![]() Back to the Future - Part II. Marty visits the REAL 2015.A Screenplay by Trekker4747![]() A quick "screenplay", taking the opening 15 minutes or so of the movie "BttF2" and adapts them to be more accurate to how 2015 really turned out.![]() THIS IS AN ADAPTATION OF THE FIRST 20 MINUTES OR SO OF THE MOVIE "BACK TO THE FUTURE PART 2." I DO NOT OWN THE PROPERTY, THE CHARACTERS, AND DO NOT CLAIM TO. THIS REVIEW IS TO BE CONSIDERED COMMENTARY/REVIEW OR PARODY OF SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK AND IS PROTECTED BY THE "FAIR USE" SECTION OF COPYRIGHT LAW. Text appears on the screen. Saturday October 26, 1985 INT - A GARAGE - DAY / EXT - DRIVEWAY - DAY The darkness gives way to light as the garage door is swung open revealing a teenaged MARTY McFLY. He marvels at the sight before him. MARTY Whoa! We see what he is looking at, a brand-new Toyota 4x4 pickup truck parked in the garage. MARTY goes over to the opened driver's window and rests his arms on the sill, pounding his fist triumphantly on the frame. A voice from behind him: JENNIFER How about a ride, Mister? MARTY looks to see his girlfriend, JENNIFER PARKER, standing at the garage threshold, smiling back at him. MARTY Jennifer! Let me look at you. MARTY walks over to JENNIFER and with his arm holds her close while he uses his other hand to softly caress her face, looking at her with wonderment. JENNIFER Marty, what's wrong with you? You look like you haven't seen me in a week! MARTY I haven't! JENNIFER looks at MARTY with confusion. JENNIFER Marty, is everything okay? MARTY looks back over his shoulder to the front door of his home, he sees his family looking back at him through the screen door. They smile at the two teenagers in love and soon walk off to leave MARTY AND JENNIFER alone. MARTY takes a beat to think to himself before smiling. MARTY Yeah everything's great. MARTY leans in to kiss JENNIFER but is quickly interrupted as series of three loud booms blast across the otherwise silent scene followed by a sudden gust of air. We see a silver DeLorean automobile moving at top speed rounding the bend into the driveway of the McFly home, taking out a garbage can in the process. The gull-wing door of the DeLorean swings open and out steps DOCTOR EMMET BROWN. DOC Marty?! MARTY Doc?! DOC Marty! You have to come back with me! MARTY Where?! DOC Back to the future! DOC quickly up-rights the fallen trashcan and goes to open the trunk-lid of the DeLorean, we hear him rummaging around, a case opening and closing, and he quickly walks to the back of the time-machine, opens the nuclear fuel cap and he reloads the time machine's power source. DOC Hurry, quick, get in the car! MARTY No, no, no. Jennifer's here we're going to take the new truck for a spin! DOC Well bring her along, this concerns her too! MARTY What do we become a******s or something? Doc takes a moment to consider. DOC No, no, no. Both you and Jennifer turn out fine, it's your kids. Something's got to be done about your kids! As this exchange happens we see JENNIFER looking on, shifting her eyes with wonderment and confusion. Moments later we watch as the three adults are crammed into the front seat of the two-passenger vehicle. The DeLorean backs out of the driveway and takes a position to run down the street. Inside DOC is pushing buttons and flipping switches inside the time machine. MARTY Doc, you better back-up, we don't have enough road to get up to eighty-eight! DOC looks forward with seriousness as he flips down a small stalk attached to an ear piece. The stalk has a tiny glass frame on the end of it. DOC Roads? Where we're going we don't need, roads. A beat. MARTY What are you serious? DOC Yeah, we still need them. I'll go to the end of the street and then turn around, go out the other way. The DeLorean tears down MARTY'S street, Doc manages a quick power-slide/u-turn maneuver at the end of the street, the DeLorean speeds towards the camera as it's front bumper and other attachments light-up, electricity and sparks form and snap around the car as it explodes into a flash of light. EXT - A ROAD - DAY A full downpour is in effect over a state highway. Cars speed along the highway at regular speeds, seemingly unaffected by the wet roads. Suddenly there's a series of three flashes of light followed by loud