![]() No Way Out- Chapter 5A Chapter by Trea Fowlkes
Haedyn ordered in Chinese for us, so much that we were set for a few days. He ordered a lot of sushi for me. It's my absolute favorite thing to eat. Mom might hate fish but I loved it, cooked or raw. While eating Lo Mein noodles and eggrolls, I quiz Haedyn on his Organic Chemistry formulas and terms. About an hour later, my head is spinning.
"We can stop if you want." He laughs at me sprawling out on the floor, the book over my face. I groan. "You don't seem to be enjoying yourself." I sit up, looking at the book once more. "What? How can I not? Chinese food and the allylic rearrangement which is the migration of a double bond in a 3-carbon system from carbon atoms one and two to carbon atoms two and three. For example, C1=C2, C3-X X-C1-C2=C3." None of what the book was saying made any sense to me. "What demon invented this?" "Very funny. You almost pronounced that right." Haedyn gently takes the book away from me, sitting it aside. He inches closer to me. "So is this like a date?" Haedyn offers me a piece of sushi from his chopsticks. I c**k an eye brow up at him. "A date? I'm not sure you're winning here, bud. You brought homework on this so called date. What's worst? It's Organic Chemistry. How haven't you won a girls heart?" I steal the bite of sushi. "Nice touch with the sushi offering though." I mumble around the food. "Maybe 'cause I am holding out for one girl. I'm sure that I would have won her heart by now if she would just let down that extremely high guard of hers." Haedyn lays beside me, taking my hand in his. "So this isn't a date?" I meet his warm brown eyes. How could I say no to him? I don't want to hurt his feelings. He seems so eager to call this a date. We have done the whole eating thing together so much that this didn't feel any different. What is a date supposed to feel like anyway? He had always been my best friend... Could he be more than that? Wouldn't that be awkward for both of us? We had already slept together, man times at that, but still? "Haedyn..." He frown slightly, pulling his hand away. "Okay... I get it. This isn't a date." "Wait! You didn't let me finish." I quickly take his hand back in mine. "This doesn't feel quite like a date because, well for starters, we eat together all the time. What makes this time any different?" "Chinese food?" He half smiles. I couldn't help but giggle. "Besides that. There is no romance. Hell, I just quizzed you for your upcoming test on a subject that is literally foreign language to me. Surprise me. Look, I don't know what a date is really supposed to feel like, but this doesn't feel right." Haedyn place a kiss on top of my hand. "Alright. I will surprise you. But you can't say no to the date. Got it? I will take you out on your first real date." "Deal." We clean up the place, putting the left overs in the fridge upstairs in my room. He had one installed for us as well as a microwave. He packs up his books in his book bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "I have to go home. Dad is expecting me to help in the lab tonight. Are you staying here?" "Where else would I go?" That comes out more bitter than I intended it to be. Haedyn pulls me into a hug, placing a kiss on the top of my head. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Try not to get yourself hurt anymore. Could you do that?" "I really can't promise anything. Trouble has a way of finding me no matter where I am or what I am doing." I hug him back before slipping out of his arms. "Good luck with your dad. Don't face too many fears alright?" I smile at him. Haedyn plants a kiss on my lips before leaving the warehouse. In a place like this, being alone never feels great. It's too quiet. There's too much space. It's too empty. While I cherished the fact that it wasn't my home, it was still lonesome without Haedyn here. The best I could do is get some rest. The shower feels great against my skin, no one appearing in the shattered glass this time. I grab a fortune cookie on the way to bed after, cracking it open. "Seek out the significance of your problem at this time. Try to understand." I huff. "When did fortunes start becoming licensed therapists...?" I munch on the cookie, trying to forget the fortune. What was left to understand? I am losing my mother to my father who hates me. I am a homeless person, living in an abandoned warehouse. Eventually, I will be found out and will be forced to find a new place to stay. But I couldn't worry about that now... I have enough things on my plate as it is. Sleep sounds great right now. By the time morning came, I'm out the doors. Haedyn should be in class right now, not finishing with his day until two o'clock. It's time to face my parents once more and attempt to have a normal conversation with them. I can't avoid them forever... I take my time walking home, trying to muster up the strength to confront the Joker. Yesterday, he was his normal self almost. His emotions change so much and so fast... I never know what version of him I am going to get. How does my mom put up with him? I look around, admiring the view of the brick buildings. Alleys