Dontello:"You sure thats wise guys I mean what if he just wants to be alone"
April:"You could be right Donny"
Michelle:"I'm still going in case"

Downtown Amity Park

-Danny walked down the streets of his home grumbling-
Danny:"You just couldnt shut up Danny. You had to go on.-Sighed- First Sam and Tucker Move away without saying goodbye to you. Then Jimmy shows up at your place with a message from Sally saying that she wants us to help Sonic out. and worse of all you explode infront of your Real Friends." -Sighed- "Yep Today has been Hell"
Michelle:"Dont you think your being a little to hard on yourself Danny" -Steps from the Shadow-
Danny:"Hu..Oh It's only you Michelle"
Michelle:"You can't blame yourself Danny"
Danny:"It was my fault Michelle I was to busy in trying to capture Dan I frogot about Sonic. and It's my Fault he got injered Michelle."
Michelle:"Danny." -Walking over to the Teen- "Sonic's gonna be okay and I know he'll frogive you"
Danny:"You must be really excited about working with him"
Michelle:"It is a Honor We've heard Storys from his Uncle Chuck about his Adventures"
Danny:"He is a Amazing Friend"
Michelle:"I'll bet he is but you've known him longer then I have Danny I'm sure if Sonic's your friend he'll frogive you."
-A Blue Blast hits the back of Danny causing Danny to fall to the ground-
Michelle:"DANNY" -Ran over- -The Fright Knight flew down infront of Michelle picking her up by the Neck-
Danny:"The..Fright Knight"
Fright Knight:"Prepare to Die Danny Fenton" -Throwing Michelle to the side walking over to Danny taking his Sword out pointing the Tip of the Sword to the Tip of Danny's Neck-
Danny:"I dont think so" -Transforms into Danny Phantom- -Flew up into the sky-
Fright Knight:'You really think you can stop me?" -Appered behind Danny slaming him into the cement ground-
-A Green Portal opens up in the sky relving a few of Danny's Arch Enemys Skulker the Ghost Hunter Ember the Rock Diva Desirea the Ghost Genie and Nicholes Technes-
Skulker:"Fright Knight that's enough"
Danny:"Hu" -Ember and Desirea bend down helping Danny up-
Ember:"You okay?"
Danny:"Whats..going on"
Skulker:"We need to have a Talk Danny Fenton its about your friend"
Danny:"You mean Sonic?'
-Skulker nods his head-
Danny:"I'm all ears"

Labyrinth Spider City Main Gates

-Raphel and Rini stop infront of the Gates to the City-
Raphel:"You ready?" -Turns looking at the girl-
Rini:"Y..Y..Yeah..Hey Raph I got a Question..H..How do you"
Raphel:"How do I know Sonic?"
Raphel:'Well it was over a year ago when his Band the Sonic Underground came to New York City to put on a Concert only to have the Concert attacked by Robotink and the Shredder. Lucky for Sonic Me and My Brothers showed up and we teamed up and defeted Robotink and The Shredder"
Rini:"Why does Sonic hate Robotink so much?"
Raphel:"Its beacuse what he did to his Uncle Chuck and his Home Planet Mobuis"
Rini:"What Happend"
Raphel:"I'd rather not say"
Raphel:"Let's get just the flower and head back"
Rini:"I wonder how Tails is doing"
Raphel:"I wouldnt worry about Him"

Goblin City Main Street

-Many of the Huts and Buildings were on fire as the Forces of the Negaverse counted their Attack on the city. Tails and Knuckles stood in the center of the Main Street looking at all the Chaos-
Tails:"We gotta do something"
Knuckles:"Dont have to tell me twice" =Looks over at Tails putting on his Shovel Claws=
Tails:"Let's do it"
Knuckles:"For Sonic"
Tails:'For Sonic" -Takes off in a Mad Dash kicking at the Monsters-
-Zoecite appered infront of Tails Smirking-
Tails:"You. Your the Girl that attacked Sonic"
Zoecite:"So I take it you remmber me"-Grins evily-
Tails:'W W What do you want"-Trying to sound brave-
Zoecite:'Awwh isnt this cute trying to act brave"
Knuckles:"What did you say" =Holding up a fist=
Zeocite:"Ah well it looks like I can have some fun with you both" -She smirks before floating up into the sky-
Tails:"Your going to pay what you did to Sonic" -Takes of high into the sky-
-Tails faced Zoecite glaring at her-
Zoecite:"Oh isnt this cute the little sidekick thinks he can stand up the powers of the Negaverse"
Tails:"What did you say" -Sounding angry-
Zoecite:"Oh my bad I didnt know that you cared so much about your Hedgehog Friend whos going to die within the next 5 hours"
Tails:'OH THATS IT" -Went flying right at Zoecite- "-Sending his fists hitting Zoecite in the face leaving a Mark-
Zoecite:"You..little son of a b***h" -Both of her hands started to glow with Black Enegery-
Tails:"If I die..I know I'll be happy protecting Sonic."
Zoecite:"Oh dont worry about him you can join him soon enough" -A Arrow shots up into the sky infront of the two floating figures-
Zoecite:"What the" -Blinking-
Tails:"No way" -Tails floats down to the ground standing infront of him Hyrule's Hero Link and standing besdie Link is the Mushroom Kingdoms heroes the Mario Brothers Mario and Luigi-
Link:"You alright Tails" -Smiled before walking over to the Two Tailled Fox giving him a High Five-
Tails:"Yeah but why are you guys here"
Luigi:"Princess Peach and Zelda were Kidnaped by the Negaverse"
Mario:"So your friend Jimmy showed up at the Castle Link came with him"
Tails:"Were is Jimmy"
Link:"He's back at Danny's Place working on something top Secret"
-Tails ComLink Watch started to beep-
Tails:"This is Tails come in" -Pushes the Button. Rini's face appered on the screen-
Rini:"We got the Flower"
Tails:"Really thats greet Rini alright head back and we can go home"
Mario:"He also told us whats happend to Sonic"
Tails:"He did"
Luigi:"Yep and were here to help him out"
Tails:"Thanks guys" -A Black blast hits the back of Tails-
Knuckles:"TAILS" -Dashing over to his friend"
Tails:"I'm..Ok" -Getting up-
Zoecite:"Heh Heh Heh"
Knuckles:"You Son of a B***h attacking Tails when his back was turned"
Zoecite:"Oh shut up Echinda" -Sends a Wave of Wind knocking Knuckles back"

