Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter One Mini Moon Make Up Power! Enter Rini the Small Lady

Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Chapter One Mini Moon Make Up Power! Enter Rini the Small Lady

A Chapter by CodeMonkey

And here is the first chapter for Sonic's Xtreme Adventure Mini Moon Make Up Power! Enter Rini the Small Lady


Sonic the Hedgehog Theme:
Blue streak speeds by
Sonic the Hedgehog
Too fast for the naked eye
Sonic the Hedgehog


He can really move
He's got an attitude
He's the fastest thing alive

Look out when he storms through
Sonic the Hedgehog
Don't doubt what he can do
Sonic the Hedgehog

He can really move
He's got an attitude
He's the fastest thing alive
He's the fastest thing alive
He's the fastest thing alive

Chapter One
Mini Moon Makeup Power Enter Rini the Small Lady

Knothole Village (Night Time)

Sonic:"How much more longer are we gonna have to wait for this meteor shower Tails?" -Tapping his feet-

Tails:"I'm not actually sure Sonic all i know is that a meteor shower happens only once in a 100 years

Sonic:"And what makes you think its gonna happen tonight?"

???:"Sonic stop bothering Tails like that"

Both: "Hu?"

Tails:"Hey Aunt Sally"

Sonic:"Yo Sally whats up"

Sally:"I figured since you two are standing out in the cold you could use some Hot Choclate here"

Tails:"Thanks Sally" =taking a cup=

Sonic:" Thanks Sally"=Taking a Cup= "Hey umm Sally you wouldnt happen to have any Chili Dogs with you would yeah Sall?"

Sally:"Relax Sonic Bunnie's making up a batch for you"

Sonic:"Sweet" -Slurping Noise-

Sally:"Do you really have to slurp so loud Sonic?"


Tails:"Sonic Aunt Sally Look its starting"

Sonic:"Whao" -Looking up at the sky-

Sally:"Wow..its pretty if only"

Sonic:"Relax Sally we'll rescue your dad from the Void"

Sally:"I hope your right Sonic...But what if"

Sonic:"Sally no buts we'll defete Robotink we will free everyone we know and love and Mobotropiles is already being rebuilt"

Sally:"Y..Yeah your right Sonic"

Sonic:"Hey Sall i'm always right"=Chuckled=

Tails: Sonic Aunt Sally Look -Pointing up at the sky- It looks like something is falling down-

-Sonic dashed inside came outside with a Pair of His ViewZoomer- "It does look like something's sort of looks like someone" -Hands the ViewZoomer to Sally-

Sally:"What are we gonna do Sonic we gotta stop that thing before it"

-Crash Noise-


Sonic:"Sally you stay here and get Bunnie and meet us over at my Uncle Chuck's Lab. Come on Tails"-Dashes off-

Sally:"Right" -Nods her head before running of towards her Hut-

Tails"Right.."See you Sally" -Dashes off after Sonic-

The Great Forest

Sonic:"I think i saw what ever crashed from the sky over here someplace Tails."

Tails:"What do you think fell from the sky Sonic?"

Sonic:"I dunno Tails for all i know it could be another person from Cosmo's Planet"..I'm sorry Tails i d..didnt mean to say her name"

Tails:'It's..okay Sonic i know it wasnt your fault"

Sonic:"Megaman you there" -Taking out his PET-

Megaman:"Yeah"...-Yawining- "I'm here Sonic whats thee 411?"

Sonic:"I need you to scan for life forms something crashed from the sky and."

Megaman:"Say No more Sonic I'm scaning now and acording to my research what ever crashed from the sky is due to the north of you located in the Dark Swamp"

Tails:"T..T..The Dark Swamp"

Sonic:"Realx Tails you're with me remmber -Holding his PET- Thanks Megaman"

Megaman:"No Problem Sonic." -Screen went black-

-Sonic puts his PET back into his pocket-

Tails:"Hey Sonic how come your the only one that can use Megaman?"

Sonic:"Uncle Chuck created me my own NetNavi Tails he thought it would be cool if i had someone to help on some missions"


Sonic:"It shouldnt be not much longer before we reach the Dark Swamp"

Tails: "This place gives me the goosebumps"

Sonic:"Here we are" -Looking at a huge hole in the ground. Sonic jumps down the hole hitting the ground- "Hmm what have we here"

=Tails flew down besdie Sonic=

-Laying infront of the two is a Teenage Girl with Pink hair a moon mark on her forhead all brused and cut marks on her body-

Tails:"Do you think she'll be okay?"

Sonic:"Dunno" -Picking the girl up- "Come on let's take her to my Uncle Chuck"


-The Two Dash Off not knowing that in the darkness of the Swamp a pair of Red Eyes shine out-

Uncle Chuck's Hut

-Sonic and Tails enter Uncle Chuck's Hut-

Uncle Chuck:"Sonic my Boy"

Sally:"Welcome Back Sonic"

Bunnie:"Hey Suguh Hog"

Tails:"Hey Uncle Chuck Sally Aunt Bunnie -Sits down in a chair petting Sonic's dog Muttski who is happly wagging his little tail barking happly at Tails-

Sonic:"Yo Unc we got a Emegency Me and Tails saw this girl fall down from Outer Space and she crash landed inside the Dark Swamp She looks like she's been hurt" -Putting the Girl on Uncle Chuck's bed-

Uncle Chuck:"Hmm she does look like she's been through a lot judging by the Marks on her"

Sonic: Can you do something for her Unc?"

