Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter  Eight Dance the Magic Dance  Enter the Labyrinth Part One

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Eight Dance the Magic Dance Enter the Labyrinth Part One

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Okay Part One of 4 Parts Allow me to give the LowDown on what has happend During his Battle with Zoecite of the Negaverse Sonic was injcted with a Posion Acording to Jazz's Book of Ancent Stuff the only cure for Sonic is the Flower of Life which can o


Chapter Eight
Dance the Magic Dance Enter the Labyrinth Part One


Jareith's Throne Room

-The Goblin King Sat in his thrown playing with his small white orb throwing it from hand to hand back and forth. His Daughter Princess Jaraith sat at her small table near a window looking outside viewing Goblin City letting out a small sigh-
Jareith:"My Daughter what is wrong?"
-Jaraith turned her head looking at her Dad-
Jaraith:"It's..Nothing Daddy"
Jareith:"I see well then" -Went back to playing with his Orb- "You better get yourself ready we are going to have guests soon my dear"
-Jaraith gets up from her spot-
Jaraith:"Do you really think they will come"
Jareith:"My dear Jaraith they will come"
Jaraith:"I..If you say so Daddy" -Nods her head before walking off-

Fenton Lab
-Jimmy stood at the Comptur of the Fenton's Labtory-
Knuckles:"How much more is this gonna take Jimmy?"
Jimmy:"Almost its a good thing i brought along my Neutron Unaversal Portal"
Dontello:"I'll say Jimmy"
-Tails and Rini enter the room Tails has a backpack on his back--
Knuckles:"And were do you think your going?
Tails:'I'm comeing with Knuckles"
Tails:"I'm not a little kid anymore Tails. There is no way your going to say i can't Go besdie i can use the Cyclone and cover more ground with it"
Tails:"He's my friend too Knuckles"
Knuckles:"Alright you can come"
Tails:"Thanks Knuckles"
-Jimmy looks over at the two-
Jimmy:"It's ready now whats the plain"
Knuckles:"Me Raphel Tails and you are going to this thing called Labyrinth while the others stay here and keep a eye on Sonic"
Raphel:"Oh yeah" -Streaches his arms-
Mina:"Just please be carefull a feeling the Negaverse is going to be right behind you and try to stop you guys from getting the cure"
Raphel:"Hey no worries if i see any Negaverse Creaps i'll give them a little friendly Shell Whiping"
Jimmy:"Everyone got their ComLinkWatch?"
Rini;"I'm comeing to"
Rini:"Mina please stop its my fault Sonic's in his state..I wanna prove to everyone i can do something"
Mina:"Keep her protected" -She smiled at the two before running off-'
Danny:"Your gonna need this Tails" =Handing Tails Sonic's P.E.T.="
Megaman:"Hey if Sonic wanted anyone to us me he said it be you Tails"
Jimmy:"We'll keep you guys posted by using Nichole" -Looking at April who's holding the HandHeld Comptur-
April:"Just promise me you guys will be safe"
Raphel:"Yeah Yeah Yeah..Hey weres Knuckles?"
Jimmy:"And Were's Tails?"
Fenton Living Room
-Knuckles and Tails stood infront of their friend-
Knuckles:"Sonic if you can hear me its Me Knuckles just please hang in their Sonic we will get the cure just...Please..Dont Die on us"
Tails:"Sonic..Hang in their for us please"
=Danny and Jazz and Rini watch from the door=
Rini:"They really care about him dont they?"
Jazz:"I'll say those three have this bond that can't be broken. When one of them is in trouble they always mange to be their for each other"
Danny:"I just hope Sonic will be okay"
Jazz:"He will Danny we just gotta put our trust in him we know he will be okay"
Danny:"If you say so Jazz"
-Raphel walks upstairs-
Raphel:"There you two are now come on we gotta get going Jimmy can't keep the Portal up forever"
Tails:"Comeing Raphel" -Takes one last look at Sonic before running off downstairs-
Raphel:"He'll be okay Knuckles"
-Knuckles takes of his Hat placing it on the Table near Sonic-
Knuckles:"Let's Go"
Danny:"Look maybe i should come with"
Knuckles:"Your staying here Danny if what Mina said about the Negaverse attacking Sonic while he's like this You guys need all the firepower you'll need."
-Knuckles then takes off runing downstairs into the basment-

FentonWorks Basement

-Knuckles and the others head downstairs to the basement putting their backpacks on their back-
Tails:"Let's do it for Sonic guys"
Rini:"What happens if we dont find the flower"
Jimmy:"Rini we will" -Putting a hand on her shoulder-
Raphel:"Enough small talk Let's go" -The Crew Dashes into the Portal-
-Jazz sneaks downstairs putting her Backpack on-
Jazz:"Look Danny I'm going I can use my Book to try and help the others locate the Flower Of Life"
Danny:"Just be carefull Sis"
-Jazz walked over to her younger brother wrapping her arms around him hugging him- -A Few Tear drops pour down her face-
Jazz:"I WIll"
Labyrinth Enterence

