Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Five The Ulmite Enemy Returns

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Five The Ulmite Enemy Returns

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Here is Chapter Five I hope you all are enjoying the Story so fair. It's about to get a hole lot awsome



Chapter Five
The Ulmite Enemy Returns


Blue Typhoon Comand Center

Sonic:"Tails are you sure about this?" -Looking at the two talled fox as they counted to dash to the Comand Center of the Blue Typhoon-
Tails:"I'm sure about it Sonic. Jazz manged to send us a bit of Video Fotage before He started his attack on Amity Park"
Sonic:"What happend after words?"
Tails:"The Transmission ended Sonic"
Sonic:"Do you think He is after the Fragment?"
Tails:"I think so"
-The two enter the room as April held onto Danny trying to cailm him down-
Danny:"We..Gotta go and save Jazz"
April:"Its gonna be okay Danny"
Casey Jones:"Yeah Just leave it to Sonic" -Turns to face Sonic- "You got a plain Sonic?"
-Sonic digs into his pocket taking out Nichole-
Sonic:"Nichole i need you to run a scan on Ghost Activty on Amity Park"
Nichole:"Searching for Resaults it will take time Sonic i will contact you once its done"
Sonic:"Alright Nichole -Putting her back in his pocket then looking at the crew- Alrught Team listen up. We will split into Two Teams. I'll be the leader of Team One. Danny you're in charge for Team Two"
Danny:"Got it"
Sonic:"My team will search for Danny's Family and try and locate the second Crystal Star Fragment"
Danny:"What about me?"
Sonic:"Your team will be in charge of tracking Dan down and see what he's up to if he's after that Fragment we need to know what he's gonna do with it"
Danny:"Got it"
Sonic:"Alright Team One will be Me, Knuckles,And April"
Tails:"What about me"
Sonic:"Tails you're with Danny and Raphel and Casey and Michelle"
Tails:"Got it'
Rini:"What about me?"
Sonic:"You're staying here on bord the ship with Jimmy and Donny Rini"
Sonic:"Rini listen to me you almost got killed"
Sonic:"No Buts Rini you're staying here"
Dontello:"Raph you can use your Shell Cell to stay in touch with us and Sonic you can use Nichole."
Sonic and Raphel:"Got it"
Sonic:"Alright Guys lets go"
Raphel:"Just wait a moment Sonic you're gonna need some transportation to get around"
Casey Jones:"And we got a little suprise for you"

Blue Typhoon Garage
-Sonic stood slowly infront of the Sonic Underground Van which him and Manic and Sonia had used way back with wide eyes-
Raphel:"Heh You Like"
Raphel:"Well Sally told us how the Van got dystored by Robutinks Doomsday Machine and she got me and Casey to bring the peices here and fix it up for you"
Casey Jones:"If your gonna drive your Van you're gonna need these" -Hands Sonic the Keys to the Van-
Sonic:"Thanks Guys"
Raphel:"Hey No Worries Sonic"
Knuckles:"Hey Sonic you ready to go yet" -Sticks his head out the window of the Van-
=April hugs Casey then kisses him on the check=
April:"Raph i'm counting on you to keep Casey safe"
Casey Jones:"Aww Come on April i'm a big guy i can take care of myself"
-Raphel just walked by chuckling-
Danny:'Alright you guys be carefull"
Sonic:"Will do Danny" -A Image of Jimmy appered on the screen in the Van-
Jimmy:"Buckle Up People I'm opening the Main Doors Now"
Sonic:"You Ready?" -Looks at Knuckles-
Knuckles:"Lock and Load Time"
Sonic:"Spin and Win Time" -Pushes down on the Gas Pedel driving off the Ramp flying high into the air landing on the streets of Amity Park-
-Raphel got onto his ShellCycle with Michelle on the back of him holding onto him tight-
-Raphel pushes down on his Gas Pedel driving off the ramp flying high into the sky landing down onto the streets of Amity Park driving off ahead of Sonic and his team Casey and Danny drove besdie Raphel-
Sonic:"Alright Lets do this guys"

