Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Two World Shaking and Deep Submerge Enter the Sailor Scots Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Two World Shaking and Deep Submerge Enter the Sailor Scots Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Chapter Two of Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Enjoy People


Chapter Two
World Shaking and Deep Submerge Enter the Sailor Scots Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus

-Knothole Concert Hall-

-Sonic and Tails and Knuckles stood behind the curtens-
Tails:"This is gonna be fun Hu Rini"
-Rini waved walking up to the group"
Rini:"I never got to thank you for breakfest today -Kissed Tails on the cheek-
Tails:" -Little Giggle- "It was nothing"
Sonic:"You better get to your seat Rini the Shows gonna start"
Rini:" Okay" -Ran off-
Knuckles:"So Tails is it me or you and rini kind of getting close"
Tails:"Hu..what do you mean Knuckles"?
-Sonic smacks Knuckles on the head-
Knuckles:"OWIE" -Rubs his head-
Sonic:"Tails Knucks Show time" -The two nod their heads before walking out listing to the crowd cheer for them-
Sonic:"Ready Guys?"
All Three:" LET'S DO IT TO IT"


We're The Sonic Underground (Freedom Song)

Sonic singing: "Come in my friend welcome to the party
But only if your one of a kind. (One of a Kind)
The Adventure of our life is now starting
Robotink's Empire is running out of time
We're the Sonic Underground
Listen to our freedom sound
Hidding in the heart of the city
We Plot and Plain Robotinks overthrow
Its a dirty job and no its not pretty
Always on the run always laying low
We're the Sonic Underground
Listen to our freedom sound
Never know were we'll be found
We're the Sonic Underground
-Song ends-
-Crowds cheering-
Tails:"Ohhh Right" -Both Knuckles and Tails HighFive-
Knuckles:"They loved that new song Sonic"
????" WORLD SHAKING BLAST" -A Blue blast aims towards Sonic-
Tails and Knuckles:"SONIC WATCH OUT"
Sonic:"Hu?..GAH" -Went flying backwords landing on the ground-
Tails:"SONIC" -droping his keybord dashing over to Sonic-
Knuckles:"Sonic..speak to me"
Sonic:"Ughh what happend"
Rini:" can't be...
-Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune land on the stage-
Rini:" Amara....Michelle.."
Sailor Neptune:"By order of the Negaverse and the ruler Queen Beryl" -Looking at Rini- You are to come with us" -Sailor Uranus appered behind Rini grabing her"
Rini:"Neptune Let..Go..Its..Me..Your Friend -Screaming-
-Sonic got up-
Knuckles:"Why is it whenever we throw a concert trouble always follows"
Sonic:"Not sure but i do know is we gotta stop whoever they are"
Tails:"SONIC KNUCKLES HELP -Sailor Neptune holding onto Tails"
Sonic:"TAILS"-Running over-
-Numbuh One stood up looking at his team-
Numbuh Three:"What are we gonna do?"
-Numbuh One puts his sunglasses on rasing his arms to the sky-
Numbuh One:"Kids Next Door...BATTLE STATIONS -Clicks his Shoes toghter before taking off high into the sky slaming himself into Sailor Uranus causing her to let go of Rini- -He held his hand out to Rini who takes it pulling herself back up-
Numbuh One:"Welcome Princess Mini Moon"
Rini:"Y..You know"
Numbuh One:"Yes i do" -Turning over to his team- Numbuhs Four and Three you are orderd to protect Rini and will escourt .Numbuh 2 You go with for bodyguard duty
Numbuh Two:"But what about"
Numbuh One:"Me and Abby here will help Sonic and the others out-
Numbuh Four:"Right then come along mate -Grabing Rini's hand before running off-
Numbuh Three:"Becarefull.." -Running off besdie Numbuh Four and Rini-
Numbuh Five:"Oh its on now -Taking out her KND G.U.M.Z.O.K.A gun fireing blasts at Neuptune who goes flying back letting go of Tails-
Sonic:"Tails you alright -Bending down helping Tails out-
Sonic:"Listen Get the Torando and help Numbuh Two and the others"
Tails"Right I'm on it Sonic" -Dashing off running besdie Rini"
Tails:"The're your friends arnt they"?
Rini:"They used to be until they the Beryl Curse effected them"
-Rini stood still turning around holding her pen in her hand-
Rini:"You've been so nice to me its time to pay the favor" -Holding the pen up high- MINI MOON MAKEUP -Rini was hit by a blast causing herself to fall to the ground screaming-
Tails:"RINI" -Running over to help her up Numbuh Four and Numbuh Three stood infront holding up their wepons at the sky as Sailor Uranus landing on the ground picking up Rini by her hair-
Sailor Uranus:"You will come with us"
???"Why dont you pick on somebody your own size"
Tails:"Hu...That Voice"
Sailor Uranus:"Hu?" -A Green Blast hits Uranus in the back causing her to let go of Rini who gets up quickly running behind Tails"
-Danny Phantom slowly lands on the ground-
Danny:"It's been awhile Tails" -Smileing-
-Tails ran over hugging-
Tails:"It's so good to see you agian but..why are you"
Danny:"Jimmy called me up and had told us that he got a message from Sally saying she needed us"
Tails"You..mean everyone's here?"
Danny:"Oh Yeah" -Grining-
-Sonic and Knuckles slowly back up agianst a wall being blocked by both Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus-
Knuckles:"Well we're screwed"
Sonic:"Hey dont count on it yet Knucks"
Knuckles:"Now is not the time to be jokeing Sonic"
Sonic:"Who said i was jokeing KnuckleHead?"
-Sailor Uranus grabs Sonic by the neck starting to Squeeze his neck tightly-
Sonic:"Gack why do they always choke"
Knuckles:"That Voice.."
-A Bright Purple Blast hits Uranus in the back causing her to let go of Sonic falling down to the ground"
-A Hand shoots down at Sonic helping him up-
Sonic:"Nice to see you agian Jimmy" -Jimmy Neutron stood infront of Sonic shaking his hand his fatfull Robotic Dog Goddard layed down besdie Jimmy licking Knuckles"
Knuckles:"Whao Down Boy Down"
Jimmy:"Its good to see you agian to Sonic"
Sonic:"But why are you here?"
Sally:"I invited them here Sonic"
Sonic:"Hu Sally?"
Jimmy:"It's a long story Sonic but right now we need to find Rini and protect her and Knuckles Uncle Chuck wants you to get the Master Emerold its time"
Knuckles:"Right" =Dashed off=
Sonic:"Would someone tell me what is going on."
Jimmy:"In due time Sonic but right now listen"
Tails's Workshop

