The Selection

The Selection

A Chapter by Page Sparks


    Turgon felt relieved. He finally found the town of Colub, where further was the Castle Grace. He'd seen the notice at the last town by the lake, some 40 miles south of here. He was trained well in his art. He hoped it could be of use to the castle Grace. He brushes the hair out of his eyes and continued forward.  He grins in the sunlight.

    When he had traveled about ten minutes, the city gate loomed in front of him. He looked up to see the pennant billowing in the gentle breeze. He could see the hand with the three stars placed around it. He nodded and continued forward. He nodded to the guard who seemed not to notice him. He was watching the jousting going on in the field below the castle. Turgon could hear money being exchanged all through the gatehouse, especially when the crowd cheered.

    Chuckling he moves along, following signs and sometimes asking directions, to get to Castle Grace. He finally began seeing the gate to it. He could also tell this was the place, because of all the merchants. They were everywhere, trying to sell to the many groups of adventurers. He noticed many groups of knights, Humans at that. He snorted at all of them, arm wrestling and boxing, just trying to show how tough they were. He remembered hearing his father once say on the subject of Human knights..."The Knights are the few, the proud, the dead on the field."...Turgon grinned at that one. He tried to make his way to the registration booth, but it was proving quite difficult. He kept being waylaid by merchants and beggars. All he could do is shake his head and show he had little money himself. After many pushings and shovings, he made it to the booth.

    "Name, Race, Skills...” A voice droned. He seemed like a man who was assigned to a job that was pointless and monotonous. The man waited for a moment then looked up and squinted at Turgon. "You are here to sign up for the job right?"
Turgon had realized the man WAS talking to him.
    "Uh, Turgon, Half-Elf, Monk."
The man's eyes widened at that.
    "A Monk? Blessed Frondalum! Finally something besides knights and rogues!" He began writing furiously then looked at Turgon. "Go through that main door and wait on the other side. There will be a large group there, waiting as well." Turgon bowed and walked through the entrance. He looked on the other side and his heart sank.

   There was maybe two hundred people there. He had thought that maybe he would be picked since he had his skills, but now he felt downtrodden. He wasn't sure if he'd make it. He found an open spot on the wall and sat down next to it. He rested his staff against the wall as well. He leaned back and sighed. He closed his eyes and tried to just rest. He heard a voice about his head height.

    "Allo chum, what’s yer name?"

   Turgon opened his eyes to see a straight haired little child. At least he thought it was a child, then he remembered the sound of the voice. This must be a halfling! He hadn't seen one in his lifetime, only read about them in encyclopedias.
    "My name is Turgon, and yours master Halfling?" The Halfling looks Turgon up and down, judging him.
    "Ah be called Orgulas Bramble. ah am a Rogue, but not to worry me friend, ah won't be stealin non from yer things, you don't seem to have much no how."
Turgon nodded his head and smiled.

   "It is an honor Orgulas, I thank you. So you are here to be chosen for this adventure as well eh?"

Orgulas nods and grins. He is about to say something more when a tall figure came in. He was covered in heavy black armor. His helm was that of a very intimidating skull. The tall being looks at the very large group with black pupils and shouts. His voice is easily heard over the whole crowd.

   "Attention all interested adventurers! If you are as interested in this special assignment, then you have come to the right place. Now allow me to cast a spell, it will do no harm or change anything."


   He closes his eyes and begins chanting in some strange tongue. As he does so, he moves his hands in an arc representing the group. One by one the group begins glowing a reddish tent. Then he says one final word and claps his hands, and then eight people turn blue, two including Turgon and Orgulas. They looked at each other in surprise then just stared at the giant. He looked at all selected.

"Come with me all that are blue.. Yes that’s right, just right behind me."

He looked to the rest and began another spell. When finished, he pointed to a pile of sacs guarded very carefully by a few powerful warriors. He said to those that were red.

"Thank you for taking the test, here is your fifty gold that you were promised. There you go, take it and head on."

There was many a grumbling coming from some of the knights and rogues, but not many did.

When all were gone, he turned to the group and took off his helmet. It was not quite what any of them would have expected. Only one of them didn't jump. The tough looking brute in the robes just stood still. The tall one smiled as a Bug Bear can. He bowed and spoke to the group.

"I am Jai Bea Ehss, Master at Arms of Castle Grace. I am assigned to choose the group that is to help the kingdom and all its allies.. Now, tell me your names and what you are. Starting with you, halfling."

© 2008 Page Sparks

Author's Note

Page Sparks
ignore many things I wrote this years ago, and am just now getting to writing more to it.

My Review

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Only major thing I saw wrong was some shifted tenses in the beginning. All in all good though.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 20, 2008


Page Sparks
Page Sparks

Hanceville, AL

I am a student. An avid reader. I work at Books-a-Million. I am a black belt in american karate. I am Married to a gorgeous woman. more..