explosions, the DeLorean speeds from the source of these lights down the oncoming lanes of traffic. A quick cut inside the car as MARTY and JENNIFER scream in panic as we see the car nearly crash head-on with another. DOC quickly jerks the steering-wheel to the right and the DeLorean quickly maneuvers across through the median pit and emerges back onto the highway in the correct lanes of traffic. The other car at the same time quickly swerves to its own right to avoid the collision as it blares on its horn. MARTY What was that?! DOC Taxi-cab. MARTY Taxi cab?! I thought we were just outside my neighborhood! DOC Precisely! MARTY Okay, Doc. Talk to me. Where are we? When are we? DOC We're headed towards Hill Valley, California on Wednesday; October 21, Twenty-Fifteen! MARTY Two thousand-fifteen?! You mean we're in the future! JENNIFER The future?! What are you talking about, how can we be in the future? MARTY Well, uh, Jennifer… I don't know how to tell you this but… you're in a time machine. JENNIFER And this is the year two thousand-fifteen? DOC October 21, Twenty-Fifteen. JENNIFER Marty, do you know what this means?! We can actually see our future! Now, Doc, you said we were married, right? DOC Well, er,. Ummm… As JENNIFER talks, MARTY occasionally interjects with unenthusiastic "Wows." JENNIFER I'm going to be able to see my wedding dress! I wonder where we live! I bet it's a big house, with a porch, lots of kids. Doc how many kids do… In mid-sentence, DOC turns to JENNIFER and holds a thin, flat, device in front of her face. It makes a series of hums and clicks as a lights flash from the front of it. JENNIFER slumps to sleep. MARTY Doc! What you doing?! DOC It's a sleep-inducing app on my phone, she was asking too many questions. And no one should know too much about their future. MARTY Then what did you bring her for?! DOC I had to do something! She saw the time machine I couldn't just leave her there with that information! Don't worry, she's not essential to my plan. MARTY Well, you're the Doc, Doc. DOC Here's our exit! The DeLorean pulls off the highway, down an off-ramp and goes down a city street in the downtown area of Hill Valley. Rain continues to pour down the streets as a few people move about with umbrellas and cars pass along slowly. The DeLorean then pulls into an alley between two buildings and comes to a stop. The driver's side door lifts open and DOC, shielded by the gull-wing door, begins to exit the car DOC First you've got to get out and change clothes! MARTY Right now?! It's pouring rain! DOC glances skyward for a moment and then shakes back the sleeve of his longcoat revealing a series of watches on his wrist. He grasps at one of them and winces a bit as he reads its display. DOC Wait five more seconds! After a brief moment the rain stops, DOC glances skyward as the rain clouds seem to give way to a brilliant, blue, sky. DOC Right on the tic. Amazing. Absolutely amazing! DOC moves to the trunk of the DeLorean and opens it, we again hear him rummaging around in it for it's contents. MARTY I don't get it. How did you know it would end just then? Was it scheduled? Do they make and time the weather now? DOC glances at MARTY and gives him a derisive look. DOC Don't be silly. I knew because I've already been here. MARTY looks out the end of the ally to the town square beyond. MARTY The future… I've got to check this out, Doc. DOC rushes to restrain Marty from leaving the alley. DOC All in due time, Marty, we're on a tight schedule here. DOC pulls and ordinary-looking duffel bag out of the trunk with a Under-Armor logo on it, he hands it to MARTY. DOC Put on the jacket and the shoes. DOC pulls the thin-looking device from earlier out again and shows it to MARTY. DOC I've got a mission to accomplish! With that DOC jogs down the alley, leaving MARTY alone with the duffle bag. MARTY examines it a bit before shrugging and simply unzipping it open. He roots around in it and pulls out a light jacket. The jacket displays a North Face logo on it's rear right shoulder. MARTY slips it on and shrugs a bit as he sets its resting place on his shoulders. He extends his arms looking to see how far up he arms the sleeves reach. The jacket seems to fit him nicely. DOC reaches the other end of the alley and hides behind a dumpster. He holds