are my choice of paths. I could hide in them, use them as short cuts, just whatever I wanted. Maybe, I spend too much time in them... but it's my choice of comfort. Alleys hold so many secrets-deals, affairs, murders. It's beautiful. I have whispered so many secrets in between these walls. "Lucy?!" I jump at the sound of my mother's voice. "You're back! I worry that you would disappear again for a while like you did last time." She runs up, pulling me into a tight hug. The last time that I had gone "missing" was the first time I met Haedyn. Surprisingly, she isn't in her red and black jester suit but she still wore her signature pigtails with red and black pants and a red tank top. "Hi, mom..." I awkwardly return the hug, not correcting her about my name. She's the only one who really called me Lucy anymore. She just couldn't let the little girl she gave up so long ago away again. I couldn't take that away from her. "How are you? Where have you been? Hiding out in clubs? Your father does that sometimes. He likes to meet up with his gang members there. Guess it's something you picked up from Puddin." She smiles, smoothing my hair back in a motherly way. "Have you talked to him? I know you two have your differences but he loves you in his own way. Mistah J always expresses his love differently than others. It's hard for him to say it, ya' know? It took him forever to say it to me but-" I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Don't even start with that bull crap." Him love me? Yeah right. He made you give me away in the first place. He never wanted a child, even if he does love you, he never would have agreed to a child. "Lucy don't..." "It's Alena. Lucy died the moment he slapped me across the face. I know you mean well, mom, but stop defending him. He doesn't love me. I'm not even sure he loves you. He can't love. I hate him. I hate how he treats us. How he just slaps us around. That man is a monster. You know that! Stop letting him brain wash you!" The look on her face, hurt and confusion, makes me feel bad for half a second but she needs to face the truth. He isn't good for either one of us. Maybe, if she heard it from her daughter, it would get through to her. Aunt Ivy has tried so many times to tell her but mom is in too deep. Somehow, I was going to get us both out of this... out of his grasp. How could she let him break her into his lap dog? How could she- I was so deep into my thoughts that I don't see her fist coming straight for my face. It connects with my jaw, having so much force behind it that I stumble a few steps back. "How dare you say that?! Puddin' does love me!" She has angry tears in her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed together. She tries to punch me again, but I easily dodge her, stepping to the side. "Mom, stop!" I hate fighting with her. She is my mother, one that is actually pretty nurturing even though we don't live in the ideal home. She always patched up my cuts, put cold packs on my bruises, and cleaned up my scrapes. Mom isn't like him. She might follow him around like a lost puppy sometimes, but she isn't like him. She had her obsessions, her addictions, but her biggest down fall is that she loves too much. She cares too much. I need her to understand. "We can do so much better without him. Imagine never having to use makeup to cover up the bruises and cuts. Imagine a life, never having to fear the man. We could be happy together, Mom. Just us, taking Gotham by storm. A mother-daughter relationship people only dream of having." For a moment, she looks dumbfounded. Her eyes fill up with more tears, the dam threatening to unleash them. In her eyes, I could see that she was generally thinking about it. It's a better life for both of us and she knows it. She just has to admit it to herself. She drops down, knocking me off my feet with a whip of her leg. I fall flat on my butt with an 'oof'. Her foot comes flying for my face. So much for talking sense into her. I roll away before jumping up onto my feet. "Mom, I don't want to fight with you." "He loves me! You and Ivy need to back off!" She charges at me, tackling me to the ground. "He doesn't mean to hurt me. Sometimes he just gets angry. Sometimes, I am stubborn but I always make him happy in the end. You wouldn't understand. You haven't been around long enough to understand." "Mom, please. Listen to yourself. You're right, I wouldn't know. I haven't been around long enough. Whose fault is that? He made you give me way! He made you let me go so that he could have control over both of your lives." Mom hits me in the face once more, tears rolling down her cheeks. I kick her off of me. That doesn't keep her away for long. She snatches me up by my hair, clawing at my face. Clawing? Really, Mom? I pull away from her, shoving her once more so that I could get up. "Why are you so willing to let him hurt you? To see him smile? It's always there, Mom. He is happiest killing people, torturing the city and Batman. You don't like to do that. Not the way he does. You only do it to make him happy. I know, Mom. Please... We could be better together... without him." She stands up, her