Downtown Amity Park

-Two Figures stood on the rooftop of the Nasty Burger-
The Girl:"They will be here soon wont they Jedite?"
Jedite:"Yes Zoecite now remmber the plain we let Dan Phantom have his Revange on the Boy while they are busy fighting him we locate the Crystal Star Fragment"
Zoecite:"But what of the Girl?"
Jedite:"Soon She'll be under the Queen's control now you remmber your part right?"
Zoecite:"Of Course" -She looked at Jedite with a smile on her face- -Holding up a Needle with Purple Liquid inside of itl-
Jedite:"Good now make sure you inject it on the Hedgehog we can not let him dystory our plains"
Zoecite:"I will"
-Dan Phantom appered infront of the two grining-
Jedite:"Having fun are we Dan?"
Dan Phantom:"Oh Yesssss i just cant wait to get my revange on the boy"
Zoecite:"In Due time Dan in due time now what do you have to report?"
Dan Phantom:"She's close to finding the Fragment"
Jedite:"Alright Zoecite get ready our guest of honor are gonna be here soon"
Zoecite:"Right" -She disspered in a blast of rose pedels-
Jedite:"The Play is comeing toghter now all we need are the Actors"
Dan Phantom:"Heh"

Amity Park DownTown

-Sonic and Knuckles counted their walk down the streets of Amity Park looking at all the distruction and buildings dystored-
Knuckles:"Damit Looks like he's already been here"
Sonic:"Looks like it but we dont know for sure Knuckles" -Taking out Nichole from his Pocket- "Nichole put me through to Jimmy on the Blue Typhoon"
Nichole:"Contacting Sonic" -A Holographic Image of Jimmy appered infront of the two-
Jimmy:"Any Luck?"
Sonic:"No not really Jimmy what about the others"
Jimmy:"I'm afraid its the same thing with Danny and his group"
Knuckles:"So now what do we do?"
Jimmy:"I sugest you guys keep searching if Dan Phantom is back"
Sonic:"He'll be after Danny"
Jimmy:"Corect Sonic"
Sonic:"I'll keep you posted Jimmy"
Jimmy:"Okay Sonic" -The Holographic Image of Jimmy Dissperes-
Sonic:"April Any Luck?"
April:"No"-She looked over at the two from her spot"
Knuckles:"What are we gonna do now?" -Sighed-
Sonic:"We keep looking Knuckles" -Putting Nichole into his pocket-
April:"Man look at all the distruction"
Sonic:"He's more powerfull"
Knuckles:"Sonic..You know whats gonna happen if he catches Danny"
Sonic:"Yeah..I know"
???:"Sonic is that really you"
Sonic:"Hu"..-Turns to the Shadows- "J..J..Jazz"
-Danny's SIster Jazz Fenton ran over to the group hugging Sonic-
Jazz:"It is you Oh Sonic Its good to see you agian..Wait We'res Danny.."
Sonic:"Cailm Down Jazz Danny's okay whats going on"
Jazz:"He's back Sonic Dan Phantom is back he's more powerfull then ever"
Knuckles:"We sort of figured Jazz"
-April gives Knuckles a evil glare-
Sonic:"So were is everyone Jazz?"
Jazz:"I..dont know all i know is that this guy Jedite kidnaped Danielle"
Sonic:"Danny's Clone?"
Jazz:"Right He said something about Ulitmite Power or something"
Sonic:'Were's your Family"
Jazz:"In the Lab"
-Sonic takes Nichole out of Pocket-
Sonic:"Nichole Put me through to Danny and the his Team"
Nichole:"Contacting Sonic..."-A Holographic Image of Danny and the others appered-
Danny:"Jazz! Your okay"
Jazz:"Danny listen They got Danielle"
Danny:"SAY WHAT!"
Jazz:"Mom and Dad are back in the Lab we need you Danny"
Danny:"I'm on my way"
Sonic:"Hold it Danny"
Sonic:"Danny it could be a trap which means if you go their alone Dan Phantom can strike"
Danny:"Well Yeah But.."
Sonic:"No Buts Danny Raphel and Casey and Michelle can go with. Tails you can go back to the Blue Typhoon and get some Lab Equpitment for Danny's Mom"
Jazz:"Let's go then oh and Danny"
Jazz:"Glad your okay"