the slim device up in front of his face as he peaks slightly around the dumpster and points it out the alley and across the street. We see that he's looking at an image of the far-side of the street on the device's display. He reaches for the display with one of his hands and uses a pinching motion on it that seems to zoom in on the scene he's looking at. He's zoomed in on a young man who looks a lot like MARTY, this is MARTY McFLY, JR. MARTY's son. MARTY, JR. walks down the street wearing the same jacket Marty is -though his seems to have a slight tear in the sleeve. As he walks down the street he glances around and some of the other people on the sidewalk. All most all of them are young twenty-somethings or teenagers and are walking around with their heads down looking at devices similar to one DOC has. MARTY, JR.'s movements seem to mostly coincide with him avoiding a collision with the other pedestrians as they walk without much regard or sense of awareness of what is going on around them. DOC Huh! Precisely on schedule. Amazing! Absolutely amazing! MARTY reaches back into the duffel bag and pulls out a pair of low-top sneakers. They're mostly un-impressive looking other than being bright-pink in color. MARTY gives them a sneer just as DOC runs back up. MARTY These are pink! DOC gives the shoes a slight tap as he remarks on them. DOC October is breast-cancer awareness month. Most kids in the future wear pink in support of breast cancer research! DOC reaches into the bag as MARTY dons the shoes and pulls out a baseball cap sporting the letter "A" inside of a circle that begins from the left-side of the long left leg of the "A" and then reconnecting to the right-side of the leg. The crossbar of the letter is an arrow set in the perfectly vertical right leg of the letter. DOC Perfect, you're the spitting image of your future son! Help me move Jennifer over here! DOC has moved to the passenger-side of the DeLorean and has his arms around JENNIFER's waist and is pulling her from the car. MARTY What?! DOC Grab her feet. MARTY helps DOC carry JENNIFER to a nearby loading-dock, the dock is covered bundles of trash bags and what looks like clear boxes full of various types of portable phones and CDs. DOC shuffles some of the stuff around to make room for JENNIFER as the two men set her on the dock. DOC moves some of the stuff around more trying to hide JENNIFER more. As they work they talk. MARTY So what's the deal? DOC In about two minutes, you go around the corner to Starbucks. MARTY Starbucks? DOC It's an overpriced coffee shop, go in there and order an Vente Mochaccino… MARTY What?! DOC (waves MARTY'S question away and hands him a bill) Here's a twenty. In there you meet a guy named Griff; he'll ask you about tonight, are you in or out. Whatever you do or say you tell him you are out, whatever it is you are not interested. MARTY momentarily gets distracted by what he's seeing out in the street and starts heading towards the end of the alley. MARTY I don't get it, I thought you said this has something to do with my kids. DOC pulls a newspaper out from inside his coat, and snaps it open to the front page and shoves it in MARTY'S face. DOC Look what happens to your son! MARTY My son? The newspaper is a future version of the Hill Valley local news paper, it has color graphics, lines, pictures and more vibrant printing. The banner includes a cryptic phrase, "Visit us at www.HillValleyTribune.com! Follow us on Twitter and Like us on Facebook!" There are teasers for other articles in another banner for other stories, "President Obama set to visit Iran for more peace talks!", "Beyonce Nip-Slip Explodes on Tumblr", "Fuel Prices lowest in 10 years!" MARTY turns the paper to a below-the-fold front-page story. The story is little more than a paragraph or two long, overshadowed by the other articles in the paper talking about larger world events. Below the headline is a mugshot photo of MARTY JR. MARTY reads the headline for the blurb. MARTY Today, Martin McFly, Jr. was sentenced to 15 years in the state penitentiary for the robbery committed last October. MARTY looks up at DOC. MARTY Last October?! DOC The justice system works a lot more slowly now with an excess of minor drug-related crimes and all of the appeals. MARTY Oh, this is heavy. DOC It get's