hands balled up into fists. "Don't act like you know either of us. You don't... You're not the doctor... I am the doctor. You can't talk about me or Mistah J." "I will never understand either of you... I want to get to know you, Mom. I do. But as far as I am concerned, he is only a sperm donor. Even that title is too generous." She punches me hard, knocking me back a few steps. "Don't talk like that!" A purple car pulls up at the entrance of the alley. Wonderful... Joker steps out of the car in his signature purple suit. His green hair is slicked back nicely as if he just left a fancy party. "Harley? What's going on here?" He leans up against the car, crossing his arms. The man was overly decked out in bling. Gold necklaces, big rings, and a shiny watch. Maybe he was out on a heist instead. "Mistah J!" Mom runs over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He places an arm over her shoulders. "She is dragging your name through the mud, trying to get me to leave you. She doesn't understand our love... You do love me, right Puddin?" "I'm offended Harls. You really have to ask. Of course, I love you, Pumpkin." He kisses the top of her head as she squeals happily. He stares at me, a smile puling at the corners of his lips. I roll my eyes, touching my lip to make sure she didn't split it. "I'm sure she hasn't said anything that hasn't been said before, Harls." "She shouldn't talk about you that way." Mom shoots a glare my way, looking like she is ready to pounce. Joker stands up straight, running a hand through his smooth hair. "You've been spending too much time with Ivy." "No, I haven't. I'm not going to let you have the same control over me the way you have over mom. You're not going to break me no matter how hard you try." I fold my arms over my chest, mimicking his stance to show that I am not backing down. "We deserve a better life. One without you in it." "Don't talk to him that way!" "I can speak for myself, Harls." Joker glares at her for a moment before walking over to me, leaving her at the car. "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. When will you realize, it's better to be with me than against me." He shoves his hands into his pants pockets, standing across from me. "No. I'm not going to be with you. I would rather die than be on your side." "Now you're talking. What'd you have in mind Gun shot? Stab wounds? Beaten to a pulp? Choose something entertaining for me." "I'm not going to die. Not now. Not by your hands." I glare at him. He laughs, hysterically for a moment. "You're a hoot! You know that? Isn't she Harls?" "Yeah... Real funny, Mistah J." He pulls out a pistol from his jacket pocket. "How about a game? Survive one game of Russian roulette and I'll let you go for now. Seems like slugger here already did her part." He removes the bullets. "This is my favorite game. Seeing who is a coward and who believes they will make it in this world." He sticks one bullet back in the barrel, spins it, and clicks it shut. "I think, I am just going to go." Joker c***s the pistol, aiming it straight for my head. "Ladies first. You could either pull the trigger yourself. Or I will." He holds out the gun. "Your choice." Hesitantly, I take the gun from him. It feels heavy in my hand, heavy and cold. I could die, right here, right now. Leave everything behind. Finally be free of this city and this maniac. But I couldn't leave Haeydn... Not without a goodbye. This might be his favorite game, but I despise it. This game of tempting fate was more of Two-Face's thing. I'm sure he only likes this because he has a chance to watch their brains splatter everywhere. Watch the life leave their eyes, their face frozen in a shocked expression. I slowly raise the gun to my head, watching the grin on his face grow. Disgusting... He enjoys this so much. He is going to play this game with his own daughter. His child. It's sick, twisted. The only way I could get out of here safely is to kill him. Take my chances. At least slow him down. I turn the gun on him, repeatedly shooting while I run away. I hear Joker and my mother scrambling to dodge any bullet that might head their way. The bullet finally goes off. "Michael! Kill her!" Joker yells for one of his henchmen. A car door opens behind me, followed by several gunshots. His footsteps are heavy behind me as he follows me down the alley. "S**t..." I throw the gun down, breaking into a sprint. Bullets fly past me, hitting the bricks or dumpsters. I spot a broken window ahead. Running faster, I dive through it, sending glass everywhere. I quickly jump to my feet, running up the steps, heading for the roof. It's an old apartment complex, the lights flickered as I make my way up the stair well. Michael isn't far behind me, his footsteps drumming up the steps. I peak over the edge, spotting Michael a few flights down. "There you are!" He growls, firing the gun up at me. I duck, getting nicked in the arm. I don't pay any attention to it, continuing up the stairs. When I reach the roof, I break through the door. I run to the edge, trying to contemplate how far the jump would be to the next one. I back up slowly, I just have to do