Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Four The Launch into OuterSpace The Adventure has started

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Four The Launch into OuterSpace The Adventure has started

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Chapter Four of Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Enjoy


Chapter Four
The Launch into OuterSpace The Adventure has started




Blue Typhoon Comand Center

-Sonic and Knuckles were lead into the room by April and Tails and Jimmy-
Knuckles:"Man this place looks more high Tech then our last time using this"
Jimmy:"Ah but you guys havent seen anything yet"
Tails:"And what is that Jimmy?"
Jimmy:"Gentlemen and April"
-April Frowns-
Jimmy:"I present to you all my Neutron Super Star Crystal Finder"
Tails:"Whao Amazing Jimmy"
Jimmy:"Thanks Tails"
Knuckles:"How does it work?"
Jimmy:"It's simple i have in the machine Rini's fragment of the Crystal Star using the enegry from that Fragment"
Knuckles:"You can use the Engery from it to locate the other fragments?"
Jimmy:"Correct Knuckles"
Sonic:"Pretty Amazing Jimmy i just wanna know how you guys got all this Lab Equpitment"
April:"Thats beacuse Me and Donny and Jimmy got some equipment from his Lab and fixed the place up a bit"
Sonic:"Pretty amazing April but you never told us why you are all here"
April:"You'll find out later Sonic in the meantime who wants a snack?"
Sonic:"Maybe later" -Yawning- "I think i'm gonna go to my room and take a Nap" -Holding the Disk in his hand-
Knuckles:"You gonna play the disk yet?"
Sonic:"Maybe anyway later guys" -Waved as he headed to his room-
April:"Later Sonic"
Sonic's Room


-Sonic entered the bedroom placing his Backpack on the small chair jumping onto the bed taking out a book from a shelf nearby-
-Sonic layed on his bed his Issue 2 of Ranma1/2 over his head as he countes to sleep a bright light flashed inside the room as a glowing figure slowly walks her way over to the sleeping hedgehog. Placing her hand on the book she takes the book of Sonic's head putting the book on the table besdie Sonic's bed-
Neo Sereinty:"Sonic the Hedgehog"-The Queen of the moon had placed her hand on his forhead-
Sonic:"Ughh..Five more mintues Unc" -His eyes slowly open up-
Neo Sereinty;"Do not be afriad Sonic Hedgehog I am Neo Sereinty Queen of the Moon Kingdom and i have a imporant message for you"
Neo Sereinty:"Yes in order to fullfill your epic Quest. You need to find the Kingdom's Silver Millium Crystal Star"
Sonic:"Were is it"?
Neo Sereinty:"Thats the thing"
Sonic:'What do you meen?"
Neo Sereinty:"When the Negaverse attacked the Moon Kingdom i used the last of my powers and broke the Crystal into 6 different fragments. Your goal is to search for the 6 fragments only then with the power of the Silver Millium Crystal Star you can use it and dystory the Negaverse once and for all"
Sonic:"I understand"
Neo Sereinty:"But you'll need the help of the Sailor Scouts with their power you can find the Crystal however.."
Neo Sereinty:"The Evil Queen Beryl captured the Sailor Scouts and placed them under her control and they are orderd by Beryl to search for the fragments themselves"
Sonic:"Then what can i do"
Neo Sereinty:"You are the Legendary Blue Hedgehog correct"?
Sonic:"Well yeah but"
Neo Sereinty:"You will use the power of the Kingdoms prized wepon the MoonBlade Keyblade"
Sonic:"Moon..Blade..Keyblade" -Sonic's right hand began to glow with a white light as liquid began to form into his hand in the form of the Moon Blade Keyblade"
Sonic:"Whao what the"
Neo Sereinty:"Using the Moon Blade's power you can search for the Fragments of the Crystal Star."
Sonic:"I wont let you down your highness you can count on me and my friends toghter we'll stop the Negaverse and save the world"
Neo Sereinty:"I know i can count on you and your friends to defet the Negaverse and save the world" -She walked over to Sonic kissing him on the forhead-
Neo Sereinty:"I must go now Sonic Hedgehog but we will keep in touch"
Neo Sereinty:"And Sonic?"
Neo Sereinty:"Please protect my Daughter"
Sonic:"You mean Rini"
-Neo Sereinty disspered with a glowing white light filled the room-
-Sonic sat on his bed looking at the Keyblade-