FentonWorks Lab
-Jack and Maddie Fenton both turn their heads to the door as Danny and Sonic and Tails walk down into the Basement-
Maddie:"Danny" -Running over hugging her Son- "You're alright"
Danny:"Aww Mom cut it out You're Embarassing me infront of my Friends" -Maddie lets go of Danny looking over at the two walking over-
Maddie:"So You're Sonic the Hedgehog Danny's told us so much about you"
Sonic:"Really Now?" -Looks over at Danny-
Danny:"Well Somestuff may have sliped out"
Jack:"And you must be Tails Prower" -Walking over to Tails shaking his hand- "It's a pleasure to meet a fellow inventor Danny told me how you created the Torando"
Tails:"Really!..It was nothing Mr Fenton"
Jack:"Please Call me Jack"
Danny:"Enough of the Small Talk"
Danny:"Look Mom Dan Phantom is back and he has Danielle now tell me we are not just gonna sit around here and do nothing"
Sonic:"Danny cailm down"
Danny:"How Can I Cailm Down Sonic He's Back"
Sonic:"Danny you just gotta learn to Chilll and Relax We'll help you overcome this Danny"
Tails:"Sonic's right Danny do you think we panic everytime Robotink attacks"
Danny:"Well no"
Sonic:"Danny no matter what happens to you know you can always count on Us and Your Family to be there for you" -The Building started to shake-
Danny:"Mom whats going on"
-Maddie Fenton dashes over to her Screen-
Maddie:"He's comeing"
-Nichole starts to beep Sonic reaches into his pocket grabing Nichole-
Sonic:"Whats up Nichole"
Nichole:"In comeing transmission from Blue Typhoon"
Sonic:"Okay Contact"
Nichole"Contacting..." -A Holographic Image of Jimmy appered-
Jimmy:"Sonic...The Ship its under attack"
Sonic:"SAY WHAT!"
Dontello:"He's not jokeing Sonic the Ships under attack by someone named Zoecite she said she'll stop only if you come to the Ship"
Sonic:"On My Way" -Hands Nichole over to Tails-
Sonic:"I'm counting on you to help Danny"
Tails:"Got it"
-Sonic takes off in a Mad Dash-
Maddie:"So whats the plain Danny..Danny..DANNY"
-Tails and Maddie look around the room for the Boy but he is no where to be found-
-Danny stood outside the House looking at the building before transforming into Danny Phantom-
Danny:"Goodbye Mom and Dad...Take care" -Danny flew off-

