Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Three Everybody Abord The Launch of the Blue Typhoon

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter Three Everybody Abord The Launch of the Blue Typhoon

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

Chapter Three of Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Enjoy



 Chapter Three 



 Kids Next Door MoonBase(Breffing Room)


Sailor Neptune:"And thats the story"
Sally:"So what your saying is that Sonic is the one that can save Crystal Tyoko from distruction?"
Sailor Uranus:"Yep but in order to do so we need to rescue the other Sailor Scots"
Sonic:"Well what are we wating for lets get to it"
Sally:"Sonic get seriours for a moment here"
Sally:"This isnt like a game Sonic"
Sonic:"I know Sally which is why i'm going"
Sally:"I know which is why i got something for you" -Walking over to Sonic handing Sonic her handheld comptur-
Sonic:"You're giving me Nichole? But Sally"
Sally:"I wish i could go with Sonic but i cant if the Negaverse attacks Mobius while your gone we're gonna need backup for home"
Sonic:"I understand"
Sally:"Besdies Tails Knuckles Danny and Dontello Raphel April and Casey and Jimmy are comeing with you"
Sonic:"And your not"? -Looking over at Leo and Mikey-
Leo:"Sonic if the Negaverse attacks Mobius while your gone Sally and the others are gonna need all the help they can get"
Numbuh One:"Which is why My Team and Princess Sally will montor your progress and Spilinter and Leoando will lead the Freedom Fighters and will protect your Home while your gone"
Sonic:"Yeah but"
Sally:"No buts Sonic we belive in you"
Sally:"Your gonna need this if your going"-Walking over to Sonic holding up his Gutiar Shaped Madilon=
-Sonic walks over to Sally looking at him-
Sonic:"How did you..?"
Sally:"They belive in you too Sonic"-Sally helps Sonic put the Gutiar Madilon on his neck-
-Numbuh 5 enters the room-
Numbuh 5:"You best be getting ready Sonic the Ship is landing in the Moon Base's Docking Bay right now"
Michelle:"I'm comeing too"
Sonic:"Hu" -Looked at the two then nodded his head in agrement-
Rini:"I'm comeing too"
Rini:"My Mom is in trouble and i have to help out i cant just sit around and wait for her"
Sonic:"Okay you can come but you gotta prosmie me you'll watch out"
Rini:"I Prosmie"
Amera:"You three better get going then"
Sonic:'Arent you comeing with"
Amera:"I would if i could but we agreed it be best if i stay here and help out"
Michelle:"Be carefull"
Amera:"You too"

