

A Story by Treo LeGigeo

She lay on the narrow bed, connected to an almost frightening array of tubes, needles, and drips. She wanted to wake up. She tried so hard, but she was tired. So very tired.

She lay on the narrow bed, connected to an almost frightening array of tubes, needles, and drips. Snatches of conversation flitted in and out of her awareness.

"… massive internal injury …"

"… close to death …"

"… no response …"

"… organs will fail if she does not wake soon…"

She wanted to wake up. She tried so hard, but after two days of trying the small sliver of consciousness she was struggling to reach was only moving further and further away. And she was tired, so very tired.

On the fifth day she stopped fighting.

* * *


That voice. His voice.

"Evelyn, it's me, Adam."

Goodbye Adam. I'm sorry, I can't go on.

Something soft and small slipped into her hand.

"Remember the orange blossom I gave you on our wedding day? We both made promises that day. Fight this Evelyn. Wake up. Come back to me."

I can't fight anymore.

She felt something warm wrap around her fingers. Instinctively, they tightened.

"I know you can hear me, I felt you squeeze my hand just now. You can defeat this if you try, Evelyn."

No, not this. I don't have the strength anymore.

"I love you, Evelyn. If you are not strong enough to fight for yourself, then do it for me."

Her eyelids fluttered. Slowly, an image swam into her vision. 

"I love you too, Adam." Her voice was feeble and barely a whisper, but it was there.

A weak smile tugged at her lips as she looked down at their joined hands and at the white flower they both held in their grasp.

* * *

"The coma was too deep, she was dying. Full recovery was impossible!" the doctor exclaimed, staring incredulously at the peacefully sleeping woman with only a single IV in her arm."

"It is a mystery," the nurse replied. "She hit her head on either the car roof or the windscreen and suffered severe brain haemorrhage and skull fracture, as well as a crushed midsection. Even if she had recovered it should not have been without disability. And yet it was."

"The monitors, the scans, what did they show?"

"Just what we saw. Her life signs were dropping, but at approximately 2 a.m. they just started rising again."

"Incredible," the doctor breathed. "Does she suffer from memory loss?"

"None at all. In fact, she says that she remembers her husband visiting her. She told me that he convinced her to keep fighting and that he was the one that woke her from her coma."

"But nurse," a frown knotted the doctor's brow. "Her husband was the driver. He was killed instantly upon impact."

A wistful smile ghosted the nurse's lips. "The human mind is a powerful thing, doctor," she said, turning to gaze at the soft morning light streaming in through the window, "and miracles do happen."

Even as she spoke, a soft breeze grazed the branches of the tall orange tree outside and a single blossom drifted downward to rest on the windowsill.

© 2013 Treo LeGigeo

Author's Note

Treo LeGigeo
"Milagro" is the Spanish word for Miracle.

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It's a really good piece, I'm sure lots people would especially like this piece for the magical flow to it. I also like how instead of just using Miracle for your title, you used "Milagro". It's a nice touch, that goes pretty far. Well done!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Absolutely beautiful

Posted 14 Years Ago

Loved it! Very powerful write! I couldn't stop reading!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow, this is a poweful story. Loved the twist in the end. Amazing work. Bravo!

Posted 14 Years Ago

oh wow, this made me want to cry. this was so sweet. the husband coming back to will his wife to live on, despite him already being gone. this shows the kind of love we all dream of, one that transcends death, that makes your other half want to keep living and be happy, instead of joining you in death

Posted 14 Years Ago

was this from a personal experience? just wondering....

Posted 14 Years Ago

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This is really sweet. And the simplicity of it makes it even better. Love it!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like this, a very heart-warming piece, shows how strong love can be and how almost anything is possible, a lovely little piece here, I really enjoyed it; great job~

Posted 14 Years Ago

It's a very sweet piece showing the strength of love and the human mind.

Posted 14 Years Ago

miracles do happen, and they are amazing when they do! this was a very sad peice, thank you for sharing it though! made me think about life issues.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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40 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on September 16, 2010
Last Updated on April 3, 2013
Tags: Death, Coma, Near, Miracle, Husband, Ghost, Power, Mind, Human, Thought, Doctor, Nurse, Hospital, Injury, Car, Crash


Treo LeGigeo
Treo LeGigeo

Sydney, NSW, Australia

I'm from Australia, so some people may find that I spell things differently. I love writing and have had a couple of publications of short stories and novellas under a pseudonym. I started .. more..


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