Blue Typhoon

-Dontello and Rini and Jimmy were underneth a table-
Jimmy:"So let me get this straight Zoecite is a member of the Negaverse"
Rini:"Uh Hu She's one of Queen Beryl's Henchemen that does her bidding for her"
Dontello:'Well Why is she after Sonic"
Rini:"Beats me"
-Outside Zeocite counted to Attack the Ship with Green Blasts-
Zoecite:"You cant keep hiding forever Hedeghog come out now and face me"
-A Blue Light attacks Zoecite in the back causing her to Scream in pain and fall down as she turns her heard to the direction of the blast Sonic stood on the Building with his gutiar in his hands pointing it at Zoecite-
Sonic:"You Called"
-Zoecite grins evily floating up into the air-
Zeocite:"Well..Well at last i get to meet the Famous Sonic the Hedgehog I must say it is a great pleasure for me beacuse I will dystory you and get the Crystal Star for the Negaverse"
Sonic:'You can try but you wont get past me"
Zoecite:"Oh Really now" -Zoecite snaps her Fingers and A Girl with long Blonde Hair in a Sailor Outfit appered besdie Zoecite holding in her hands Danielle Fenton Chained up-
Danielle:"SONIC IT'S A TRAP"
Zoecite:"I dont belive you have met Sailor Venus Yet-
-The girl looked over at Sonic grining evily-
Sonic:"Heh you think I'm scared Bring it On"
Zoecite:"As you wish then Sonic. -Turning her head to Sailor Venus- "Venus"
Sailor Venus:"Yes My Mistress?"
Zoecite:"Have fun"
=Sailor Venus flew down at Sonic rasing her left hand into the air-
Sailor Venus:" VENUS LOVE CHAIN -A Strand of Orange Hearts went flying down at Sonic sending him flying backword-
Danielle:'Sonic..." -She counted to try and get free- -Zoecite flew down infront of Danielle her left hand charging with a red blast-
Zoecite:"Well Kid looks like we dont need you anymore so its great pleasure for me to be the one to kill you"
-Raphel appered behind Zoecite grinning before knocking her out with one of Casey's Baseball Bats-
Casey Jones:"Thats 5 Mins for ploting to kill our friend"-Saying as he takes the bat back from Raphel-
Jazz:"Danielle" -Running over-
Jazz:"You okay?"
-Raphel helps Danielle up-
Raphel:"Come on Kid time to go home'
Danielle:"But what about Sonic"
Raphel:"He'll be fine"
-Sonic got up from his spot painting looking at Venus as he wipes the blood off his bottom lip-
Sonic:"Is that all you got"
-Dan Phantom flew up behind Sonic-
Dan Phantom:"Oh no Sonic we're just getting started" -Laughing as he fired a green plasma blast at Sonic's back causing him to fall down-
Zoecite:"And i thought you'd be more of a Chanlange" -She appered behind Sonic grabing his Arms pining him close to her body-
Zoecite:'Thats gonna change" -The Needle Jedite had givin to Zoecite appered in her one hand-
Dan Phantom:"This day just keeps getting better and better watches as Zoecite inserted the Needle into Sonic's Skin injecting the Liquid into his body watching as Sonic screamed in pain she then threw his Body to the ground-
Danny:"And it's just about to get a whole lot better Buddy" -Flew up infront of Dan Phantom-
Dan Phantom:"Ahh My Younger Self how wonderfull it is to see you agian"
Danny:"Can the Small Talk. Let Danielle and Sailor Venus Free now:
Dan Phantom:"And why would i go and do something like that my friend?"
Danny:"If your not gonna..I will" -Threw a Power Ring Down at Sonic-
Danny:"Sonic Catch"
-Sonic's hand shot up into the sky grabing the Power Ring- -A Bright Yellow Glow appered around Sonic as he stood up smirking-
-Venus flew down infront of Sonic getting ready to unleash another Venus Love Chain attack just as a Bright Light from the Power Ring flashed its way onto Venus the Negaverse mark dissperes as she screams in pian falling to the ground transforming back into her normal teen form-
Mina:"Ugh..My..Head" -Sonic's hand shot down infront of Mina she looks up smiling taking the hand-
Sonic:"So your another Sailor Scot"
Mina:"You're Sonic the Hedgehog i take it"
Sonic:"Got that right"
-Dan Phantom faced Danny high into the sky-
Dan Phantom:'Come now Danny do you really think you can beat me agian?"
Danny:"I did once and i can do it agian Dan"
-Jedite appered ifront of Dan Phantom-
Jedite:"Dan that's enough time to head back to the base so we can comence phase two of our Master Plain"
Dan Phantom:"Oh allright Jedite' -Staring at Danny- "Danny the next time we meet it will be your death" -Disspered-
Jedite:"Do you really think you goody heros can stop us" -Disspered-
-Danny flew down transforming back into Danny Fenton-
Danny:"Tails whats wrong" -Dashing over-
Tails:"It's Sonic he's not waking up" -Raphel bent down picking Sonic up-
Knuckles:"Sonic come on wake up"
Danny:"My Place is closest we can take Sonic there Tails get Dontello and Jimmy and tell them to head over to Fenton Works."
Tails:"Got it" =Dashing off=
-Mina got up walking over to Danny-
Mina:"Is..he gonna be okay?"
Danny:"I dont know"


© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ingore the Grammer Mistakes Please

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Reviews interesting twist on was a good piece..It adds some interest to the game as well, big fan of the game used to play it all the time as akid...still do sometimes when i find the time to. It was rather long...piece of advice ( not meaness)..break up the paragraphs into different chapters..make them shorter because not that many people will read a long story..only reason im saying this because i learned the hard different in the way that i love long reads...anyways most wont read long stories only short..just trying to help out in anyway i can..great job over all...keep writing....=0)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 27, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
