Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Seven Heads of Tails My First Adventure With Sonic.

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Seven Heads of Tails My First Adventure With Sonic.

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Okay this Chapter for all you SatAM Fans should know the Pilot epsiode of the Series. If not let me explain a bit. The Freedom Fighters needed some metal cutterpens for their catapults but the only way they could get them is from Robotropiles. So Sonic h


Chapter Seven
Heads of Tails My First Adventure With Sonic.



-Raphel placed Sonic on the Fenton's Couch in the living room of the Fenton Household as Jazz ran over with a Wet Face Cloth placing it on his forhead-
-Tails Jimmy in his Lab Coat Outfit and Dontello enter the room. Dontello carying his MedicKit-
Tails:"How's he doing?"
-Knuckles who was leaning agianst a wall looks over at the three-
Knuckles:"Not good"
-Dontello walks over kneeling down infront of Sonic taking out a few things from his MedicKit-
Jimmy:"WHat happend to him"
Mina:"He was in a fight with Zoecite" -Says as she enters the room with a cup of coffie followed by Danny and April-
Danny:"Zoecite injected some kind of Purple Serum into his body"
-April hands the Bag which has the needle inside of it over to Tails and Jimmy-
Raphel:"So what are we gonna do now?"
Tails:'Me and Jimmy can use the Lab downstairs and try and figure out what this Serum is"
Dontello:"I'll stay here and keep a eye on Sonic"
Knuckles:"Me too"
Raphel:"That B***h.." -Slaming his hands on the wall-
April:'Raphel no one is blaming you for what happend to Sonic"
-Raphel turns to look at the group then lets out a small sigh-
Raphel:"You're Right..Hey..Anyone seen Rini"
April:'I thought she was with you"
Knuckles:"Hey..Were did Tails run off to?"

Blue Typhoon Command Center

-Rini sat down in a corner of the Ship crying covering her face hidden. Tails and April enter the Ship-
-Rini looks up at the two wipeing her Tears-
April:"Rini you okay?" -April and Tails sit down besdie Rini-
Rini:"This is all my fault..I should have never ever made that stupid wish"
Tails:"What wish was that?"
Rini:"To get a chance to meet Sonic in person..My Mom was always telling me how he's there for you when you need a hand"
April:"You can't blame yourself Rini"
Rini:"But its my fault..I Wished on the Silver Crystal for a Adventure but i didnt know that my Friends...My Family would be turned evil"
Tails:"You wanna know something Rini?"
Tails:"You remind me of well me when i was a little kid"
Rini:'How so?"
Tails:"I didnt have much of a Family My Dad left me shortly after i was born and my Mom left me but then i got to live with Sonic my Hero I wanted to grow up and be like him always doing the right thing always being there for someone who is down in the dumps. But not matter how hard i tried Sally and the others thought i was to young to join the Freedom Fighters. But Sonic he manged to talk Sally into lettin him train me to be a Freedom Fighter..Sonic's like a Brother to me Rini.. I..I dont know what i'd do about him.. I'll never froget that Day when i tried heading to Robotink;s Empire myself -Closed his Eyes thinking-

Flash Back

Sally:"Look Sonic we need some Metal Cutterpens for our Catapults"
Sonic:"I got it Sally I'll race to Robotropiles and back before supper"
Sally:"Sonic get real for a moment would you this isnt a game you know there could be Danger"
Sonic:"Hey Sally I was Built for Speed and Born for Danger Fast is my middle Name"
Tails:"I thought it was Marcel"
Sonic:"Tails Shush"
-Sally blushed a little letting out a little giggle-
Sonic:'Alright Sally i''ll be back before you know it" -Takes off in a blue blur-

The Great Forest-

-Tails stood on the ground looking at a tree- -His twin tails start to spin up as he flys into the tree for his 5th time crashing into it-
Tails:"Stupid Tree"...=Grumbling=
Sonic:'Hold on thereTails what are you doing"-Sonic said as he appered besdie the Little Fox-
Tails:'Going to Robotropiles"
Sonic:"Whao there little guy I dont think you shouldnt go their alone"
Tails:"How Come Sonic?" -The Two Talled Fox looks up at his Hero-
Sonic:"Beacuse The Place is just crawling with SwatBots and that evil nasty old jerk Robotink and his Evil Robotizcer are just waiting for you"
Tails:"Okay Sonic" -Sniff- "But its a long way back to Knothole and if a Buzzbomber comes and gobbles me up I bet you Aunt Sally's gonna be awful angry at you for just leaving me all alone"
-Sonic appered infront of Tails-
Sonic:"On Second thought you can come with me"
Tails:'Really!"-Looks up at Sonic with a excited look-
Sonic:"But you gotta prosmie me that you'll stay inside my backpack at all times"
Tails:"Got it Sonic you can cont on me" -Flew high into the sky landing inside Sonic's Backpack-
Sonic:"You Ready?"
Tails:"Uh-Hu Uh Hu"
Sonic:'Then hold on tight cause we are Up Over and Gone -Dashed off-
End of FlashBack
Tails:"Hu" -Opens his eyes- "Oh..Sorry i guess i was lost in thought"
Rini:"What were you thinking off?"
Tails:"Just..I dont know how Sonic's changed my life for me"
-The Doors to the Blue Typhoon open up as Jimmy enters the comand center-
April:"Jimmy whats wrong"
Jimmy:"It's Sonic..he's getting worse"
Tails:"There has to be something we can do"
Jimmy:"There is but...It's hidden"
Tails:"What is it Jimmy and were is it hidden?"
Jimmy:"Acording to Jazz's books on Potions and Elixer's there's something called the Flower of Life but it's only werabouts are in this thing called the Labyrinth"


© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ignore the Grammer please

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Added on June 28, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