-A Purple Vortex appered and Jimmy Tails Knuckles Rini and Raphel come falling out of the Vortex-
Knuckles:"Gotta work on your landing Jimmy"-Saying as he was ontop of Raphel-
Raphel:"I'll say"
Jimmy:"I know Guys now we gotta hurry and find that Flower"
Tails:"Why Jimmy"-Saying as Rini gets off him-
Tails:"It's Okay"
Jimmy:"Beacuse if we dont get it in the next 24 hours the Portel will dissper and we will be stuck here for good"
Knuckles:'Why didnt you tell us that before Jimmy?"
Jimmy:"You umm never asked?"
Raphel:"Oh Boyz look can we just get on with this before it's to late?" -Saying as Knuckles gets off him-
Knuckles:"Raphs right guys come on let's go..Now which way is it to the Labyrinth?"
Tails:"We're at the Enterence Knuckles" -Taking out Sonic's P.E.T.- "Megaman you there?"
-Megaman's Image apperes on the screen-
Megaman:"I'm here Tails whats the problem?"
Tails:'We need to figure a way to get into the Labyrinth"
Megaman:'Acoridng to the Information of the Book Jazz downloaded onto my P.E.T The only way into the Labyrinth is if you face the Gatekeeper"
Tails:"That doesnt sound to hard"
Megaman:"Hold on The GateKeeper is known for his riddles and questions answer right and you'll pass answer wrong and you'll end up in the Labyrinth somewere inisde it"
Rini:"And that's bad right?"
Knuckles:"Well let's get going Team"
Labyrinth Main Gates
-The Heroes countie their walk until they reach a pair of huge gates-
Tails:"This is it the Enterence to the Labyrinth"
Rini:"Were's the Gatekeeper then?"
-A Cloud of Smoke appered infront as the Smoke clears a Old Man holding onto a staff with Horns on his head laughing evily glares at the group-
Knuckles:"I take it your the GateKeeper?"
GateKeeper:"That is Correct now You all know the Deal right?"
Raphel:"You ask us questions we get it right you let us in we get it wrong and we get sent to the Labyrinth and end up someplace"
GateKeeper:'That is Correct now who is first"
-Tails steps forward-
GateKeeper:"But beware not all the Questions I"ll ask will be easy for you now first question"
GateKeeper:"What is Your Name?"
Tails:"Miles *Tails* Prower"
GateKeeper:"What is your Quest"
Tails:"To get the Flower of Life from the Labyrinth and cure my friend Sonic the Hedgehog"
GateKeeper:"What is the Name of the Actor that plays Joey in the TV Show Friends?"
Tails:"Hmm.....hmm Matt LeBlanc"?
GateKeeper:"Correct you may enter the Labyrinth" -Stamps his Staff on the ground the Gates Open up"
Tails:"Good Luck Guys" -Walks off into the Labyrinth" -The Gates Close behind him-
GateKeeper:"Who's Next?"
Rini:"I'll go if you guys want"
Knuckles:"I'll go" -Knuckles steps forward-
GateKeeper:"What is Your Name?"
Knuckles:"Knuckles the Echinda"
GateKeeper:"What is your quest?"
Knuckles:"To get the Flower of Life from the Labyrinth and cure my friend Sonic the Hedgehog"
GateKeeper:"What is your faviorte Color?"
GateKeeper:'Right Off you go" -Stamps his Staff on the ground the Gates Open up"
Knuckles:"Good Luck Guys" -Walks off into the Labyrinth-The Gates close behind him-
Raphel:"Shall we do this toghter Rini?"
Rini:"Sure" -Both Stepforward-
Jimmy:"Good Luck Guys"
Rini:'Thanks Jimmy"
GateKeeper:"Ah a Two for One Deal Right here we go What is your names?
Raphel:"I'm Raphel"
Rini:"And I'm Rini Daughter of Queen Neo Sereinty"
GateKeeper:"What is your Quest?"
Rini:"To get the Flower of Life from the Labryinth and cure our friend Sonic the Hedgehog"
GateKeeper:"Who was the Killer in Friday the 13th Part One?"
Raphel:'Thats a Easy One it was Jason's Mom"
GateKeeper:"Grrr -Stamps his Staff on the ground the Gates Open up behind him"
Rini:"I never saw that Movie"
Raphel:"Well have to watch it sometime" -Saying as the Two enter the Labyrinth the Gates close behind them"
GateKeeper:"Well It Looks like your the only one left"
Jimmy:'Looks like it"
GateKeeper:"Right here we go" "What is your Name?"
Jimmy:"James Isac Nerturon or Jimmy for short"
GateKeeper:"What is your Quest?"
Jimmy:"To get the Flower of Life and Cure my friend Sonic the Hedgehog"
GateKeeper:"Right then here's the hard question In the Epiosde of Futurama A Tale of Two Santas who played the Robot Santa?"
Jimmy:"Hmm I dunno how about you?"
GateKeeper:'Well Gee i dont know..Uh-Oh -A Spring from under the GateKeeper comes up making the GateKeeper go flying"
GateKeeper:"AHHHHHH" -Crash-
-The Gates Open up infront of Jimmy-
Jimmy:"Who knew that the GateKeeper didnt know that question" -He started to walk to the gates but then a Blinding Flash of Blue Light appered infront of Jimmy revling the Figure to be The Oracle of Delphius who lands infront of Jimmy-
Oracle of Delphius:"Jimmy Nertron I take it?"
Jimmy:"Yes but who are you?"
Oracle of Delphius:"Ah I knew you would ask that I am the Oracle of Delphius and I have come to ask for your Help Your friend Sonic is in Grave Danger"
Jimmy:"Sonic..In Danger from what?"
Oracle of Delphius:"Come with my young Neutron and you will see" -Held out his hand-
Jimmy:"How do i know this isnt a trap"
Oracle of Delphius:'Do what your Heart tells you to do Young Neutron"
-Jimmy pauses for a Moment then held his hand out infront of the Oracle-
Oracle of Delphius:'Good now we can go" -A Bright Blue Light appered around both the Oracle and Jimmy-
Jimmy:"Go were?"
Oracle of Delphius:"All will be answered soon Jimmy" -The two Figures dissperer as the Light disspered-

© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ingore the Grammer Mistakes Please

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Added on July 4, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