worse, your daughter tries to break him out and gets sent-up for 20 years! MARTY My daughter? You mean I have a daughter?! MARTY looks back at the paper and notices something. MARTY Wait, this date. This is next June's newspaper! DOC Precisely! I've already gone further ahead to see what else happens. Don't you see, this one event sets off a chain event that ruins your entire family! That's why we're here today to prevent this incident from happening. There's a series of beeps from some device on DOC. DOC Damn! I'm late! DOC rushes to collect the bag and paper and heads for the DeLorean. MARTY Where are you going? DOC To intercept the real Marty Jr. Around the corner Starbucks. Guy named Griff, Just say, no! MARTY What about Jennifer we're not just going to leave her here. DOC It's okay, it'll just be for a few minutes. Oh, and be careful around that Griff character, he's got some interactions between his meds. MARTY walks out the alley and looks over the HILL VALLEY TOWN SQUARE, on first glance it doesn't immediately appear too different from the town square MARTY is used to in 1985; but there are some differences. The area seems cleaned up and renewed, the seedier bars, shops and adult theaters have all been replaced with slightly newer looking shops and outlets, though many of the units appear closed with "OUT OF BUSINESS" signs in the store-fronts. The rest seem to be franchise of various chains. Sports Clips, Chipotle, GNC; it appears the closed businesses were local ones unable to compete with larger businesses in the area. MARTY looks over to the courthouse's plaza, the parking lot that was there in 1985 has been replaced with a fairly nice looking open plaza with a fountain and some greenery, off to the side a large section of the town's square has been rebuilt to accommodate a large above-ground parking garage; though it's modern enough looking to not be a visual blight on the gentrified area. The ridge of the CLOCK TOWER's upper molding still has the broken section from DOC's experiences there in 1955, the clock's still damaged and stick at 10:04. The molding now identifies the building as the "HILL VALLEY CLOCK TOWER AND MALL." The front of the building's brick façade replaced with windows. MARTY looks around, smiles shortly and nods, seemingly liking the improved look of the town square. He looks around at the people walking around, many of whom engrossed in those odd devices everyone seems to be carrying. Their clothes seem modern, but at the same-time bland. A lot of neutral and earth tones, some people wearing clothing that fits them snuggly and showing off the lines and curves of their bodies; but there seems to be a segment wearing baggier clothing that seems over-worn, Marty notices another teenager wearing a baggy hooded sweater jacket, his shoulders slumped and hands in his pockets; the young-man's shoulders are slumped, hair greasy under a woolen beanie cap, MATY notices a shiny object stuck in one of his nostrils, he gives MARTY something of a sneer as he walks by. The vehicles on the road coast by at the inner-city speeds, all fairly nice-looking and angular vehicles and couple of cars that look like more modern versions of muscle cars from the 60s and 70s. From behind him MARTY hears a man talking, MARTY turns to see the man seemingly talking to midair while moving his hands in the air and gesturing with them and carrying on an animated and rather hostile conversation with an unseen listener, the guy nearly walks right through MARTY but he manages to dodge away just in time, MARTY mutters to himself. MARTY What the hell?! MARTY spots the STARBUCKS shop on the corner, seemingly having rebuilt the place where the fitness club was in the '80s and the café in the '50s, he frowns slightly over the loss of the historic building. Well, historical for him given everything he's done over just the last week. He enters the STARBUCKS. INT - STARBUCKS Inside, there's a fairly long line of people backed from the counter, Marty overhears the orders and hears a series of words that are unfamiliar to him, almost sounding entirely foreign. The word he never hears is "coffee." Everyone continues to be engrossed in those odd devices, some of them typing into them some talking into them as if they were like phones. MARTY looks over the