Thank you for the laughs, the groans
and the tears,
You will never know how you helped me through my darkest years.
Thank you for seeing the world in a better way,
Something that motivates me every day.
Thank you for your dry wit and infectious laugh,
One day I hope to be more like you, even by just a half.
Some days you hurt like I,
Some days your smile lights up the sky.
You probably have your own idols to look up to,
Who in turn will have their own,
Content with being the bottom rung of some lager hero totem pole.
Thank you for the scavenger hunts, the
sock monkey hats,
And the glitter that will forever plague my home.
Thank you for rescuing me from perdition with a backwards tie,
A reference that many people won’t understand.
But that can stay between you and I.
But most of all,
Thank you for rekindling my love for the spoken word,
Something long forgotten.
A passion always hidden close to my chest.
Afraid to share my thoughts,
Scared my dyslexia would hold me back.
I know my words aren’t perfect,
But neither am I,
At least this is something I can tell you.
Thank you for being you,
For the inspiration, your kindness,
And helping me see a better world.
Thank you for setting me free.