Uncle Chuck:"Well the best thing i could do now is just let her rest she's gonna be fine she's just knocked out for now"

Tails:"The Question is when she wakes up were is she gonna stay with"

Sonic:"Good Point Tails"

Uncle Chuck:"She can stay here for now i think it would be the best cause if she has been attacked i can keep a eye on her"

Sonic:"Good Call Unc" -High Fives his Uncle-

Tails:"Sonic look she waking up"

Girl:"Ughh..My..Head...W..W..Were am i" -Trying to get up-

Bunnie:" Easy Girly you dont wanna hurt yourself more"

Sonic:"Your at My Uncle Chuck's Hut located in Knothole Village on the planet of Mobius"

Girl:"P..Planet must be.."

Sonic:" Sonic the Hedgehog at your service -Takes his hand out infront-

Girl:"You are the Legendary Blue Hedgehog. My...Mom and Papa told me about your Heroic Deeds" -Hugging the Hedgehog to death-


Girl:"Oh..Sorry..-Let's go- I frogot to introduce myself my name is Rini or as my friends call me Small Lady."

Sonic:"Please to meet you Rini allow me to introduce you to my friends"

Tails:"My name is Miles Prower but Sonic and the others just call me Tails beacuse of my two Tails -Pointing to his two tails-"

Sally:"I'm Sally me and Sonic are the leaders of the Freedom Fighters"

Bunnie:"Howdy I'm Bunnie Rabbot"

Sonic:"And over here we have my way past cool Uncle Chuck"

Uncle Chuck:"Nice to meet you"

Rini:"Thanks its nice meeting you all"

Sally:"So how come you crash landed in the Dark Swamp and why are you here for Sonic?"

Sonic:"Sally please can't you see that she's been through enough allready besdies its getting pretty late we should head to bed and after breakfest Rini can tell us why she's here" -Smiled at Rini-

Sally:"If you say so Sonic well good night. Bunny you comeing?"

Bunnie:"I'm comeing Sally Girl" -Walked off with Sally-

Sonic:"Man sometimes i dont know why i put up with her"

Tails:"Heh maybe its beacuse you like her Sonic?"

Sonic:"Maybe anyway race you back to our hut Tails"

Tails:"Ah you can go on ahead Sonic"

Sonic:"you sure Tails? You're always the one that wants to race me"

Tails:"Yeah i know but i should help Uncle Chuck tidy up this place and help Rini out for a bit"

Rini:"You dont have to"

Tails:"Nah its okay"

Sonic:"Okay Little Buddy just remmber not to stay up so late we got that concert tommrow"


Tails:"Yeah me and Sonic and our friend Knuckles are in a band"

Sonic:"Its called the Sonic Underground" Tails plays Keybord Knuckles plays drums and i play my Gutiar and Sometimes Sally and the girls sing for us"

Tails:"Hey Rini why dont you come see us tommrow"

Rini:"I dont know..i mean i should tell why i'm here"

Sonic:" You can come to the concert then afterwords you can tell me why you're here okay?"

Rini:"Yeah -Nodded her head- Okay"

Sonic:"Well Unc I'll catch you tommrow"

Uncle Chuck:"Later Sonic"

-Sonic takes off in a blue blur-

Knothole Vilage(Morning)

-Rini slowy opens her eyes getting up from the bed slowly looking over at Uncle Chuck who had spent the night in a chair who is still sleeping soundly- -Rini puts her shoes on before walking out heading outside she waved at Tails and Sonic talking to a Red Echinda-

Tails:"Morning Rini"

Rini:"Morning" -Yawns"

Sonic:"Sleep okay?"

Rini:"Yeah a bit oh...-Looking at the Red Echdina-

Sonic:"Oh Rini this is our Pal Knuckles the Echinda"

Knuckles:"Please to meet you Rini -Shaking her hand- Sonic and Tails just told me the entire story"



Rini:"I See -Stomache growling-


Rini:"Yeah a bit"

Tails:"I was just about to head into the Uncle Chuck's Cafe for a snack before the concert wanna join me Rini?"

Rini:"Yeah okay i guess i could use some company"

Tails:"I'll see you guys in a bit" -Waved before walking of
Sonic:"See you later Tails"

-Knuckles just chuckles-

Sonic:"And whats with the Chuckling Knuckle Head?"

Knuckles:"Is it me or is Tails in love with Rini?"

Sonic:"Meh it sort of looks like it i'm guessing he's over the entire Cosmo thing"

Knuckles:"I wouldnt count on it just yet Sonic"

Sonic:"Maybe your right Knucks"

Knuckles:"So what do you think that girl is here for?"

Sonic:"Not so sure all she said is that she was sent here for me by her mom"

Knuckles:"Her Mom?"

