Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Nine Jupiter Thunder Crash The 4th Sailor Scot Found Enter the Labyrinth Part Two

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Nine Jupiter Thunder Crash The 4th Sailor Scot Found Enter the Labyrinth Part Two

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Alright Chapter 9 of Sonic's Xtreme Adventure is posted up. Enjoy everybody.


Chapter 9
Jupiter Thunder Crash The 4th Sailor Scot Found Enter the Labyrinth Part Two



Goblin City
-Tails Knuckles Raphel and Rini counted to walk around looking at the city and the City's Citizens-
Knuckles:"What is this Place Tails?"
Tails:"Acording to the Book it's called Goblin City its the in the Center of the Labyrinth"
Knuckles:"How fair is it to the Castle?"
Tails:"Not really sure I'd think we better ask someone who's from around here and see if they could take us the Castle"
Rini:"Think we could get something to eat first Tails" -Stomache Growling-
Knuckles:"Yeah I could use a bite to eat right now"
Raphel:'Me too"
Tails:'I guess we could go get something to eat" -His eyes on the book- "There's a Place called the Neko Cat Cafe"
Knuckles:"You know anything about Nekos Rini?"
Rini:"Only from my Manga's i read a Neko is another name for Cat Girl"
-Rini grabs Tails hand dashing off toward the Cafe-
Rini:'Come on Tails"
Tails:"GAH Rini Slow downnnnn"-Yelling as the Girl drags the Two Talled Fox off-
Knuckles:"Whats up Raph?"
Raphel:"Is it me or do those two seem like a cute couple?"
Knuckles:"I'd have to agree with you on that I havent seen Tails this happy since he was with Cosmo"
Raphel:"He misses her doesnt he?"
Knuckles:"Yeah but i think he's getting over it"
Raphel:"I wonder how the others are doing without us"
Knuckles:"They are problly just fine Raph now come on lets get going"
Raphel:'Heh Race you" -Takes off in a mad dash ahead of Knuckles-
Knuckles:"HEY NO FAIR" -Takes off after Raphel waving a fist in the air-

-Knuckles and Raphel enter the Cafe eyeing the room searching for Tails and Rini-
Rini:"Knuckles Raphel over here" -Waving her hand into the air-
Knuckles:"There they are" -The two walk over to the two sitting down in the booth-
Rini:"Man this place sort of reminds me of home"
Tails:"You mean Japan?"
Rini:"Yeah..I know it sounds funny but back home when ever my friends had the chance they'd take me to this one Cafe were the Staff would dress up like Fairys"
Raphel:"You must miss them"
Raphel:"You wanna know something Rini?"
Raphel:"I sort of miss my other two brothers Leo and Mikey"
Raphel:"I know i should be happy not having to hear a Lecture from Leo or being the victum of Mikey's pranks but one thing is We're brothers and nothings gonna change that. We all knew that this mission had some risks and Leo and Mikey knew Me and Donny would be help on this Adventure"
Tails:"I kinda miss Aunt Sally how she would used to tuck me in everynight and Bunnie would read me a Bedtime story. and when i couldnt sleep Sonic..he would spend the entire night in my room with me"
Knuckles:"I kind of miss my Home"
Tails:"I guess we're all homesick"
Tails:"Hey Knuckles if your here with us whos garduing the Master Emerold"
Knuckles:"Oh I got the Chaotix Team to do it"
-A Neko Girl with Purple hair wearing a Waitress outfit walks up to the group her Tail moving back and forth behind her-
Girl:"Like Hi I'm Summer and I'll like be your Waitress this evening now Can I like get anyone anything to drink"
Rini:"I'd like a Root Beer"
Tails:"Make that Two Root Beers"
Knuckles:"I'll have a Coke"
Raphel:"Make My Drink A Cream Soda"
Summer:"Okay So Like thats Two Root Beers One Coke and Cream Soda" -Writing down the Drink Orders on her NotePad then hands out the Menus- "Like I'll be back in a Jiff with the Drinks and I'll take your order okay" -She walks off skipping-
Knuckles:"You know who she sort of reminds me off?"
Tails:"She does sort of remind me of Clover"
-Rini gets up from her spot-
Tails:"Were you going Rini?"
Rini:"Washroom Just Order me a Cheese Burger And French Fries" -Walks off-
Tails:"Okay" -Smiled as she left-
Raphel:"Admit it Tails your in love with her"
Tails:"W..What makes you think that"
Knuckles:"Come on Tails I havent seen you like this since Cosmo"
Tails:"Oh" -Sounding Sadly-
Knuckles:"Look I'm sorry I..didnt mean to"
Tails:"It's okay Knuckles I'm fine..I guess I am in love with Rini..But face it She's a Princess and I'm just a Freedom Fighter"
Knuckles:"Hey Tails you gotta let Rini know how you feel about her I bet you she feels the same way about you"
Tails:"Thats something Sonic would say hu?"
Tails:"I hope he's gonna be okay"
Knuckles:"Sonic's gonna be fine Tails after all He's our True Blue Friend"