Tails:"My Workshop shouldnt be much fairther away Rini"
Rini:"What is it that we are going to do?"

Tails:"Why are they after you?"
Rini:"You have to prosmie me you wont tell anyone"
Tails:"I Prosmie"
Rini:"I'm part of a Elite group called the Sailor Scouts"
Tails:"Sailor Scouts?"
Rini:"My Friends were captured by the dark forces of the Negaverse and were placed under control of their Queen Beryl who infected them with the Beryl Curse"
Tails"Beryl Curse?"
Rini:"Yes the Beryl Curse was created as a form of the Negaverse's last line of defense once the curse is placed on you. you become nothing more then a servent of the Negaverse"
Tails:"So why come here why come for Sonic?"
Rini:"My Mom used to tell me stories of Sonic's Heroic Deeds"
Tails:"How does she know him anyway"
???:"I can tell you that"
Tails:"Hu? Uncle Chuck"
-Uncle Chuck steps out of the Shadows kneeling down infront of Rini-
Rini:"Hello Sir Charles its good to see you agian"
Uncle Chuck:"Same here"
Tails:"Uncle know about the Sailor Scots and Rini?"
Uncle Chuck:"Yes Tails you see i was called by Rini's Mother and helped create the Power Source that filled Crystal Tokyo with power Sonic was just a little kid at the time but he used to be the Queen's daughter's roayl playdate friend"
Tails:"Shouldnt he know about this"
Rini:"When the Moon Kingdom was under the attack Mom used her powers to erase Sonic's memorys of his time on the Moon Kingdom"
Tails:"But why?"
Uncle Chuck:"Beacuse if the Negaverse found out they would capture Sonic and try to use him"
???:"Once agian you are correct Sir Charles"
Rini:"Trista!" -The Girl ran over to a girl holding a staff in her right hand"
Sailor Pluto:"Small Lady are you alright"?
Uncle Chuck:"Tails meet Sailor Pluto she is the keeper of Time and Space"
Tails:"But i thought Clockwork was"
-Clockwork appered besdie Uncle Chuck:"
Clockwork:"She is my aprtence Young Prower"
Sailor Pluto:"It is imporant we find Sonic at once"
Sailor Pluto:"Only he can save the universe from what is set in motion"
Uncle Chuck:"In the meantime Tails Come with me we have to get it ready"
Tails:"Get what ready?"
Uncle Chuck:"Oh..You'll see. in the meantime Rini take this Power RIng to Sonic" -Handing Rini a Power Ring-
Rini:"Right" -Dashed off-
Tails:"I hope Sonic's alright"