Sonic:"Yeah Sally met up with me last night on my way back to my place and said she'd try to do a search on Rini on Nichole"

Knuckles:'That girl doesnt give up that easy does she?"


Knuckles:"Well i'll go and see if Boomer has set up the Speakers for the Gig"

Sonic:"Okay Knuckles Later" -Both High Five-

Sonic:"Guess that just leaves me alone for a bit" -Sitting down under a tree yawning-

Uncle Chuck's Cafe

-Bunnie heads to the table were Tails and Rini are with two plates-

Bunnie:"Here you go Tails your orders" -Placing the Plates on the table-

Tails:"Thanks Bunny" -Handing Rini a Plate- "Here"

Rini:"Thanks.. So How do you know Sonic so well Tails?
Tails:"Sonic's sort of like the only family I really have actually"

Rini:"How come?"

Tails:"I can't remmber a lot about my past but all i know is when Robotink had started to take over Knothole My Mom sent me to live here with Sonic and his Brother Manic and Sister Sonia and his Uncle Chuck"

Rini:"What happend to your mom"

Tails:"I dont really remmber what happend to her all i know is that Sonic and the other freedom fighters have been my family"


Tails:"Sonic and the other freedom fighters have been like the family i miss so much"

Rini:"So how come Sonic calls you Tails?"

Tails:"Well my real name is Miles Prower but Sonic gave me the Nickname Tails beacuse of my two tails and also i'm sort of a Inventor like his Uncle Chuck. I even built a plane that me and the others use once and awhile its called The Torando Sonic helped me build it and painted it."

Rini:"Sounds cool

Tails:"Uncle Chuck even built me a workshop you should come with me some time and see it"

Rini:"Sounds like fun"

Tails:'So how come your hear for Sonic?

Rini:"It's sort of a long story"

Tails:"I got some Rini"

Rini:"Well..You See"

-Door opens up Knuckles walks in looking around a bit before spotting Tails walking over to the table-
Knuckles:"Tails The Plane is comeing any moment and Sonic wants us to meet him and Sally at the Airport"

Tails:"Really? -Gets up from his spot-

Rini:"Who's comeing"

Tails:"Sorry Rini no time to explain" -Getting up from the table-

Tails:"I'll see you at the concert" -Dashing off with Knuckles-

Knothole Airport

-Sonic stood besdie Sally looking up into the clear blue sky-

Sonic:"So why did you call them?"

Sally:"I think Rini is hiding something Sonic and if i'm right someone's gonna be after her and we need all the help we can get besdie it might bring back some old memorys of being on the team for us"

Sonic:"If you say so Sally. So what did you find out about Rini?"

Sally:"He's bringing the Data he searched info on her at their Base so we'll know after the concert"


=Tails and Knuckles can be seen in the distance running over to the two=

Tails:'HA I WON -Victory Pose-

Knuckles:"Aww Man"

Sonic:'Looks to me like your slipping a bit Knuckles" -Tails Sally and Sonic laugh a little-

Knuckles:"SAY WHAT!?" -Eyes twitching-

Sonic:"Hey calim down Knuckles"

Knuckles:"I know i know so are they really comeing all this way to Knothole"

Sonic:"Acording to Sally they are"

Knuckles:"I See and Sally what makes you think they'll help us?"

Sally:"You frogot Knuckles their entire organzation is devoted to help protect the world from the forces of Evil"

Knuckles:"Yeah true i guess"

Sonic:"All i know is that its gonna be great to see them all agian"

Sally:"His team sounded happy when i told him they were invited to see us agian"
Tails:"Sonic Sally look up in the sky"


-Sally just smiled a little-

Sally:"The're here
-Sector V's KND C.O.O.L.B.U.S lands on the center of the the runway- -The Door slowly opens up as Nigel Uno AKA Numbuh One and his Team walk out of the COOL BUS Carrying stuff-
Sally:"Numbuh 1 nice to see you agian -walking over to him hugging-
Numbuh 1:"Its good to see both of our legendary KND Opertives once agian -Nodding at Sonic-
Sonic:"Same here Numbuh One"
Numbuh 1:"I have the Data you asked for Sally" -Handing Sally a Disc-
Sally:"Thanks Nigel" -Taking the DIsc-
Sally:"I'll go load this inside Nicole now Sonic remeber to meet at my Hut afterwords"
Sonic:"I know Sally i know just becareful okay"
Sally:"I Will -Kisses Sonic on the cheek before taking off-
Numbuh One:"Well we'll head to our seats okay Team Move out"
Tails:"See yeah Numbuh One"
-The Crew Walks off-
-Knuckles looks at his watch-
Sonic:"Well Tails Knucks Time to Party SONIC STYLE -His Gutiar appered in his hands-
Tails and Knuckles:"BOOH YEA"

© 2008 CodeMonkey

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Added on June 27, 2008
Last Updated on August 20, 2008



Prince Albert, Canada

Let's see I'm a Huge Sonic the Hedgehog Fan and I Grew up watching both Sonic The Hedgehog and Sailor Moon so i thought wouldnt it be awsome if the Blue Blur teams up with the Sailor Scot Team. So tha.. more..