Girls Washroom

-Rini stood at the counter of the Sink in the Girls Washroom washing her hands-
???:"You know its your fault what happend to the Team"
Rini:"Hu" -She looks up to face the mirror after washing her hands looking up at a Image of Dark Lady Moon-
Rini:"You..You Shut up..Your not really real"
Dark Lady Moon:"Oh Really' -She placed her hand on Rini's shoulder causing Rini to spin around facing her Evil Form-
Rini:"W..What do you want"
Dark Lady Moon:"I'm part of you no matter what you Say Rini" -Saying smileing Evily-
Rini:'SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP -Starting to scream loudly-
Dark Lady Moon:"Sooner or Later I will gain control of you and you will do what i say"
-Rini sat on the ground starting to cry-
Dark Lady Moon:"You know its your fault for the Team being under the control of the Negaverse. Its your fault what happend to Sonic.
Rini:"No..No..I..I..It's Not..My..Fault"
Dark Lady Moon:"Oh Really well then how come the Fastest Thing Alive's Life is hanging by a thread while your walking on your two feet"
Rini:"S..Shut Up" -Holding her hands over her ears-
Dark Lady Moon:"It's your Fault and you know it Dear" -She said whispering into her right ear-
Rini:"Just Shut Up Enough..-Rini broke down crying faster-
Tails:"Rini...You Okay?" -The Two Talled Fox stood at the door looking at his friend-
Rini:"Hu..T..Tails" -She looked up her eyes red- W..What are you doing here?"
Tails:"I heard someone crying,,You Okay?" -He enterd the room helping Rini up-
Rini:"I'm...Fine" -Wipes her Tears away-
Tails:"You sure?"
Rini:'Yeah..Now that your here" -Rested her head on his Shoulder-
Tails:"Nu Nu It's ok"
-The Window shaters across the room Sailor Jupiter stood in the pile of broken glass-
Rini:"Oh No Lita not you too"
Tails:"Rini Run"-Tails stood infront of Rini-
Rini:"But what about you?"
Tails:"Just go Tell Knuckles and Raphel I'll hold her off as long as i can" =Tails flew into the air unleashing a bunch of Tiny Airplains shocking Jupiter-
Sailor Jupiter:"Heh..I should be thanking you for the Extra Boost of Enegry"
-Eletricity coverd Tails's Body Shocking the Two Talled Fox-
Tails:"Ugh..Ughh GAHH" -Tails fell to the ground Eletricity still can be seen on his body-
-Raphel stood at the door unleashing his two saias-
Raphel:"Tails you alright" -Running over to the Two Talled Fox-
Raphel:"It's okay Tails just go help Knuckles and Rini"
Tails:'Whats going on?"
Raphel:"The City is under attack more and more Negaverse Jerks are comeing down from the Sky"
Sailor Jupiter:"Enough Small Talk Just Submit to the Powers of the Negaverse and Join Us in our quest for Domanation"
Raphel:"You know what you're starting to bug me Lady" -Jumps into the air Sending his foot to the face of Jupiter. Jupiter went flying back down getting up from the ground glareing at Raphel-
Sailor Jupiter:"Oh..Now you've done it" -A Anatna shot up from her Teara forming Eletricity-
-Raphel picks Tails up getting out of the way before the Blast can hit the two-
Raphel:"You Okay Tails"
Tails:"Yeah...I'm okay Raph"
Raphel:"Good any ideas on what we should do?"
Tails:"Well with Sonic out of comission and no Power Ring the only thing we can do now is run"
Raphel:"Just Hang onto my Shell tight Tails"
Tails:'W..What are you.."
Raphel:"You'll see" -Turns over to face Sailor Jupiter- You know its been lovely maybe some time we can have Tea" -Threw A Smoke Bomb to the ground taking off in a mad dash-
-Sailor Jupiter stood as the Smoke clears coughing and covering her eyes coughing-
Sailor Jupiter:"You can run but you cant hide" -She disspered-
Goblin City
-Rini stood behind Tails and Knuckles-
Tails:"This is bad"
Knuckles:"I'll say"
Rini:"What are we gonna do?"
-Raphel ran to the group bashing Monsters on his way-
Raphel:"I Found out were the Flower of Life is"
Raphel:"Your not gonna like it though"
Rini:"Were is it?"
Raphel:"Spider City"
Rini:"S...S...S..Spiders D..Did you say Spider City Raphel?"
Rini:"Oh Great"
Tails:"Well what are we gonna do all of us can't go"
Knuckles:"He's got a point Raph"
Raphel:"Alright here's the Plain Me and Rini will go"
Tails:"And Me and Knuckles will stay here and help out"
Rini:"Hold on I ant going no near Spider City"
Raphel:"Rini come on"
Tails:"Think about Sonic Rini his life is on the line"
-Rini closed her eyes thinking back to Dark Lady Moon's voice echoing in her head-
Dark Lady Moon:"It's you fault that The Fastest Thing' Alive's Life is on the Line"
Rini:"Alright...Lets go Raphel" -Opens her eyes up looking at Raphel-

Tails:'Rini...Be Carefull"
Rini:"I Will"

© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ingore the Grammer Please and Let me know what you think of the Story So Fair Please

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Added on July 8, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