Kids Next Door Moon Base Docking Bay

Sonic:"Whao the Blue Typhoon"
Tails:"Yep Uncle Chuck Cindy and Jimmy and Donny have rebuilt it"
Sonic:"Thats Cool Tails"
Knuckles:"The Master Emerold is all hooked up"
Tails:"Good we'll be ready to leave soon just as the others get the rest of the suplies. I'm gonna go check and see if Rini needs anyhelp"=Dashed off=
Knuckles:"So who would have figured that you're the one that can save us all"
Sonic:"Meh no big contest there"
Knuckles:"Scared at all"
Sonic:"Well maybe a little bit but other then that"
Sonic:"I guess i gotta do this"
???:"Mr.Sonic wait"
Sonic:"Hu Cream"
=Cream the Rabbit and her tiny little chao Cheese followed by Bunnie and Boomer ran up to the two=
Sonic:"What are you doing here guys?"
Bunnie:"Well we figured since you're going away for awhile you'll need a bit of suplies"
Cream:"We all piched in and packed your BackPack for you" -Holding up Sonic's Backpack-
Sonic:"Gee thanks guys i dont know what to say"
Boomer:"Just Prosmie us you'll be carefull Sonic"
Sonic:"I will Guys" -Taking the Backpack from Cream-
Cream:"Open it up"
-Sonic opens the bacpack looking at the inside containg a Few Power Rings-
Boomer:"In case it gets ugly you can use these"
-Sonic looks more into the backpack looking at a Photo Album"
Bunnie:"Me and Cream and Sally made this for you"
Cream:"In case you get homesick we'll be there with you"
-Sonic smiled a little then looked a little suprise as he takes out a small ring"
Sonic:'It..can't be"
Boomer:"Tails found it for you and said you can problly use her help"
-Sonic puts the ring on rubbing it a few times then a bright yellow light flashed from ring as the light disspered Sharha The Ring Genie appered looking at Sonic with a Smile on her face-
Shara:"It has great to see you agian Sonic the Hedgehog" -Wraping her arms around Sonic hugging her-
Shara:"Your friend Tails contacted me and told me what was going on and figured you could use myhelp"
Sonic:"He's always thinking ahead well in the meantime Shara just stay in the ring and i'll call you when i need you okay"
Shara:"As you Wish Master" -She disspered the yellow light returining going back into the ring-
Sonic:"Thanks guys"
Bunnie:"Just becarefull Suguh Hog" -Walking up to Sonic kissing him on the nose-
Sonic:"I will Bunnie"
Cream:"I wish i could come but my Mom wont let me"
Sonic:"Cream. -Bends down to her level- "Listen i'm trusting you to keep Sally safe can you do that for me?"
Cream:"Of Course Mr.Sonic" -She looked up at Sonic smiling" -Cheese sat on Sonic's shoulder chirping happly-
Sonic:"I'll miss you to Cheese" -Puts the Chao of his shoulder handing Cheese to Cream-
Tails:'Sonic we're all set to launch"
Sonic:"Okay Tails" -Putting his Backpack on-
-Antoine D"Coolette ran up to Sonic carrying a Small Bag-
Antoine:"I have ze how youz sayz a Package from ur Uncle Chuck" -Handing Sonic the small bag-
Sonic:'What is it"
Antoine:"Why it is a bunch of Chili Doggies for you he figured you'd get hungry"
Sonic:"Thanks Antoine" -Nodded his head at Antoine-
Antoine:"Just make surez youz make it backz in One Peice"
Sonic:"I Will"
Bunnie:"Oh my Stars i almost frogot here Suguh Hog" -Handing Sonic a small disk-
Sonic:"What is it Bunnie"
Bunnie:"Uncle Chuck just gave this to me before we left for the Moon Base he says to play it when you get lonely"
Sonic:"Okay" -Grabs the Disc-
Tails:'Sonic come on we gotta get going"
Sonic:"Comeing Tails hold your horses Bye guys" -Ran off to the ship-
Bunnie:"Good Luck Suguh Hog"
Antoine:" I sulute youz Sonic Ze Hedgehog"
Cream:"Good Luck"
Blue Typhoon Main Enternce
-Danny and Knuckles finish putting the boxes into the Blue Typhoon just as Sonic and Tails run over-
Danny:"And thats the last of it"
Knuckles:"Thank Goodness do we really need to bring all that"
Tails:"Well when Cream told her Mom what we were gonna do she had insisted on creating us some snacks for the Trip"
Danny:"Well shall we get going then..Hey Sonic whats wrong"
-Sonic looks up from the disc Bunnie had givin to him-
Sonic:"I guess i'm just a little upset beacue Uncle Chuck didnt come and say goodbye to me"
Knuckles:"Your Uncle Chuck's a pretty busy guy Sonic and besdies no matter what happens you got us as your family"
Danny:"He does?" -Knuckles Smacks Danny on the head-
Danny:"Ow. oh i mean yeah you do Sonic"
Sonic:"Thanks guys"
Danny:"In the meantime we got some catching up to do Sonic. its been awhile since we last talked"
Sonic:"It sure has Danny" -Chuckling- "Can't wait to hear your Stories" =Walking into the Ship=
Danny:"Me too but first we should check if we got everything"
Knuckles:"I know i do" -Holding up his Backpack-
Tails:"Same here What about you Sonic?"
Sonic:"Hang on" -Looking inside his backpack- "Oh No"
Danny Tails and Knuckles:"Whats the Matter Sonic?"
Sonic:"My P.E.T. its gone"
Tails:"That isnt good"
???"Looking for this Sonic?"
Sonic:"Hu..M..Manic Sonia..."
Manic:"Like you didnt think we were gonna let our brother go off without having his family say goodbye now did you Sonic?
Uncle Chuck like came to my hut with Sonia and he had your P.E.T. with him"
Sonia:"He asked us to bring him to you before you left for your Adventure" -Handing the P.E.T back to Sonic-
Sonic:"Megaman you okay?"
-The P.E.T's Screen comes on with MegaMan looking pissed off at his Net Owner-
Megaman:"No i'm not okay Sonic. YOU LEFT ME ALONE ON UR DESK"
Sonic:"I'm sorry Megaman look i had to do something okay."
Megaman:"I know which is why Uncle Chuck created us some new BattleChips for us to use"
Sonic:"Sweet well i'll contact you later okay Megaman"
Megaman:"Okay and Sonic"
Megman:"Be carefull" -Screen goes pitch black-
Sonic:"I will"
-Sonia Wraps her arms around Sonic kissing him-
Sonic:"Cut it out sis"
Sonia:"I can't help it i'm worried that something's gonna happen"
Manic:"Like will you relax Sonia Sonic's gonna do fine after all he is the Fastest Thing Alive on Mobus."
Sonia:"I know but"
Knuckles:"But Nothing Sonia Sonic has me and Tails and the others to protect him in case something happens"
Sonia:"I guess your right"
Knuckles:"Of course i'm right Sonia"
Sonic:'What is it Jimmy?"
Jimmy:"If your all done saying goodbye we really gotta go"
Cindy:"Hold it Neutron"
Cindy:"You didnt think you were gonna leave without saying goodbye to me now did you?"-Looking at Jimmy rather pissed off"
Jimmy:"N..N..No o.of Course not Cindy its just that i've been pretty busy with the Ship and all..umm Sonic help"
Sonic:"Sorry Jimmy your on your own. Now you heard the Man Guys lets Jucie and Jam"
Manic:"Be carefull Bro" -Giving Sonic a High Five-
Sonic:"You to Bro and watch out for Sonia"-High Fives Back-
Manic:"Will do"
-Sonia pulled Knuckles aside as the others get onto the ship-
Knuckles:"Whats wrong Sonia"
Sonia:"Prosmie me no matter what happens you'll watch out for Sonic"
Knuckles:"You really care about him dont you?"
Sonia:"He and Manic are the only family i got left Knuckles. And i've been having a werid nightmare that something's gonna happen to him."
Knuckles:"Dont worry I prosmie' -Hugging Sonia-
Sonic:"Yo Knucks you comeing or what?"
Knuckles:"Comeing" -Running to the ship-
Cindy:"Listen to me Jimmy you be careful out there"
Jimmy:"I Will Cindy"
Cindy:"Dont worry about me here I got Goddard to protect me"
-Goddard lets out a small whimper-
Jimmy:"I'll miss you two boy but its better if you stay here and watch Cindy for me okay?"
-Goddard then licks Jimmy's face-


Everybody Abord The Launch of the Blue Typhoon



© 2008 CodeMonkey

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Added on June 27, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