shoulders of people to see what's on them and sees a variety of text and image pages, a couple seem to actually being watching videos on them. MARTY mutters a wow to himself. Around the shop, people sit at tables or in a variety of couches and lounge chairs around the room, more people on those silly devices, one guy looking into what looks like a tiny briefcase opened up and has a computer inside. Other people hold thin, flat, devices about the size of a tablet that display images similar to what the guy with the briefcase computer. Hanging from the ceiling is what appears to be a TV but it looks too thin to be one and much wider than any TV MARTY'S ever seen. Marty's turn comes up at the counter and the coffee attendant, BARISTA, looks to him, BARISTA What can I get for you today? MARTY Uh…. A coffee? The BARISTA blankly stares at MARTY, who looks up at the menu board behind the waitress filled with the names of the various types of drinks and snacks carried by the Starbucks. MARTY (struggling to remember) Uhhh….. A large Mochaccino? The BARISTA rolls her eyes, punches some buttons on the computer in front of her. BARISTA That'll be $5.45. MARTY gives her a questioning look and slowly hands over the $20 bill he got from Doc earlier. The BARISTA takes it, and hands MARTY his change. MARTY walks to the other end of the counter to wait for his coffee as he watches everyone else around the room. BIFF Hey! I know you! MARTY sharply turns around and sees BIFF, age 78, sitting in the shop, he looks at MARTY sternly. BIFF You're Martin McFly, Junior MARTY looks taken aback at the older BIFF's appearance. MARTY I am? BIFF Tough luck, kid. It must be bad named after a complete butthead. MARTY Hey, I happen to know that George McFly is… BIFF No, I'm not talking about George McFly, I'm talking about his kid, your old man? Marty McFly Senior? The man who took his life and flushed it completely down the toilet? MARTY (confused) I did… I mean, he did? Just as BIFF is about to respond GRIFF, walks past the windows and comes into the shop; GRIFF scans the room and spots MARTY and BIFF GRIFF Gramps! I told you I wanted two coats of wax on my car, not one. BIFF Hey, I put the second coat on last week. GRIFF Yeah? With your eyes closed?! BIFF meets GRIFF at the door and the two go outside, GRIFF looks to MARTY before exiting completely outside. GRIFF Hey, McFly! Stay put. After a moment, GRIFF returns and looks to MARTY. GRIFF I thought I told you never to come in here again. MARTY looks around a bit and shrugs. MARTY What of it? GRIFF approaches MARTY, standing very close. GRIFF wears a tight black sleeveless shirt with a logo on it similar to the "UNDERARMOR" logo that was on the sports bag from earlier, his arms are covered in tattoos. He wears dark, almost black, jeans that shape to his lower body almost skin-tight. He's followed by three other teenagers all wearing similar futuristic clothing, his female companion holds one of the small "phone" devices, always fixated on it, not paying much attention to what is going on. GRIFF I'll let it go… This time, because I need to talk to you. MARTY straightens up somewhat to pose a more defensive posture, but it doesn't seem to phase GRIFF. GRIFF Have you made a decision about tonight's opportunity? MARTY gulps hard, but steels himself and nodes. MARTY Yes. Yes I have, and the answer's no. GRIFF No?! MARTY Yeah, what are you deaf and stupid?! I said no! GRIFF grimaces sternly and aggressively grabs MARTY'S sleeve and pulls him in closer. The other patrons in the shop begin to take notice of what's going on and turn towards MARTY and GRIFF, most if not all of them are now holding their devices upright in-front of them pointed at the scene being made by MARTY and GRIFF. GRIFF Now, let's hear the right answer! MARTY breaks the hold and pushes GRIFF back. GRIFF stumbles a bit but rights himself using the railing between the service line and dining area, he begins to charge towards MARTY but MARTY quickly points off to the distance. MARTY Hey, look! GRIFF doesn't flinch and continues his closing on Marty while readying his fists. Another barista sets a foam coffee cup down on the counter near MARTY. MARTY notices and grabs the cup and removes the sipping lid from the top of it, he tosses the contents of the cup at GRIFF's