Zoecite:"Is that all you have" -A Army of Monsters appered around Zoecite-
Tails:"This isnt good"

Amity Park Fenton Household

-Danny Skulker and the others sit around in the living Skulker drinking from his cup of Tea which Maddie had givin him-
Danny:"So what your saying is that the Ghost World is dying"
Ember:"Thats right..Vlad's using his Technogly to drain our home its Powers and pretty soon The Entire Ghost Zone will be gone for good along with everyone that lives within it"
Danny:"But whats this gotta do with Sonic"
Skulker:"We really dont know Danny...All I know is that I'm gonna make sure he stops the Negaverse and our home will be safe"
Ember:"Danny please I know we're your Enemys but please our home"
Jazz::"Danny" -Turns over to her Brother looking at him-
-Danny lets out a small sigh before turning his head over to the Blue Hedgehog laying on the Couch-
Danny:"Alright we can work toghter" -Held his hand out infront of Skulker-
Skulker:"Right" -Takes the hand shaking it- -A Blast came from downstairs-
Jazz:"What was that" -She and Danny run downstairs-

Fenton Labs Basement

-Danny and Jazz enter the basement Smoke allover and Purple Stuff allover the place-
Danny:"Jimmy what the heck happend"-Coughing-
Jimmy:"Well we were in the middle of making some gadgets for us and Dontello acdently poped on of my Neutron Ooze Bomb Balls-
Dontello:"Yeah sorry about that" -Coughing-
Jazz:"Then whats with all the Smoke"
Dontello:"Acdently set off one of my Smoke Bombs too"
Danny:"Greet when Mom see's this mess she's gonna flip"
Jimmy:"Dont worry Danny we'll clean this up before you know it"
Dontello:"Do you think Tails and the others are okay?"
Jimmy:"If The Mario Bros and Link made it to them in time they should be okay"
Jazz:"I hope your right Jimmy"
Jimmy:"I do too Jazz"
Danny:"What can we do now"
Jimmy:"My best guess is just to let the others finish the mission and come back safely"
-Jimmy's watch started beeping-
Jimmy:'Tails whats wrong" -Tails appered on the screen-
Tails:"Jimmy we need help the Negaverse..Too Many Monsters"
Jimmy:"What about the Flower did you get it"
Tails:"Rini and Rapehl are on their way back they got it"
Jimmy:"We cant wait any longer tell me were they are and I'll open the Portal and bring them home"
Tails:"They've just reached the Enterence to the Labyrinth" -Luigi can be seen in the back running around his Body on Fire-
Jimmy:"Alright let them know i'm opening the Portal"
-Jimmy slid over to his Laptop set up on the table wires attached to his Port-A-Portal machine-
Danny:"They got the flower?"
Jimmy:"Yep but the thing is Tails and the others are in trouble"
Danny:"Say no more I'm on my way"
Jazz:"Danny..I'm comeing too"
Danny:"Say WHAT"
Jazz:"I'm comeing too"
Danny:"Oh No No No"
Jazz:"Listen Danny they arnt just your friends They're mine too and I'm helping"
Danny:"Alright you can come with"
Jazz:"Thank you Danny" -Hugging him-
Jimmy:"The Portal's ready guys"
Dontello:"Be carefull"
Danny:"We will" -The two run into the Portal-
Jimmy:"We got work to do Dontello"
Dontello:"Right" -Nodding his head-

© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ingore the Grammer

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Added on August 10, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
