Ch.1 The sprites

Ch.1 The sprites

A Chapter by T.M. Austin

             That was awesome I said, do it again. Jared Belcher a Sophomore at Holly sprig high school, snapped his fingers and fire sprouted from his finger tips.

             It's not all fun you know, me and Dragas have to fight shadow creatures all the time. Dragas is Jared's sprite. He looks like a little ball like most but has red scales and a small tail and snout. Sprites are similar to a key, they unlock a persons true potential. The only difference is they are alive so they can put their two cents in.

             You know it's still cool though, I wish I had a sprite I said. My name is Tyler Maple a freshman at Holly sprig high school.

             If you want one so bad you have to kill a shdow creature without the help of a sprite then you can get an egg Jared said almost mocking me. Our conversation was cut short as we saw an explosion by an abandoned house and a weird black creature with razor sharp claws appeared out of what looked like a black hole in the ground before it closed up.

            Looks like now is my chance, so can I try? I was hopeful he would say yes.

            Sure but if things get out of hand we will step in Jared said reassuringly. I nodded okay and picked up a metal pole, best to keep it at a distance because if it hurt you then you lost your will to fight and live letting you be swallowed by the darkness within yourself.

             Bring it on I said smacking it with the pole clean into the side of the building. It got back up though and extinding it's arms it hooked around the pole as I tried to jerk free. 

             Having a bit of trouble I heard from behind, it was a woman but without turning I knew it was Hannah, a senior at Holly sprig that had answered the  distress beacon Jared was required to send up when one appeared. She started toward it but  Jared and Dragas held her and her sprite catis from going. Why are'nt you fighting it Jared, he could be killed!

             He has potential he just needs to unlock it trust me Jared said holding her closer.

             Oh alright but let go of me Jared Hannah said in disgust pushing him off. At that moment as I struck it the metal turned bright transparent blue and the creature, overwhelmed, vaporized leaving only an egg that was the same blue the rod had glowed. I picked it up and walked over to Jared.

              Nice job he said as I collapsed where the creature had struck my leg only moments earlier, and I blacked out. When I came to I was in an infirmary my sprite egg beside me Hannah looked white and when I woke up the first thing she did was hit me.

               Ow I yelled what the hell did you do that for?

               For risking your life, and don't give me that look because I hit Jared just as hard for letting you do something so stupid. I rubbed my face and sat up clutching the egg. So when will it hatch I asked?

               When you expierence a strong burst of emotional energy it will hatch for you, but only then. at that moment Jared walked in to get Hannah.

               There is an alert by the movie theater about seven shadow creatures roaming around the back alley and terrorizing the movie watchers. So are you coming?

               Sure she said. Oh and one more thing keep the egg safe. As soon as they left I Jumped off the bed, pulled on my jacket and headed for home. I walked by the movie house to see how they were holding out to see one run out of the alley as they fought. I started to pursue it but as soon as we were far enough away it unleashed a beam of darkness and I Raised my arms to shield myself and shut my eyes waiting for the worst. I didn't feel it though so I opened my eyes and tomy suprise their was a lite blue force field in front of me and my hands and the egg now in my backpack were glowing then as if something was controlling me I pushed my hands forward and the beam reverrsed twice as powerful obliterating the creature.

                That was the same light as when I killed the first creature. Hmm... maybe my powers come from that light I wondered as I walked home. When I arrived my parents gave me weird looks for carrying the egg but they knew about the sprites so they didn't question me. The second I got to my room I plopped on my bed and fell asleep exhausted from todays recent events.

© 2008 T.M. Austin

Author's Note

T.M. Austin
This will more than likely be the shortest chapter they will get longer.

My Review

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You need to fix the format, and put periods and commas. In. I'll edit it, and let me know what you think when i finish. I'm not gonna change any of the story or words. Just put it in proper format :)

Otherwise, the story is really cool. Can't wait for the next part.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 1, 2008
Last Updated on June 1, 2008


T.M. Austin
T.M. Austin


I write to let people know who is behind my mask of emotions. more..

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A Poem by T.M. Austin