torso, stopping GRIFF in his tracks as yells and tries to lift the wet shirt from his chest. MARTY looks at the coffee cup which has "Avenger" written on it with a pink marker. Marty shrugs at tosses the empty cup at GRIFF who flinches at it as MARTY runs out of the shop. GRIFF Get him! MARTY races outside and across the street to the plaza near the courthouse. He scans the area briefly and he sees a kid on the other side of a hedge gliding across the sidewalk. MARTY rushes over to kid and leaps over the hedge… MARTY Kid! Kid! Kid! Stop, I need to borrow your… MARTY grabs the kid to stop him and begins to lift the kid off a presumed skateboard but notices the kid isn't riding anything. MARTY What?! The kid looks at MARTY with a bit of a sneer, before shrugging off Marty's grasp and begins to glide away on the heels of his shoes which seem to have imbedded wheels. MARTY looks back towards the coffee ship and he sees GRIFF and his goons rush out, scan the area quickly before spotting MARTY and they charge after him. MARTY flees on foot running towards the entrance to the courthouse/mall and going inside. INT - MALL PROMENADE MARTY runs down the main floor of the mall with GRIFF and the others in pursuit, he continues to look around for something he could potentially use to lose GRIFF. The flash of an idea lights up MARTY'S face as he waits for the ground to close between him and GRIFF, when they're near MARTY begins running again. He begins to play "chicken" with some of the other shoppers engrossed in their phone-devices, dodging out of the way at last moment by making a very quick course change, which seems to have to effect of causing the shopper to collide GRIFF as both are unaware of the either, causing GRIFF or one his goons to slow down in trying to regain their stance. MARTY makes a "chicken run" towards a more muscular "phone drone", causing a collision between him and one of GRIFF's goons, the phone drone and GRIFF's goon begin to get into an argument. MARTY then aims himself towards another one, she looks up and spots MARTY, gasps, and begins to avoid the collision by stepping to the side. MARTY moves to the other side, stops, and turns to face his pursuer, at the last moment MARTY dives off to the side causing the goon to crash into a display stand that was being blocked by MARTY. The goon drops his "phone device" and MARTY scoops it up, un-noticed by anyone. MARTY takes off running again, now only being pursued by GRIFF, and runs down the promenade he's able to avoid some near-collisions with the phone people but GRIFF is able to avoid the collisions. MARTY approaches a fountain in the middle of the area, he hops on a nearby bench and leaps to the perpendicular wall of the fountain, light footedly. As GRIFF attempts to do this he stumbles on his leap attempt and falls into the fountain's water basin. MARTY looks back and smiles, in the distance he sees some mall security coming with the other goons in tow, approaching the scene. They point towards GRIFF and MARTY and shout for them to stop. MARTY quickly runs off, one of the guards seems to begin to pursue but is stopped by another who waves MARTY off with a "let him go" type of gesture. EXT - MALL PLAZA MARTY returns to the area in front of the mall where the chase had begun and looks around, continuing his people-watching. He looks down at a newspaper sitting on a park bench, on the sports page talking about the Chicago Cubs and Kansas City Royals being in the play-offs for the World Series for their respected divisions. He smirks a bit and looks towards a book-shop in front of him, displaying a handful of books related to baseball and other sports, among them he notices a large, hard-bound, book called "GRAY'S SPORTS ALMANAC," the red book, about the size of an unabridged dictionary, says it contains sports statistical information from the years 1950 to 2000. MARTY notices a sign in the window with a picture of the "phone device" and words that say, "ASK US ABOUT MOBILE VERSIONS OF ALL OUR PRODUCTS!" MARTY looks at the phone device he got from one of the goons, and the money left over from his coffee purchase, he smiles a bit to himself as he walks towards the shop. © 2015 Trekker4747 |
Added on October 21, 2015 Last Updated on October 21, 2015 Tags: future, time travel, 2015 |