The Ghost Zone(Clockworks Tower)
-Both Clockwork and Sailor Pluto stood looking at a orb that has shown them what Sonic and the Crew are doing-
Clockwork:"It would have seemed The Queen has faith in Sonic"
Sailor Pluto:"It looks the way but Clockwork what you said before if they do capture him"
Clockwork:"He will make the right choice Trista after all he has faith in himself and with the power of his friends he will do what has to be done"
Sailor Pluto:"But what happens if..."
Clockwork:"No buts Trista Sonic the Hedgehog's future will be closer to him then you think"
Clockwork:"He will listen to the voice inside his head and find out what to make of his Future"
Sailor Pluto:"If you say so"
-A Pounding can be heard-
Sailor Pluto:"Whats that Noise?"
Clockwork:"No" -He disspererd from the room-
Sailor Pluto:"Master Clockwork" -A Explosion was heard causing Clockwork to go flying back into the room-
Sailor Pluto:"Clockwork" -Bending down besdie her Master whats going on?"
Sailor Pluto:"Who is.."
???:"Really now I thought you time keepers knew everything"
Sailor Pluto:"No..Dan..Phantom"
Dan Phantom:"You got it sweetheart now if you dont mind i got a little Revange planed for Amity Park -Disspered-
Sailor Pluto:"What are we gonna do"
Clockwork:"Only one thing we can do pray for Sonic and Co to stop him once and for all"

Blue Typhoon(Sonic's Room)

-Sonic sat on his bed playing his gutiar a little bit. then sighed a little looking at a picture of him and Sally Manic and Sonia- -He held the gutiar in his hands starting to play a song-

Sonic Singing:"There's something missing.....somethings not quite right and I can feel her calling to me everynight
Sally Singing:"A Little voice inside tells me Sonic is out there..And i must never give up waiting here for him"
Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sonic Singing:"We are gonna be toghter"
Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sally Singing:"Life will be so much better"
Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sonic Singing:"We will build our bond that he can't break"
Manic and Sonia:"Someday"
Sally Singing:"No more dark clouds above"
Manic and Sonia:'Someday"
Sonic and Sally Singing:"United in the light of Love"
Manic and Sonia Singing :"Someday"
Sonic and Sally Singing:"This Story can only end one way.
Sonic Singing:"Sally We'll be toghter"
Sonic Manic and Sonia:"Someday"
-Gutiar Solo-
Blue Typhoon Main Room
Knuckles:"Man listen to him singing
Tails:"i Hope he's okay"
Michelle:"I'll go see" -Walked off carying a Tray"
Sonic's Room
Manic and Sonia Singing :"Someday"
Sonic Singing:"We are gonna be toghter"
Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sally Singing:"Life will be so much better"
Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sonic Singing:"We will build our bond that he can't break. Yeah!"
Manic and Sonia:"Someday"
Sally Singing:"No more dark clouds above"
Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sonic and Sally singing:"United in the light of Love"
Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sonic and Sally Singing:"This story can only end one way
Sonic Singing:"Sally we'll be toghter"
Sonic Manic and Sonia Singing:"Someday"
Sonic Singing:"Someday we'll be toghter"
Sonic Manic and Sonia and Sally Singing:"Someday"
-Sonic lets out a small sigh-
Sonic:'Someday Sally..Someday we'll be united toghter agian -Saying this as he looks at his picture-
-A couple of knocks on the door can be heard Sonic puts his guitar down-
Sonic:"Come in"-Puts the Picture down-
-Michelle enters the room with two plates-
Michelle:"We all figured you could use a little snack from staying locked up in your room since we left " -Hands Sonic one of the Plates with Cake on it-
Michelle:"I figured you could use some company right now" -Sitting down in a chair-
Michelle:"He doesnt stop talking about you"
Michelle:"Yep its Sonic this Sonic that"
Sonic:"Well what can i say I'm like the only family the little guy has"
Michelle:"He told us what happend with your Family"
Sonic:'He did?"
Michelle:"Yes he did"
Michelle:"You seem upset something wrong?"
Sonic:"Nah i'm okay i just"
Michelle:"Got a lot on your mind hu?"
Michelle:"Your friends trust you Sonic"
Sonic:"Sometimes i dunno i feel like what would happen if i was never born and what if i was just a normal human being Michelle"
Michelle:"Why do you say that Sonic?"
Sonic:"I dunno"
-Tails ran into the room-
Sonic:"Hey little guy whats up?"
Tails:"Jimmy's Crystal Star tracker is picking up the first fragment of the Crystal Star"
Tails:"It's in Amity Park"
Sonic:"Danny's Hometown?"
Tails:"Thats right we're getting some high ratings of Ghost Activty"
Sonic:"Then that must mean"
Tails:"Danny's already freaking out and trying to contact Jazz .We need you on the bridge Sonic"
Sonic:"Got it" -Gets up-
Michelle:"Whats going on?"
Tails:"The Ulitmite Enemy has Returned"


© 2008 CodeMonkey

Author's Note

Ingore the Grammer Please

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Added on June 27, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