Knothole Concert Hall
Sonic:"So what your saying is that"
-Sailor Neptune runs at Sonic at full speed. Sonic jumps into the air-
Jimmy:"You gotta use the Power Ring to snap them out of it Sonic"
Sonic:"Only one problem Jimmy"
Jimmy:"Hmmm that is a problem"
Rini:"SONIC CATCH -Throws Sonic the Power Ring Uncle Chuck gave to him-
Sonic:"Thanks Rini" -Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus fly up into the sky around Sonic-
Sonic:"I hope this works" -A Bright Yellow light filled the sky up as the Power Ring glows with yellow engery shooting out two blasts one at Neptune and one at Uranus. The Blast causes the two to scream in termendes pain until the Negaverse Mark on each of their Shoulders disspere causing the two to fall to the ground their Sailor Outfits disspere causing their normal outfits on their bodies-
-Rini walks up to them-
Rini:"Amara....Michelle are you okay?"
-Both stood up looking at Rini who has a worried look on her face-
-A Smile appered on Rini's face-
Amara:"Your okay"
-Rini ran over to the two hugging crying in Michelle's arms-
Michelle:"Its gonna be okay Rini" -Looking at Sonic-
Michelle:"Thank you for watching over her"
Sonic:"No Problem
-Amera walks up to Sonic holding her hand out-
Amera:"We are at your comand Sonic the Hedgehog
-Sonic looks at the two then giving a thumbs up-
Sonic:"Sally your okay"
Sally:"We have to head for the MoonBase at once"
Michelle"All will be explained soon Sonic"

Tails's Workshop Basement

Tails:"I..dont belive it the Blue Typhoon" -Rubbing his eyes- But i thought it was dystored during our battle agianst the Metrix-
Uncle Chuck:"You could say me and a friend friends got toghter and started to rebuild it"
Tails:"Jimmy!" -Walking over giving him a hug-
Jimmy:"Hey Tails long time no see"
Tails:"I'll say its been too long now"
Cindy:"WHat am i?"
Tails:"Cindy?" -Tails looks over looking at Cindy Vortex and Donatello"
Donatello:"Whats shaking Tails?"
-Tails ran over hugging both Cindy and Donatello-
Cindy:"The Blue Typhoon is almost ready all we need is the power source"
Tails:"You dont mean we need the"
Knuckles:"What the Master Emerold?" -Entered the Lab carrying the Master Emerold on his back-
Tails:"Knuckles your okay.But what about"
Knuckles:"Dont worry about Sonic he and Sally are at the KND MoonBase with Rini and Neptune and Uranus"
Tails:"But how did they break free and how do you know about this"
Knuckles:"Uncle Chuck and Cindy came and found me and they told me the enitre situation"
Tails:"And i thought i was the smart one"
Knuckles:"Very funny now come on Tails we got work to do if we wanna help Sonic out"

© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ingore the Grammer Mistakes Please

My Review

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I thought it was pretty good myself. Don't worry dude, zeere is one of those new reviewers, so you don't need to take him seriously. You know what they say about them right? They're opinions never really count. I'd like to see more of this story, and I hope you will not disappoint me and your many other fans.

Posted 16 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

I wonder what they say about you.
possibly the worst thing i've ever read , i'm just being honest : C. but my advice would be to channel all your abilities into a constructive story that could possibly be sold in stores i could see you being a professional writer but make it somthing origional : )

Posted 16 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 27, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