this. There is a click of the gun behind me. "Nowhere to run now, little miss." I spin around, Michael slowly making his way to me. I put my hands up, surrendering. "You don't have to do this... Please. You're like family to me." He would always help mom patch me up. He would play with me when I was younger, not wanting to leave me alone. He tried to give me a normal childhood, or as close as he could to one. He can't do this. "Boss's orders." I brace for the shot but the gun just clicked. Silence hangs in the air until the gun clicks again. And again. Nothing. I act quickly, kicking the gun out of his hand. He growls punching me in the stomach. I groan, taking a few steps back. "Guess, if I can't shoot you, I guess I'll just use a knife instead." He pulls a pocket knife from his pants, flipping it open. As he starts to charge, a dark force knocks him to the ground. What the heck was that? I blink, trying to make out the dark figure. The figure stood in front of Michael in what looks like...a hoodie? What? The hood is pulled up, shielding his face. I wrap an arm around my stomach. "Hey! I don't need your help." "Didn't look that way from where I was standing." The figure said, without turning to look at me. His voice was deep although he didn't look like he is a full grown man. Maybe a young adult. "Look, I don't need your help. Just go on somewhere. I am not some damsel in distress who is in need of saving. Go." "Suit yourself." The hooded guy shrugged lightly, walking over to the entrance for the roof. Paying attention to the figure, I didn't see Michael coming at me from the side. He tackles me like a football player. The air is knocked out of my lungs, leaving me stunned for a moment. I struggle to regain my breath, doing my best to kick at him in order to get away. Michael repeatedly punches me in my face until I kick him away. My head is spinning from the blows. I crawl away, forcing myself to get up. He grabs my foot pulling me back down to the ground. I roll so that I am on top of him, returning all the blows he gave me. I feel the sting of the knife as it is shoved into my side. I gasp, falling back off of him. I forgot he had the knife... He must've picked it back up when I was busy focusing on the hooded guy. Fragments of my dream flash back into my mind. Joker's horrid grin towering over top of me. I stare into Michael's eyes, seeing Joker's face instead. You will learn, Lena. Michael rips the knife out of me, leaving me leaning against the edge of the building. The blood feels wet and smooth, leaving my fingers dyed red. "It's such a pity to have to kill you. You had real potential, Lucy." He gets up, walking towards me, ready to make the final blow. "You should've just joined us." "I'm not like any of you." I glare at him. Damnit! Where's the dude now? I spot him, leaning against the wall still. I can barely make out his nose and chin from the light but I can't see his eyes. "I could use your help now..." No answer. Seriously? "Don't worry, your friend will be taken care of." He grabs my arm, pulling me up. I spit in his face, making him growl. "I cannot wait to kill you." "You really should learn to talk less. If I'm going down, so are you." I grab onto him and throw ourselves off the roof. He screams as we fall, letting me go while he flails. There is a 'woosh' before I am pulled up and away from Michael. He scrambles to grab back onto me, the fear in his eyes unforgettable. It doesn't take less before I hear Michael hit the ground with a soft, snapping thud. I cling to my rescuer. My head feels heavy as my vision becomes blurry. Maybe that is just because I am swinging through the air after deciding to fall to my death to save me from a man who is trying to kill me. I close my eyes, trying to breathe. "Hang in there." I peer up at him. We land on top of another roof. He lays me down gently. "You've lost a lot of blood." He rips off a piece of fabric from his jacket, using it to press against the wound. I wince slightly, not having much energy to cry out. "Shh... my dad is on his way." "Michael..." I try sitting up but I am shoved back down. "Lie still... The man you were fighting is dead. You need serious help." "I'm...fine..." I whisper, trying to make him out. There was nothing more than a distorted man in front of me, very blurry. "My head feels heavy..." I close my eyes, feeling tired. "Stay with me. Whether you like it or not, I am going to help you." "Demetri. A deeper voice appears. "That's enough." I hear the crunching of gravel as the man makes his way over. I peer up at him, seeing a bigger and darker blob. Squinting my eyes, I get a little better picture of who this is. I could make out a dark cape flowing in the subtle wind. His face is half covered in a hard looking mask. That doesn't look at all comfortable... Are those... Bat-ears? Blackness. © 2016 Trea Fowlkes |
Added on May 26, 2016 Last Updated on May 26, 2016 Author![]() Trea FowlkesOHAboutI have been writing for as long as I can remember but I had let my anxiety and depression take hold of me for a few years. Last year I started writing again. I might be a little rusty but I am proud t.. more..Writing